Reversion - A Novel Part 16

Reversion - A Novel -

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After a moment Alice looked up. aThis guy Cleaver sounds like trouble.a aHuh?a I had to think a moment to recall whom she meant. aThe h.e.l.l with him. What about this obsession Rosalind seems to be developing for me?a She looked at me askance, grinning slowly. aDonat count on it.a aCount on it! Iam worried for her.a Alice smiled in the superior manner she sometimes affects, especially to me when feminine nature is the subject. aYou shouldnat be, Mr. Red d.i.c.k. She said it herself: itas probably just because of her period. Sometimes it afflicts girls terribly, completely changes their personalities. Didnat you ever notice?a Iam afraid I blinked in astonishment. aYou mean itas genuine?a She barked a laugh. aNow why would you ever think I meant that?a She tossed her head, eyes twinkling. aBut you really shouldnat worry about it, Timmy. She and I are double dating twin brothers I hear theyare what the Seventies called swingers. I a.s.sure you, Ros wonat be pining for you night!a She laughed as I turned away.

aFern means far, right?a I asked Alice, careful to p.r.o.nounce it afayrn.a I looked up when she didnat answer immediately. She was sitting in her recliner, turned towards me by chance a" I think! a" with bare feet up on the footstool and her housecoat parted over her belly, pink slit only too exposed. Sheas approaching thirteen and a few kinky strands were visible around it. Alazar lay on her belly-to-belly over the lowest secured housecoat b.u.t.ton, arms and legs spread around her, tail coiled up his back. I presumed the lower display was for my benefit instead of his, though you can seldom be certain with Alice.

aIn German,a she answered absently. aRemote, distant, far, and so on.a aI wish I dared call it Fernwerk,a I noted wistfully.

aFar works?a She barked a derisive chuckle. aSounds like a hillbilly word for firecrackers.a aIn English. Hey, thatas it! Iall call it aFernworks.aa This time I p.r.o.nounced it afurn.a aDo you plan to go into botany?a aNo. I told you: into s.p.a.ce. I plan to go far!a She sat up a little. As if she had just noticed it, she pulled one side of the housecoat over her legs, throwing the almost-mature t.w.a.t into shadow. Alazar turned to glower at me. aTim, what are you up to?a I grinned at her. aHaving a computer in oneas head lets you sit still and be aup toa anything your heart desires.a She studied me. aYouare planning your s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, then?a aIave already planned that. Now Iam planning how to build it. Iam going to need a secret factory and about a hundred million dollars.a aChickenfeed!a she proclaimed sardonically. aHow did you arrive at such a trifling sum?a aIave been reviewing Von Braunas efforts at Peenemunde and the Apollo program at Cape Canaveral. Von Braun had to start over again and again. Both programs went through a lot more money than that.a aBecause they had to invent everything from fuel to fasteners. Have you decided on your fuel?a I nodded. aWater.a aWater?a She blinked. aYou mean as your reaction ma.s.s?a aThat too. Iall use a hydrox fuel cell from a 24th Century design to generate the electricity that powers the VID field and runs the pumps. In s.p.a.ce, sunlight on 24th Century solar cells will generate it.a aDoesnat sound very efficient.a aWho cares about efficiency? Itall work.a She grinned narrowly. aConfident, are you? Donat forget: youare a scientist, not an engineer.a aMeaning what?a aThat you donat automatically know never to push machines to their limits a" or how to determine what those limits are.a I had to pause. aIam impressed. Youare right. So Iall hire an engineer. But tell me: where did the girl who blew up the fusi-fizz lab learn to be concerned with engineering?a She chuckled proudly. aBy lying under half the engineering undergraduates at Roosevelt Poly, of course.a Her chuckle became a laugh. aThey ought to offer a special diploma a" hmm a" an underbachelor of engineering.a aThat reminds me,a I said dryly after a pause for her to preen. Alazar grinned his approval, adding his own sniff of derision for me. aWhat ever happened to our mutual promise not to f.u.c.k outside the family without prior permission?a aOh, that!a She shrugged with a wry grin. aThat was mainly to protect us females from male flightiness, you know.a aWas it! Even so, I donat recall it being rescinded.a aIn effect it has been a" because of you, Tim. It seems that with the efforts of Clara, myself, Rosalind and the deanas secretary, your libido is content.a aI see. While half an engineering school is not enough for you and Rosalind.a aBut, Tim, weare female!a * * *

