Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 5

Wild Marauders MC: Lynch -

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Trust me brother, I know how the Devils think.

Me and the boys don't want our b.a.l.l.s cut off. We heard some bad s.h.i.+t about them f.u.c.king Devils.

Got you covered. Once the Devils step out they're dead. Got me?

It took a while before Bushy responded back. I didn't blame him. The Devils were bad news and the kind of MC you went in shooting first and asking questions later.

We got ya.

Good. Let's end this s.h.i.+t.

I looked at my crew. "Hulk and Lenny, you cover the right. Give the f.u.c.kers five to come out and get close enough so you don't miss. Last one on the right, we shoot to wound."

With that I turned toward the left of the building and moved to the edge. Yank was right behind me. The shooting stopped, and I could hear Bushy yelling from the front. Something about being out of ammo and giving up followed by toss your weapons and come out with your hands up. The f.u.c.kers weren't going to come out of hiding until they had my brothers unarmed, and out in the open. Helpless. I f.u.c.king hated that. I didn't let myself consider that this might be the one time the Devils did something out of character and came in shooting.

I didn't hear any more shouting, and when five minutes was up I knew that we'd have to move quickly and quietly toward the front. I c.o.c.ked my gun and took off, hugging the side of the building. The closer I got I was able to hear the Devils talking. My brothers were quiet. Just as I reached the edge of the building I heard laughter. Holding my gun ready, I peered around the edge.

Red, Bushy and Digger were on their knees in front of the entrance, hands in the air and guns on the ground around them. There were six Red Devils facing them, guns focused on my brothers. I glanced back at Yank. "We go out shooting."

Everything happened in record time once we stepped out in the open. I knew we'd only have the element of surprise on our side for a few seconds before all h.e.l.l would break loose. Hulk and Lenny rounded the corner of the building about the same time that we did. I aimed my gun at the first Devil swinging my way, ending him with a head shot. Before I could shoot the second man he was. .h.i.tting the ground with a bullet to the side. A shot from Yank splattered his brains all over the ground. A bullet whizzed past me drawing my gaze to the old farmhouse across the street.

f.u.c.k! One of the Devils had remained behind, hiding out in the ruins of a barn. "Across the street!" I yelled a warning to no one in particular. I fired when I saw movement, shattering some of the rotten wood. A few seconds later when I saw a head pop up I took aim and watched the force of the bullet shove the Devil backwards. Silence followed. Only one Red Devil was still alive, moaning and twisting on the ground at Hulk's feet.

"f.u.c.k, man, I don't ever want to do this s.h.i.+t again," Bushy complained while picking up his weapon. "f.u.c.kin' hate being helpless like that."

"I hear ya, brother." I went to the wounded Devil and kicked at his foot; he glared up at me and made a pitiful attempt to spit. I grinned. "How did you find this place?"

"I got nothin' to say, f.u.c.ker."

He was young, too young, and full of hate and defiance. Probably the kid of a member that had been in the club for a while. You didn't get the kind of consuming hate that radiated off him overnight without growing up around it.

Hulk applied pressure where the kid was bleeding. "Answer the f.u.c.kin' question."

The Devil twisted and cried out until Hulk removed his foot. "f.u.c.k you!" he spit out.

I thought for a moment. He knew he was as good as dead, and his refusal to talk told me that I was wasting my time. I gave Hulk the look and turned away, glancing at Red and Yank. "Remove their f.u.c.kin' cuts and burn them." A shot went off behind me and I knew Hulk had finished the guy off. "Hulk, Bushy, take care of the bodies. Digger, bring their weapons in and take care of the blood."


I glanced over at Lenny.

"We got f.u.c.kin' trouble." I nodded, knowing what he was thinking. "Think we have a d.a.m.n snitch." It wasn't said as a question.

"Yeah." I thought about who it could be. If there was a f.u.c.king leak it could be coming from the brothers at Dark Menace, too. "There's no way an MC as f.u.c.kin' inept as the Red Devils found our warehouse by chance."

