Night Whispers Part 12

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Someone whistled, someone else cheered, and then a loud thunder of applause washed over them. Mitch barely noticed. He studied Kelsey's face, with her full pouty lips and her half-lowered eyelids. She looked like she wanted to be ravished. And he felt more than ready for the job. Suddenly, for some reason, the pose, the costume, her hair, everything...started to look familiar.

"Kelsey," Mitch said as the applause continued, and flashbulbs popped, "am I standing under what I think I'm standing under?"

Kelsey, who had realized at about the same instant that her innocent words to her boss had been misconstrued and used to design this "stage," nodded weakly.

"Oh, my G.o.d. We're a romance novel cover, aren't we?"

She nodded again. Watching as Mitch gritted his teeth, she wondered if he would let go of her waist and let her fall to the floor. She wouldn't really blame him if he did. He probably wanted to strangle her!

After the applause began to die down and the photographer gave Kelsey a thumbs-up, she relaxed a little and tried to pull away from her pirate. He would have none of it.

"Oh, no, you don't," he said. "If I'm going to stand here doing this, I'm sure as h.e.l.l going to make it worth my time!"

Mitch grabbed Kelsey's hip with one hand, allowing the chain to dangle between them. Thrusting his other hand into her thick curls, he wound his fingers close to her scalp, caressing her slightly before gently tugging her head farther back. Her eyes widened, almost as much as his narrowed, and he jerked her body tighter against his from the waist down. He leaned forward, forcing her to arch her back even farther, and bent toward her bare throat and bosom, stopping with his lips just inches from her flesh.

The crowd began applauding and whistling all over again, and the photographer snapped away. Kelsey felt her back was going to break, but she didn't move. She'd seen a flash of anger in Mitch's eyes and didn't want to risk making it worse. He obviously believed she had planned this entire thing and was paying her back. She probably deserved it. Her comment to her boss about "picturing a romance novel cover" had precipitated this entire mess. But this pose was killing her. Mainly because what she really wanted to do was wrap her fingers in his dark hair and pull him those scant few inches to her breast.

"Well, that's our Lady Love, and her escort. Lady Love will be happy to visit with fans for the next hour, so if you've been wanting to meet her, please come do so."

Mitch heard the deejay make the announcement. Realizing people would be approaching them, he pulled away from Kelsey, drawing her up with him. He didn't trust himself to say anything yet, and tried to paste on a pleasant expression as people surrounded the display.

Kelsey shot him an uncertain glance out of the corner of her eye and whispered, "I didn't know, Mitch. I swear to you...I give you my word...I had no idea they were going to do this."

Mitch recognized the remorse in her voice and knew she was telling the truth. That made the entire embarra.s.sing incident somewhat better. Before he could say a word to rea.s.sure her, several ardent fans surrounded the booth and began clamoring for Kelsey's attention.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH," Kelsey said in reply to the three college students who had complimented her costume, and Night Whispers Night Whispers. "I'm glad you like the show. Have any of you called in?"

Mitch cast a quick glance over the three young men who looked more nervous than threatening, and determined that Kelsey had nothing to fear from them. Carefully turning to avoid yanking her with the chain, he slipped out from under the frame to look at it.

Someone had designed and created a complete seven-foot-tall romance novel cover for the ball, leaving only the center cut out so he and she could step into it and complete the picture. The board tacked to the wooden frame was painted a pale lavender, and vines and flowers, very artistically drawn, trailed down both sides. Glittery gold letters spelled out "Pirate's Prisoner of Pa.s.sion" across the top. There was even a small pirate s.h.i.+p on a stormy sea painted on one side. He could only imagine how the two of them had looked standing in that perfectly measured cutout center during their dramatic pose. A small grin tickled his lips.

Peeking around the bodies of the people pressing to meet her, Kelsey watched Mitch study the frame. He still didn't look too pleased, although she felt sure she'd seen a sparkle of humor. She hadn't worked up the nerve to step out of the frame and examine it from the front yet.

Kelsey continued chatting with fans, most of whom were friendly and nonthreatening. There were one or two, unfortunately, who made some suggestive comments, and Kelsey appreciated that Mitch moved closer, placing his hand on her shoulder, on those occasions. As much as she tried just to enjoy herself, she couldn't help tensing up when any strange man got too close. In the back of her mind, she wondered if it was possible her secret admirer was in the crowd. She kept glancing around, looking for someone dressed as a knight, but didn't spot anyone.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen," Mitch said after nearly two hours. "But I think my captive here needs a break. You will excuse her, won't you?"