I unrolled the parchment and held it up. aAt last: aTimothy Peter Kimball, Doctor of Philosophya a" without that scene-stealing Honorary in front of it.a aaHonorary?aa Clara repeated.

aI had five of these on the wall of my office in 2002. Guess which four were the fanciest!a We had just returned from the commencement ceremony at Rockefeller Chapel with diplomas in hand.

aWhere is Alice?a I asked. aShe disappeared as soon as we got home.a aShe took the telephone to her room. She and Rosalind are plotting some kind of celebration.a Clara looked at me coyly. aI havenat properly congratulated you yet, Timmy.a I tossed the doc.u.ment aside and took her in my arms. At physical fourteen I was growing, now half a head taller than her five-foot two. She pressed her lithe body against me and pulled our mouths together. Clara is a fabulous kisser, which I may have mentioned. At such moments she somehow makes me understand that I have her whole attention.

She said against my lips, as.e.x is the original and still the best way for man and woman to celebrate.a aThen letas go upstairs.a We turned toward the staircase only to find Alice in a bathrobe stepping barefoot off the bottom tread, Alazar cradled on one arm, the telephone in the other. She set the instrument on its stand and plugged its huge four-p.r.o.nged jack into the wall.

aStick around, Tim,a she advised. aRosalindas coming over. Her mother canat stay for the usual festivities.a aYou and Rosalind can entertain each other. Clara and I just discovered some personal business. Oh, yeah, congratulations, doctor.a aThanks and the same to you.a She looked from me to Clara and grinned. aOrdinarily Iad insist on horning in, but Rosalind and Iall wait for you down here. Weare in no hurry.a aI know. Come on, Clara.a aMaybe we ought to wait, Tim,a the woman suggested. aA celebration postponed is sometimes better appreciated.a So I concentrated on Alice. aWhatas going on?a The front knocker thudded through the foyer before she could answer.

aBetter scamper,a said Alice to her monkey, making shooing motions. He disappeared toward his closet.

I went to the door and opened it to Rosalind, who grinned and skipped past me without a word. She stretched her arms dramatically, taking a deep breath. aOo, I do love air-conditioning, especially here where we donat need it.a aExcept when we do,a I agreed dryly, following her.

aThatas my point,a she expostulated.

Until today I had not seen her in some time a" except in the viewers helping Alice collect seminal samples from all over the campus. I noted clinically that her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had grown larger behind the lightweight blouse.

aWhat brings you here?a I asked. aAre you and Alice plotting to seduce the city government?a aIn a manner of speaking.a We had already entered the living room where Clara and Alice waited. I paused to regard Rosalind quizzically, but she scurried ahead. Cooing as if they had not spoken in years, she and Alice fell into each otheras arms. I raised an eyebrow at Clara, who only smiled tolerantly and noted, aThe greeting rituals are different at each age.a I had to snort at that. aBetween 23 and 70?a aIn this case I think the average of 12 and 70 is about 23.a I was dispatched for drinks. When I returned with the tray, everyone was seated, Alice nearly in Rosalindas lap, Clara facing them across the coffee table. Rosalind had taken off her blouse. To my surprise she leaned forward, hands behind her, and unsnapped her bra.s.siere. Large b.r.e.a.s.t.s tumbled out, pink nipples bouncing. Indeed they had grown at least half-again. I suspect my mouth fell open. I spun to search Claraas face. I had never heard of Rosalind and Clara together, but our eldest sat watching with a smile a" a satisfied smile, I realized, on that so-familiar face. Whatever the protocol is between women before a first-time baring of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s, they must have performed it while I was in the kitchen.

Rosalind laughed up at me. Alice was quick to follow gaze and laughter. Breast enhancement? My G.o.d, silicon jelly had yet to be discovered, so far as I knew!

aWhat happened to you?a I demanded.

She lowered her chin to admire herself. Her hands lifted the heavy hemispheres. She grinned up at me. aDo you like them?a aYou know it!a I was trying to remember when I had last seen her t.i.ts exposed. It was the last time we had f.u.c.ked, when she told me of her rich admirer. I immediately discovered that I preferred the previous gentle mounds and perky nipples of youth to these udders. Or at least my old man did. The young one was simply awe-struck.

