Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate Part 13

Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate -

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Anton dropped over her, careful not to get her with his nails, and his c.o.c.k b.u.mped against her a.s.s. She wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs, adjusted her hips, and he pressed against her p.u.s.s.y. He slid along the seam of her s.e.x and frustration twisted his features. She reached between them when he lifted up a little, guided him to the entrance of her p.u.s.s.y, and he pushed inside her.

She cried out and grabbed his hips. She marveled at the wondrous sensation as he stretched her with his rigid length, filled her, and met her need. "Yes." He braced above her with his arms to keep his chest from crus.h.i.+ng hers and then started to move in deep, strong thrusts. Shannon cried out his name over and over, her hips matching his frantic ones, and used her hold on him to meet his pace. Sweat beaded their bodies, helped them move together, their skin rubbing, sliding where it touched. The ecstasy built inside Shannon, her walls clamped around him, and she screamed his name when pure ecstasy shot through her.

Anton threw his head back and moaned loudly as he started to come. She could feel his c.o.c.k throb inside her body as his hips slowed and he pressed deeply into her. He shook from the intensity of his release. When the strongest spasms started to ease, he collapsed on top of her. Both of them panted.

He was heavy but she had no urge to complain. Shannon grinned. s.e.x with Anton just seemed to get better and better. She didn't protest until she needed more air. She released his hips to push on his chest. He lifted up just a little.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No." Shannon met his worried gaze, still smiling. "That was amazing." The worry faded from his eyes. "Good, because this is just the beginning." He wiggled his hips and withdrew from her body to toss the spent condom away.

She hated when they separated. She'd felt connected to him, as if they'd been one.

"Hand me another condom and roll over."

"Again? Now?" She didn't hide her astonishment as she handed him the condom.

He rose to his knees between her parted thighs, tore open the condom with his now-normal hands, and looked down toward his waist. She followed where he stared. His c.o.c.k hadn't softened.

"Mating heat. Get used to this sight because this is how I'm going to be for the duration." He met her gaze. "I have about a minute recovery time."

"Okay. I hope I can walk when this is over."

He chuckled. "I'm strong enough to carry you around if you can't." She laughed, pushed up with her arms, and backed up on the bed as he rolled on the condom.

She rolled over, going to her hands and knees, and spread her thighs. She looked over her shoulder to back up until her a.s.s flashed in front of him and her legs brushed the outside of his.

"Is this how you want me?"

"You have no idea how much."

She winked at him. "So what are you waiting for? Need an invitation?" His hand curved around her hip, slid over her belly, and his fingers found her c.l.i.t to tease. "Are you sure you aren't sore? I was rough."

"No. I want you, Anton. I've never wanted anyone more. You don't need to worry about me, okay? When you touch me, do that growl thing. You have no idea what it does to me." He gripped his c.o.c.k, inched forward to nudge her p.u.s.s.y, and slowly entered her a few inches but then stopped. Shannon bit back a moan and resisted closing her eyes to just enjoy the sensation of him inside her again. She didn't want to look away from him.

"What does it do?"

"Makes me ache. My nipples tighten so much it hurts. My stomach does funny things and I feel hot all over. It's almost as if you set me on fire."

His free hand caressed the curve of her a.s.s. "Are you sure you're not going into your own heat?" She contemplated that. "I don't know."

He continued to play with her c.l.i.t and gently rocked his hips to enter her a little deeper and then withdrew. Shannon closed her eyes, clawed the covers, and let her head drop lower. Her elbows bent to brace against the bed and she just let the sensations overtake her. She started to make a sound that should have startled her but what Anton did to her felt too good for her to care or want to contemplate it.

He started to move faster, his hips slapping against her a.s.s, and made his own soft, animalistic sounds that turned her on more.

Pa.s.sion gripped Anton so fiercely, it hurt. His c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s had never been so tight or needy.

Shannon was vibrating around his c.o.c.k, her scent of arousal stronger than anything he'd ever experienced with any woman, and the smell drove him crazy. He wanted to f.u.c.k her until he couldn't move.

"You're purring for me, kitten," he rasped. "That's such a turn-on. Don't stop." Her p.u.s.s.y seemed to squeeze around him or maybe he'd never had that much blood rush into his d.i.c.k before. Either way, her sleek heat tightened around him until he had to fight to move inside her and not come at the same time. His finger pressed tighter against her c.l.i.t, strummed it frantically, knowing he couldn't last much longer.

She screamed out his name and her muscles gripped him so tightly he came. Pleasure nearly tore him apart from his b.a.l.l.s out as he filled the condom with his release. He bent over her, his fangs tingled, and he focused on a spot on the curve of her shoulder. He salivated, his wolf howled from within, and before he knew it, her blood coated his tongue when he bit into her.