Not waiting for a reply, Mitch took Kelsey's elbow and led her away from the crowd. He made his way to a small, unoccupied table on the edge of the ballroom and pulled back a chair.

"Sit. I'm going to go round us up some food and drinks."

Kelsey began to protest, but Mitch ignored her and started to walk away. He made it half-a-dozen steps before being stopped short by the pull of the chain. Glancing ruefully at his wrist, he looked over his shoulder at Kelsey. Her hand was over her mouth in a vain attempt to smother her chuckles.

"We can do this one of two ways," she said as she began pulling the chain hand over hand, shortening the distance between them as Mitch feigned protest. "Stick together and go for food as a team..." she continued.


"Or I pull out the key and release you."

Mitch frowned in thought. He was not ready to be "released" from duty. "Hmm, tough choice. I think maybe we'd better leave the chain for now. I don't trust you enough to let you out of my sight. The next thing I know you'll have me volunteered to go onstage and sing 'The Monster Mash.'"

"I remember hearing you sing in the shower when you were a teenager, and I wouldn't dare!"

"Very funny...coming from Miss Two Left Feet."

"All right, let's call it even," she said. "You can't sing. I can't dance. Together, though, we're very talented."

"Together we're very...something."

"Perfect?" Kelsey said with a determined flippancy she didn't feel.

Mitch leaned forward in his chair until their faces were mere inches apart. Her heart started pounding as she recognized the dangerously seductive look on his face.

"Maybe we could be, Lady Love."

She thought for a second he was going to close the gap between them and kiss her again. She leaned imperceptibly closer, silently urging him to do it, not caring that hundreds of people milled around them.

"There you are, Mitch. I've been waiting for you to finish chaperoning Kelsey here. My, my, Kelsey, you certainly are the sly one. Imagine, Mitch's little childhood friend being the infamous Lady Love!"

Kelsey sighed in frustration and glanced up at the sound of Amanda's shrill voice. The blonde stood close to Mitch's chair, breaking the intimate spell they'd been under, as she'd obviously intended.

"Goodness, Mitch," Amanda continued, her saccharine tones irritating Kelsey tremendously. "How on earth did you let Kelsey talk you into helping her with this...well, t.i.tillating performance of hers? I don't imagine anyone ever dreamed that this was how you'd end up 'taking care' of your pseudo-sister. My, my, what would the folks back home say?"

Kelsey could see Mitch retreat from her, mentally and physically, as he sat up straighter in his chair and adopted his usual calm expression. The dangerous Mitch she remembered from her childhood was tucked safely back inside and she was going to spend the rest of her evening with the college professor. Kelsey suddenly wanted to punch someone. Someone blond.

It wasn't that she didn't like Mitch the way he was now. She liked him too much, that was part of the problem. He was smart and funny, thoughtful and sensitive, and s.e.xy in the way brainy men are. But when he allowed a little tiny bit of that dark rebel to slip out, he was absolutely irresistible. And only with the rebel would Kelsey have a chance to make him admit how good they could be together.

Amanda's intrusion hit Mitch like a gallon of cold water. The sultry mood was gone. He tried hard not to think of how the night might have ended if he'd gone on pretending he was only with Lady Love. He probably ought to thank Amanda for splas.h.i.+ng him with a dose of reality by bringing up the Logan family. But he didn't feel very grateful.

"Amanda, I was just about to ask Kelsey to dance. You will excuse us, won't you?"

Not waiting for her answer, Mitch helped Kelsey up and led her onto the dance floor, brus.h.i.+ng aside her protests that she really was a lousy dancer. Pretending she wasn't too bad, he ignored the half-dozen times she stepped on his toes. Bruised toes were a small price to pay for avoiding a major heartache. And the moment he and Kelsey had shared just before Amanda interrupted could easily have led to one major emotional pain.

Throughout the rest of the evening, Mitch treated Kelsey with polite cordiality, and nothing more. They danced a few times, ate a late dinner and had a few drinks. At one point, Kelsey needed to go to the ladies' room, and surrendered the key to the shackles. When she returned, he didn't suggest she rechain them, and neither did she.