I added, aBut you canat do that in a few months. Unless youare pregnant? Donat tell me!a She sniffed. aMy period was last week. Guess again.a I shook my head. aThen what have you done?a I snapped my head around to study Clara again. Her eyes twinkled.

Behind me Rosalind said, aItas puzzling to me too. Iam beginning to think that male attention must account for it, though I never heard of that before. I noticed last month I was spilling out of my B-cups. Now Iam spilling out of Cs!a aAnd you think it was male attention?a I asked incredulously.

She snickered at Alice. aItas only in the last few months I realized this campus had so many heart-throbs.a aHard-throbs,a the smallest female corrected with a leer.

aOh, yes!a aBut I think the real reason for your b.o.o.b growth,a Alice continued, ais that you wanted larger ones so much.a aMind over matter?a Rosalind conjectured. aI wish it were true.a aI wish it were true!a I contributed fervently.

aTime will grant your wish,a Rosalind a.s.sured me, eyes dropping to the vicinity of my fly.

aIn a couple months?a I looked at Clara once more. Her hand rose to conceal a smile.

aIn a couple years, I suspect,a Rosalind answered. She slipped into her bra.s.siere and turned her back for Alice to hook it. aAnyway thatas what I wanted to show you. Iall have a good use for them next month.a Feed a baby? I wondered. Big t.i.ts in two months, why not milk in a week? But I only waited with my lips firmly sealed.

Too long. Rosalind frowned at me as she recovered her blouse. aArenat you going to ask what use?a aSome consequence of your new doctorate, no doubt,a I suggested dryly.

aBe that way! Though actually our graduation is the opportunity. Weare invited to a party to celebrate.a aWe?a aYou, Alice and I.a aA party? What party?a She leered. aI suspect itall turn out to be an orgy, but I know you wonat mind that!a She wiggled her shoulders, causing her blouse to ripple most attractively. aI expect these to make up for your advantage of seeming youth.a I donat suppose anyone should be surprised that Rosalind, after all our intimacy, had tumbled to the central fact about us a" even if she didnat really believe it yet. I sat down beside Clara, letting my hand slip casually into the overlapped front of her robe. She never so much as twitched, though my fingers fell on her c.l.i.t. Rosalindas eyes followed my disappearing hand. Aliceas lip curled sardonically.

aAll right,a I conceded from my pose of proprietors.h.i.+p, atell us about this party that you suspect will become an orgy. Is that how Chicago celebrates success?a aDoesnat everyone?a She tossed her head. aSome people even do it for Christmas.a aOh, do you know any?a She sniffed, brows rising slightly as Clara clasped my arm, imperceptibly forcing my hand lower.

I added, aAre you throwing this party, Rosalind?a aOh, no. This is for scores of people. The host is my very wealthy friend, Mr. Harrison Cleaver. He throws a party every year for selected graduates, the ones of known liberality.a She grinned. aNo one dares publish anything about his parties but people talk about them for the entire year.a aOh, yeah? What do they say?a aHow much they envy the ones who were invited. This year that includes us: Alice, you and me.a aIave seen no invitation.a aHarrisonas are delivered by word-of-mouth. My mouth, in this case.a She grinned lazily. aI know you like some things in my mouth.a aWhat about Clara?a aWell, of course a"a aNo, dears,a the woman interrupted with a smile, holding up a hand. aIam no party hound. Iall keep the home fires burning.a aIt starts at nine P.M. on, the twenty-fourth,a Rosalind continued blithely, obviously not displeased at Claraas rebuff. aItas a formal party, though you should wear a d.i.c.keya a" she barked a laugh a" ainstead of a s.h.i.+rt. And leave off your shorts.a aI will if youall leave off your bra.a After a momentas frown her eyes lit. aI think I know how to surprise even you, Mr. Smarty-Pantless.a

Chapter 12: The s.e.x Party.

There was never any question whether Alice and I would attend a reputed orgy among gentle people a" though I fully expected it to be only another c.o.c.ktail party typical of the academic circuit, a lot of back-slapping doctor-this and doctor-that, beginning with thick pedantry and devolving to wife groping and slurs at the end. I shouldave known better. Cleaver was no academic.

