Into Danger Part 8

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"I suppose I'd better go after her before she returns to scratch my eyes out," Tess said thoughtfully. She uncrossed her shapely legs and arched a brow at Steve. "She's a possessive woman."

When she lifted a hand for his help, Steve obliged, pulling her to her feet. "I gather you don't like Marlena. Have you known her long?"

Tess was eye-to-eye with him on her feet, and he was surprised at how direct her gaze was. Cool. Fearless. It reminded him of Marlena. "It was nice talking to you, sailor," she said and smiled when he blinked in surprise. Did she know about him? She nodded her head to their right. "In that far corner, that man in white is du Scheum. He's a powerful man, with many enemies and friends."

Steve looked in that direction. "Who are you? Why are you telling me this?" he demanded quietly.

"Things never look quite the way they ought to, darling. Now I'd better go find Marlena. You know how it is-strange things happen around that girl. She can't keep out of trouble." When Steve tried to stop her from going, she evaded his hand with a speed that stunned him. She was still smiling but her voice was cool. "You may be a fish out of water here, darling, but that doesn't mean you can't adapt. You can still step into danger outside jungles."

Before Steve could say anything, she slipped away. He wasn't quite sure what had happened there, but that woman knew who he was and had given him a warning. She'd cleverly sidestepped his question about knowing Marlena. He frowned, looking at the group of men talking. That was du Scheum, huh? Danger, Tess said. Was she saying something was going to happen tonight? He recalled Cam's words earlier that day.

It's her shtick, actually. She arrives at the scene with a lot of fanfare and lots of people keep an eye on her. She usually has some arm candy on her-um...pardon me, Steve-that she takes around to several very public bashes. Then wham! Someone disappears, or gets whacked, and she always has an alibi.

Steve pursed his lips grimly. Well, he wasn't just any arm candy; she couldn't make him her alibi. Task Force Two's intel stated Marlena Maxwell was in D.C. on business. She had been called an, whatever the h.e.l.l that meant. However, he understood the dangers of putting a lot of important people in one room, and D.C. had plenty of VIPs. If she truly had been hired to kill someone, he must find proof. And a way to stop her. One thing he knew for certain-no one was going to get whacked under his watch.

Chapter Seven.

M arlena read the note from a waiting uniformed servant as she pretended to finish yet another gla.s.s of champagne. This was the second bid for the night. Soon she would have to confirm the sale to the highest bidder, and her job would be finished for tonight. She thought of Steve. He hadn't seen her quiet negotiation, thanks to the dancing and to Tess.

It was important to be seen and remembered. She knew there were all kinds of people watching her. Probably CIA. Some enemies. A few friends. Most of them knew why she was there and would be reporting to their respective bosses about the bidders present, and who could be the winning buyer. Her job was to muddy up the water, so they could never be too sure. She didn't want her long-term plans running afoul. No one must die before his time.

There were several rest rooms to choose from, and Marlena made sure she met enough people on her way out to the back patio. She stopped an acquaintance to ask the time, then chatted briefly with someone else before slipping inside. She didn't have to wait long, which was good, since she was about to burst. Seeing Stash and Tess together did horrible things to her temper. She even had to cut short her important conversation with her dance partner, just to get back to Stash. The knowledge that she'd broken her own rules shocked her. Infuriated her.

The door swung open. Tess came in and locked the door behind her, her golden eyes giving the rest room a quick look around.

"I've already activated a bug sensor. It's clean," Marlena a.s.sured her, looking at Tess's reflection in the mirror as she played with her hair.

Tess joined her at the big marble counter and surveyed all the tiny jars of expensive perfumes and lotions laid out for the guests' convenience. She picked one up, pulled off the stopper, and sniffed appreciatively. "My favorite," she declared.

"You look good playing the blond vamp." Marlena couldn't help it. She couldn't forget the sight of them on the sofa, sitting there chatting so intimately.

Tess laughed, a deep-throated sound that echoed through the room. Her eyes caught Marlena's in the mirror. "You're mad at me."

She was, but wasn't going to admit it. "What makes you think so?"

Tess chose another bottle and removed the stopper. "Because you weren't listening to us. You were too busy reacting."

"I didn't bring him along for you to sink your teeth into." Seeing Stash and Tess so cozy together hadn't gone down well at all. She knew what Tess was, and how good she was at what she did. Still, he didn't have to fall so easily under her spell.

"He does have delicious possibilities," Tess said in a musing tone of voice, as if she found the idea very tempting. "But like I just said, you weren't listening."

"So tell me what it is I missed. Did you find anything from the information I gave you over the phone, rather than this probing stuff you're so good at?" Marlena knew she could depend on Tess to discover Steve McMillan's motives, but she would much rather deal with hard facts right now. Tess's methods were too intimate for her liking.