Mitch told himself he wasn't disappointed.


THE DRIVING RAIN POUNDED against her window, and a crash of thunder reverberated, startling Kelsey awake with a jolt. Sitting up in bed, she stared around in dazed confusion. Then she glanced toward her bedside clock but didn't see the familiar glowing green numbers. It wasn't working. A long flash of lightning illuminated her nightstand. Grabbing her watch, she saw that it was just after two. She'd only been asleep for about an hour. against her window, and a crash of thunder reverberated, startling Kelsey awake with a jolt. Sitting up in bed, she stared around in dazed confusion. Then she glanced toward her bedside clock but didn't see the familiar glowing green numbers. It wasn't working. A long flash of lightning illuminated her nightstand. Grabbing her watch, she saw that it was just after two. She'd only been asleep for about an hour.

The storm that had brought drizzling rain all day had arrived with torrential fury. Kelsey s.h.i.+vered a little and pulled the covers up tighter. This old house was very drafty, and in the short time the electricity must have been out her room had become quite chilly. Remembering the spare comforter in the linen closet, she got up to get it, then noticed the streetlamp in front of the house was lit.

"That's funny," she said aloud, staring through the rain-streaked window at the muted yellow glow.

Some other houses had porch lights on, and Kelsey realized the electricity wasn't out after all. It had probably just flickered, causing a breaker to flip in the bas.e.m.e.nt. She thought about grabbing the comforter and going back to bed, but it really was very chilly, and Mitch or Fred might not realize until tomorrow morning that the heat wasn't working.

Kelsey quickly felt around on the floor until she found her slippers. She didn't bother with her robe, since she wore long satin pajamas. Making her way down the short hallway into the kitchen, she pulled open a drawer and located the flashlight she kept there for emergencies. She flicked it on, praying the batteries still worked, and sighed in relief when a weak yellow beam came forth.

Slipping quietly out of her apartment, Kelsey carefully avoided the creakiest steps as she descended the stairs. It was doubtful Mitch would hear her anyway, but she didn't want to risk it. The last thing she wanted was for Mitch to find her lurking in the house in the middle of the night, and be all kind and solicitous, as he'd been at the ball. Mitch had been so darned friendly that she thought she could have cheerfully strangled him! It was as if, in that moment when Amanda had stepped between them, the invisible wall Mitch kept around himself had slipped back into place so firmly it couldn't be blasted away with dynamite.

Kelsey stealthily entered his kitchen, playing the weak beam of light over the butcher-block table so she could maneuver around it.

"Ouch," she muttered as she b.u.mped her s.h.i.+n into a chair.

Limping slightly, she made her way to the bas.e.m.e.nt door, opened it, silently cursing the loud creak, then went down into the bas.e.m.e.nt. The breaker box was in the far corner, past the was.h.i.+ng machine, Kelsey remembered. She began walking across the large bas.e.m.e.nt floor when suddenly her flashlight dimmed then went out completely.

"Oh, no," she said as she stopped to allow her eyes to become accustomed to the pitch-dark. Gradually shadows began to appear, and then a long flash of lightning seeped in through the bas.e.m.e.nt windows along the back of the house. There were no piles of boxes or laundry on the floor before her, so she gingerly began to pick her way across the room.

MITCH'S NOSE WAS COLD. He came slowly out of a deep sleep, realizing that very chilly air circled his face. He heard the thunder first, then the rain, and a.s.sumed a breaker had popped, as usual, and knocked out the heat. He'd been fighting to get the electrician he'd had rewire the house to come back to check the breakers, which were very temperamental. Getting out of bed, he pulled a pair of sweatpants over his naked body. He walked to the kitchen, using flashes of lightning to help see the way.

Stopping near the oven, Mitch opened a cabinet and pulled out a box of long wooden kitchen matches. He lit one and began descending the stairs, cupping the match with his hand. The little flame banished the shadows in the stairwell until he reached the bottom. A draft blew it out as soon as his feet touched the cement bas.e.m.e.nt floor. Realizing he should have brought the whole box, he considered going back up to the kitchen for more matches. But he really didn't see the need. He knew this bas.e.m.e.nt very well, and should be able to make his way to the breaker box with little difficulty.