The house was a large, three story brick structure on a narrow lot crowded by its neighbors: not quite the mansion Rosalindas glowing accounts had suggested, although it was impressively handsome in the heavy dusk of a Chicago summer evening. Looking around, I understood. This was the rich alumnusas pied terre near the university campus.

A man in a fancier tux than mine, including a gold stripe down each pants leg, met us at the wrought iron gate. Rosalind gave him our names. He looked down his nose at Alice and sniffed at me, but consulted a chart in the gatehouse.

aWelcome to Gerrymand,a he said in a sing-song reminiscent of a high-school play, gesturing for us to proceed up the short walk. He announced our names, not too loudly, through loudspeakers on the porch and in the house: aLes docteurs Kimball, Cannell and Edgeworth.a aGerrymand?a I said to Rosalind with a sarcastic laugh.

She shrugged. aHarrisonas name for it. Youall have to ask him what it means.a Formally dressed people lounged and chatted on the broad porch, and music wafted from the open front doors. Even in the dim light from the windows and the deliberately inadequate overhead bulbs the womenas gowns were patches of color among the mostly dark male attire. Typical of a partyas start, the odors of perfume and cologne, not to speak of shaving lotion, were thick.

aWhich is which?a asked a grinning young man with a crooked cravat, lounging against a doorframe. aIam Marty Eccles, psychology.a aTim Kimball, physics.a I turned to indicate the girls but another man stepped out of the shadows. His face was only too familiar.

aI saw you made it, Tiny Brain. Congratulations!a aYou too, Zoomer.a I turned to Alice. aDr. Alice Edgeworth, also physics, on the left, and Dr. Rosalind Cannell, linguistics, may I present Dr. Carl Brinson, aeronautical physics, ex-fighter pilot known affectionately as Zoomer, who believes that gravity is the consequence of curved s.p.a.ce-time, and Dr. Eccles, psychology, whose first name, Iam sorry to say, Iave already a"a aWeave met,a Rosalind announced. aHi, Marty. Hi, Zoomer.a aGood G.o.d, Rosalind!a Eccles cried, staring at her bosom. Then he caught himself. aExcuse me. I mean, you look ravis.h.i.+ng!a aYouall find out,a announced Alice with a leer. aZoomer, you dress up pretty too!a Of course my girls had met them a" and doubtlessly obtained deposits from each. I glanced around, wondering how true that might be of all the other men here tonight.

aWhat do you mean, Iall find out?a demanded Eccles. He matched Aliceas leer. aIam looking forward to whatever you have in mind.a Rosalind said, aThen come inside with us to the light.a Without hesitation they followed us through the foyer to a large, well furnished room. Elegantly dressed people lounged on the several couches and chairs or stood in conversing groups. A glittering chandelier hung from the twelve-foot ceiling, lighting the room brightly. Acrid tobacco smoke mingled with the perfume.

Of course we had let the girls precede us. Now Rosalind urged her escorts forward but hesitated. She leaned down to Alice and whispered tremulously, aDo I dare to do it?a Aliceas eyes flashed. aYou certainly do dare! I just wish I could join you.a Rosalind seemed to gather strength. She looked around for me. aGet in front where you can see, Smarty-Pants.a I already suspected that she meant to pull down her top and bare her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to the crowd a" in order to surprise me, as she had promised. She was wearing a s.h.i.+mmering green satin gown that complemented her richly swept-back auburn hair, decorated tonight with an emerald tiara. A short matching cape was drawn around her shoulders.

It worked. She surprised me in spite of my suspicions. When she threw off the cape, observers gasped raggedly as each recognized the display at his own speed. She had arranged her gown so that it came no higher than the creases at the bottoms of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Thin rolled straps, crossing in front and back to go around her neck, held everything up a" except the beautiful orbs that jiggled as she thrust out her chest, now painted in matching green to a line just above the nipples. At first glance you didnat realize her t.i.ts were hanging out a" but the second glance was automatic.

The gasps drew the whole roomas attention. All conversation died and everyone stared, some people craning necks around the others. Then the room broke into applause. Rosalind immediately flushed crimson, from paint edge to bare shoulders to hairline and down both upper arms, a color most becoming to gown and paint. A huge smile parted her lips.

