A Lotus For Miss Quon Part 10

A Lotus For Miss Quon -

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aAnd the reward?a aI told you: Iall put in a claim for you. I donat promise youall get it, but Iall do my best for you.a She hesitated, looking at him, then seeing he was determined, she said, aHer name is Nhan Lee Quon. I donat know where she lives. Her uncle tells fortunes at the Tomb of Marshal Le-van-Duyet.a aThanks,a Hambley said. aWhatas the uncle look like?a aHe is a fat man with a beard.a Hambley picked up his cap.

aIall go talk to him,a he said and started towards the door.

Ann Fai Wah crushed out her cigarette and sauntered to the door with him.

aYou wonat forget the reward, Lieutenant?a aI wonat forget.a aPerhaps you will come and see me again one evening?a He grinned at her.

aI might at that.a She took hold of the top b.u.t.ton of his tunic and examined it. Her face was very close to his.

aHer uncle wonat be at the temple until three oaclock,a she said. aYou have plenty of time. Perhaps you would like to stay a little while now?a Hambley removed her hand. The touch of her cool fingers made his heart beat a little faster. She certainly was attractive, he was thinking. He wanted to stay.

aSome other time, baby,a he said regretfully and he smiled. aIave work to do.a He half-opened the front door, paused and looked at her again. She stared steadily back at him; her black eyes were alight with suggested promises.

Slowly he closed the door and he leaned against it. aWell, maybe I could stay awhile.a She turned and walked slowly across the room to a door. Hambley, his eyes on her heavy, rolling hips, followed her.


The food vendor whose name was Cheong-Su had a long wait before he finally stood before Inspector NgocLinh, but he didnat mind the wait. The activity in the big room fascinated him and there was the suspense of wondering if someone in this long queue waiting to give information would get the reward before his turn came.

When Cheong-Su came to rest before the Inspector, he said simply and firmly that he had come to claim the reward.

aWhat makes you think you are going to get it?a The Inspector asked, looking at the old man, his little eyes screwed up, a bitter expression on his tired face.

aI saw the American on Sunday night,a Cheong-Su said. aHe was sitting in his car outside the Paradise Club. The time was after ten oaclock.a The Inspector p.r.i.c.ked up his ears. This was the first piece of information bearing on Jaffeas last movements he had had during the five hours he had sat at the table.

aWhat was he doing?a Cheong-Su blinked.

aHe was sitting in his car.a aWhat kind of car?a aA small red car.a aHow long did he sit in the car?a Cheong-Su blinked. aNot long.a aHow long? Five minutes? Ten? A half an hour?a aMaybe half an hour.a aThen what happened?a aThe girl came and he got out of the car,a Cheong-Su said slowly, thinking hard. aHe gave her some money and she went into the club. Then she came out and they got in the car and drove away.a The Inspector s.h.i.+fted his eyes. He didnat want the food vendor to see how excited he was. aWhat girl?a he asked indifferently.

Cheong-Su shrugged his skinny shoulders. aI donat know . . . a girl.a aYou donat know who she was?a aNo.a aHave you ever seen her before, entering and leaving the club?a Again Cheong-Su shrugged his shoulders. aMany girls enter and leave the club. I donat look at girls anymore.a The Inspector could have strangled him. He said in a carefully controlled voice, aThe American gave her some money and she went into the club? How long was she there?a aNot long.a aTen minutes? Half an hour?a aMaybe five minutes.a So she was a taxi-girl, the Inspector was thinking. The American gave her money to pay Blackie Lee his fee so they could go off together. Blackie Lee had been lying when he said he knew of no regular girl.

aYou are sure you havenat seen the girl before?a aThey all look alike. I might have seen her before.a aIs that all you have to tell me?a Cheong-Su looked indignant. aWhat more do you want?a he demanded. aI have come for the reward.a The Inspector signalled to the uniformed policeman who gave Cheong-Su a quick hard dig in the ribs with his white baton. aMove on,a he said.

Cheong-Suas eyes bulged. aBut the reward?a he spluttered. aDonat I get anything?a The policeman gave him a hard crack on his s.h.i.+n with the baton, making the old man hop and howl with pain. The waiting queue laughed delightedly to see the old man hopping and rubbing his s.h.i.+n. The baton fell again, this time on the old manas skinny b.u.t.tocks, and holding his seat in both hands, he bolted down the room and out through the exit.