Kelsey felt the tripped breakers, flipped them and was about to head back through the darkened bas.e.m.e.nt when she heard a loud creak at the bottom of the stairs. Someone was down here in the darkness with her. A tiny jolt of fear shot through her, but she quickly told herself it had to be Mitch or Fred.

Standing in the corner of the room, partially concealed behind the washer, Kelsey pressed back deeper into the shadows. Lightning briefly lit the bas.e.m.e.nt with a muted yellow flash, and Kelsey saw Mitch clearly but only for a moment. Then he faded into darkness again, and she strained to follow his movements.

She couldn't tear her eyes off his shadowy figure as he slowly moved toward her. Another streak of lightning flashed through the bas.e.m.e.nt windows and she caught a glimpse of his hard, bare chest and unsmiling face. He obviously hadn't seen her yet, and she made no sound, wanting to appreciate the sight of him for one more moment.

Mitch sensed Kelsey, though he didn't see her. A faint trace of the perfume she'd worn earlier to the ball lingered in the bas.e.m.e.nt, and he knew she was near. He stopped, listening, struggling to hear the sound of her breathing. His own breaths started coming quicker, harder, and his heart began to pound.

Kelsey sensed the moment he discovered her presence. She saw him pause, c.o.c.king his head to one side, trying to hear her.

"Kelsey?" he whispered.

She took a deep breath and whispered back, "I'm here, Mitch."

Mitch said nothing but moved toward the dark corner where he'd heard her voice. His eyes grew accustomed to the gloom, and he saw her, silent, motionless, waiting for him. He stopped a few feet from her, but Kelsey took three small, tentative steps toward him until their bodies nearly met. Her warm exhalations brushed the cool skin of his chest, exciting him beyond measure. They didn't touch, yet only the tiniest breath of air separated them. Neither moved. Neither spoke.

Mitch searched through the shadows and the darkness for a glimpse of Kelsey's green eyes. Every ounce of his being longed to move those scant inches and take her in his arms. He waited for the familiar tightening, the voice that would shout, "No, you can't do this," but he heard nothing except the strong beat of his own heart.

Another flash of lightning lit the room, and Mitch saw the naked longing he'd hoped for in Kelsey's face. Her right hand was poised a hairsbreadth from his chest, and only when the room plunged into darkness once again did she move the tips of her fingers in a long caress across his bare skin. Mitch hissed out a clenched breath, nearly undone by her soft touch. When she curled her fingers and lightly brushed her fingernails across his abdomen, he groaned aloud.

Thunder rumbled, rolling across the bas.e.m.e.nt like the steady pounding of a drum. Kelsey's heart beat to its rhythm. In that last bit of light, she saw just what she wanted to in Mitch's face. There would be no turning back, no rejection. Mitch was hers. At last.

Kelsey continued exploring Mitch's hard body, stroking both hands on his chest, then dragging her nails across his ribs. A torrent of emotion seemed to snap in him because suddenly he slid his hands in her hair and turned her face up to his.

"Now, Kelsey," he said, before capturing her mouth with his own.

Mitch's kiss was hard and demanding yet promised delights beyond her fantasies. He twined his fingers in her hair as he devoured her mouth. Kelsey met every sweet, wet thrust of his tongue, telling him wordlessly she was as consumed with pa.s.sion as he.

Her moans of pleasure turned to whimpers as his hands slid down her body. He teased the skin beneath the satiny pajama top, stroking her soft belly, closing his large hands around her waist, then sliding them up her ribs. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s throbbed, aching for his touch, and when he finally cupped them in his hands she thought she'd jump out of her skin.

"Yes, oh, please," she moaned, mindless with pleasure as he ran his palms over her taut, aching nipples.

He stroked her, savoring the soft feel of her flesh. Mitch wanted to taste her, every inch of her. He heard her disappointed moan when he lowered his hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then her excited gasp when she realized he was yanking off her top. Mitch paid no attention. He wrapped one arm around her waist and leaned her back until he could capture the tip of one lovely breast in his mouth.

She thought she might scream. His lips and tongue caressed her, and his teeth lightly sc.r.a.ped her sensitive flesh, sending chills down her spine. Kelsey dug her hands into Mitch's shoulders, leaning even farther back and urging him ever closer, not wanting to lose one moment of sensation. He supported her entire weight. Her feet slipped a bit on the cement, but he held her safe.