A handsome fellow distinguished by white patches at the temples, one of the few wearing a white dinner jacket, wove his way through the crowd to stand before Rosalind. The applause ended immediately. In the sudden silence he said jocularly, aWell, Rosalind, theyare even more spectacular than you let me believe!a aThank you, Harrison,a the girl answered proudly. aI hope I didnat upstage you.a aOh, I think it will prove a very nice complement. Now run upstairs and get that paint off before it breaks you out.a Rosalind turned away to the spiral staircase in the corner. I heard whispers, aHe planned this, I see.a aNot much happens here without it.a aBut G.o.d, what a work of art! More of you frails ought to do it.a The man caught Aliceas elbow as she would follow her friend. He said, aAnd you must be Alice a" Dr. Edgeworth. I am Harrison Cleaver and I am very happy to meet the worldas youngest doctor of philosophy.a aPlease to meet you too,a she responded with a most un-little-girlish wink. aI think we have a lot to discuss, but first I should help Rosalind.a aBy all means.a He turned immediately to me and extended his hand. aAnd you are Dr. Kimball, or may I call you Tim? Iam Harrison Cleaver,a he continued, holding my hand slightly too long for the shake, ayour host, as you may have gathered.a aYes,a I responded. aIam Tim.a aNo need to be shy, Tim. Youare my guest equally with the others. Something of a celebrity too, I must add, you and your lovely sister. Ph.D.s at your age are remarkable, even for Chicago.a aMy sister?a His eyes glittered. aSo Iave been told. Perhaps you prefer half-sister, but one can be too accurate about such matters, donat you think?a Just why would the FBI talk to Harrison Cleaver? I couldnat let it pa.s.s.

aThat is a canard, sir.a aA canard?a He stared at me and chuckled. aYour Ph.D. becomes more plausible.a aAlice and I are not related,a I insisted.

aNo, of course not.a His eyes twinkled.

He turned away from me to announce loudly, aPeople! The show is about to commence in the ballroom. Bring your drinks.a He took my hand as if I were a child and led me to the staircase with the guests eager to ascend. When I pulled my hand free, he put an arm around my shoulders.

aWe usually have a special exhibition at our annual party,a he said as we joined the crush on the stairs, adding with a mysterious wink, aI doubt it will shock someone so precocious as you.a We climbed very slowly to the third floor that was essentially a single enormous room with parquet flooring. People crowded together, avoiding the far end of the room that remained vacant except for an isolated, unoccupied chair. I saw Alice and Rosalind near a window talking with a couple of men who might have been a.s.sistant professors. Rosalind had presumably unpinned her gown so that the green satin, still daringly dcollet, rose to cover her nipples. Quick work! I hoped she had indeed washed off the paint.

Cleaver left me without a word to press forward and stand in the open s.p.a.ce before his guests.

aFriends,a he announced with hands raised for attention. aFriends,a he said louder and was rewarded by a measure of quiet. aIf what you are about to see offends you in any way, please consider it a rare demonstration of the human bodyas suppleness rather than a s.e.xual display.a He turned to a small door at the end of the room. aGregor!a he exclaimed in the voice of a carny barker.

A stark naked man pa.s.sed through the door and stood gazing sullenly at the onlookers. He was perhaps in his late twenties, tall and very well built. His gnarled face was rather ugly, but I doubt anyone noticed, because he possessed the largest c.o.c.k I have ever seen, at least nine inches long, and it was fully erect, jutting out at a sixty degree angle. He turned sideways momentarily so that all might fully appreciate his endowment, then strode to the chair and sat without a word. Again he a.s.sayed the a.s.sembled guests who had once more become noisy, now mostly with female giggles and t.i.tters. Slowly pumping his remarkable instrument with both hands, he sneered tauntingly around into every pair of male eyes. I stood on tiptoes and craned to see because I suspected what was about to occur.

Even the t.i.tters were dying away when the man crouched down and took the c.o.c.k head into his mouth. With hands under thighs for leverage he engulfed a further two inches. The crowd came alive with indignant shouts, squeals, guffaws and various gasps. The noise abated somewhat as everyone watched Gregoras head bob on his c.o.c.k with an obvious intent. aGo man!a someone called out. aDo it!a another yelled.