The Inspector pushed back his chair and stood up. He signed to one of his men to take over. He had to see the Colonel at once. The Colonel might think it was time to pick up Blackie Lee and bring him in for special questioning. The Inspectoras face hardened when he thought of how Blackie had lied to him. He looked forward to meeting Blackie in the bleak tiled room set aside for special questioning. The fear that would be on that oily fat face, the Inspector told himself, would be worth seeing.

The subject of the Inspectoras thoughts had had a siesta and now went back to his office to see what was happening to his brother. He found Charlie smoking another cigar with his feet up on Blackieas desk.

The two men looked at each other.

aAnything?a Blackie asked hopefully, sitting in his desk chair.

aI think so,a Charlie said. aBut weall need more money. The money the diamonds will sell for wonat be enough. There is only one way to get him out: on the opium flight.a Blackie lifted his hands helplessly. Why hadnat he thought of that? he asked himself. So simple once you did think of it. That was the difference between Charlie and himself. Charlie had more brains: there was no doubt about that and because he had more brains he had horned in on two million American dollars.

aWho is doing the run now?a he asked. He hadnat been in the opium racket now for a couple of years and he had lost touch. He knew Charlie still smuggled opium from Laos into Bangkok.

aLee Watkins,a Charlie said. aHeas a newcomer. He hasnat been long in the game, but heas a good man. His father was English, his mother Chinese. He was a pilot with C.P.A. but he got fooling with an air hostess and they threw him out. He drifted into the Opium game. Heas earning big money. He wonat look at this job unless we pay him well.a Blackie pulled a face. aHow much?a aAt least three thousand American dollars, then there will be other expenses to take care of. He will have to use a helicopter to get the American to Kratie. Thereas no safe airstrip here for a plane to land. Itall have to be a helicopter. Itall cost around five thousand American dollars.a Blackie whistled. aWell, if he has the diamonds, he can pay. If he hasnat got them, then itas no good.a Charlie chewed his cigar.

aHe has them.a He thought for a moment, then, aWhen are you seeing him?a aTomorrow night.a aBetter make it tonight. Find out if heall pay five thousand. If he offers you more diamonds, take them. Once he has agreed to the price, Iall get in touch with Watkins. Heall have to come to Phnom-Penh. I havenat a visa for Laos.a Blackie looked at his watch. It was twenty minutes past three.

aIall tell the girl to go to him at once and fix it.a Charlie said, aHe must be told you want more money. He might not bring the diamonds with him.a Blackie nodded and went out.

In Colonel On-dinh-Khucas study, the Inspector was making his report.

aBlackie Lee was lying as I thought he was lying,a the Inspector said. aHe knows who the girl is. I asked permission to bring this man in for special questioning.a The Colonel pulled at his moustache. He had learned from the police at the airport that Charlie Lee had arrived. He had known Charlie in the past: he knew he was a troublemaker with influence. If Blackie were picked up, Charlie would make trouble. The Colonel knew that Charlie supplied one of the leading members of the opposition group with opium. The Colonel had no doubt that Charlie would go to this man and demand an inquiry as to why his brother had been spirited away for special questioning.

aNot yet,a he said, abut have him watched. Put two of your best men onto him.a aThis man can tell you who the girl is,a the Inspector said. aI have questioned over two hundred people today without being able to find out who she is. Blackie Lee knows. If it is so important to find her, he can tell us.a The Colonel stared coldly at him.

aYou heard what I said a" not yet. Have him watched.a Shrugging his shoulders, the Inspector went to detail two of his men to watch Blackie: a trifle late for Blackie was by then returning from seeing Nhan, and she was hurrying to catch the five oaclock bus to Thudaumot.

Watched by Yo-Yo, Blackie parked his car and entered the club. Yo-Yo was hungry. He looked around for Cheong-Su from whom he always bought his soup. The old man wasnat in his usual place but Yo-Yo saw him coming down the street, his oven and soup tin balanced on a bamboo pole which he carried on his shoulder.

Cheong-Su took up his position on the edge of the kerb, and after rubbing his bruised s.h.i.+n and groaning to himself, he blew up his charcoal fire and set the soup tin on top of it.

Yo-Yo joined him.

The old man immediately launched into a whining angry complaint about the police and how they had swindled him out of the reward. Yo-Yo had no idea what he was talking about and told him to shut up. But Cheong-Su felt his grievance too deeply to pay any attention to Yo-Yoas lack of interest. While he stirred the soup, he continued to complain until the word aAmericana awoke Yo-Yoas interest.

aWhat are you talking about?a he snarled. aWhat American? What reward?a Cheong-Su fetched out the crumpled newspaper and showed it to Yo-Yo.