"Agreed," Lenny said, nodding. "Any ideas?" He pulled out his pack of smokes and lit one, offering one to me.

I took one, needing it. "None of our patched-in brothers, I trust them."

Lenny nodded in agreement. "A prospect, then?" He blew out a stream of smoke.

"Don't know." I was pretty d.a.m.n sure we could trust Bullseye, Snake, and Red, but Chicken was another matter. Wizard's words came to mind. I was glad I'd told him to keep an eye on Chicken.

"What about Dark Menace?"

They were the only club that knew about the location of the warehouse. I shrugged. "I'll call Stone." My gut told me it would be a waste of time.

I turned and stepped inside the huge warehouse. Three plain, commercial vans were parked back to back, black for obvious reasons, with dark tinted windows, because most of our work was done at night. We took one when we went on any trips, loaded down with extra supplies and parts for our bikes, and s.h.i.+t for clean-up. Sometimes they came in handy for transporting wounded or dead brothers.

I took a deep drag of my cigarette and flicked what was left out the door. Kat's tight p.u.s.s.y would help me unwind a h.e.l.l of a lot faster than a couple puffs on a cigarette. Maybe later I could lose myself in her again. Right now I needed to talk to Stone. I pulled out my phone, pulled his number up, and hit send. I didn't have to wait long.

"What's up, bro?"

"Hey, man, the Red Devils paid us a little visit at the warehouse today."

"I f.u.c.kin' hate those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!" he swore.

We both did. "You or any of your brothers share the location with anyone?"

"h.e.l.l, no," Stone said, and I could hear the anger in his tone at my even suggesting it. "Anyone get hurt?"

"Yeah," I laughed, "Seven Devils are f.u.c.kin' dead."

"A drop in the bucket for those p.r.i.c.ks."

I ran a hand over my face and released a long breath. Stone was right. The worse f.u.c.king MC in the country, and they had the biggest numbers. But that was because they weren't particular with who became a f.u.c.king member. They boasted that they were one percenters, but they were ten times worse. They had no boundaries, no morals of any kind. Even their own members turned on one another without retribution.

"I'm hoping we'll change that when you brothers come out here," Stone said. "I'm tired as f.u.c.k of them coming into my town and stirring up s.h.i.+t, disrupting our business with Covacks."

I could hear the deep irritation in Stone's tone. He had a good thing going with Covacks. Something any MC would like to get in on, the man paid top dollar for their services, whether it was a weapons run or muscle at one of his nightclubs. The problem with Covacks was that like any criminal dealing in black market weapons he didn't give a f.u.c.k who he got to handle his runs. He used Dark Menace because it was their town, but the truth was he'd use any MC in that town to get the job done.

"We'll be ready for them." I thought about the up-coming war.

We disconnected. I glanced back at Lenny, who was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "Contact your friends at Johnson Brothers. I want this place fenced in with twelve-foot high chain link and three feet of barbed wire, one double entrance gate at the front, and one at the rear of the property by the trail." Lenny nodded. "Then I want security cameras and alarms all over the f.u.c.kin' place. Until the security features are put in place I want two prospects here twenty-four-seven."

"Got it."

I should have done that a long time ago but hadn't wanted to bring attention to the building. No one had any business coming down the dead-end road. Now it was time to secure the place. If we couldn't protect our paying client's property we would lose a big chunk of our income. We charged a lot for storage according to what they wanted stored, how long they wanted it stored, and how bad they wanted it kept a secret. The only rule was, nothing living, and yes, there was a reason why we had to come up with that stipulation.

Lenny turned sideways as I stepped through the doorway and back outside. "First, contact Kirby about what went down here." Kirby was one of our prospects that we'd sent to infiltrate the Red Devils about eight months ago. "Someone told the Devils about the warehouse, and I want to f.u.c.kin' know who."

Lenny acknowledged with a short nod. "I'll get right on it. We still going to New Hamps.h.i.+re at the end of next week?"

