Wishes In The Wind Part 32

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"Yes, to tell you that Saxon has requested the right to talk to you, or rather, Stoddard. Dustin wants it to be your choice as to whether or not you do so-now, if at all."

Thoughtfully, Nicole chewed her lip. "I suspected this might happen when Dustin told me he'd hired an investigator. Since I'm allegedly Nick Aldridge's protege, it stands to reason I'd know a great deal about him, perhaps even something I don't realize I know. Saxon wouldn't be very thorough if he didn't interrogate me." She frowned. "The question isn't whether or not I'll speak with him, it's whether or not I should tell him everything. On the one hand, I want to protect Papa, on the other hand, perhaps I'd be doing both him and you a disservice if I limited Saxon's facts. a.s.suming, of course, I'm even able to convince Saxon that I'm a boy. We're talking about a seasoned investigator, not an average person. So how do I handle this?"

"You tell him the truth."

Nick Aldridge's voice came from across the hall. "Nickie," he added, walking over to them. "We've come too far to back down. We're on the brink of discovery, and to keep things from Tyreham's investigator would be to impede his progress and keep the duke's son in danger." Turning to Trenton, he extended his hand. "I can tell without asking that you're Tyreham's brother. You look just like him. I'm Nick Aldridge."

Trenton grasped Nick's fingers in a firm handshake. "I've seen you race. You're extraordinary." A smile tugged at his lips. "As for family resemblance, perhaps earlier today I could have said the same about you and Nicole. But not now."

"Ah, you're seeing Nickie for the first time," Nick realized aloud. "Well, no offense taken. Other than her love for horses and a few less admirable traits, she is, overall, not me but very much her mother."

"Trenton," Nicole interrupted. "Did Saxon learn anything new?"

The barest hint of a pause. "Nothing monumental."

"In other words, Dustin instructed you not to say anything."

"In other words, Dustin informed me he'd discuss it with you later. Right now, he wants you to redon your disguise and come with me to the manor."

"I thought you said he was letting me make the decision about whether or not I speak with Saxon."

"He is." A twinkle. "But he's not letting you make the decision about whether or not you speak with him. Apparently, you and he scheduled a discussion for this evening. He intends to hold it. He also intends to have someone escort you to the manor. And I've been appointed."

"That settles it," Nick put in. "Go with the man, Nickie. Talk to this Saxon. Answer his questions-all of them. Then do the same for the marquis." He held her gaze. "And, Elf, afterward, should Saxon wish to speak with me, the answer is yes."

"Papa, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. He's welcome to come here and ask whatever questions he chooses."

"Very well." She glanced down at her s.h.i.+rtfront, realizing she lacked her requisite binding, and headed off to effect her transformation. "Excuse me." She s.n.a.t.c.hed her jockey's cap from a nearby side table. "Alden Stoddard will be down in a moment."

"Thank you, Broddington," Nick said when they were alone. "I don't think Nickie realizes how vulnerable she is right now. I worry every minute she's by herself."

"You can rest easy," Trenton replied. "I know my brother. And he won't let any harm befall Nicole. Ever. Moreover, it's I who should be thanking you. By trusting us, you're taking a risk. All I can say is, you won't be sorry."

"No, I don't expect I will be."

"One last thing. Does the name Coop mean anything to you?"

"Coop?" Nick frowned. "Not offhand, no. Should it?"

"That's the man with the scarred forearm. Dustin thought the name might trigger something."

"I wish it would." Nick rubbed his chin. "That d.a.m.ned man's been on my mind since Tyreham first brought him up. But for the life of me, I can't figure out where I saw him. That doesn't mean I've stopped trying. I haven't. And I'll remember yet."

"I'm sure you will." Trenton glanced up as Nicole descended the stairs, tucking pins beneath her cap. "Well, Tyreham's famous jockey has returned. Shall we go?"

"Yes. Immediately." Nicole drew an unsteady breath. "Before I lose my nerve."

"Don't be so skittish, Stoddard." Saxon flipped through his portfolio, frowning as Stoddard paced circles about the library. "I'm merely going to ask you a few routine questions."

"I'm sure you are." Nicole came to an abrupt halt. "But my answers are going to be anything but routine."

A pucker formed between the investigator's brows. "Why do you say that?"

Crossing the room, Nicole tugged open the library door, peering into the hallway. Relief flowed through her as she saw Trenton posted on the opposite wall, standing guard as he'd promised. He gave her a nod of encouragement, and, smiling shakily, she retreated back inside, closing the door in her wake.