"One thing's for sure. He's not lacking in the brain department."

Marlena sighed. "Still playing word games? Tell me something I don't know."

"He's trained."

"As if I can't tell that from watching the way he sits or the way he works a room. T., darling, you've trained me well enough to get this info without your professional eye."

Tess dabbed some perfume behind her ear, then adjusted a stray golden curl out of the way. Marlena waited patiently. Tess had always been very deliberate, not showing her hand until she deemed it the right moment. It was a very annoying trait, calculated to make the other person react, something Marlena wasn't going to do, not after she had been told she was reacting rather than listening. Well, she was listening now.

"He wants you."

Tess's announcement shouldn't have caused any surprise to Marlena but those three simple words zapped her like an electrical shock. For some reason she hadn't wanted to think about that subject, and having it brought out into the open like that also summed up how confused she was about Stash. She didn't want any of these contradictory feelings. She swallowed, then tried to be nonchalant. She knew more was to come. Tess always had a surprise or two up her sleeve. "And?" She didn't want to admit that part of her was eager for anything about Steve McMillan.

"And he doesn't want what you are." Tess turned slightly, and for the first time gazed directly at Marlena's profile. "A big conflict, don't you think? Especially from a man who tries to follow orders all the time, and right now his orders are in conflict with his emotions. I thought it'd be fun to give him a choice."

Marlena jerked her head up seriously. That was it-the thing up Tess's sleeve. She was a master manipulator, always moving people around like chess pieces. "Choices? What the h.e.l.l are you talking about? You sound more and more like those guys you hang around with."

Marlena was a loner; she worked alone. All her kind did. She understood too well how too much trust could endanger one. "My feelings for Stash have nothing to do with my choice to be alone."

"Don't you want him?" Gentle. Probing.

Marlena didn't want to be probed, so she went on the attack. "Sometimes want isn't enough, T. You yourself should know. Sometimes you have to let the man make the choice." Regret flooded her as soon as the words came out. Tess was just doing what she did best. She shouldn't have hit below the belt like that. Marlena touched Tess's elbow apologetically. "I'm sorry. Brought back some bad memories, haven't I? Get over him, T. It's been a while since you left that outfit anyway."

"Four months." Tess washed and dried her hands carefully, her face still devoid of expression, a direct contrast to the amused woman a few moments ago.

Marlena sighed. "Think you'll ever see him again?"

"No, and we're not talking about me. Or him. He has issues with his past that he has to deal with. Which brings us back to you and Mr. Steve McMillan."

Marlena was relieved. She didn't like apologizing, and was only too glad to veer away from the subject that hurt Tess. Now that she looked closely, she noticed the little lines of strain around T.'s mouth. Of all things, Marlena understood the need to control and its toll on one's psyche. She let Tess change the subject. In a milder voice, she continued, "There's nothing you're saying that hadn't crossed my mind. You think I don't see the price you paid? I see it in your eyes, T. Your Alex hurt you. Want isn't enough."

"No, want isn't enough," Tess agreed gravely. She smiled, as if she were about to say something, but changed her mind.

"I won't let Stash hurt me. Besides, he's probably a rogue operative, out to cancel me."

"We'll know soon, won't we?"

Her earlier suspicion was right. Tess was up to something, as usual. She hated it when she was being played with. Her temper flared again. "What do you mean? What have you been planning without my input? You know you aren't supposed to do anything to undermine my negotiations. Give me what you've got about him, T., or I swear-"

"You can't fight in that dangerous-looking dress, darling." Tess leaned a hip against the counter, her earlier demeanor back in place. She thoughtfully inspected her ringed fingers, reaching out to stroke one that was ringless, as if she missed something. Without looking up, she continued, "Steve McMillan is a sea mammal. Specializes in South American extraction tactics. He belongs to a very covert fire squad in the black unit of STAR Force before being transferred to TIARA on orders."

Marlena had been ready for anything but certainly not that. "A SEAL? STAR Force?"

"It's the acronym for Standing and Ready Force," explained Tess. "They are separate from the other SEAL teams, notorious for doing stuff that circ.u.mvents conventional rules, and each team has a color code for different tactical emphasis. Your Stash is in Black STAR and is point man in his fire squad. So, as you can see, the man is quite a warrior."

She knew it. She had felt that aura of danger about him. She recalled how calm he was during the car chase. A man of action. "What's he doing in a boring desk job like TIARA?"

"That's the key, isn't it? I accessed his personal files. He has a sick sister out in California. And you know what? Fifty thousand dollars deposited in an offsh.o.r.e account the week after his transfer to D.C. And another fifty grand the day he was a.s.signed you, Miss M."

That man was far too bright to be a mere companion sent to distract her. She'd been proven right, so why was her heart hurting? She glanced away, muttering, "He's a rogue, then."

