Wishes In The Wind Part 31

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Nicole watched Trenton stiffen with shock, and he s.h.i.+fted Alexander's weight, staring at her as if she were a ghost. "Stoddard is ...?" He blanched, as the next reality struck. "Nicole Aldridge?"

"Yes, Your Grace." Purposely, Nicole abandoned Stoddard's voice in lieu of her own. "I'm Nick Aldridge's daughter."

"Of course," Ariana breathed, nodding. "Now it all makes sense. No wonder Dustin is so fiercely committed to resolving these crimes." Warmly, she added, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nicole. I hope you know your secret is safe with us."

"I've been a b.l.o.o.d.y fool." Trenton moved closer, studying Nicole's face at close range. "But it never occurred to me ...

"It wasn't supposed to," Nicole replied with an impish grin. "I worked long and hard perfecting Stoddard's boylike mannerisms. Remember, I had to convince everyone-even Poole."

"Which you did," Dustin commended. He brought her palm to his lips, making no attempt to hide his feelings. "Everyone but me, of course."

"Had you and Dustin met prior to the onset of this masquerade?" Ariana asked Nicole.

"Once." Nicole replied. With a deep breath, she recounted the entire story, from their meeting at the Thames, to the threats on her father's life, to her answering Dustin's personal as Nick Aldridge's protege.

"Nicole is every bit as good as Aldridge's letter claimed," Dustin put in proudly. "You should see her ride."

"So Ariana's told me," Trenton responded.

"When I applied for the position, I had no idea that the gentleman I'd met and the notorious marquis of Tyreham were one and the same," Nicole confessed. "If I had, I would have dismissed this whole deception as an impossibility."

"Then I'm glad you didn't realize the truth," Ariana declared.

"Nicole, where is your father?" Trenton demanded.

A heartbeat of a pause. Then, "He's staying at Tyreham. With me."

Trenton's jaw tightened. "Does anyone know this?"

"Other than those in this room and our friend Sully, no."


"Sullivan," Dustin supplied. "He's the jockey I told you about. The one Archer and Parrish thrashed in an attempt to find out where Aldridge was."

"He told them nothing," Nicole inserted loyally.

"Parrish?" Trenton swooped down on the name. "I thought all we had was the name Archer."

"Until this morning, that was true. But Nicole and I both heard Archer call his cohort Parrish. So we now have his name as well."

"How did Nicole happen upon you during your beating?" Trenton asked. "You'll forgive me, but I'm beginning to doubt it was mere coincidence."

"It wasn't," Nicole answered honestly. "It was a combination of tangible misgivings and emotional instinct. You see, I was the last one to see Dustin before he was attacked. He came to my cottage before dawn to tell Papa and me about the telegram you'd received and to ask our permission to reveal the entire truth to you. We agreed. As he was leaving, he said he'd meet me at the stables at six. I a.s.sume he intended to use the intervening time to speak with you. When he didn't arrive, I knew something was wrong. Gut instinct compelled me to ride Blanket through the woods toward the cottage. That's when I heard those men. I made as much noise as I could to scare them off. It worked."

Trenton cleared his throat. "Forgive my abruptness, Nicole. I don't mean to interrogate you. It's just that ..." He glanced at the wriggling child in his arms.

"You needn't explain, Your Grace. I fully understand. That is why I agreed to divulge the truth to you about my ident.i.ty and Papa's. We'll do anything we must to keep your son safe."

An unsteady nod. "Thank you." Trenton's glance s.h.i.+fted to his brother. "So all we're really sure of are the names Archer and Parrish, and the fact that they have a scarred a.s.sociate. We won't know another thing until Saxon returns."

"Wait." Nicole's grip on Dustin's hand tightened. "A thought just occurred to me. Dustin, do you recall what Parrish said to you before he staggered off? During those last few punches?"

Dustin frowned in concentration. "Something about one punch being for his head and one for Archer's guts."

"Yes. And the final one, he said, was to remind you to stay out of things that don't concern you. He warned you that if you wanted to save yourself and Alexander, you'd better *cut out the late-night talks with your brother.'" Nicole inclined her head in Dustin's direction. "Now how would he know you and the duke had a late-night talk?"

A heartbeat of silence.

"How indeed," Dustin repeated at last. "Unless someone told him."

"Someone who was inside the manor at the time of our talk." Trenton scowled. "Not only inside the manor but right outside the study. How else could he have eavesdropped on our discussion? Dustin, you and I were behind closed doors. Our voices were low. h.e.l.l, the window wasn't even ajar."

"And no one gets by Poole." Dustin's hands balled into fists. "So whoever this informant is could very possibly be a resident of Tyreham." He shot up-and groaned in pain.

"Where the h.e.l.l do you think you're going?" Trenton demanded. "You're hardly in shape to stagger downstairs and interrogate the staff-unless you want to swoon at their feet."