"The duke is protecting our privacy," she told Saxon. "As I'm sure you've been informed, there's a possibility that someone at Tyreham is untrustworthy. And it's imperative that no one overhears this conversation. Only the marquis and his family are privy to what I'm about to tell you."

Saxon lowered his portfolio. "With all due respect, I've been provided with full details of ..."

"No, you haven't." Nicole approached him, lowering herself to the leather settee. "Not because Lord Tyreham didn't trust you but because he was protecting me."

"You're Nick Aldridge's protege."

"I'm Nick Aldridge's daughter."

The portfolio struck Saxon's lap with a thud. "Pardon me?"

Quietly and without hesitation, Nicole filled in the pieces Saxon had been denied. "Lord Tyreham gave us a place to stay, an income, and his word that no one would know my ident.i.ty or Papa's whereabouts. But now that you're privy to both, I hope it will help."

"Well," Saxon said after a moment, "so much for my questions about whether or not you've heard from Aldridge. Obviously you have"-an ironic lift of his brows-"daily."

"Papa's offered to speak with you. At the cottage."

"Excellent. I'll do so first thing tomorrow."

"Please, sir." Nicole leaned forward. "Come before I leave for the stables at six. I won't let Papa answer the door, nor would it appear natural for you to be visiting Stoddard's father."

"I agree. However, given that you'll be traveling with Lord Tyreham to Epsom tomorrow, and given that I've been hired to act as Lord Tyreham's driver, it would be perfectly logical for me to visit Stoddard to make arrangements for the trip." Saxon rose, closing his portfolio with a flourish. "I'll be there at half after five."

"Thank you." Nicole rubbed her palms against her breeches. "There's one thing more."


"I haven't discussed this with the marquis yet, but I intend to." She met Saxon's gaze. "I could be completely wrong, but I'd rather be wrong than negligent. As of this week, a new trainer has begun working at Tyreham's stables."


"Yes, Raggert. He comes highly recommended and with a wealth of experience."

"But ...?" Saxon urged gently.

"But, frankly, I don't trust him. He hovers about me every moment he can, asking personal questions about my background, my a.s.sociation with Nick Aldridge, my training. He spends far less time with the horses than he does with me."

"You'd like me to keep an eye on him?"

"I'd like you to prove me wrong. But, given the fact that there might be an informant right here at Tyreham, I don't think we can afford to overlook anything-or anyone."

"Consider it done. And Miss Aldridge-pardon me, Mr. Stoddard," Saxon corrected himself purposefully. "It goes without saying that this entire conversation will remain confidential. Moreover, while I realize that your decision to tell me the truth wasn't an easy one to make, rest a.s.sured, you did the right thing. Your candor will enable me to keep all the residents of Tyreham safe and a.s.sist me in solving these crimes and restoring order to the turf."

"I'm counting on that, sir."

Dustin's bedchamber door opened on the heels of Nicole's first knock.

"Are you all right?" she demanded.

"At last." He drew her in, shutting and bolting the door behind her. "I've asked that we not be disturbed."

"What?" Nicole's baffled gaze moved from Dustin's face to his silk dressing robe. The deep vee at his chest revealed the bandage across his ribs was still in place, but much of the swelling on his face had receded, and his motions were far less stiff than earlier that day. "Poole said you were too weak to come down, that you'd requested I visit you in your chambers."

"I did."

Nicole's brows rose as he drew her against him, his palms smoothing over her shoulders and back. "You don't seem terribly weak to me. In fact, you seem much stronger than before."

"I am." His smile made her bones melt. "I fabricated the part about being weak. I wanted you up here." He bent, his lips brus.h.i.+ng the side of her neck.

A quiver of pleasure ran through her. "Don't you want to hear about my conversation with Saxon?" she murmured. "Aren't you going to tell me what he found out from following Archer and Parrish?"

"Later." Dustin hooked an insistent forefinger beneath her chin. "Kiss me."

"Dustin ..."

"Kiss me." He covered her lips with his, wincing a bit as his bruised mouth protested the pressure.

"You're going to aggravate your injuries." Tenderly, she stroked his jaw, eased away. "We should talk."

"You're right, we should, but not about Saxon." With that, Dustin scooped her up-ignoring the twinges of pain that resulted-and made his way across the room. Reaching the cus.h.i.+oned armchair, he seated himself, Nicole settled comfortably on his lap. "There."

She blinked. "There ... what?"

"There-you're not budging and we're not digressing until we've had our discussion. And I don't mean about the crimes of the turf."