"That's the plan, brother," I said, taking another look around to make sure we didn't miss anything. The guys were moving quickly and efficiently. "I'm going to head back to the bar. It's night. Don't want to miss any of the fun." Kat's face flashed before my eyes. Come Monday I'd let her go, but until then I was going to get my fill of her.

Chapter 7.

Kat I finished wiping down the counter and hung the dish towel over the cupboard door beneath the sink to dry. Tiny had made it clear that folks had one hour to eat dinner, and then we'd be cleaning up in readiness for the night crowd. I was surprised to see that the food we'd set out was completely gone. I guess bikers weren't particular with what they put in their bellies, a fact backed up by the few sitting at the bar drinking their meals.

We'd spent the last hour cleaning up. I'd stuck to Tiny like glue, feeling out of my element when the bar began to fill up with rough bikers, and their friends. It was one thing to be there as a customer, and something very different to be there working, even though I'd convinced myself that I was paying a stupid fine for taking Lynch's bike. Stella had told me something similar about the police department being on the MC's payroll, which was one of the reasons I hadn't pressured Lynch to let me go.

That, and the fact I'd been thinking about the hot biker every day since that day on the side of the road. Dressed in my interview clothes I'd been hot, uncomfortable, and royally p.i.s.sed at my then-boyfriend, Ben. It wasn't the first time his selfish indifference to someone else's plight had gotten to me. He'd refused to even try and figure out what was wrong with my car, whining about getting his clothes dirty. I knew that he really meant his hands because Ben was a pretty boy, always worried about his appearance.

I'd known we weren't going to make it, and I was glad I'd decided to break up with him. What an a.s.shole, Ben's reaction to the breakup was to say that I was giving up the best thing to ever happen to me. The funny thing was that he actually believed what he was saying. Jerk!

A woman's shrill laughter coming from the bar brought me back to the present. I saw Tiny digging around inside the freezer for something. She yanked out some kind of meat that was covered in frost and probably had freezer burn, and then slammed it onto the counter.

"What now?" Judging from the noise level outside the kitchen it sounded as though night was turning wild.

"Honey, I'm done for the day. Dirk needs some help at the bar, though, probably the safest place for you. nights are busy and it gets rowdy. The bar isn't exclusive to bikers, and some of the locals, mostly the young ones, come here, so don't go off with anyone. Things don't usually wind down until two in the morning."

As soon as we entered the bar I could see what Tiny was talking about. Every chair was taken, including the line of stools in front of the wood bar that lined the back wall. Some laps even served as chairs for some of the women. Bikers were easy to identify by their rough appearances and cuts. I was a little surprised to see that not all of them were Wild Marauders. I also saw cuts from Iron Invaders, and Death Challengers. I glanced around the room, unsure what I was looking for.

Tiny left me standing at the end of the bar, next to the kitchen doorway. There were two guys working behind the bar. I a.s.sumed one of them was Dirk. Both men were wearing Wild Marauders' colors, and faded jeans. One was completely bald, with a neatly trimmed beard and, from what I could see of his upper body, covered in brightly colored tattoos. The other man had his long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, his handsome face was clean shaven and only one arm was covered with ink. Both men were tall and muscular, powerful looking, and served up drinks with no nonsense att.i.tudes.

Movement drew my gaze upward to the women dancing on top of the bar. I recognized Marla and Candy from before. They were wearing little to nothing, showing the guys exactly what they were getting. The two girls were painfully thin, their ribcage and hip bones sticking out as they swayed and gyrated vulgarly to the music slamming through the room. The excessive amount of makeup they wore made it difficult to guess their ages. The third girl, the one I hadn't seen before, was younger and had a beautiful, exotic face. She was slender with curves, and like the other two, had large b.r.e.a.s.t.s and long hair.

