Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 4

Wild Marauders MC: Lynch -

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I got up to head to my office. As I started to turn a flash of red caught my attention. It was Chicken. He'd wrapped a red bandana around his head. I wondered what the prospect was up to. The club had four, and right now Chicken was at the bottom of the list. He had four months to go before we voted on whether he stayed or not, but if he kept f.u.c.king up he wouldn't make it in.

"Do you think Peewee would still be alive if that a.s.shole had brought back the doc?" Wizard grumbled, watching the prospect walk through the room.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Nah, Peewee was shot up too f.u.c.kin' bad. He died before Chicken got back." I thought about the unmarked grave Peewee was lying in back in the woods.

"I don't trust that f.u.c.ker," Wizard said once Chicken had exited the room.

That was saying a lot. Wizard was usually a good judge of character. "Then watch him."

Wizard nodded, and I walked off. I had a call to make before church.

Kat I brushed the hair out of my face with the back of my arm for the hundredth time, reaching for the pot holders next to the stove. I'd been working non-stop all afternoon, first was.h.i.+ng a boat load of dishes left over from the night before, and then scrubbing out an old metal cupboard brought in for additional storage. Tiny worked right alongside me, looking just as frazzled from the heat, fixing the evening meal. The small kitchen had three appliances-a stove that looked like it hadn't been cleaned, ever, and a refrigerator and freezer that were stocked with food. Metal industrial looking shelves lined one wall, stocked from floor to ceiling with canned goods and other edible supplies.

Tiny told me that they kept a huge stockpile in case there was ever a lockdown, and that they prepared a meal in the evenings to feed the brothers and sweetb.u.t.ts who lived there permanently. That news surprised me, though I don't know why. Did Lynch live here, too?

I opened the oven door and jumped back as a cloud of black smoke billowed toward me. After fanning it away I reached inside for the huge pan of meatloaf Tiny had made. Setting it on top of the counter, where the other burn marks were, I looked down at it, smiling. The dome shaped loaf barely looked edible, but should go good with the brown mashed potatoes. Brown because Tiny had let the water boil down, burning the bottom. It wasn't until after she'd scalded the several cans of gravy she'd opened up that she confessed she'd only been working in the kitchen for a short time, and that cooking was not her thing.

"Elly used to have kitchen duty, but Boomer went and made her his old lady," she said while spooning the lumpy potatoes into a large bowl.

"Aren't you someone's old lady?" I asked her, taking a spatula to the bottom of the meat.

"Yeah, but I'm getting up there. Not much else I'm good for but kitchen duty. I want to do something, can't sit at home all day." She gave me a long, thorough look. "Kinda surprised Lynch put you in here with me. You got a look the boys will go crazy for." I bristled at that but said nothing. Tiny paused from what she was doing and stared off for a moment. "I remember those days, having all the brothers hot for me. A few even fought over me." Tiny was smiling. "Then Wizard came along and it was love at first sight." She looked at me and winked. "l.u.s.t at first sight, really."

I thought about Lynch and me. That pretty much summed it up. If I were honest I'd admit that the only reason I was still there was because I wanted a little more of him. Okay, a lot more. He irritated the c.r.a.p out of me, but his hands and mouth on me managed to wipe out everything except the ecstasy of his possession. The man knew how to make a woman feel like she was the only one.

I managed to the spatula between the burnt pan and meat enough to lift the loaf out of the pan. I plopped it down on a platter while Tiny poured the gravy into another bowl. From the noise that was coming through the saloon-style doors, it appeared that the bar was filling up fast.

"This is all they get?" There were plenty of meat and potatoes, but nothing else.

"They're lucky to get this," Tiny chuckled, picking up a stack of chipped and cracked plates. "Grab the utensils, sweetie." She swung around and exited through the saloon doors, and I had no choice but to follow. As soon as we entered the bar the catcalls and suggestive comments began.

"Hey, baby! Are you our appetizer? You look f.u.c.king good enough to eat!" someone yelled out.

I ignored the a.s.shole.

"Yeah, man, I'd like to take a bite out of that sweet a.s.s!" Everyone within hearing distance laughed. "Then I'll move on to those nice, big t.i.tties."

I felt a blast of heat crawl up my neck into my cheeks.

I knew if I was going to survive I'd have to grow some thick skin, just like in school, and hoped they kept their hands to themselves. In the mean time, I recognized the importance of putting on a strong front, and showing them that they didn't bother me.