"Dustin," Nicole said softly. "Determining who eavesdropped on your conversation is a delicate matter. You need to mull over the possible suspects, then narrow down that list. Next, you must devise the most effective course of action to take, so as not to alert the culprit or upset your staff. I know how badly you want to resolve things and how impatient you are to do so. I'm equally as impatient. But you've been confined to bed for the day. Since your tactics require planning anyway, and since you'll do a far better job of effecting those plans once you're healed, why not use today to think and tomorrow to act? Also, remember that by then you'll have another crucial piece of the puzzle, Saxon's report." Nicole gave the man she loved a tender smile. "Wait a day. Then you'll work your magic."

With a sigh, Dustin sank back against the pillows. "All right, Derby. One day."

"No wonder you called her your miracle," Trenton observed dryly. "I've been your b.l.o.o.d.y brother for two and thirty years and haven't once been able to placate you like that." He shot Nicole an admiring look. "What's your secret?"

"I'm in love with him," Nicole returned softly.

Trenton's expression softened. "So I see."

A tiny spark lit her eyes. "Then perhaps you'll turn away that stream of women when they arrive to minister Dustin's wounds."

Ariana laughed aloud. "If Trenton doesn't, I will."

"Also, Your Grace," Nicole continued, straight-faced, "I hope you won't hold it against me that I'm terribly inept at removing boots. Men's boots, that is."

While Nicole's first quip had only succeeded in making Trenton look sheepish, her second one caused his mouth to drop open. "Lord," he muttered, realizing the significance of his earlier actions. "Not only the boots, but the breeches." He actually flushed. "I apologize. I had no idea ..." He leveled an accusing stare at his brother. "Why didn't you say something?"

"I did ..." Dustin grinned. "... eventually. Until then, I was having too much fun watching Nicole squirm."

"What shocking incident did I evidently miss?" Ariana demanded.

"Nothing much, misty angel." Trenton continued to glower at his brother. "Only the fact that I ordered Stoddard to strip Dustin so I could cleanse his wounds, which poor Nicole began to do."

"Dustin"-Ariana's shoulders were shaking-"that's unconscionable, even for you."

"Yes." An unrepentant chuckle. "It is, isn't it?"

"Nicole," Trenton declared, catching Alexander's flailing fist. "You have my permission to trounce my brother at Epsom. I hope you beat him by twelve lengths, not six."

Her eyes twinkled. "I'll certainly try, Your Grace."

"Trenton," he corrected.


"You've acquired a welcome ally, Nicole," Ariana said warmly. She met Nicole's gaze. "Actually, two."

"Thank you, Your Grace," Nicole murmured. "And please forgive me for the danger I've put your family in. I'll do everything I can to eliminate it."

"My name is Ariana. And you're as much a victim as we are. We'll resolve this situation together. After which"-her whole face lit up-"I antic.i.p.ate a most festive future."

It was nearly noon when Saxon returned to Tyreham. He was immediately shown to the marquis's chambers.

"At last. Come in." Dustin rose stiffly from the armchair in which he'd been sitting.

"Are you in pain, my lord?" Saxon inquired with a furrowed brow. "My uncle apprised me that your wounds were, thankfully, not as bad as they could have been."

"I'm sore. I'm also losing my mind-with boredom and worry. Now tell me what you found."

A competent nod. "I found your a.s.sailants without too much trouble, thanks to Stoddard's directions. As we suspected, they made their way to the main road, where their horses awaited. To your credit, sir, it took them long minutes to mount, given the injuries you inflicted. I followed at a discreet pace for one and one-half hours, at which point they stopped."


"At a run-down stable just outside London. It was dingy and dark, and once they'd entered the stable, I could make out only their forms. I could, however, hear their words. They entered, met with a third man who was clearly their superior, judging by his denigrating manner. The conversation was brief. They announced the job was done. He threw some pound notes at them, courtesy of their employer who, he said, was feeling generous but who would not pay another cent until they found Nick Aldridge. He then tossed them out. They limped to their mounts and bid a hasty retreat." Saxon opened a thin portfolio. "At that point, I could have rushed right back to Tyreham, but it stood to reason that I should stay long enough to catch a glimpse of this third colleague."

"Did you?"

"Yes. When he emerged into the light, alone and unaware that I was present and crouched behind his newly arrived bales of hay, I got a thorough look at him." With a quick glance at his scribbled notes, Saxon elaborated. "He was approximately five feet ten, of average build, unkempt and unshaven, his hair a light, filthy brown. His eyes were pale blue, icy and penetrating. Most significant of all, he had a ma.s.sive scar on his left forearm. Quite hideous looking, as your one-time jockey described." Saxon lifted his head. "The lad who delivered his hay referred to him as *Coop.'"

"Coop." Dustin jumped on the information. "At last we have a name. You said his stable is on the outskirts of London?"

"The East End, to be exact, sir."

"Dammit." Dustin began to pace, then winced and stopped. "I want this Coop watched. I want to find out who visits him, how long they stay, and what they talk about. What I want is his b.l.o.o.d.y employer. He's the one with the influence necessary to back a scheme as costly as the one we're contending with."