We watched in growing suspense as Gregor sucked with sunken cheeks. The crowd calmed enough to hear the slurps. aYes, yes,a a woman next to me said half aloud, blindly grasping my hand. Her neighbor half-whispered, aBut my husband says itas no good unless you gag.a aWho cares what he thinks!a retorted another. aDo you think Gregor cana a" giggle a" apull it off?a aIall bet I could!a I was beginning myself to doubt the man would succeed when a spasm jerked his contorted body and he emitted a m.u.f.fled moan. s.e.m.e.n oozed from the side of his mouth and flowed down the long shaft as he continued to suck, although he had ceased bobbing his head. Suddenly he sat up straight with a triumphant expression on his craggy face, his mouth a sloppy, drooling rictus.

aThatas disgusting!a someone protested loudly, but others began to applaud. Gregor stood up, bowed sardonically, flipping one last drop of come to the well-polished floor, and disappeared through the door behind him. The audience began to stir. Many sought to exit the room, causing a crush at the doorway to the stairs.

aHow about that!a I heard Rosalindas voice behind me.

She and Alice stood nearby with Eccles and Zoomer again in attendance. Cleaver came up to join us as the crowd thinned.

aDoes that make you jealous, Timmy?a Alice teased.

I scowled at the girl whose nipple points were just discernible beneath the top of her gown. Cleaver again placed his hand upon my shoulder, his fingers touching the back of my neck.

aWe men might be jealous, little one,a he said, abut if we all possessed Gregoras skill, the human race would be doomed to extinction.a aSpeak for yourself, Harrison,a one of the younger onlookers objected. aEven Gregoras talent would not displace my primeval urges.a aSome of us enjoy company in our pleasure,a Eccles remarked, his hand tugging Alice away.

aThe company of twelve year olds?a I responded. aHow would that further the propagation of our species?a aIam ripe enough, Tim,a Alice retorted, asince last month.a aI hope we can avoid a sibling spat,a Cleaver interjected. aIam certain both you prodigies are sufficiently ripe. Can you stay longer? Most of my guests are now rus.h.i.+ng home to report tonightas scandal, but a few of us will linger, perhaps until dawn.a Considering the recent lewd display, Cleaveras meaning was clear. He had just invited us to remain for a s.e.xually intimate affair, if not an outright orgy, but I felt no need for it. I had three females on constant duty, and queer stuff had not interested me since my consideration of Ritchie as a s.e.xual partner. I looked around. It was clear that several females would remain a" including at least one of mine when Alice announced, aIam staying.a Rosalind, too, I gathered when I spotted her in a far corner with two strangers, who fondled her shamelessly as they kissed.

aNo one will force himself on you, Tim,a Cleaver said in a low voice, his lips near my right ear. aI wonat permit that.a Cleaver and I stood alone. Alice and another stranger had pa.s.sed through the doorway hand in hand, obviously meaning to join the party. I could not leave my females.

aI suppose Iam here for the duration,a I said with a shrug. aWould you risk serving a minor whiskey and water?a Cleaver grinned broadly. aSure, Tim. Letas go downstairs to the bar. But understand, I did not promise to guard you from l.u.s.ty propositions.a I wondered how the promised s.e.xual adventure would develop. None of his female guests, l.u.s.ty or otherwise, had as yet caught my attention aside from Rosalind and Alice. But they were evidently intent on finding strange c.o.c.k. My own was just fourteen years old, nagging and undisciplined though not undernourished.

aIall not require your protection, Harrison,a I remarked as we descended to the second floor hallway, aexcept perhaps from women who are too old to attract me.a aDonat dismiss that kind so flippantly, young man,a he responded. aI know a couple of women between our ages who possess remarkable talents, especially if you allow them to treat you as a pa.s.sive sultan.a I grinned speculatively at him and he fondled the back of my neck. aJust leave it to me,a he said with a wink.

Leaning on the sumptuous bar with three sweating bartenders shaking c.o.c.ktails, drink in hand, Cleaver wanted to discuss physics, to my surprise. aWhat do you see as the near term discoveries in your field?a he asked before sipping his whiskey.