The room was packed, every table full, every stool at the bar taken. I saw a sea of bikers of all ages and shapes, all wearing patched cuts, jeans and biker boots. Some with long hair, short hair, some with beards, some wearing skull caps and bandanas, and most covered in ink. All looked tough as nails and dangerous mean. Their women appeared tough and rowdy, too.

"Show us those t.i.ts, baby!"

My ears were burning. The cropped top was clinging to me, and I knew a few inches of fabric was all that kept my covered. As their crude insults continued, I made a point of glaring at them and then dismissing them as inconsequential. My gaze landed on one leering man in particular. He was young, and would have been handsome if he'd spent a little more time on his appearance. His long, stringy hair and scraggly beard made him look dirty and unkempt. The look on his face said he thought he was G.o.d's gift to women.

He gave me what he probably thought was a s.e.xy grin, the light in his eyes glazed from too much beer, drugs, or both. "Come on, baby," he coaxed in a softer, more intimate tone. "Show me some t.i.ts."

I glanced away with disgust, my gaze landing on Lynch. He was sitting at the same table that he'd been at earlier that day, a gla.s.s half-filled with amber liquid in front of him, and a half-naked sweetb.u.t.t with her in his face standing next to him. It was obvious she was flirting with him, and when she reached up and cupped his cheek jealousy reared up its ugly head inside me. It happened so fast and without warning that it left me standing there, stunned. Before I could collect myself he glanced my way.

No f.u.c.king way I was jealous.

Our eyes met, and something in his wouldn't let me look away. His intense stare was on me, his weathered expression giving nothing away. Without taking his stare off me he said something to the sweetb.u.t.t, and she shot me an angry look before turning away. Then, and I knew she did this on purpose; she leaned down and gave him a kiss, making sure to brush his cheek with her b.o.o.b.

What a dog!

Okay, to be fair he hadn't returned her kiss. In fact, it didn't appear Lynch was affected by her at all. I held back my inward smile of triumph as the s.l.u.t walked off, glaring at me the whole time.

When I returned my gaze to Lynch, I decided that I had to ignore him, and the way that he made my traitorous body feel. I should have fought him earlier, but it was too late to do anything about it now. Besides, I'd wanted him with an unnatural fierceness since I first set eyes on him. Many times during those lonely and h.o.r.n.y weeks, he'd entered my thoughts and dreams. Pulling my gaze from his, I slammed the silverware down next to the plates Tiny had placed on the counter.

She gave me a strange look but didn't say anything. When she turned to go back into the kitchen I followed. My gaze strayed to the women who were on top of the bar, shaking their naked a.s.sets in the faces of the closest men. Their movements were vulgar and clearly intended to drive the men crazy with l.u.s.t. When they were grabbed and pinched they squealed, but didn't seem to mind. One man even pulled a woman down onto his lap and she laughingly curled her arms and legs around him, dry humping him as he got up and walked away.

"After we drop off the food grab yourself a plate and take a rest." Tiny grabbed the potatoes and gravy, leaving the meatloaf to me. None of the food looked appealing to me, but I kept quiet.

We set the food down on the bar next to the plates and silverware. Some of the men got up and headed toward us. I danced out of their way, nearly colliding with a table where a man and woman were f.u.c.king like there was no tomorrow. I watched for a moment, disbelieving what I was seeing, thinking my eyes were deceiving me, until the sweetb.u.t.t lifted enough for me to see her sliding down on the man's c.o.c.k. I gasped and looked away, straight into the dark, a.s.sessing eyes of Lynch.

Before I could look away he motioned me over. For a moment I wondered what he'd do if I shook my head, but the truth was that I was tired, and at that moment felt that the safest place for me was with him.


He raised his brows at my less than friendly tone. What did he expect? "Sit the f.u.c.k down, baby, you look done in."

I turned toward the empty chair next to his with the intention of doing just that, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto his lap instead. Angry that he was taking a lot for granted, I made a move to get up. His hand tightened around my arm, and the next thing I knew his mouth was against my ear.

"Don't make things harder for yourself."

He spoke directly into my ear, his warm breath giving me a s.h.i.+ver I couldn't control. "Threat heard and noted," I said softly. I forced myself to relax. "Should I take off my top and bra so I can rub my b.o.o.b all over your face?"

His laughter drew the attention of those who were sitting close to us. "I won't stop you," he responded. "You have nice t.i.ts."