Shannon's body jerked under his, her walls quaked, and the haze of rapture seemed to flood him strongly. He came more, his hips jerked violently, and he couldn't stop for anything as he kept f.u.c.king her, still coming, and his teeth sank in deeper to a.s.sure his wolf she wouldn't leave him.

A m.u.f.fled sob finally penetrated his mind and horror struck him at what he'd done. He forced his jaws apart, released her shoulder, and threw himself back to separate their bodies. He nearly fell off the end of the bed in his haste to put distance between them. The wound he'd inflicted showed his teeth marks welled with bright red blood. Shannon's small body shook but she didn't move otherwise.

"Shannon," he rasped, her blood on his lips, all he could still taste as he reached out to her. The second his hand brushed her back she collapsed to her side, panting. He froze. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bite you."

She didn't respond. Her hair hid her face from him but she remained curled on her side, blood smeared on his bed from her shoulder, and he didn't know what to do. It shocked him that s.e.x had turned into violence. He touched her again but she didn't react. He saw her chest rise and fall but the sounds had stopped coming from her. He crawled toward her to brush her hair back from her face to see that her eyes were closed.


She didn't respond. Panic gripped him. Had he hurt her that bad?

"Shannon!" He yelled her name.

She jerked, her eyes opened, and she did the last thing he expected. She smiled at him. "Wow.

That's the first time someone has made me pa.s.s out."

He gaped at her until he could form words. "You were crying." She stretched her legs a little and reached for him as she rolled to her back. Her fingers brushed his cheek. "No. I don't know what sound that was but it sure wasn't pain. Can we do that again?"

"No. I bit you."

She used her other hand to reach up, touched the spot, and then winced. "Ouch." She glanced at her hand, saw the blood, and paled. "I just thought you nipped me. I didn't know you drew blood. Is it bad?"

"I don't know. Don't move."

He jumped from the bed to rush inside the bathroom and grab a wet washcloth. He rushed back into the bedroom to find her seated on the middle of the bed with a curious expression. It stunned him that she wasn't afraid of him after his attack.

"It only hurts when I touch it. And it feels warm. Don't look so upset. I'm fine." She tried to comfort him and it made him feel worse as he circled the bed and sat down behind her. Her red hair had touched the blood sliding down her back from the bite. He'd really tagged her good. He gently lifted her hair out of the way to press the cloth against her delicate skin. She winced and he felt worse.

"I'm so sorry," he rasped.

"It's okay."

"No. It's not. I really got you good."

"Why did you do it?" She peered at him with pure innocence.

Anton had to clear his throat. "I lost control." He couldn't meet her gaze anymore so he tended to her bite.

"Do you need a muzzle from now on when we have s.e.x?"

He jerked his gaze up, astonished when she grinned at him, making a joke. He wasn't in the mood to laugh. "No. I tried to mate you, kitten. My wolf tried to, anyway, and I didn't stop him." He looked down at his lap, examined the condom, and blew out a breath. "It didn't break. We're okay."

"Oh." Her gaze skittered away to stare at something to the left of him. She looked back. "What do you mean, your wolf wanted to mate me?"

"My wolf wanted to keep you for good. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. I just thought you were marking me again."

"I did."

He tried to mask his emotions. He'd definitely made sure she'd carry his scent and he'd tied her to him even stronger. No way would his wolf settle for any other female during the mating heat. If she left him, his wolf would go insane, track her down, and could hurt her. He didn't want to share those facts, afraid he'd scare her, and now he really needed her to want to stay. Worse, that mark would last longer than mating heat. He could feel her blood changing him already, forming a deeper bond, and he could sense his inner beast's contentment with that.

"No harm done." She gave him a brave smile. "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry."

"It really doesn't hurt," she a.s.sured him.

He lifted the damp cloth and hid a wince. It wasn't some love bite just to mark her. No, he'd scarred her so she'd always carry his teeth impressions on her pale skin. He may as well have just become engaged to Shannon. Bites that deep implied a pending mating. It was a sure sign of commitment to do just that when a male scarred a female with his bite.

Calm down, he ordered his wolf when it pressed against his skin, wanting Shannon again. He got the bleeding to stop and bit his tongue enough to draw blood. He hovered over her and licked her wound. She startled a little but then relaxed.

"It will help it heal faster," he murmured between licks.

"It's turning me on," she whispered. "I don't know how you do this to me but I want you again. I almost hurt from the need."