I nursed a champagne c.o.c.ktail. aThe physics of the solid state is likely to yield the most concrete immediate benefit. The transistor was invented three years ago, you know.a aYes, I heard of that. I also hear that hardly anything is less reliable. The engineers have developed vacuum tubes that small.a I sniffed. aHardly anything is less reliable than vacuum tubes! For your information, methods are in development that will soon achieve perfect solid state reliability and microscopic miniaturization.a He stared. aYou know that for a fact, do you, Tim? How do you know, may I ask?a I shrugged. aItas an issue of confidence. But I suspect engineering is of more interest to you than theoretical physics.a I allowed myself to grin suggestively. aLooking for new investments?a aAlways. I made my money in meatpacking, but the huge military demand has nearly vanished. I need a new direction.a His eyes glittered. aSuccess could be very rewarding, Tim. I have millions of dollars ready to invest.a aThe military demand will recur. But you should study the many fields that are beginning to open up.a aI prefer to study those who already know the fields.a I asked, aDoes that have something to do with the location of this house?a aWith my owners.h.i.+p of it, yes. The University of Chicago has partic.i.p.ated in several new efforts recently.a He frowned. aOne thing I havenat been able to discover is whether or not you have any future affiliation with the school.a I laughed. aAt this point I donat know the answer myself.a Which was a lie, of course.

He studied me. I saw a decision crystallize in his eyes. This lad needs more cultivation. Quickly he drained his gla.s.s. aLetas go upstairs and see what we can find. I think it will interest you, if what Rosalind says is reliable.a A woman blocked our way on the stairs. Her eyes were moist and glittering, cheeks flushed, one strap fallen off her shoulder exposing the swelling side of a t.i.t. Apparently she wore no bra.s.siere. Her hands fell on Cleaveras shoulders. aHarry, a bunch of us decided. Weall all paint our if you guysall paint your b.a.l.l.s.a She shrieked with laughter at his expression.

He chuckled too as we climbed. aRosalind may have started something.a As we pa.s.sed a closed door on the second floor I heard Rosalind squeal in apparent delight then a comment in Aliceas voice. I stopped. Although curious, I hesitated to open the door.

aWant to peek?a Cleaver grinned at me, again with a hand on my shoulder.

I persuaded myself I ought to verify their safety and cracked the door sufficiently to peer inside. I had a glimpse of Alice sprawled on a bed with panties off and dress pushed up before a naked guy stepped in front of her to block my view. I did not see Rosalind, although I heard her shout, aTake it easy and donat rip the bodice! Theyare not going anywhere.a Cleaver was leaning over my shoulder to view the action, and I b.u.mped into him when I straightened to pull the door closed. We continued on to the stairs.

aShe appears to be quite bald,a Cleaver remarked, abut I suppose up close you would see pubic hair.a I glanced at him and nodded without thinking, which produced a grin of success. It was pretty obvious what I had just verified, but so what?

At the head of the stairs a door opened and a man stepped out. His s.h.i.+rt was pulled from his trousers and opened to reveal a hairy chest. aMake it Canadian,a a female voice yelled from inside the room.

aBusy as usual, eh, George?a Cleaver commented.

aGreat party, Harrison,a the man responded. aIs the bar still open?a aAll night,a the host replied, abut donat overdo it like last time.a George rushed barefoot toward the stairs. In the hallway two women leaned against the wall kissing. They did not notice George scurrying past, but they stood apart from each other to greet Cleaver.

aWhere did you find that acrobatic hulk, Harrison?a the heavier one asked.

The other, a beautiful, delicate woman in her thirties, ogled me. She stepped close, put her arms around me and kissed my lips voraciously. I did not hear Cleaveras response, because the woman whispered in my ear, aDonat let Harrison wear you out, pretty boy. I have plans for you tonight.a Again I felt Cleaveras fingers playing on the back of my neck. aI see you have already met Mona, Tim,a he said. aI intended to introduce you to her. Sheas one of those special women I mentioned.a aAnd Iam another,a Monaas companion announced, pus.h.i.+ng aside the smaller woman to embrace me roughly. She was slightly drunk. After sticking her tongue in my ear she sucked the lobe.

aLadies! Ladies!a Cleaver protested and pulled the stocky woman away from me. aWe must be gentle with young Tim and not scare him away.a aDo you find me frightening, Tim?a Mona asked in an affected little girl voice. aI know how to put you at ease.a She pulled me close with her hands on my b.u.t.t. aLetas find a dark room where we can pretend Iam a teenager again.a She ground her pelvis against mine. We were the same height.

aThe bedrooms are all taken, except for yours, Harrison,a the larger woman complained from behind me.

aThatas why I keep it locked on such occasions, Gloria,a he responded. aWhy donat the four of us go up there and relax.a aRelax! I didnat come here for that!a Gloria objected.