His grip loosened and I felt his teeth nibble on my ear before he ran his tongue along the edge. I tried to replace my growing arousal with anger, but it wasn't working. This was a totally new experience for me, and I couldn't help but wonder what made Lynch so different. He was nothing like the other two men I'd had in my life. My responses to them, even at the most crucial intimate moments, had been mediocre. At the time I'd placed the blame on myself, but now I could clearly see that it had been their pure lack of magnetism.

Lynch wasn't even trying that hard and he was turning me on.

"Don't fight me, baby." His breath was warm against my ear. I closed my eyes and held back a groan. "I've wanted to get my f.u.c.kin' hands on you all day." He kissed the sensitive area behind my ear. "I want to suck your nipples until they can f.u.c.king cut gla.s.s, coat my tongue with your sweet cream and f.u.c.k you with it until you scream my name."

Oh, G.o.d! Wet heat made its way to my panties and I clenched my thighs to relieve some of the ache. The visual he created became almost too intense to bear.

"I think I'll eat you for dinner," he continued.

My breath caught as his rough words conjured images that had nothing to do with food. I could feel my nipples turn hard and fought the urge not to rub my arms over them to ease the tingle. Lynch's mouth was branding the flesh on my neck, and then he moved beneath the fall of my hair, alternating between biting and kissing. There was nothing soft about what he was doing. There was no reason for me to feel pleasure when I was pretty sure his teeth were leaving marks on my skin, yet I couldn't deny the fire rus.h.i.+ng through me, settling between my legs.

"No..." Even to my ears the husky note sounded false.

I felt his smile against my skin. "Let me change your mind."

Was he serious? "No!" He wouldn't have to try very hard, which is why I pushed against him. My palms fell against his naked chest and it was like trying to move a stone pillar. His hard muscles rippled beneath my pitiful attempt to slow things down.

"Don't be afraid, baby. All I want to do is make you feel good."

His hands moved to the bare skin of my sides and squeezed. I couldn't look away from the raw arousal in his eyes, and his nostrils flared as he moved his hands upward beneath my top. I gasped with antic.i.p.ation, waiting for him to complete the journey, and then he did. His large hands cupped my and then his thumbs were flicking over my nipples. I closed my eyes, shutting out everything around me. Big mistake! It only emphasized what he was doing to me, what he made me feel. When I felt his erection beneath my bottom everything inside me turned to liquid.

"Sweet f.u.c.k," he snarled into my ear, lifting his hips and grinding his c.o.c.k into my a.s.s. "Do you know how f.u.c.kin' easy it would be for me to slip my c.o.c.k inside you without even leaving this chair?"

Oh, G.o.d, I could feel myself growing wetter and my c.l.i.t began to buzz. For a crazy second I almost told him yes, please!

"All I'd have to do is unzip my jeans-" He kissed my jaw. "Slip your panties aside-" Grazed the side of my neck with his teeth. "And slide inside your sweet p.u.s.s.y so hard and deep you'll feel the root of my c.o.c.k banging your c.l.i.t."

His breath seemed harsher in my ear, probably matching mine, when I was actually able to draw a breath. I just managed to hold back a sound of frustration when suddenly his hands were gone. In the next instant he was fisting a hand in my hair and pulling my head back, taking my mouth with a growl. I didn't even think about pus.h.i.+ng him away, I couldn't think about anything but opening my mouth to his probing tongue and enjoying the sensual attack.

Lynch was a good kisser, and for a few seconds I forgot where we were. The noise surrounding us dulled over time, and it became just the two of us as I took in the addicting flavor of his mouth. Smokey heat and a hint of something wild. It was intoxicating. Sometime during our kiss I felt his hand drop to my bare knee and slowly glide up the inside of my thigh. I could feel my heart pounding at his lack of hesitation, and when he flicked his finger over my p.u.s.s.y my body pulsed, releasing more liquid.

It didn't appear that Lynch was going to stop there either. I was shocked to feel his thick finger slip beneath the elastic of my panties and directly into my c.u.n.t. Oh, sweet f.u.c.k! My body quivered and clenched around the invasion that could bring me to heaven. But in the next second I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled back just enough so we could make eye contact. He didn't give me time to say anything.

"s.h.i.+t, you're already wet for me, baby."

His finger found my c.l.i.t. I closed my eyes as a rush of pure pleasure overwhelmed my senses. I held back a groan, unwilling to reveal how much his touch was affecting me, especially in a room full of people. "Please," I looked around. "Not here."

