When A Heart Stops Part 43

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"Dad made Gwen kill her."

Serena felt nausea well up. "Why?" she whispered.

"Because Gwen was getting too close, too friendly, with Rose, and Dad wouldn't have that. Because she was his."

Nate paced from one end of the room to the other. Then back to the terrified Camille. He stooped in front of her and ran a hand over the girl's hair. Camille cringed as tears leaked down her cheeks. Nate frowned.

"How do you know that, Nate?" she persisted. "If you didn't get to play the game, how do you know this?" Serena tried to think of something, anything, to get his attention off Camille and back on her.

It worked. For the moment. He c.o.c.ked his head, stood, and spun the roulette wheel again. "Because they made me bury the body. And all of the ones that came later." He smirked. "See, the police only had half of the bodies." At her horrified expression, he lifted a brow. "Oh yeah. The winner got to be found, all cleaned up and posed. Dad was very gracious about giving the winner's family closure."

He stuck his gun in the waistband of his pants and settled his hands on Serena's shoulders. She wanted to scream at him to get his hands off her, but she bit her tongue. As long as his attention was on her, it wasn't on Camille.

He said, "Look at the other end of the table. Look at Camille."

Serena did as she was told. The girl lifted terrified eyes, her breath hitching as she struggled not to hyperventilate. Serena could relate to the feeling.

"Now," his breath tickled her ear and she swallowed the urge to vomit, "let's pick up where Gwen left off. Pick a number and a color."


He raised his gun and aimed it at Camille in one smooth move. Serena gasped, "Okay, four red."

He let the gun drop to his side. "Four red. That's more like it."

The little ball started its never-ending journey once again and Nate watched it, seeming to be captivated by it. "Four red, four red," he intoned.

Serena leaned over and worked on her cuff once again. And felt it click. The little piece of wire she'd snitched from the toilet had done its job.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

She sat up. "Trying not to be sick."

He grinned at her. "No time to be sick, darling, you just lost the bet."

He walked to Camille and pulled her up closer to the table. The girl jumped up and shoved him. Nate stumbled from her. Serena shot to her feet, and the clasp of the handcuff tripped her. She fell back into the chair as Nate whipped the gun around and slammed it into Camille's stomach.

The girl went down, gagging and groaning.

"Camille!" Serena placed her hands on the gun in front of her and tried to yank it from the clasp, but she didn't know the trick to release it and didn't have time to figure it out. And if she pulled the trigger now, she'd hit Camille.

Nate slammed Camille back against the chair, whipped her hands behind her back, and pulled on her arms until she arched her back and screamed. Then he said, "Do anything like that again before the game is over and I'll end it now, you understand?"

Sobs wrenched from Camille's throat and Serena clenched her fists, silently begging G.o.d to intervene. "Don't, Camille, don't fight him, honey."

Camille gave up with a wail, leaned her head back, and cried.

Nate jerked her head up. "Now, now, that's no way to behave at my table." He walked to Serena, the gun held in front of him. With his left hand, he motioned for her to sit. "Now, put your hands back on the gun. You lost. You get to shoot your friend."

"What?" she gasped. "I'm not going to shoot her."

"You will or I'll shoot her. Then I'll shoot you. Then I'll go find your mother-again-and shoot her. And before you ask, yes, your mother was a message to Gwen that I was going to play the game whether she liked it or not."

"A message?" Stunned, Serena simply gaped. "Why didn't you just kill her?"

He barked a laugh. "You would have preferred that?"

"Of course not! I just don't-"


"Yes, I don't understand."

He shrugged. "I didn't want you grieving your mother. Grief does crazy things to people. You might not have functioned for days, weeks, months. I needed you functioning. It was the only way to get at Gwendolyn. When she took you, I'd simply take you away from her." He looked at his sister's now lifeless body on the floor. "And that's what I did."

He was insane.

He was also in control at the moment.

Nate spun the cylinder again. "So if you don't play, I'll go after your father, then your pretty little friends at Covenant House and see how many of those sweet young things like to play games. It's your choice. Taking one life for the good of many. If you don't want to be responsible for the people you love dying, shoot her."

Camille shook like a tree in a hurricane. Serena stared down the gun at the girl and knew she couldn't even shoot to miss. The gun was held and aimed firmly in its holder. She looked back at Nate. "And what happens to me if I shoot her?"

"You get to live."

Visions of the dead girls, the victims of the Doll Maker Killer, came to mind. "Somehow I doubt that. You just said the winners got a bullet in the forehead and were placed on display for all to see."

Confusion riddled his gaze for a moment, then he said, "Well, then I guess I can change the rules, right? After all, Drake's in prison and Gwen's dead. So the rules can change." Satisfaction gleamed as he waved the gun. "So, I'll let you live. But if you don't shoot her, you'll definitely die. And if you don't pull the trigger, she gets a turn. If she kills you, then she lives. It's as simple as that."

"That's the dumbest game I ever heard of," Camille whispered.