She swayed but not precariously, b.u.mping into George and slos.h.i.+ng his tray of drinks.

aSorry, George,a she apologized and s.n.a.t.c.hed one of the drinks.

aThat was for Lisa,a he protested in a friendly voice. aWould you care to join us maybe?a Without a word or a glance back at us Gloria took the manas arm and accompanied him down the hall.

Mona snuggled to me. aNow if I could get rid of Harrison Iad have you for myself.a aBut I have the key to the room,a Cleaver announced. aLetas get a bottle and go up there.a aGreat idea,a Mona remarked and pulled me along with her.

Downstairs a dozen people remained in the room with the bar. Several chatted casually under the windows with in hand. A young couple was more intimately involved on a couch, the man with his hand up the womanas skirt as they kissed. Cleaver strode to the bar while Mona and I waited at the door. She held my right hand in both of hers.

aI hope we can do a lot together, Tim,a she whispered. aI donat suppose Harrison would allow you to remain, if you were the innocent virgin you appear to be.a aIam a virgin in some ways, Mona, and I intend to remain so.a aOh, you mean Harrison. Donat worry about that, darling, because he wonat do anything unless you invite him. Heas really a voyeur. He wants to watch us. Does that bother you?a I scowled. aIam not the sort to put myself on display like Gregor.a aWasnat he magnificent?a she exclaimed. aIave never seen that before. Harrisonas exhibition last year was a man with a sheep. I canat imagine how they got the poor beast upstairs.a Although the young body I occupied was eager for s.e.xual pleasure, circ.u.mspection cooled my older mind. I was beginning to suspect that mine and Aliceas invitation here owed less to a friendly and dissolute interest in us as newly-minted youthful Ph.D.s, guaranteed uninhibited by Rosalind, than it did to rumors about us that may have originated in the local FBI office.

In a number of ways Mona resembled Clara. Some might even judge her prettier. But at that moment my feelings tugged me toward my aauntie,a waiting at home with her wasps and monkeys. Mona must have noticed the reservation in my facial expression and body language.

aOf course we could just tell stories, if you prefer,a she suggested, studying my reaction.

Second thoughts arose. Here was an opportunity to traipse upstairs and f.u.c.k strangers. For once the young boy shoved the old man back into a corner. Monaas eyes brightened at my sudden leer.

Just then Cleaver returned with a bottle in one hand and three in the other.

aHere we go,a he announced. aLetas get upstairs behind a locked door before the party becomes too wild.a aI like wildness,a Mona declared.

aI know you do, sweetheart,a he responded, aand you can get wild after we become more acquainted with Master Tim.a We mounted the stairs, Cleaver leading, Mona pulling me along. A shriek followed by loud laughter sounded from the room where George entertained two women. The room containing Rosalind, Alice and their two men was silent. I heard a bed thumping from behind the next door. At the far end of the hall past the stairway to the third floor Cleaver stopped at yet another door. He handed Mona the bottle and to fumble in his pocket for a key. He opened the door and flipped on the light.

It was a very large, tastefully decorated room, a combination of parlor and sleeping quarters with a couch, coffee table and two chairs at one end and the bed at the other. The bathroom door at the far wall was open.

aYou have such a delightful lair, Harrison,a Mona acclaimed. aIave always enjoyed it.a aIndeed we have!a He leered at her.

Mona pulled me down to sit with her on the couch as Cleaver arranged the and bottle of Scotch on the table before us. He poured generous amounts.

aIf you want water, Tim, you can get some from the bathroom sink,a he said, flopping into a nearby armchair.

I decided to drink mine neat and remained sitting. We sipped in silence for a minute. Mona stroked my near thigh with her fingers.

aWhen did you lose your virginity, Timmy?a she asked, leaning against me. aIt couldnat have been all that long ago.a I was about to concoct a story when Cleaver interrupted.

aThe boyas body may be as precocious as his mind, Mona. I can imagine him s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g cla.s.smates at nine years old.a aBoys donat squirt that young, Harrison!a she protested.

aBut their can get hard enough to f.u.c.k. Was that the way it was, Tim?a he asked. aDid you enjoy your first e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n inside a flat chested little girl?a I grinned in response to his voyeuristic query then took another sip of my drink.

aDonat embarra.s.s the boy,a Mona chided the man.

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