Dare To Love: Dare To Surrender Part 3

Dare To Love: Dare To Surrender -

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I blinked, wondering when my world had gone mad. "I was asleep. That's private! It's first thing in the morning. Why would I want you to see me this early?" I realized I was shrieking and forced air into my lungs, calming myself down. Hysterical shrew didn't become me. "Look, if I'm going to stay here, I want a lock on that door." There. I'd managed to regain control of my voice.

He grinned. "There is one. But now that you've reminded me, I'll have it removed." He folded the paper and set it down on the table beside him.

"This arrangement isn't going to work out." I mistakenly s.h.i.+fted, sitting up higher in the bed, revealing the tank top that barely covered my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pulled too tight where it did.

"Calm down," he said, still clearly amused. "We need to talk."

"And it couldn't wait until I was decent?" My voice rose again. Modulate, I muttered under my breath.

"No. It's something that needs to happen now, and I want you here when I teach Daltry a much-needed lesson."

I gulped in air. "Why in G.o.d's name would you do that?"

"Any man who lets a woman leave his home in the dead of night with nothing but the clothes on her back, a small stack of bills, and no cell phone deserves it." He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow my way, that possessiveness there in his blue-black gaze. "That he did it to you merely compounds his error."

I bolted upright in bed, forgetting all about modesty and coverage. "You really need to explain this." I gestured back and forth between us, ending with a clean sweep around his sister's bedroom. "You don't know me well enough to care that much about what Lance did. You can't expect me to believe you'd have taken in just any ... stray," I said, pulling his brother's word out for good use. "But you took me into your home. Isn't that enough without teaching Lance a lesson?" I asked in disbelief.

His gaze darkened into an unreadable hue. "Not even close. And we can talk about the whys another time. Now tell me. Did you contribute to the relations.h.i.+p?" he asked.

I nodded.

"You obviously don't have a bank account, so was yours joint?"

I glanced over at Central Park behind the gauzy curtains, unable to face him while I, again, managed a nod.

"And you're not the type to sit around and eat bonbons while your man works his fingers to the bone to provide for you."

I swallowed hard. "I used to work. But later in the relations.h.i.+p ... I think I was brainwashed," I muttered, embarra.s.sed.

He burst out laughing. "Considering the you I've known for less than twenty-four hours, I'd have to agree with you. What brought you out of the fog and into the light?"

I set my jaw. "I don't want to talk about that right now."

He studied me through narrowed eyes. "Eventually you will," he stated.

I blinked. "What kind of lesson?" I asked, changing the subject. "I mean, no blood or broken bones, right?"

He grinned. "No, I like my bones intact."

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."

"I'll be utterly civilized. I can't promise Garrett will behave the same way, but he'll only act if provoked. Ex-Navy SEAL and all that."

"Who is Garrett?" I asked.

"Our bodyguard."

There it was again. That possessiveness in his words and tone. Just like my room, our bodyguard presumed we were in a relations.h.i.+p of some kind. We barely knew one another. What I did know was that he unequivocally turned me on in a way no man ever had. He also made me feel safe, wanted, and cared for.

But I was starting over, I reminded myself, and that included being smarter. What that entailed, I hadn't yet decided.

"All done with the questions?" he asked.

I managed to nod.

He hit one b.u.t.ton. "Daltry? Gabriel Dare."

I ran my tongue over my dry lips. "You have him on autodial?" I asked loudly, then snapped my mouth shut as Gabe continued, his eyes on me as he spoke to Lance.

"I'm not so hot, and I'm not your buddy. Not anymore. Just giving you a heads-up. I'm cancelling all my accounts with you effective immediately. Just to be clear, do not make any more trades in my name. All my stocks and finances will be transferred by end of business today."

My eyes opened wide. I'd had no idea Lance managed Gabe's financial accounts. Then again, Lance was with the best-known firm in Manhattan, and Gabe clearly did business with only the best. Their relations.h.i.+p had just ended ... because of me.

The blood drained from my head, and I sank deeper into the bed, lowering myself against the mattress that had given me such a good night's sleep. Now it supported me when I started to shake.

Gabe walked over and placed a firm hand on my shoulder. His touch burned my skin, rea.s.suring me as well as confusing me.

"Not that I owe you an answer," Gabe said into the phone, still speaking to Lance. "But if you want an explanation, I'm happy to provide one. Because you're a f.u.c.king p.r.i.c.k who doesn't know how to treat a lady, that's why."

Gabe was defending me. Surprise, grat.i.tude, and a host of unfamiliar emotions washed over me. My own parents hadn't defended me throughout my teenage years. Lance sure as h.e.l.l had never truly supported me in any way. Yet Gabe was pulling what had to be million-dollar accounts from Lance's firm. Because of me.

I didn't know what to do with this. I didn't want to owe him, and yet grat.i.tude flowed through my veins like freshly tapped maple syrup. Yeah, I remembered that day in elementary school. Useless information, I reminded myself and focused instead on the strength of Gabe's hand on my shoulder.