Angrily, because he hated to have to admit he couldnat read, Yo-Yo told him to read it to him, but three customers arrived at this moment for soup and Cheong-Su left Yo-Yo to stare at the unintelligible print, seething with vicious fury at his own illiteracy.

The supper rush hour was now on and Yo-Yo had to wait. He listened to Cheong-Suas account of his unfair treatment at Security Police Headquarters as the old man recounted it over and over again to every new customer who came along.

Could the American, Yo-Yo was thinking, who he had seen at the window of the villa at Thudaumot be the man the police were inquiring about? If he was, then the girl, Nhan, and Blackie Lee were involved. Surely this might be the opportunity to blackmail Blackie for which he had been looking.

He was so absorbed in listening to Cheong-Su recount his experiences for the twentieth time that he failed to notice Blackie leave the club. The time was now twenty minutes past seven. Before setting out for Thudaumot, Blackie wanted to call on a wealthy Chinese jeweller who he was sure would buy the two diamonds Jaffe had given him. It would be a long transaction. The jeweller would try to convince Blackie the stones were of little value. Before Blackie could squeeze three thousand American dollars from the jeweller several hours would be wasted in polite but bitter haggling. Blackie was making sure he had plenty of time before his meeting with Jaffe at eleven oaclock.

When Yo-Yo finally got Cheong-Su to read him the newspaper account of Jaffeas kidnapping, he felt pretty confident that Jaffe was the American he had seen at the window. His immediate reaction was to rush around to Security Police and claim the reward, but remembering Cheong-Suas treatment, he decided first to talk to Blackie. It was possible Blackie might offer more than 20,000 piastres, but when he entered the club he found Blackie had gone.

Yu-lan who disliked Yo-Yo told him curtly to get out. Her husband, she said, wouldnat be back that night. When he wanted Yo-Yo, he would send for him.

chapter eleven.


Blackie Lee returned to the club a little after ten oaclock. He had been as successful as he could have hoped in the sale of diamonds. After a tussle that had lasted two hours, he had finally sold the stones for two thousand nine hundred American dollars. He locked the money in his safe, then he went into the dance hall for a word with Yu-lan before setting off for Thudaumot.

As he crossed the hall to the corner table where she always sat, he noted with approval that the dance floor was crowded.

Reaching Yu-lanas table, he paused, lifting his eyebrows. Yu-lan told him that Charlie had gone to bed.

He nodded.

aLooks like a busy night. I canat get back before one oaclock.a He hadnat told Yu-lan what Charlie and he were planning to do. He didnat believe in taking his wife into his confidence, but Yu-lan knew something important was in the wind and it worried her. She knew it was useless either to ask questions or to warn Blackie. He always went his own way.

Blackie left the club and walked over to where he had parked his car.

Two Vietnamese, wearing shabby European suits, were sitting in a car parked a few yards from Blackieas car. They were smoking and talking together. One of them nudged the other as Blackie came out of the club. His companion, in the progress. He had left Ann Fai Wahas apartment after four oaclock. He felt limp and ashamed of himself. He was also irritated that the Chinese girl had set such a high value on her attractions which, from Hambleyas point of view, had been extremely disappointing. There had been a sordid squabble over the present he was to give her and finally as she had begun to scream abuse at him at the top of her voice, he had parted with practically a weekas pay and had hurriedly left the apartment block before her neighbours came to inquire what the uproar was about.

He hadnat been able to find the mysterious Vietnamese girlas uncle at the Temple of Marshal Le-van-Duvet. As he couldnat speak Vietnamese, he had no means of finding out when the uncle was likely to come to the temple. The other fortunetellers at the temple stared at him, giggling with embarra.s.sment when he had tried to make them understand who he was looking for.

By the time he got back to his office, he was hot and exhausted. He decided to shelve the affair until the following morning.

Unknown to Jaffe and Nhan, they had gained yet another day of safety. driveras seat, thumbed the starter as Blackie started his car.

They followed Blackie through the heavy traffic until he reached the Bien Hoa a" Thudaumot highway. They were experienced police officers and they knew, at this time of night, there would be very little traffic on the road and Blackie would soon become aware that they were following him. They had had strict instructions from Inspector NgocLinh that Blackie was to have no suspicions that he was being watched.

The driver slowed down, letting Blackie go ahead and in a minute or so they had lost sight of his car. The driver then drove fast to the nearest police box and called the police post on the Bien Hoa highway. To the patrolman, he described Blackieas car and gave him the number. He told the patrolman to follow the car for only a short distance and then to alert all police posts on the highway to have cycle police ready to keep the car in sight until it reached its destination.