"I quite agree. The sophistication of this operation, not to mention how long it's been in effect, leads me to believe that this Coop's employer is a man of some intelligence and power. In order to put an end to his conspiracy, we must put an end to him-in the figurative sense."

"Right now our only link to this anonymous b.a.s.t.a.r.d is Coop."

"True. So we must lie in wait for him to show up at Coop's stable."

"But who do I send to survey the stable?" Dustin wondered aloud. "Who do I trust? Moreover, who'll do the job right besides you? d.a.m.n." Dustin made another attempt to pace, this time disregarding the resulting pain. "I promised Trent you'd watch over Alexander. I also want you to keep an eye on Stoddard. I'm more worried than ever about him. With those lowlifes hunting so hard for Aldridge, they're bound to learn Stoddard is his protege. After which, the lad's life will be endangered as well." A grim pause. "Especially now."

"Now, sir?"

"Yes. That's what I meant when I said *Who do I trust?'" Dustin inhaled sharply, turning his head towards Saxon. "During those final seconds when Parrish was punching me, he warned me to stay out of things that don't concern me, more specifically, to discontinue my late-night talks with my brother."

"Did he?" Saxon's brows rose. "Given my uncle's vigilance at the manor's entranceway, and the fine sentry duty performed by the guards at your front gates, Parrish's comment makes me wonder if Coop might very well have a pair of ears stashed right here at Tyreham."

"Exactly. And I need you to discover the owner of that pair of ears, as well as look out for Stoddard and Alexander." Dustin scowled. "Which brings us back to the problem of scrutinizing Coop's stable."

"The problem's been resolved, sir. Effecting its solution was the other cause for my delayed return to Tyreham." Saxon cleared his throat. "After pondering the exact line of reasoning you just expounded upon-other than the final item, which I had yet to learn-I knew it was infeasible for me to be away from your estate. So I took the liberty of summoning a longtime a.s.sociate, William Blaker, who began with me at Mr. Hackberth's investigative agency, and who now has a small agency of his own. Blaker is both thorough and trustworthy. We often a.s.sist each other when a situation requires more than a single investigator. Still, as I had yet to obtain your approval, I refrained from divulging the details of the case. He knows only what he's to do, that is, to observe Coop's stable, keep track of all comings and goings, as well as every caller and the details of his visit. All other specifics-why this needs to be done and for whom- remain undisclosed. Blaker is already posted outside the stable, and intends to remain there until I advise him otherwise. I hope that meets with your satisfaction, my lord."

"Saxon," Dustin replied, a glint in his eye, "remind me to increase your wages. I don't think I'm paying you enough."

The investigator's lips twitched. "I'll remember to do that, sir." His smile faded. "I'd like your permission to take the next logical step, one I'd intended to take when we returned from Newmarket, had this commotion not ensued."

"What step?"

"I'd like to question Stoddard."

Trenton's knock was firm.

He waited the full minute Dustin had advised him, then knocked again, this time murmuring, "It's Broddington. I need to speak with you."

Another prolonged silence, not a rustle of movement from within the cottage.

"Stoddard, open the door," Trenton added quietly. "Lord Tyreham sent me. I must talk to you."

The lock turned, and the door inched open, violet eyes a.s.sessing that it was, indeed, Dustin's brother.

"Come in." She opened the door enough for him to slip through, then shut it tightly in his wake.

"Nicole"-Trenton turned to face her-"I realize you weren't expecting me, but ..." His voice trailed off, and he blinked in astonishment as he encountered Nicole Aldridge, her dark hair flowing loose about her shoulders, her fine features un.o.bstructed by a jockey's cap. "d.a.m.n," he muttered.

A tiny smile played about her lips. "Does that mean my disguise is effective?"

"It means I must have been b.l.o.o.d.y blind."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. There's quite a bit of Stoddard in me." She indicated her s.h.i.+rt and breeches.

"Yes, but ..." Trenton shook his head in amazement. "No wonder Ariana is still laughing over the expression on my face when Dustin announced who you were. I don't blame her. Until now, I'd always considered myself to be a perceptive man."

"Perception isn't the issue here," Nicole observed softly. "Even if I'd been dressed as myself, your awareness of me would have been casual, at best. In truth, the only woman you really see is your wife. Which is how it should be."

Trenton studied her intently-not her appearance but something more. "Ariana is right. I can see why Dustin feels about you as he does. When this nightmare is behind us, I hope you'll give us a chance to get to know you better."

"I'd be delighted, Your Gr-Trenton," she corrected herself. "At which time I promise to let Alexander tear my cap from my head."

He chuckled. "That will give my son a great deal of satisfaction. He never did manage to yank off Dustin's mustache, despite eight months of trying. My poor brother ultimately gave in and shaved it off, right before he met you."

"You're being here ... Dustin's all right, isn't he?"

An emphatic nod. "He's fine. Stubborn as h.e.l.l, but fine. He made three unsuccessful attempts to descend the stairs and traverse the hallway, with the intentions of crossing the grounds and coming here, before he finally agreed to let me stand in for him."

Nicole blinked. "Stand in for him?"

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