Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate Part 14

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"What are you doing?"

She sighed and opened her eyes. "I can't s.h.i.+ft. I just tried."

"Do you know how?"

"My mom asked my dad how he did it. She told me to imagine changing, to picture a large cat, and it would happen the way it did for him. It never worked though."

"Honey, if you could s.h.i.+ft, you would have when you were terrified. Just because you're displaying some traits doesn't mean you can transform. The fact that you're only a quarter s.h.i.+fter pretty much guarantees you won't be able to."

"Oh." She wasn't sure if she should feel disappointed or not.

"It doesn't matter, and h.e.l.l, I'm kind of happy you can't. If you had claws and s.h.i.+fted into a cat when you jumped on me the way you do..." he chuckled. "You'd probably tear me up every time a werewolf gets close enough to trigger your fear."

"I'm not afraid of you."

He suddenly rolled them over to pin her under him. "Your scent is driving me crazy." He scooted down a little and dipped his head to open his mouth over her breast.

Shannon arched her back to lift the tip more firmly against his face. When he started to suckle, she moaned. Her stomach fluttered and she knew moisture instantly dampened her thighs, which she tried to spread apart to make room for his hips.

"Please don't tease. I ache."

He released her nipple with a drag of his teeth. "You're so responsive."

"I'm dying for you."

He threw a hand toward the edge of the bed and searched for one of the condoms that had been dumped there during the night but he cursed instead and looked away from her. "Where are the rubbers?"

"I think we knocked them off the bed before we pa.s.sed out after that last round." He moved off her and peered over the edge of the sofa bed. "Found them!"

"Hurry up." Shannon rolled over and got on her hands and knees. "Take me this way. You have no idea how good it feels when you take me from behind."

"I know," his voice deepened as he retrieved a few packets and turned to face her. A snarl tore from his mouth at seeing her waiting for him. "I"

Someone pounded on the door. "Anton! Come quick! Your father has been hurt!" Anton dropped the condoms and leapt from the bed to rush for the door. Shannon grabbed at the tangled covers and had barely wrapped them around her when he threw the door open to reveal a tall man she'd never seen before. The stranger panted, out of breath, and looked as though he'd run some distance.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." The guy leaned against the doorframe heavily. "Your mother called, said you weren't answering your phone, and said you were needed. Your father has been seriously injured. They are at their house."

Anton spun around, fear etched on his face, and looked at Shannon. "I have to go. I'll be back."

"Of course." She nodded. "Go."

He just threw on clothes, didn't even bother to put on shoes, and ran out the door with the other man. It slammed behind him but she heard it beep, a.s.suring her he'd at least remembered to lock it. Her body ached for him, burned, and guilt ate at her for it. His father had been hurt and she still wanted to have s.e.x with Anton.

She took a few deep breaths and then decided a cold shower would help. Worry followed her into the bathroom. She prayed his father wouldn't die or that Anton wasn't in some kind of danger.

Something or someone had severely hurt his father. She didn't know much about werewolves or what threatened them. Whatever happened, whatever the outcome, she knew she'd be there for him when he returned.

Anton s.h.i.+fted in the parking lot with Paul. They both ran toward the woods half a block down the road to reach his parents' house faster. He wasn't in any condition to drive. Worry and fear drove him to push past his usual endurance. He ran for miles and finally spotted the house. The door stood wide open and he just rushed inside.

"He's downstairs," his mother yelled from the back of the house. "Something attacked him.

Hurry up. I think he's dying."

His wolf howled out in rage. Whoever had hurt his father would die. He nearly knocked his mother over when he raced through the hallway and skidded down the stairs. The smell of his father's blood filled his nose, leading him through the bas.e.m.e.nt apartment to one of the holding cells they kept there. He saw a bloodied figure curled into a ball on one of the cots. He wasn't thinking, just reacted, and rushed inside.

He s.h.i.+fted fast, panting, and reached for his father but the second his hand touched the blanket, another scent filled his head. Human and death. He tore the covering off to stare in shock at an elderly human. The guy's throat had been torn open and unseeing green eyes stared at the wall.

The metal cell door slammed closed behind him and Anton turned. His mother glared at him from the other side of the bars, backing up to remain out of his reach.

"You really thought I'd allow this to happen? That I'd let you to do this to me?" She bared her teeth at him. "You brought our enemy into our territory." Understanding dawned. "Let me out of here." He grabbed the cell door and shook it. Metal rattled but the lock held. They'd been reinforced to contain werewolves who needed to be caged.

"What have you done to Dad?"