Once on the deserted highway, Blackie took the precaution to look continually in his driving mirror to make sure he wasnat being followed. He had no reason to think he might be followed, but he was taking no chances.

He didnat see the motorcycle patrolman some two hundred yards behind him for the patrolman was riding without a light.

Blackie had to stop at the Bien Hoa-Thudaumot police post which had now been repaired. The policeman in charge checked his papers, then waved him on. He watched Blackie turn to the left and head towards Thudaumot. There was already a policeman a mile ahead on a bicycle, waiting for him. The policeman went into the police post and telephoned the Thudaumot police post, warning them that Blackie was on his way.

It was exactly at eleven oaclock when Blackie drove over the gra.s.s covered, ruined road to the temple.

The policeman who was waiting patiently a quarter of a mile away saw Blackieas headlight in the distance suddenly go out. The countryside was treeless and flat at this part of the road. The ruined tower of the temple, black and gaunt against the skyline, was the only visible landmark the policeman could see, but his sharp eyes picked out the glimmer of Blackieas sidelights as the car b.u.mped over the potholes, and he realized Blackie had turned off the main road and was heading towards the temple.

He got on his bicycle and began to pedal fast down the road.

Blackie edged the big car through the gateway of the temple and pulled up. He saw Jaffe come out of the darkness and walk towards him. He remained in the car, waiting.

Jaffe opened the off-side door and got into the car.

aWell?a His voice was sharp. aWhatas been happening?a In a few moments, Blackie thought, Iall know if he did find all the diamonds. He was aware that his hands were damp with the sweat of excitement and taking out his handkerchief he wiped them before saying, aMy brother has arrived. As I had hoped, he will be able to help you. Nhan told you we need more money?a Jaffe made an angry movement with his big hands.

aYouare not getting it! Iave already given you a thousand dollars! Where the h.e.l.l do you think Iam going to get more money from?a Blackie winced. aWe must have another two thousand dollars,a he said. aOnce we have that, we can get you out.a Jaffe peered at him, aHow?a aMy brother knows a pilot in Laos. He will pick you up here in a helicopter and fly you to Kratie. From Kratie, it will be a simple matter to fly you to Hong Kong. We can arrange for you to leave the day after tomorrow.a Jaffe relaxed slightly. He drew in a deep breath. This sounded like action at last! For two days and nights he had been cooped up in the stiflingly hot little room and had been so bored he thought he would go frantic. Whatever it cost, he was determined to get away.

aIs the pilot to be trusted?a he asked and Blackie caught the eagerness in his voice.

aMy brother knows him well. You can trust him, but he will want his money in advance. He will want at least three thousand dollars.a aYou pay him,a Jaffe said. aIall settle with you in Hong Kong.a aIam sorry, Mr. Jaffe, but I canat do that,a Blackie said firmly. aIf you canat give me a further two thousand dollars, then I must withdraw my help.a Jaffe wished he knew the value of the smaller diamonds. For all he knew, he might be throwing away a small fortune in parting with these stones, but he had no alternative. The finality in Blackieas voice warned him that Blackie had the last word.

aI have one more diamond,a he said. aItas worth a thousand dollars. Iall owe you the rest.a Blackie shook his head. aIam sorry. I donat like taking diamonds. I had trouble in selling the last two you gave me.a aWhat did they fetch?a Jaffe demanded.

aUnder a thousand dollars,a Blackie lied. aIf this stone youare now offering me is the same as the other two, the sum realized wonat be enough.a Jaffe had brought two of the diamonds with him, each screwed up in a separate sc.r.a.p of paper. He took out one of the screws of paper and gave it to Blackie.

Blackie leaned forward and put on the dashlight. He examined the stone. It seemed to him very similar to the other two stones he had sold. He was breathing a little faster now. Charlie had been right. The American had found all the diamonds.

aThis will only fetch five hundred dollars,a Blackie said. aIt is not nearly enough.a A big hand reached out and caught hold of his shoulder. Fingers that felt like steel pinchers dug into his fat flesh. He was jerked around. He stared at Jaffe, his heart giving a little kick of fright. The expression on the Americanas face alarmed him.

aThatas all Iave got,a Jaffe said, speaking slowly and distinctly. aYou havenat any choice now, my friend. If they catch me, Iall tell them about you. Theyall trace those two diamonds back to you. You know what theyall do to you; I donat have to tell you. Youare going to fix this for me or youall go down with me.a aYouare hurting me, Mr. Jaffe,a Blackie said unsteadily. He could understand now how easily Jaffe had killed the houseboy. The strength in these steel fingers horrified him.