Realizing he might be hurting her, Mitch grabbed Kelsey, lifting her by her pajama-clad hips, and pulled her legs around his waist. He held her there, keeping his arms tight around her, taking advantage of her nearness to thoroughly kiss the front of her body. She wriggled against him, pressing against his throbbing erection, and he was overpowered with the need to be inside her.

"Kelsey," he said raggedly as he trailed kisses up her neck to the side of her face. "We need to go upstairs. I don't have anything with me...for protection."

She didn't say a word, just grabbed his hair and pulled his mouth to hers for another long, mind-searing kiss. Mitch walked across the bas.e.m.e.nt floor toward the stairs, carrying her, her long slim legs wrapped tightly around his waist. When she pulled her mouth away to gulp in a lungful of air, Mitch ran the tip of his tongue across her earlobe, down her neck and over her collarbone, before capturing her throbbing breast again. Her hips jerked in an instant response.

He carried her effortlessly up the stairs, her slight weight not hindering him at all. Mitch was so overwhelmed with desire and adrenaline that he probably could have carried her like that for miles. He paused in the kitchen, leaning back against the counter while she rained kisses along his jawline and up to his mouth.

Kelsey boldly kissed Mitch, sucking his bottom lip and exploring him with her tongue. Then they were moving again and she held on, not caring where they went as long as he did not stop this delicious a.s.sault on her senses.

Mitch paused as they entered the bedroom, and Kelsey watched as he flicked on the switch to a small lamp on the dresser. The dim light enabled her to see his handsome face clearly, and she felt a rush of feminine pleasure at his look of mindless desire. She glanced over his shoulder into the mirror and almost didn't recognize the wide-eyed woman staring back at her. Her hair, still curly from her costume, was wildly tangled, and her lips were swollen and parted. She watched the muscles of Mitch's back tense and ripple as she slowly ran her fingernails over him.

Mitch yanked a box of condoms out of a dresser drawer and tossed it onto the bed. Slowly he released her, letting her slide down his body without ever breaking their intimate contact. Trying to control his ragged breathing, he gently brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her softly on the temple.

"Maybe we'd better slow down. I don't want to hurt you," he said, trying to force himself to calm down in spite of the torrent of raging emotion still churning inside his body.

"Don't you dare," Kelsey said, turning to press her lips against his once more. She reached her arms around his neck and whispered against his mouth, "You can be gentle next time."

Mitch didn't need any further invitation. Her softly spoken command inflamed him, and he reached for her waist and slid the silky pajama bottoms off her body in one long, slow caress. His knuckles sc.r.a.ped against her, and he realized she wore nothing underneath. The soft feel of her drove the last coherent thought from his mind.

Kelsey slid her hands beneath the elastic waistband of Mitch's sweatpants, pulling them down his legs in one smooth motion. She wrapped her arms around his back, pressing her naked body against his, loving the hard feel of his erection against her belly. Dipping her hands slightly to caress his bare hips, she slid her fingers around to explore him more intimately.

Mitch sucked in his breath at the soft touch of her hands on his swollen, throbbing flesh. "You're killing me," he moaned.

Unable to stand any more of her sweet torture, Mitch pulled away for just a moment and leaned down to grab the box off the bed. Kelsey followed him, pressing kisses on his chest, her teeth against his nipples while she dug into his thighs with her fingertips. Mitch pulled a condom from the package, fumbling with it, unable to get the d.a.m.ned thing open under her relentless caresses.

Taking it from him, Kelsey tore open the packet with a sultry smile. She pushed his hand aside when he tried to take over, and slid the condom over his turgid flesh, ever so slowly, until he thought he couldn't take another moment of not being inside her.

Picking her up with one smooth motion, he again pulled her legs around his waist, cradling her bottom in his hands. She moved slightly to position herself, and then lowered onto him, sliding over him with her exquisite warmth.

Kelsey took him inside her slowly. For all her frantic need, she wanted to savor his penetration, loving the feel of him as he gradually filled her, making her his. When he was fully sheathed in her body, she remained motionless, closed her eyes and threw her head back as she welcomed his possession.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming, Mitch," she whispered.

He didn't open his eyes as he responded thickly, "This is no dream, sweetheart. We're finally where we belong."

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