"You mean the blood?" She gave him a cold smile. "I tore up his back during s.e.x and rolled him onto his back to let his blood seep into the blanket while I kept him occupied. I knew the scent of it would make you rush into the cell. You males are stupid, single minded, and always think with your noses or d.i.c.ks."

"You killed this human? Why?"

"I needed a body." She shrugged. "It's just some homeless guy. No one will miss him." Anton gaped at her. "It's against our laws."

"So is f.u.c.king the enemy," she yelled, rage distorting her features. "So is humiliating your parents and your entire pack. I raised you to be a leader. Instead you betray it all and for what? A little cat wh.o.r.e?"

"She's under my protection. If you harm Shannon, I'll kill you." Eve paled. "I'm your mother. Don't you ever threaten me again."

"She's mine."

"She's the enemy."

"Not to me." He rattled the door. "Let me out of here. Where is Dad?" She waved her hand. "He's in the woods waiting for me. He has no clue. Sometimes a mate has to do the tough things for her pack."

"If you harm Shannon," he snarled, "I will kill you. You'll stop being my mother and become my enemy."

"She's no longer your concern."

"I've marked her." His mind started to work around his fear for Shannon's safety and his rage at being tricked by his mother. "I'll go insane without her. You'll have to kill me. Are you willing to go that far? Your mate and other children will never forgive you."

"I've thought of that. You haven't hit full heat yet. I'm going to have you drugged." She shot a distasteful glance at the dead body dumped on the cot. "I am your mother. I wouldn't allow you to eat that when you start getting hungry. I plan to shoot you with sedatives and once you're unconscious, I'll return to take it away. I've hired an outside doctor from another pack to come in. We'll keep you in a coma state until the heat and he's going to hook up a feeding tube and fluids. I told him you marked a b.i.t.c.h who died, which is partially true. She won't be alive much longer. By the time you wake up she'll be out of your system."

"I swear to you that, if you harm Shannon, I'll kill you."

"I'm not going to lay a claw or fang on her." She chuckled. "I realized when your father said you'd threatened him that you'd feel obligated to kill whoever snuffed out that little rodent eater. I'm just having her removed from our territory. No werewolf will harm your precious p.u.s.s.ycat." Anton tried to break the lock on the door again, his muscles straining. "If anything happens to her I will hold you accountable, you vicious b.i.t.c.h."

"That hurts." She pouted. "Sometimes, as a mother, it's my job to do what is best for my children. I won't allow you to screw up your life or your position as future alpha of this pack. I've waited a long time to see my son take his rightful place and I've suffered a loveless mating that will end soon when your father has an accident."

Horror jolted Anton. "What?"

"I only mated Elroy to be the mother of a future alpha. He never loved me and he's so stupid he doesn't realize how much I've grown to hate him over the years. He's too soft. He allowed that half-breed b.a.s.t.a.r.d of his into our territory when he should have killed Grady the second his pathetic human mother dumped him on us. Even she knew trash should be thrown away. Elroy also allowed that b.a.s.t.a.r.d to mate a human. It's not right and my mate doesn't bother to take my counsel on what I want or how it made me feel knowing he would never kill that b.a.s.t.a.r.d to make me happy."

"Grady is my brother." Anton started to pant, fighting the urge to transform. His wolf wanted to tear his mother apart. It didn't understand the bars would contain it but he did. "And my father. You're planning to kill him?"

"Both of them are useless to me." She shrugged. "They are weak. You'll be a better alpha for the lessons I'm about to teach you. Never show your enemy mercy. It's kill or be killed. We're werewolves, not puppies."

"You're sick and demented."

She shrugged. "But I'm cunning. You're locked up, your father is out in the woods waiting to f.u.c.k me, and at this moment that pest you f.u.c.ked is about to be removed from our territory." Anton's gut twisted. "What have you done? Who is going after Shannon?"

"I called the local pride leader. He was very interested in learning about her." Eve smiled coldly.

"It seems they had no idea of her existence. He was more than happy to come bag and tag your pet."


"Yes." She backed up into another cell, bent, and withdrew a weapon from underneath a pillow on the cot. "I'd love to stick around to watch you suffer a little longer after what you've put me through recently but your stupid father will get impatient if I don't show up soon. He always demands s.e.x." She lifted the tranquilizer gun to point at Anton's chest. "The doctor will arrive tonight before this wears off.

I'll have cleaned up your cage by then and your father believes I want a romantic vacation at our cabin by the lake. He won't find you. I'll keep him there." She winked. "'Night, sweetheart." Anton leapt away from the bars but had nowhere to hide. Pain stabbed his shoulder. He grabbed the dart and jerked it out. Dizziness struck him despite how quickly he'd removed it and his knees collapsed under him. He crashed painfully to the concrete floor. His mother's laugher filled his ears.