Jaffe let him go.

aYouave got three diamonds out of me. When I get to Hong Kong, youall get the rest of the money, but no more until I get there.a Blackieas mind worked swiftly. With the three diamonds, he now had more than four thousand dollars in hand. It would be enough to pay the pilot and take care of Charlieas air pa.s.sage. He saw that it would be dangerous to push Jaffe further. He pretended to hesitate, then he smiled, lifting his fat shoulders.

aBecause I trust you, Mr. Jaffe, itas a deal,a he said. aI will have to pay something out of my own pocket to make up the difference, but for you, Iall do it.a aYouad better do it,a Jaffe said grimly. aDonat forget a" if I go down, you go down with me.a aThereall be no question of that.a aThatas up to you.a There was a pause, then Jaffe went on. aWhatas the set-up?a aIall return now and fix it,a Blackie said. He gently ma.s.saged his aching shoulder. aBe ready to leave the day after tomorrow. Either my brothel or I will come here at eleven and pick you up in my car. You will be taken to a place to be decided upon where the helicopter can safely land. Not here: it is too close to a police post. Is that understood?a Jaffe nodded.

aYou will bring Nhan?a aI will bring her.a aOkay: Thursday night here at eleven and with Nhan.a Blackie watched the big American get out of the car, then he started the engine.

aIam relying on you,a Jaffe said, bending to look in through the window at Blackie. aRemember what I said: we go down together.a Blackie had a feeling of uneasiness. He suddenly wished he wasnat mixed up in this thing. It could go wrong. He remembered his brotheras warning about a shooting squad. He felt the damp sweat of fear break out on his face.

aIt will be all right,a he said. aYou can rely on me.a He backed the car through the gateway of the temple, turned it and started down the narrow road to the main road.

The policeman whose name was Din-Buong-Khun had arrived breathlessly a few minutes before, and was now lying in the long gra.s.s, his bicycle hidden close by behind a clump of young bamboo. He watched Blackieas car turn to the right as it reached the main road and drive fast towards Saigon. Khun knew that three miles further down the road there would be another policeman waiting to pick up Blackie and follow him back to the police post. He looked towards the temple, wondering what Blackie had been doing up there in the old ruins. He wondered if he should go up there, but he had no flashlight and he knew he wouldnat be able to see anything inside the temple. This was something he would do in the morning.

As he was about to rise to his feet, his sharp ears picked up the sound of movement. He flattened down in the gra.s.s, looking towards the temple.

Unaware that he was being watched, Jaffe walked out through the temple gateway and paused, trying to remember where he had left his bicycle. It was a dark night: a few pale stars hung in the sky, but the moon was hidden by a heavy ma.s.s of cloud.

Two more days, Jaffe was thinking, then Hong Kong! He felt confident, and sure now that he had thrown a big enough scare into Blackie to bring him and keep him to heel. He worried about the diamonds he had given Blackie. Before he paid Blackie another dollar he would get the remaining stones valued. Blackie wasnat going to swindle him if he could help it.

Without thinking, he took out his pack of cigarettes and lit a cigarette.

Khun watching, saw the tiny flame of the match. He could see Jaffeas ma.s.sive frame outlined against the sky, and his thick lips pulled off his teeth in a grimace of excitement.

His hand slid to his revolver holster, flicked up the flap and his fingers closed on the gun b.u.t.t.

It was the American: Jaffe, he told himself. There was no mistaking the manas size. The sergeant at the police post had given him his orders.

aThis man is armed and dangerous. Your instructions are to shoot to kill.a The gun slid easily out of the holster. Khun lifted it and sighted along the barrel. It was a difficult shot: sixty yards at least and only a black shape to aim at. Not for the first time in his police career did Khun feel a sudden doubt if he could hit his target. He had always been an indifferent marksman, and this would be good shooting with a .38 even for a crack shot.

He began to crawl forward, sliding over the thick rough gra.s.s like a snake, his head just sufficiently raised to keep his eyes on Jaffe.

Jaffe at this moment was thinking of Nhan. By the end of the week, they would be in Hong Kong together, he told himself. They would have one of the best suites at the Peninsula Hotel. Their first meal would be at the Parisian Grill. King Prawns, he thought, smiling to himself : they had nothing like them in Saigon.

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