I started breathing again, picking up on Gabe's words mid-conversation. "I'm not answering any more of your d.a.m.ned questions about Izzy, and I don't expect she'll want to hear from you again."

I had never been called that before. I liked it.

Whatever Lance said, Gabe smirked and said, "I want her things delivered to my office immediately. Any money she came into your relations.h.i.+p with, I expect a check for that amount on my desk by the end of the week. And tack on interest."

Now I could still hear Lance shouting into the phone as Gabe disconnected the call and tossed the phone onto the bed.

"You okay?" he asked me.

I nodded. Then I did the dumbest thing I could do considering all the changes I'd promised myself I'd make in my life. I jumped up, flung my arms around his neck, and kissed him. Full on the lips. His masculine scent overwhelmed me, causing a fluttering deep in my belly and a quickening between my thighs. But his firm lips didn't move.

He didn't respond.

Didn't melt like I was melting.

Disappointment filled me, followed quickly by humiliation I was only too familiar with. How many times had I tried to seduce Lance, only to have him pull my arms off him so he could roll over, claiming exhaustion?

I'd overreacted, mistaking help for something more, and since I didn't need or want that something at this point in my life, I sh.o.r.ed up my defenses and pulled away.

"Well. Now that I've properly thanked you, we can move on." I fought the blush I knew had formed on my cheeks.

"You're welcome," he said but didn't release me. He merely held on more tightly, his fingers digging into my wrists, pulling at my shoulders, all of which had the unfortunate effect of turning me on even more.

We stared into each other's eyes, and my breathing grew shallow. Oh h.e.l.l, I was nearly panting with need, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s straining against the already-tight tank. I didn't understand this side effect of rejection.

But if he was rejecting me, why hadn't he let me go? "I don't understand." I could have been talking about his actions or mine.

"You will, Iz. In time."

I s.h.i.+vered at his shortening of my name. "How much time?"

A seductive smile tipped his lips, making it seem like he was far from disinterested. "I want to f.u.c.k you, kitten, but when I do, it won't be about grat.i.tude. And it will be on my terms."


Lance never used the word f.u.c.k in bed, and if he had, it wouldn't have had me nearly coming from the sound alone.

My lips parted, and he swooped in, sliding his mouth over mine, all too briefly but enough for a taste.

A tease.

He yanked back harder on my wrists, and at the same time, he nipped at my lips. It stung there, while between my legs, a fullness the likes of which I'd never experienced before began to throb. Slick moisture dampened my underwear. Swaying forward, I moaned into his mouth.

At which point he released me. Only his strong arm around my waist prevented me from falling. My head spun from his seductive scent, his arousing kiss, the firm tone of his voice. Confusion and more warred inside me.

Gabe stepped back, apparently having none of the same problems. "I need to take care of some things at work. When I get back, we'll talk about your plans."

Plans. I blinked. That's right. I had plans. It was a good thing he was going to the office. Distance would do me some good and remind me I didn't need a man to make my life complete.

Nor did I need him to make me come. Something I planned to do as soon as Gabe left for the office.

Isabelle: The Secret Room After I'd showered and taken care of ... things, I headed into the kitchen to find Gabe had left me a note. "Iz"-there was that shortened name again, and I couldn't suppress a smile-"went to the office. Make yourself at home. And be good while I'm gone."

I didn't know how to be anything else.

I poured coffee from a pot Gabe had left for me, from a coffee maker built into the backsplash in the kitchen, and turned on the TV. The morning news droned around me as I toasted a bagel, slathered it with cream cheese, and settled in to eat. And to think.

At the moment, I was ... for lack of a better word, stuck. At least with my money and clothes arriving, thanks to Gabe's demand, I'd feel more like myself, more in control of myself and my life. Then I could set about pondering what I wanted to do with my life.

The last time I'd been on my own and at a crossroads, I'd set out for New York City, to Parsons School of Design on a scholars.h.i.+p. It had led to an interns.h.i.+p and, ultimately, a job after graduation at Lisa Stern Designs, a one-woman design firm that catered to various types of clientele, from home renovations to the occasional country club overhaul. I'd been hungry to learn, to work, but I'd also yearned for love and a relations.h.i.+p where I contributed and was a valued, equal partner.

That had been my one weakness, one Lance had homed in on. Before I knew it, I'd swapped a smart set of dreams for less practical ones he'd destroyed. And though I should be over that need, the yearning for family and the need to belong still lived inside me. However, I needed to be intelligent, and this time, I would be.

I sipped my coffee and sighed in pleasure at the perfect-tasting brew just as Gabe's home phone rang. One ring, and an answering machine picked up. Next thing I heard was an older woman's voice over the phone line.

"Good morning, Mr. Dare, this is Amelia. I won't be able to make it in to clean today, after all. I have a family emergency, but in all likelihood, I can get there tomorrow. I hope this doesn't cause you too much of an inconvenience. I'll have the spare room taken care of first thing in the morning. Only call me back if the timing doesn't work for you."

