Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear Part 13

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3. "Adam and Eve did what fear-filled people do. They ran for their lives."

A. When you disappoint G.o.d and fear strikes, how do you run for your life?

B. When fear a.s.saults you, what option is better than running? Why?

4. "G.o.d keeps no list of our wrongs. His love casts out fear because he casts out our sin!"

A. Why does G.o.d keep no list of our wrongs? How does that help you deal with the fear of disappointing him?

B. When you feel most loved by G.o.d, what happens to your fears? When you feel furthest from G.o.d, what happens to your fears?

5. "Nothing fosters courage like a clear grasp of grace. And nothing fosters fear like an ignorance of mercy."

A. How would you describe grace to someone who had never heard of it? How would you ill.u.s.trate grace from your own life?

B. How has G.o.d shown you mercy? Where do you need his mercy most in your life right now?


1. Read Colossians 1:1314.

A. From what have believers in Christ been delivered or rescued?

B. How have believers been redeemed? What does this redemption entail?

2. Read John 3:1618, 36.

A. Why did G.o.d send his Son into the world? What was not the Son's purpose?

B. What is true of those who believe in the Son? What is true of those who do not believe in the Son?

3. Read John 6:3740.

A. Why did Jesus come down from heaven? What was his purpose?

B. What is G.o.d's will for those who believe in his Son?


1. Examine the scripture stories of these characters who disappointed G.o.d: Peter (Mark 14:2731; John 21:1519); David (2 Sam. 11); the Samaritan woman ( John 4:142). How do their stories give you hope when you disappoint G.o.d?

2. Seek out someone whom you know to be a dedicated, enthusiastic believer in Christ, and ask how he or she has battled the feeling of disappointing G.o.d.


Woe, Be Gone Fear of Running Out EXAMINING FEAR.

1. "Worry has more questions than answers, more work than energy, and thinks often about giving up."

A. In what way does worry have more questions than answers? What sort of questions does it normally ask?

B. Why does worry often think about giving up? When did worry last urge you to give up? What happened?

2. "Shortfalls and depletions inhabit our trails. Not enough time, luck, wisdom, intelligence. We are running out of everything, it seems, and so we worry. But worry doesn't work."

A. What are you running out of that prompts you to worry?

B. Why does worrying not help to deal with this lack? If worry doesn't work, then why do we worry?

3. "Legitimate concern morphed into toxic panic. I crossed a boundary line into the state of fret. No longer antic.i.p.ating or preparing, I took up members.h.i.+p in the fraternity of Woe-Be-Me."

A. How would you describe fretting? How does it differ from worrying? How susceptible are you to fretting? About what do you tend to fret the most?

B. How can you avoid taking up members.h.i.+p in the fraternity of Woe-Be-Me?

4. "Jesus doesn't condemn legitimate concern for responsibilities but rather the continuous mind-set that dismisses G.o.d's presence."

A. Where would you place the boundary between worry and legitimate concern for responsibilities?

B. How can you tell when you have developed a mind-set that continually dismisses G.o.d's presence?

5. "Standing next to the disciples was the solution to their problems . . . but they didn't go to him. They stopped their count at seven and worried."

A. Why do you think the disciples didn't immediately turn to Jesus?

B. Why do you suppose we don't immediately turn to Jesus when faced with a shortage of some kind?


1. Read Matthew 6:2534.

A. What reasons for not worrying does Jesus give in this pa.s.sage?

B. What are we to do instead of worrying about a lack of things? How does this work itself out in a practical sense?

2. Read John 6:113.

A. What shortage faced the disciples? How did they respond to it? How did Jesus use it to expand their spiritual vision?

B. How does verse 6 affect your understanding of this pa.s.sage? What does it say about the very real shortages that you face?

3. Read John 15:7.

A. What does it mean to abide or remain in Jesus?

B. What does it mean for Jesus' words to abide or remain in you?

C. What promise does Jesus make in this pa.s.sage to those who follow his commands? How does the context affect your understanding of this promise?


If you want to battle your fear of lack and instead enjoy a deep sense of peacefulness, then for at least one week try the following regimen: 1. Pray, first (1 Peter 5:7).

2. Easy, now (Ps. 37:7).

3. Act on it (Matt. 25:1428).

4. Compile a worry list (Luke 10:41).

5. Evaluate your worry categories (Matt. 6:2527).

6. Focus on today (Matt. 6:34; Heb. 4:16).

7. Unleash a worry army (1 Thess. 5:25).

8. Let G.o.d be enough (Matt. 6:2833).


My Child Is in Danger Fear of Not Protecting My Kids EXAMINING FEAR.

1. "The semitruck of parenting comes loaded with fears. We fear failing the child, forgetting the child. Will we have enough money? Enough answers? Enough diapers? Enough drawer s.p.a.ce? . . . It's enough to keep a parent awake at night."

A. If you are a parent, what most worries you about taking care of your children?

B. How do you tend to deal with your fears about your children?

2. "Note to all panicking parents: Jesus heeds the concern in the parent's heart."

A. What examples of Jesus interacting with parents or children can you remember? How did he treat them? What does that tell you about his heart for you and your children?

B. In what areas of dealing with your children do you most need Jesus' help right now?

3. "Wise are the parents who regularly give their children back to G.o.d."

A. What does it mean to give your children back to G.o.d? Have you done this? Explain.

B. Why is it necessary to regularly give your children back to G.o.d? In what situations do you feel tempted to refuse to give your children back to G.o.d?

4. "Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool."

A. How does prayer cool parental fears?

B. How would you describe your prayer life regarding your kids?

5. "Horror called from one side. Hope compelled from the other. Tragedy, then trust. Jairus heard two voices and had to choose which one he would heed. Don't we all?"

A. Describe a situation with your children where you are hearing two competing voices right now.

B. How can you train yourself to listen consistently to the voice of Jesus rather than to other voices that call you to fear?


1. Read Luke 8:4056.

A. What challenges stood in the way of Jairus's receiving help from Jesus?

B. How does this pa.s.sage show that a delay in receiving an answer to a desperate prayer does not necessarily mean a no?

2. Read Romans 8:3132.

A. How does it change things if you know G.o.d is for you?

B. What proof does the apostle Paul offer to show that G.o.d is more than willing to give you what you need?

3. Read Genesis 22:118; Hebrews 11:19.

A. What do you think of G.o.d's test of Abraham? How do you think he tests you regarding your children?

B. What conviction allowed Abraham to successfully pa.s.s this difficult test (see Hebrews 11:19)? Do you put this much faith in the promises of G.o.d? Explain.


Pick at least two of the following promises from Scripture and memorize them, repeating them to yourself every day for a month. Note what this does to your level of fear regarding your children. Pa.s.sages: Deuteronomy 4:40; 5:29; 30:19; Psalm 37:25; Proverbs 20:7; Acts 2:3839.


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