"Not necessarily."

She flashed Tess a warning glare. "T., don't play your mind games right now, okay?"

Tess's silent appraisal was unnerving, making Marlena want to yell at her. Again Marlena held her tongue. She didn't remember Tess with this maddening habit before, so she must have gotten it from that group she'd been with again. Which meant she had been testing her all along. d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n. If she weren't wearing this dress, she'd teach that woman a lesson. This was the reason she didn't need a complication like Stash. He'd become a c.h.i.n.k in her armor, and a smart opponent like Tess would zero in like a predator.

A slow smile spread across T.'s face, her golden eyes glittering with repressed laughter. She nodded her approval, as if she liked what she saw. "I've gone over his records with a fine-tooth comb. He's the perfect SEAL operative, a straight team player. STAR Force members are handpicked by Admiral Jack Madison, which tells you how trustworthy Steve McMillan is."

Admiral Madison was a decorated war hero, his loyalty to the country without question. "T., how do you know so much about STAR Force?" The idea of Stash being a dangerous man was strangely exciting. What else was hidden under those good looks?

Tess shrugged. "My job. My question is, why was he asked to transfer to replace another operative in TIARA? An operative who, I might add, died under suspicious circ.u.mstances? With that in mind, most importantly, can he take care of danger when he's not in fatigues?" She c.o.c.ked her head, an expectant look on her face. "Listen."

Crash. Screams. Distinct sounds of gunfire. Training took over. Marlena strode over to grab the door handle. To her surprise, Tess beat her to it, planting herself firmly between her and the exit. She was still smiling, but her eyes were flat and cool.

"What are you up to, T.?" Marlena asked through gritted teeth.

"Making a point."

"What point? There weren't supposed to be any incidents here. Did you start this?"

"Of course not. This is your job, entirely under your control. What's happening outside must be someone else's doing." Tess leaned back against the door, still listening. "Sounds like someone is getting things back under control."

"I still don't understand." Marlena frowned. "I know you have people out there to prevent any incidents. Again, what point are you trying to make?"

"Silly girl. You don't think I didn't leave some information to test him while we chatted, do you? I'm trying to see which side your sea mammal is on."

Steve stared after Tess's departing back as she made her way through the crowd. She cut a striking figure, moving with the grace of someone who was in touch with her body. What was this woman's relations.h.i.+p to Marlena? His mind raced through their conversation. Who was she, and how did she know about him?

He scanned the room for Marlena but couldn't find her. He just didn't believe that she would be planning a hit here and now, not in that dress. Again, the memory of those strands of pearls under that outfit filled his mind. He cursed softly. Why couldn't he forget about that and concentrate on what was happening?

He'd never had to deal with anything like this. In his old world, the enemy was the enemy. A target. No more. He'd never had to consider the flesh and blood behind the name, nor had he ever felt the need to make excuses for the other side. But then most of his encounters were with drug lords and terrorist groups, and he'd stared at some of them eyeball-to-eyeball and seen the cold ruthlessness of murderers.

He cursed again. They sure didn't wear any strands of pearls or have a Tweety Bird tattoo for underwear. He took a deep breath. Concentrate. On. The. Information.

This isn't the way you'd stop danger when you're in one of your jungles. All of a sudden, Tess's provocative challenge flashed up in his mind like a marquee sign. The rules of the jungle were simple. Let the noise of nature recede, and listen. Be still and wait for movement. The smell of danger was distinctive; his commander had likened it to cigar smoke in a nunnery. Close the mind and use the senses. And above all, watch out for the most mundane, because that was usually where danger hid. Lastly, the target always stood apart.

Steve exhaled. Everything within himself became still as he rescanned the jungle of guests moving about. The room, with its s.h.i.+ny extravagance, receded into the background as he mentally looked for details that a soldier would. He ignored the laughter, the clinking of, and the murmur of conversation, letting the sounds wash across him like white noise. The trees in the jungle hid the danger he sought. Where was the danger hiding among these guests?

Marlena was nowhere in sight. The groups of people moved in slow motion, growing apart and reforming, but what caught his attention was the very group Tess had pointed out to him. The one with du Scheum and some other guests. They never moved from their spot. Nor did anyone seem to go near them, as if they knew they weren't invited into that circle of power. The small circle of men stood out, smoking cigars while discussing intently, barely paying attention to the laughter and music around them.

The target.

Steve slowly made his way within a few feet of the men. His gut instincts were humming like the brush of an electrical current generated by a live wire. Du Scheum, if he were really the man in white, had his back to him, but even from this angle, Steve saw the way the others leaned toward the man, paying attention to what he was saying.