I felt fat compared to them and couldn't remember ever having seen my hip bones. Being five feet three inches didn't help. I was a size twelve, and Ben used to tease me that I had a Dolly Parton shape, back before she lost all the weight. The a.s.shole had complimented and insulted me in the same breath. In my estimation there'd never been anything wrong with Dolly's figure, and Ben sure hadn't minded when he was f.u.c.king me. During all ten minutes of it.

I was about to get the attention of the man behind the bar, the one closest to me, when I heard someone shout my name. I glanced around the room, but it was so crowded with people moving around that it was impossible to zero in on anyone.

"Kat! Over here!"

I followed the sound to where Stella was sitting at a table with some bikers. One of them had his arm across her shoulders and his hand was dangling over her nearly naked b.o.o.b. My eyes widened with surprise, and shock, because this wasn't the Stella I was used to working with. She looked natural sitting there in a skin tight leather corset, her hair loose and looking wild, and wearing heavy makeup. In turn she was giving me the once-over, and so were the men she was with. She motioned me over.

"OhmyG.o.d! Look at you, girl!" Stella squealed when I neared the table. She was all smiles, but there was something else in her eyes that I couldn't decipher. I didn't know her well enough. The clinic we worked at was always busy, and there wasn't much time for personal conversation. "Lookin' s.e.xy!" she laughed. "What are you doing here? Decide to check out the biker scene for yourself?"

"It's a long story-"

"Sit down, darlin'."

Without warning I felt an arm slide around my waist and I was pulled down onto a biker's lap. I moved to get up but his arms locked around my torso like prison bars. Everyone at the table thought it was funny, which only made me more determined to get up. The more I struggled, the tighter his arms became, and the only thing my wiggling accomplished was giving him a hard-on.

"Hey, Rocky, don't scare my friend away," Stella laughed, giving me a wink that I didn't appreciate. "She's probably a biker virgin."

What the f.u.c.k? Was Stella drunk? I scowled at her, then lifted my gaze to meet the amused gaze of the man whose lap she was practically sitting in. He grabbed her b.o.o.b and squeezed. Stella threw back her head and parted her lips, moaning loudly, an invitation to the man who leaned forward and kissed her.

I rolled my eyes, and tried again to get off the biker's lap. "Please-"

"Is that true, pretty lady?" The arms holding me pressed against my and then his mouth was touching my ear. "Never been f.u.c.ked by a biker, baby?"

I tried to pull away when I felt his tongue lick me. The two other bikers at the table snickered, and their lady friends just smiled, but it was far from friendly. I had a feeling they were looking at me as compet.i.tion. Well, I'd had enough. I managed to twist around enough to slap the man's face. "Let. Me. Go." The sound of the slap was lost in the noise of the room, but it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Teach that b.i.t.c.h a lesson, brother!" someone from another table shouted. Laughter erupted and several men nodded their heads in obvious agreement.

I couldn't see the eyes of the man I'd slapped, but I could definitely feel that he'd grown tense, and I wondered if he was going to retaliate. I hadn't got a good look at his cut, so I didn't know if he was a Wild Marauder or not. Stella and her boyfriend stopped kissing to watch what was happening. I glared at her, deciding that she must have split personalities. I made up my mind that when Rocky released me I'd head straight to Lynch's room and lock myself in.

The music ended and another song began with barely a pause in between. I recognized the Guns N' Roses. .h.i.t from the late eighties, Sweet Child O' Mine. A quick glance around the bar revealed several scenes straight out of a p.o.r.n flick. The three women who'd been dancing earlier were now all involved with several of Lynch's men. The air was thick with cigarette smoke, and I could also pick up the smell of pot.

I glanced toward the doorway to see more bikers entering the bar. Lynch was right behind a group of them, but I didn't get the impression that he'd come in with them. He began to walk through the room, responding to several inquiries along the way. I couldn't help but notice that he was scanning the room as he went. Was he looking for me? I wondered what his reaction would be when he saw me sitting on the lap of a biker.