Chills swept over Serena. One hard tug and she'd be free of the cuff around her ankle. But where would she go? Could she get to the door and get it open before Nate put a bullet in her back?

No, she couldn't.

She released the gun and said, "Then let Camille take a turn because there's no way I'm going to pull that trigger." She dropped into the chair and stared defiantly at the man.

Camille jerked. "I can't shoot you!"

Serena turned her gaze to Nate. "What do you do when the players won't play?"

Cold, soulless eyes stared back at her. "Kill them and find new ones. Just like Dad and Gwen used to do."


Dominic's heart chilled as he heard Nate's emotionless statement. A member of the SWAT team had managed to place a listening device on the window. Fortunately, it worked even through the thick gla.s.s. The one area Gwendolyn had cut corners. It was thick but not soundproof. He looked at Hunter. "We've got to get in there now."

Hunter asked, "Does the door open inward or outward?"

Dominic had Mac check for hinges.

"In," Mac said.

"Let me know when he's in front of the door."

"Copy that," Mac's voice came through his earpiece clearly.

Serena watched Nate's cruel eyes. He paced as he waited for her to pick up the gun. She desperately tried to think of a way out and came to the sickening conclusion that there was none.

Nate gestured with his gun. "I don't have all day. I have a job to get back to. Now let's go."

"Who's going to bury the bodies this time, Nate?" she whispered.

He frowned. "I'll worry about that later. Shut up and pull the trigger." He walked up to her and placed the gun against the side of her head. Serena settled her hands on the weapon in front of her, felt the coldness of the b.u.t.t of the gun against her palm.

Sweat slid from her temple and she swallowed.

"Do it!" His scream shattered the silence broken only by harsh breaths. She flinched and stared at Camille. Where could she aim? How could she communicate with the girl to move left or right- "May I pray first?" she blurted.

"What?" He stilled and looked at her, disbelief stamped on his features. "Pray?"

Serena bowed her head and reached down, pulled the cuff open.

"Pray!" he screamed. "No, you can't pray! Now take the gun!"

"I'll go first!" Camille cried. "I'll do it!"

Nate swiveled and moved to the girl. He backhanded her and Camille's head snapped back. She spat blood and glared at him.

"It's not your turn," he sneered.

Nate moved back to Serena and grabbed the back of her hair. She cried out as he lowered his head next to hers. "You're ruining my game! Do I have to do everything?" He wrapped his hand around the gun.

"No!" With all of her strength, she shoved back with her elbow and caught him in the stomach. Air whooshed from him as he stumbled back.

Then the door exploded inward, clipping him in the shoulder. He went down, his gun sliding across the floor, and Serena raced around the table to grab Camille and push her down. Choking gas filled the room and she figured someone had tossed a flash bang into the room as they knocked the door down.

"Freeze! FBI!" Shouts and screams filled the air.

Camille clutched at her and Serena nearly cried her relief when Dominic appeared at the door, weapon drawn, eyes searching.

They landed on her and she saw the instant relief fill them.

Nate Lindell fought his captors as they did their best to subdue him in the small s.p.a.ce. With a yell and a twist, he brought a hand up and broke the nose of the officer nearest to him. Blood spurted from the man as he fell back with a harsh cry.

His partner tackled the man. Dominic added his weight and together they worked to subdue him. Serena pulled Camille around to the other end of the table, out of harm's way.

Another harsh cry sounded. She whirled to see a large knife Nate managed to procure flash in the dim light of the room.

"Dominic! Be careful!"

Nate went down, clipped behind the knees by another officer. Then incredibly, he was back up, as was Dominic.

A gunshot sounded.

Nate's eyes went wide and blood bloomed across the chest of his starched white s.h.i.+rt.

Serena's ears rang as she spun to focus on Camille, who sat at the table, staring, wide-eyed and frozen, her hands locked around the weapon.

Dominic tackled the man once again and this time he stayed down.

More officers swarmed inside. Camille remained still as stone, her eyes on the man who had added his own short reign of terror to their day.

"We're fine now, Camille. We're fine."

"He was going to kill Dominic."

"I know." Serena pulled the girl's hands from the weapon and wrapped her in a hug as an officer uncuffed Camille's ankle from the leg of the chair.

Together, they walked toward the exit.

Serena tried to s.h.i.+eld Camille from the two bodies on the floor, but the girl pulled away. Dominic's arms wrapped around Serena as Camille looked into Nate's lifeless eyes and whispered, "You lose."


MONDAY, 5:40 P.M.

Serena looked at Dominic. "So, when Nate came to the morgue looking for Leslie, he recognized Gwendolyn and contacted her, wanted to know what her game was."

Dominic nodded. "She told him to b.u.t.t out of her business, and he thought that by helping her get you, she'd finally let him play."

"Which is why he killed the police officer and gave her a chance at you," Colton said and shook his head. "Sick dude."

Dominic said, "But neither of them knew I was just a few minutes behind you. Nate took off and Gwen grabbed your briefcase and fled."

"And the notes she started leaving were directed toward Nate."

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