He m.u.f.fled a groan. It seemed his s.e.xy little kitten was going into heat with him. How he'd make it through mating heat without forever binding them seemed daunting at best. He just needed to keep control. Yeah, good luck with that. His d.i.c.k stiffened painfully. He removed the used condom and reached for another.

Chapter Eleven.

I really purr, Shannon thought, digesting that concept as her throat hummed, her chest vibrated, and Anton continued to stroke her back. She'd woken up sprawled on top of his large body and to the strange noise she hadn't identified until her foggy brain cleared.

"I love that sound and your reaction to me touching you." She lifted her head and the noise stopped. Anton smiled at her. She couldn't help but return it.



She a.s.sessed her body. "No. I'm..." Heat warmed her cheeks. "I'm turned-on again."

"You're definitely in heat too."

"I don't understand. I've never gone into it before."

Anton continued to rub her back, brus.h.i.+ng his fingers and palms over the curve of her a.s.s and then up her spine. "I've been thinking about that. I believe I know why."

"Good. Clue me in because it's freaking me out a little." She didn't want to lie to him and she really wanted an explanation. "I'm a little frightened too. It's as though I don't know my own body anymore."

"You've lived around humans entirely since your father died. After you met me your instincts have reacted more than they probably ever needed to before."

"Yeah. It's humiliating."

That drew a frown from him and his hand paused. "Why?"

"I always thought I was pretty tough. Now I leap on you or climb trees whenever I get really scared. Think about it. Your mother, as an example, probably thinks I'm pathetic. A werewolf would have growled at her or something. Not me. I ran to you and practically knocked you down in the shower."

His body bounced her as he chuckled. "I think it's adorable."

"You're not the one always trembling and so scared you can't think. It's like a switch gets. .h.i.t, my brain shuts down, and next thing I know I'm off the ground clutching you or on top of something. I tell myself to stop it, to get down and be brave but my body doesn't listen."

"You're part puma and I'm a werewolf. My kind usually kills yours. It's natural for you to flee and seek higher ground. It's a strong instinct, ingrained in your genes." His hand rubbed her back again.

"h.e.l.l, sometimes I see rabbits and take a few steps before I'm able to stop myself. I want to chase the things down and eat them. I've been dealing with what I am all my life and still fight those impulses."


"Yeah. I could share all kinds of embarra.s.sing things I've done while I adjusted to being a werewolf."

"Like what?"

"In high school, I decided to date this cute human. I liked her and she was hot. I was fifteen and hormonal. I asked her out, bought flowers, and was really nervous because I wasn't sure how humans interacted on dates. She answered the door holding her pet cat. That thing went insane, hissed at me, panicked, and it bolted out the door. I was after it faster than you could imagine. It ran up a tree and there I stood under it trying to think of a way to get it when Sally rushed out to see what was going on. I had to hide my face. I'd started to change. I couldn't talk because our voices deepen. She thought I was a freak and mean for scaring her cat somehow. I just walked away, so add rude on top of it. She avoided me and glared daggers at me every time we crossed paths in the hallways until she moved away two years later."

Shannon smiled. "Sorry."

"There was the first pack run I attended after I started to become a man-as in noticed women and knew what a s.e.x drive was." He paused. "You probably don't want to hear this one."

"Go ahead."

He actually blushed. "Imagine a hormonal teen on his first run with the pack. We strip down by the meeting tree to s.h.i.+ft and there were all these naked women. I got a b.o.n.e.r from h.e.l.l and realized everyone would notice. I couldn't take off my pants. That's considered rude to react that way unless it's mating heat. This was just a pack run, which we do monthly to celebrate the full moon. It's kind of our version of a holiday and a way for the pack to do something together. My father knew why I stood there, not stripping down, and ordered me to go home. As I was walking away my father yelled out for me to jack off before I came to the next one. I wanted to die on the spot." Shannon's mouth dropped open. "He didn't!"

"He totally did. I will never forget the laughter and how I ran all the way home. I didn't speak to him for two days. It embarra.s.sed me enough that I never wanted to go to another one."

"Your dad sounds like an a.s.s."

"He believes it's toughening us up to do s.h.i.+t like that." He sighed. "There's no shame in your fear of werewolves, Shannon. On the food chain, we're something to be afraid of." He suddenly grinned.

"I bet you've never had a mouse problem."

"No." She suddenly laughed. "I never thought about it but in my first apartment all the neighbors complained about field mice during the summer but I never had any inside my place." Anton grinned. "You scent faintly of puma. Those mice would have avoided you at all costs."

"So you think being around you is helping my s.h.i.+fter blood kind of come forth?"


She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a large cat. She pictured claws and a tail.

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