With deliberate care Steve turned his head left, then right, studying the faces that seemed to be floating by. He had done this hundreds of times, shutting out and listening at the same time. It was the exact feeling of swimming under water and trusting his heightened senses when the sound of the deep could overwhelm the careless swimmer. Sometimes a shark would swim too close, coming in from behind, out of sight, but his mental awareness would a.s.sess the situation. Not dangerous. Not yet.

And as he had countless other times, Steve turned around, trusting what his senses were telling him now, even though he couldn't see or tell. He searched the faces for Marlena. Smiling women talking to each other. Someone calling out a name. One of the servants trying to balance a tray with too many A man standing alone by one of the aquariums.

Steve gave the man a once-over. He stood apart from the crowd. Then he took a step forward toward Steve. One of his hands reached into his trouser pocket.

Steve was about to pivot toward the oncoming man when something else caught his eye. Guests were laughing and trying to save the unbalanced server, who tried desperately not to lose his platter. The tray bobbled in one hand. The other hand holding a towel. It was as if his mind became a zoom lens, his entire attention focused on that one hand.

One hand holding a towel. The most mundane thing in the world. But when one tried to prevent something from falling over, one used both hands.

The man lost his fight with the tray, and flew in all directions. The loud crash had guests shrieking. Laughing. Man falling over. And extending the hand with a towel...

There wasn't much time. Steve launched into the air.

"Let me out. Now." Marlena held on to her temper. Barely. Stash was out there alone.

"He thinks you're here to cancel someone, Marlena. Give him a few minutes to figure out that you aren't who he thinks you are, darling. He's been sent by Admiral Madison into TIARA to do something. I want to see how good he is."

"There's a hit out there and you let it happen?"

"Don't worry, du Scheum is too important for us to let anything happen to him."

Marlena narrowed her eyes. She hated it when she was on the other side of the information scale. She wanted to force her way out of there. Images of Stash injured and in need of help flooded her mind. "Let me get this straight. You knew du Scheum was in danger tonight. Then you lured me in here and left him wide open."

Tess smiled. "Your Stash is out there."

"With no weapons. No backup." Marlena didn't try to lower her voice.

"He's a SEAL."

"And that's supposed to guarantee du Scheum's safety?" Marlena asked, incredulous about the whole thing. "T., this about tops everything I've ever seen you do."

Tess shrugged, then reached out to brush at Marlena's sleeve. "Hair," she explained.

"T.!" That was enough patience. Marlena had controlled her temper long enough.

"There are others out there to do their job if your honey fails, Marlena," Tess told her, her voice soothing. She still stood in front of the doorway, unyielding. "You need to be in here. You know that. Even though this isn't a planned incident, per se, let's take advantage of it. With your reputation you always need a strong alibi. Besides, the more people seeing you in here with me, the better for your image. Just do your job."

"Haven't I always?" Marlena countered heatedly. "If he's with the admiral, why must you play with him? He's useless to us."

Tess c.o.c.ked her head. "I'm not so sure. That money in his account is troublesome, I must say. If he's rogue, we can use him to lure whoever is trying to set you up at that apartment. You and I know it's not our darling middleman du Scheum fitting in micro eyes all over that apartment. It's not the buyer since you're still in the bidding process. So...Stash could be working for the seller, hmm? But, and I'm saying this because I have the utmost confidence in Admiral Madison's ability to cull men of honor, if Steve McMillan isn't a rogue, then he could be in a lot of trouble." She raised an eyebrow, eyes glinting with mockery. "Don't you want to save him if his life's in danger, M.? We can't trust him to be a good alibi yet, so that's what I'm here for, darling. If things go wrong, and du Scheum happens to be injured out there, we want your reputation intact. Keep them guessing. Did you? Didn't you? It enhances the enigma."

Marlena hated being bested, especially by T. She wanted to childishly snarl out something rude, but she knew better. Manipulating people was T.'s business, and she deemed it a victory if they reacted according to her bible. She was right. Marlena Maxwell had an image to uphold. Every situation to further her reputation, be it true or false, would attract more clients. And perhaps she would finally lure this anonymous seller to show his face. Above all, she did trust T. Slowly she allowed herself to relax.

"One day," she said, "I hope someone will order you around and you'll be his puppet. Then we'll see whether you like being out of control."

A faraway look entered Tess's eyes. "Somebody already succeeded," she said enigmatically. She blinked. "I'm ready to go out whenever you are."

"I'm sorry," Marlena apologized again. d.a.m.n it. Even when she tried to be nasty, she was outmaneuvered into backing away. She sighed. "You bring out the worst in me."

Tess moved away from the door, no longer blocking it. "Darling, don't insult me. I bring out the best in everyone." She flashed Marlena a knowing smile. "Especially men. I'll bet Stash handled the situation exactly the way I prepared him."

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