I glanced at Stella. She was on her feet and waving to get his attention. Lynch looked our way but didn't change direction, until his gaze landed on me, and then he pivoted sharply our way. Our eyes met and held, and I could see the muscle working in his clenched jaw. Stella circled the table we were at and threw herself into his arms just as he reached us. His arms didn't close around her, and he didn't take the hot intensity in his eyes off me.

"I've been waiting for you, handsome!" Stella was totally oblivious that Lynch wasn't paying any attention to her. "I kept myself open for you tonight."

Well, that was obvious.

"You enjoying the f.u.c.kin' hard-on my woman is giving you, Rocky?" Lynch's grim tone revealed that he wasn't happy.

"Your woman?" The question came from Stella, her tone slightly stunned.

"I was." Rocky's arms fell away from me, though, and suddenly I had the plague. "Hey, prez, I didn't know she was your woman. She never said s.h.i.+t."

"I'm not anyone's woman," I snapped. Before I could move Lynch grabbed my upper arm and hauled me to my feet. "Take-" I caught my breath when he jerked me up against his hard, unyielding body. "You can give every one of my brothers a f.u.c.kin' hard-on, babe, but I'm the only one who'll be sticking his d.i.c.k inside you."

I stiffened at his crude comment, and opened my mouth to ask him who the h.e.l.l he thought he was, when he took the opportunity to slam his mouth down on mine. It was a possessive kiss that showed he was clearly staking his claim, right there in front of everyone in the room, and I didn't like it. But even as I told myself that, my traitorous body was screaming the opposite.

Why the h.e.l.l didn't I have any control of my senses when I was around him?

Stella's gasp seemed as loud as a gunshot blast. After that nothing else registered except that Lynch's mouth was devouring mine. Now I knew what it felt like to be struck by lightning. The bolt of electricity spiraling through my body from his was like nothing I'd experienced before, leaving me buzzing with need against his hardness. I was oblivious to everything around me because I was coming undone in his arms. Why did he have such a strong effect on me? I just couldn't understand why this outlaw biker turned me on to where he was the only thing that mattered. I felt his hand fist in my hair and heard his low groan as our kiss intensified, fueled by the feel of his c.o.c.k throbbing against me.

I was breathless when he finally released me. For several seconds he glared down into my eyes, his face a mask of raw emotion. Panic raced through me as I considered that he just might lose control and f.u.c.k me right there in front of everyone. Because seriously, what stopped a man like Lynch from doing whatever he wanted, wherever and whenever he wanted? Gradually I began to notice the noise and activity going on around us.

"Well, isn't this f.u.c.king nice," Stella hissed in a voice full of venom. I turned my head and found her standing there with her hands on her hips, her pretty face a twisted parody of jealousy and disbelief. The angry glare in her eyes moved back and forth between me and Lynch. "Are you planning on f.u.c.king us both?"

OhmyG.o.d she didn't!

Lynch's reaction was instant. His expression turned to stone, eyes narrowing like shards of broken gla.s.s that promised to cut, and cut deep. I could feel the tension go through his body. He moved me aside gently, surprising considering that the anger was rolling off him in palpable waves. I could tell by Stella's face that she knew she'd gone too far. She took a nervous step back.

"I don't recall making plans to f.u.c.k you tonight," he said in a low snarl, crossing his muscular arms over his ma.s.sive chest.

I winced and actually felt bad for Stella.

She turned pale. "You said to dress hot and keep tonight open-"

"And your interpretation to that was that I wanted to f.u.c.k you?"

"Well, I thought-"

"You're a f.u.c.kin' hang-around," Lynch interrupted, his tone sharp as a knife. "Trying to worm your way into the club for a long time. Tonight we're gonna see if you make the cut." His gaze locked on to the man whose lap I'd been sitting. "Starting with Rocky." The corner of his lip curved upwards, but it was a far cry from a smile. "Since you already have a hard-on, brother, put your d.i.c.k to good use and initiate Stella into the ranks of sweetb.u.t.t."

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