Shannon would be helpless, unprotected, and in danger. He fought the drugs but everything turned black.

Shannon had just taken a soda from the fridge when a knock sounded on the door. She started a little and stared at it. She didn't go near it. Anton would just walk in. Yon also could enter the apartment. Whoever stood on the other side of the door could be dangerous.

It could be another woman sniffing after Anton, she thought. She remained still, held her breath, and hoped they'd just go away. They knocked again. She didn't move until something hit the door. She saw the frame shake. Another loud blow made wood snap as the door buckled. Terror gripped her and she dropped the soda, her gaze darting around the room, searching for a weapon or a way to escape.

The door gave completely under the third a.s.sault. Two large men entered, both of them just over six feet tall, blonds, with tanned skin. Their matching green eyes and features a.s.sured her they had to be brothers or closely related. Both men examined her while her heart hammered. Fear kept her immobile.

The one on the right sniffed and smiled. "h.e.l.lo, little red. Don't bolt on us. We're not werewolves. Smell."

She just stared at them, terrified. They obviously believed she could tell what they were if she sniffed the air. Her mouth opened but nothing came out.

The one on the left frowned. "I don't think she can. Smell the humanness of her?"

"I mostly can't get over the stink of dog, Mark."

The other one snorted. "d.a.m.n, Adam. They do reek."

Mark c.o.c.ked his head, held very still, while regarding Shannon. "I'm Mark and this is my brother Adam. We're puma s.h.i.+fters and we've come to save you from the mangy mutt holding you hostage."

"Please leave," she managed to get out. "I don't need to be saved." Adam made a face. "Brainwashed maybe?"

"Or stupid. Maybe she's so human she's useless to us."

"No. Try to get past the reek of dog. Smell that? She's in heat. She's coming with us if she's blooded enough to have that trait."

The other brother laughed. "Cute."

"She's good looking. That's a plus." Adam took a cautious step forward. "We're not going to hurt you. We're taking you home with us."

Shannon backed up, trapped inside the kitchen, and shook her head frantically. "No. Leave me alone."

Her instincts were failing her. The urge to climb didn't hit her and when she tried to rush at the counter to get over it, speed didn't kick in, the way it usually did. One of them grabbed her as she struggled to scramble over the top. His hold around her waist hurt when he shook her and hissed.

"Don't fight."

"Let me go!" She kicked at his legs and clawed at his skin on the arm securing her.

He turned with her suspended in his arms. "She's going to fight. Do it." Mark moved in front of her and she watched in horror as he drew back his fist. She tried to twist in Adam's arms to avoid the blow but pain exploded into the side of her head. She didn't even get the chance to scream.

Chapter Twelve.

"Anton? Wake up, d.a.m.n it!"

The familiar voice had him struggling to fight off the groggy haze that engulfed him. A hand slapped his cheek and his eyes opened. He stared into his cousin's face, inches above his own. Brand frowned.

"What happened? Why did you kill a human?"

Anton tried to think around the fog inside his head. A dead human? What the h.e.l.l? He realized he lay sprawled naked on a cold, firm surface, and when he turned his head a little, he recognized one of the holding cells in his father's bas.e.m.e.nt.

"I...what happened?"

"f.u.c.k if I know." Brand gripped his arm and shoulder, forcing him to sit up. "I came here to talk to Uncle Elroy, found the front door locked, which was weird since it's always open, and tried the bas.e.m.e.nt door to make sure everything was cool. Instead I only smelled blood and death when I came inside. I found you pa.s.sed out cold, locked in this cell. Did you go nuts? There's a dead human two feet from us. Did you two fight?"

A face surfaced in his memory. A woman, a pretty one, with long, curly red hair and bright blue eyes. His heart raced and he remembered everything as it clicked into place.

"Help me up."

"I'm trying. I'm not sure if I should have unlocked the door or not. Are you nuts? Did you have some kind of breakdown?"

"My mother is going to kill my father and Grady. She's gone after my woman too."

"s.h.i.+t." Brand gasped, struggling to help Anton up. "So you killed the human trapped in here with you?"

"My mother did it. She used the blood scent to lure me inside the cell." He got to his unsteady feet, swayed, and knew he'd fall on his a.s.s if his cousin's arms didn't support him. "She drugged me."

"I can tell." Brand had to half drag him outside the cell. "What do I do?" He helped Anton into the apartment area of the bas.e.m.e.nt.

"There are drugs stored inside the cabinet by the cells. Find a green shot, not a red one. Give it to me."

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