When A Heart Stops Part 44

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"And we let him know that by telling him what they entailed."

"I'm sure that was just fuel to his fire." Katie smirked, then sobered. "But he was a sicko anyway, just like the rest of his family."

Alexia sighed. "I wonder why some kids who are abused turn out so awful like Nate and Gwen, and other kids, like Dom and me, I think we turned out okay. I mean, we're not perfect, but at least we don't go around killing people. We actually want to help people."

Serena shook her head. "I don't know. It could be the influences in a child's life. Not just family, but teachers, church people, friends, et cetera. You know?"

Alexia looked at Serena. "Yeah, I know. You were one of those influences. Even though your dad wasn't always around and he frustrated you a lot, I could tell you loved him and he loved you."

Serena blinked against the rush of tears. "Yeah. You're right about that."

"And Marcus Porter was there for me," Dominic said.

Serena leaned forward in her seat. "That's why I want to be so involved with the girls at Covenant House. I want to see them grow into the people G.o.d meant for them to be. To move past their mistakes and build something from their lives."

"How's Camille?"

Serena glanced down the hall. "Asleep, I think."

"How's the baby?" Hunter asked.

"No damage from the blow to her stomach. She had an ultrasound after they brought her in."

"Is she going to keep it?"

Serena drew in a deep breath. "She's not sure yet. She's for sure not aborting, so that's good. If she wants to give it up for adoption, I told her I'd help her find a family who would give it a blessed childhood."

"The childhood she never had," Alexia murmured.

"Right. But until then, I told her if she would stay in school, she could stay with me."

Dominic gazed at her. "You're amazing."

Colton stood. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to see if I can do anything to locate Jillian."

He left and Hunter and Alexia stood too.

Hunter said, "We're going to see your dad at the hospital. The psych meds seem to be working and he's having a better day today."

Alexia shook her head. "He's been an undiagnosed schizophrenic all these years. No wonder he couldn't keep it together when we were younger."

Hunter squeezed her hand. "He's getting the help he needs now."

Alexia looked at Serena and Dominic. "He asked to sign the divorce papers. Said he could do one good thing and give Mom her freedom to find some happiness in her life while she still had some time."

"What did Mom say about that?" Dominic asked.

"She seemed okay with it after she realized Dad wasn't changing his mind about it."

Hunter wrapped an arm around Alexia's shoulders. "I'm sorry, hon."

She shrugged, looked at Dominic, and said, "It's for the best, right?"

"Dad's adamant. And in his right mind right now, so, yeah . . ."

Alexia slipped out from under Hunter's protective arm and gave Serena a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too."

"See you later."

Serena watched them leave. She looked at Dominic and said, "It's time."

"For what?"

"To look in that package."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'd already made up my mind to look, but by the time I did, everything was already going crazy and I simply didn't get a chance. And I don't think Jillian had any clue the trouble she'd spark with this thing." She took a deep breath and walked to the small table in the foyer. Reaching behind the mirror just above the table, she pulled the package out.

Walking back into the den, she opened it, and slid the envelopes out. Bypa.s.sing the one she'd already read, she sat on the couch and opened the second one.

"Wait a minute," Dominic said, reaching over to place his hand on hers. "Before you get into that, I need to tell you something."

Surprised at the intensity of his tone, she let the envelope fall to the couch beside her. "What is it?"

"I'm falling in love with you."

She blinked. Then smiled. "Well, that's good news."

He huffed a laugh. "That's it? That's all you have to say after I worked up the nerve to tell you?"

Trembling on the inside, her heart filled with a tender love for the man sitting next to her. "It's only been a short time, Dominic, but I've come to care about you so much. We've been through some pretty intense times and I think that just sort of heightens all the emotions-"

He placed a finger over her lips. "Put your doctor persona away for now. How does the woman feel?"

"She's falling in love with you too," she whispered.

"Good." He settled his lips over hers.

As she settled into the kiss, she decided he was right. Too much a.n.a.lyzing wasn't good. Right now, she simply wanted to feel. Feel loved and safe and right where she wanted to be. Right in Dominic's arms.

He lifted his head, eyes narrowed, and said, "How long do I have to give you before you would say yes?"

She lifted a brow. "Why don't you ask me and find out."

He laughed. "Okay. I will. When you least expect it."

She smacked his arm and he kissed her again. Then said, "Okay, let's look at the package."

"Oh. Right. The package."

She lifted the envelope from the sofa, pulled out the letter.

And started to read.


"So, what's the next failure of a plan?" Frank couldn't help the snide question.

Silence echoed over the line.

Then the voice said, "It was a good plan."

"Not good enough."

"If Serena had been killed by Gwendolyn Lindell, no one would have been the wiser. She would have simply been another victim of a serial killer. No one would have been able to connect her with us."

"We still don't have the package."

"That's all right, we have something better."

"What's that?"

"A lead on Jillian. Her plane lands tomorrow at 10:50 a.m."

Frank stilled. "She's coming here?"

"She is."

"Don't let her leave the airport alive."

"That's the plan."


There are always so many people involved in putting a book together that I'm afraid to start thanking them because I don't want to forget anyone! But I'm going to give it a shot.

Thanks to my awesome editor, Andrea Doering, who believes in me and my work-even when I have my doubts!

To Tamela Hanc.o.c.k Murray of the Steve Laube Agency for all your hard work on my behalf and for believing in me too!

I can't say thank you enough to Officer James (Jim) Hall and Retired FBI Agent Wayne Smith, who proof my law enforcement details. Any inaccuracies are mine and mine alone. You guys never charge me enough!

Also, a big thanks to Ruthie Owens at Spartanburg Regional Hospital for answering all of my many autopsy questions about a year ago.

And of course, I can't forget the rest of the amazing and talented Revell team. Michele Misiak, Claudia Marsh, Barb Barnes, and the art design team-you guys rock and I love working with you all. I know there are more of you who are behind the scenes, so I'm thanking you too!

One person I also want to thank is Taylor Bevil, a young lady I'm proud to call friend. She's an insightful, detail-oriented reader who caught a couple of mistakes when I asked her to read the story. She also offered excellent suggestions on how to make the story better! Thanks for your input, Taylor!

And last, but never least, I want to thank you readers who buy my books and support what I do. I definitely couldn't do this without you!

Lynette Eason is the author of several romantic suspense novels, including Too Close to Home, Don't Look Back, and A Killer Among Us. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Lynette graduated from the University of South Carolina and went on to earn her master's degree in education from Converse College. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children.

Books by Lynette Eason.


Too Close to Home.

Don't Look Back.

A Killer Among Us.


Gone in a Flash.


When the Smoke Clears.

When a Heart Stops.


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Facebook: Revell.

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