Nicole leaned back, regarding him from beneath the brim of her cap. "You really mean that."

"I really mean that. It's time we talked about us-about our future. We've waited too long already." Dustin angled her face to his, his midnight eyes dark with emotion. "Nicole, when you left me this afternoon and that brandy took effect, I slipped into a kind of half slumber. Do you know what I dreamed?"

Mutely, she shook her head.

"I dreamed you were carrying my child."

"Oh G.o.d." Nicole began to tremble. "I hadn't even considered ..." She swallowed. "I was so preoccupied with my own feelings, I never even pondered the fact that I might be ..."

"Does the possibility upset you?"

Two tears slid down her cheeks. "No," she whispered with aching candor. "It doesn't."

He kissed the tracks of her tears. "Shall I tell you how it makes me feel? Ecstatic. Elated. Awed and humbled all at once." His lips sought hers, brus.h.i.+ng once, twice, feathering over her cheeks and nose, returning to her mouth in a whisper of a caress. "Tell me, darling," he breathed into her parted lips, "what events can I change, wrongs can I right, inequities can I balance? Tell me and I'll make them happen."

Forever, Nicole wanted to shout. I want forever-and all that goes with it.

Slowly, she drew back, determined to follow through as she'd intended. Nothing had changed, other than the wonderful new awareness that she might be carrying Dustin's child. And that awareness should only serve to strengthen her resolve. She belonged with Dustin-on whatever terms he would have her.

Her fingers clenched tightly in her lap. "Before I tell you my dreams, before you enumerate all the dragons you're willing to slay for me, there's something you should know, something that might make your sacrifices a little less drastic, your decisions a bit easier."

One dark brow rose. "Go on."

"Do you remember my saying I'd never be your mistress? That I'd never accept such a role, cherished or otherwise?"

"I remember."

"Well, I've changed my mind." She gazed up at him, her emotions bared for him to see. "Pride, ideals, even wishes vanish in the wake of feelings such as these. The simple truth is, I love you. I don't want to live without you. So I'll take my chances, be anything you want me to be, and pray that your love for me will endure."

Something profound flashed in Dustin's eyes. "Thank you, Derby. That's the most beautiful gift I've ever been given. Unfortunately, it's not enough."

She blinked.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," he continued, his voice hoa.r.s.e with emotion. "But I won't settle for some. I want it all-marriage, children, grandchildren-and I want it with you. I want to put my ring on your finger and shout to the heavens that you're mine. I want to take you to bed and pour my soul into yours, hoping each time that our child is being conceived, a child born of the miraculous love his parents have for each other. I want to live with you, laugh with you, grow old with you. I want to awaken each morning with you beside me and go to sleep each night with you in my arms. No, Nicole-" Dustin shook his head definitively. "I won't settle for having you as my mistress. I want you for my wife. Marry me."

Nicole drew a shuddering breath. "Marriage is forever, Dustin."

"So are we."

"Forever is a long time."

"Not nearly as long as waiting for it."

A choked sound escaped Nicole's lips. "I won't share you," she whispered shakily.

"I don't want to be shared. I don't want other women. I want only you. It's been that way from the moment we met. It will be that way for the duration of time."

"What if I'm unable to make the transition from stables to manor? I know you insist t.i.tles mean nothing to you, and I believe that they don't. But, dear G.o.d, Dustin-a marchioness. I'm totally unprepared ..."

"Fine. I'll renounce my t.i.tle."

"You'll what?"

"Renounce my t.i.tle. Relinquish it. Give it up. Although, in my opinion, you'd make the most spectacular of marchionesses. Still, if it causes you distress, consider it done."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. Her Majesty, of all people, will understand. She loved the prince consort with all her heart." Dustin gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "So much for my t.i.tle and my way of life. What other supposedly insurmountable obstacles are troubling you? Ah, the parties. I'll decline them all. The ton? I'll snub them. I'll even burn all my money if it will make you feel better. We can buy a farm, raise horses, live without servants or visitors. You can wear breeches every day, sleep naked in my arms each night ..."

"Stop." Nicole pressed her fingers to his lips, too shaken to speak. She'd known he loved her, but never in her wildest imaginings had she fathomed the depth of that love, the enormity of what he'd be willing to sacrifice. G.o.d, she had to be the luckiest woman alive.

Abruptly, all her apprehension vanished.

"I don't want any of those things," she whispered, willing him to see beyond the words, to feel the wealth of emotion that sp.a.w.ned them. "I just want you-as you are."

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