Cleaning. I wrinkled my nose. The apartment itself was pristine, as if it had been professionally sanitized just yesterday, so I couldn't imagine Gabe being upset his cleaning woman had cancelled. Then again, if he needed that spare room taken care of today, that was something I could do. Making myself useful around here would feel good, since I was already worried about taking advantage.

A quick search in the cabinets and pantry turned up cleaning supplies, but before I lugged everything into the spare room, the door to which had been closed yesterday, I figured I'd peek and see just what it needed.

I walked down the hallway, turned the k.n.o.b, and let myself in. The bed was unmade, the sheets rumpled, pillows dented and haphazardly strewn around. Who had slept in here? I stepped farther into the room, noting the furnis.h.i.+ng was starker than Lucy's room, less warm and welcoming, the only furniture a king-sized four-poster bed, nightstands, and an armoire. No television. No clock or iPod holder. No pictures on the walls. I eased past the bed, which boasted black satin sheets and comforter, taking it all in.

I inhaled, and Gabe's cologne surrounded me. I looked into the bathroom, finding it, too, needed cleaning. There were towels on the floor, a toothbrush and open toothpaste on the vanity.

A glance down showed me everything I needed to know and wished I hadn't seen. Plastic condom wrappers in the garbage can.

My stomach heaved, and my heart stupidly squeezed in my chest. I didn't know how long I stood there staring, trying to make sense of this man I didn't know.

He'd made sure to keep me out of this room, and now I knew why. He'd had s.e.x in this room. Recently. The evidence forced me to confront the ugly truth. No sooner had he rescued me from the police station than he'd decided to let Naomi go.

I'd known, of course, but I'd been too thrown by the events of the night to process the cold, methodical reality. He'd had no problem dumping the woman he'd currently been involved with, the decision made in an instant. What did it say about his heart, or lack of one?

Having been on the receiving end of being cheated on, I didn't like knowing Gabe was essentially capable of the same thing. Or, if not cheating, so easily walking away from a relations.h.i.+p he was in.

I eased out of the room and headed for the other side of the apartment and paused in front of the master bedroom where Gabe slept. Yet he obviously f.u.c.ked in the other room clear across the way. That was brutal.

I want to f.u.c.k you, kitten. But when I do, it won't be about grat.i.tude. And it will be on my terms. I s.h.i.+vered, my knees nearly buckling at the memory of his seductive voice, the scent of his masculine, woodsy cologne, and his touch that ripped every one of my defenses to shreds. How easily I'd nearly succ.u.mbed.

Thank G.o.d that room had brought me back to reality, I thought, as panic set in. I needed air. Needed to breathe and think, clear of this apartment, where everything reminded me of the Gabe he'd shown me so far. How long before I saw the other side? The way I'd finally seen Lance's other side?

I patted my pockets, making sure I had my money on me before hitting Lucy's room to grab my flip-flops, slide them onto my feet, and make my way out the door. As it slammed shut behind me, I realized I was now locked out of the apartment. I had no key to get back in until Gabe returned.

But did I want to go back? To the Gabe who I'd just learned was capable of cutting off his feelings so easily? Because for all that I told myself I didn't want another relations.h.i.+p, I knew better than to think I could stay here and eventually not surrender to Gabriel Dare.

Chapter Five.

Isabelle: Lost in Time I spent the day at the public library. Between the Internet and access to the New York Times, I began a job search. Although it had been awhile since I'd been employed, I did have a degree from Parsons and a previous employer who'd appreciated my work.

Although I'd definitely call Lisa, my old boss, on Monday, for now, the best I could do was make a list of impressive interior designers. I culled names I'd seen in magazines or had met through people in Lance's crowd, moving on to magazines and listings there. Finally, there was nothing more I could do until the workweek began.

I bought hotdogs from a street vendor for lunch, picked up a paperback at a nearby bookstore, and settled under a tree to read. Yeah, I know I was supposed to take some time and think, but I didn't like the way my thoughts were leading me, the yearning to go back to Gabe. How could I be so drawn to a man I didn't know? And why, oh why did I want to learn more? Getting lost in a book made more sense than racking my brain for answers I just didn't have.

By four p.m., my stomach was grumbling, I was tired and cranky, and after a day with a book, I'd come to the realization that there was no shame in not having figured out my life's plan after a mere twenty-four hours. It's not like I knew ahead of time I would be leaving my home for the unknown. At least now I was in a better position than if I'd woken up at a cheap motel with even less money in my pocket. And I decided I was through running away from my problems. Which meant I'd better head back and deal with the man who was causing the hodgepodge of feelings swirling in my gut.

I walked back to the sprawling apartment building and stopped by the doorman, who was not the same man who'd been on duty last night.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Is Mr. Dare in?"

"You must be Ms. Masters. He's been calling down every few minutes asking if you'd returned yet."

My eyes opened wide. It never dawned on me that Gabe would be concerned. It should have, but I was too thrown by ... well, everything. I bit down on my lip. "Please call up and tell him I'm on my way?"

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