Lynch grinned. "Not into public displays?" I shook my head. "Relax, no one is watching."

He was right. Were these people so used to open displays of debauchery that they no longer noticed when it was happening, or was it simply viewed as lewd entertainment? I scanned the room, noticing that others were involved in various stages of shocking public displays, if not downright f.u.c.king. Some of the bikers had brought their own women with them, and they were the loudest and most obvious in their raunchy behavior.

I met the intent in Lynch's aroused eyes. l.u.s.t obviously gripped him, and it didn't look like he was going to be denied. His expression was stretched tight, nostrils flaring, jaw clenched. His finger continued to pump into my p.u.s.s.y in a slow and steady stroke that turned up the heat for me until I was quivering wildly against him.

He added another finger. "So f.u.c.kin' wet," he whispered, touching his lips to mine. "Give it up to me, baby," he coaxed in a tone that I couldn't ignore. "Let me feel you come apart." Hooking his fingers, he located my G-spot, and attacked it with vigor.

Oh G.o.d! I uncurled my fingers from his thick wrist, giving myself up to his demands and the moment. What did it really matter anyway? We were in a room filled with people getting it on in one way or another. Before I realized it my hips were moving to meet Lynch's fingers as he slowly, expertly stroked my body to a fevered pitch. At the same time my b.u.t.t rubbed against the ridge of his hard c.o.c.k. Remembering the feeling of his d.i.c.k inside me, stretching me, pushed me over the top. Losing control, I turned my face into Lynch's chest to drown out the sounds of my intense climax.

With my nose pressed against him I sucked in the pleasant scent of natural musk and slight perspiration on his warm skin. He kept his fingers buried deep inside me until my convulsions had calmed and I was able to turn my face away. Too embarra.s.sed to look around, I focused my gaze on his eyes. He slid his fingers out slowly and then shocked me to my core by bringing them to his mouth.

It was incredibly erotic to watch him lick my spilled cream off his fingers, and something I wouldn't soon forget. Lynch was good at keeping the embers hot, every look, every move designed to keep me wanting him. In spite of my recent o.r.g.a.s.m I was still h.o.r.n.y, and I knew why.

I wanted his c.o.c.k inside me.

I. Wanted. It. Now.

Chapter 6.

Lynch I kept my eyes locked onto Kat, cleaning her sweet cream off my fingers. My d.i.c.k was about to break right through my f.u.c.king jeans to get to her, and I knew if I kept rubbing it against her a.s.s I would come. f.u.c.k, I wanted to come. I wasn't shy. I'd f.u.c.ked plenty of women in the bar, and I was about ten seconds away from bending Kat over the table and putting on a show when the mood was abruptly broken by the sound of my cell going off. I lifted enough to get it from my back pocket.

"Yeah?" I snapped into the receiver, frustrated at the interruption. It was Red, one of the prospects. He'd gone with a few brothers to the warehouse to unload a s.h.i.+pment. As soon as I heard the panic in his voice, I knew there was f.u.c.king trouble.

"Prez, some of the f.u.c.king Red Devils showed up!" he began, out of breath. "We're under fire!"

I could hear the sound of gunfire in the background. f.u.c.k! I set Kat on her feet, not bothering to explain, and got to mine, cramming my phone back into my pocket. "Lenny, Hulk, Yank, trouble at the warehouse!" I shouted while heading toward the door.

The Red Devils were the same MC our brothers, Dark Menace, were having trouble with in New Hamps.h.i.+re. Lately they'd been intercepting runs and raiding warehouses because they were too f.u.c.king lazy to work their own connections. They used the drugs they dealt in, and ran wh.o.r.e houses where the girls were barely legal, and I was pretty f.u.c.king sure they dealt in human trafficking. Our two MC's didn't stand for that s.h.i.+t and if we had our way the f.u.c.king Red Devils would be taken down soon.

"Who's at the warehouse?" Hulk asked as we charged to our bikes.

"Red, Digger, and Bushy." I kicked my kickstand back and started my bike, listening to the other bikes start-up. We peeled out of the yard and headed for the back trail to the warehouse. There was a dirt road that led to it, but the trail through the woods was quicker and would let us get closer to the f.u.c.king Red Devils before they saw us.

I was going to kill every last one of the f.u.c.kers. How the f.u.c.k had they found the warehouse? It was in the middle of f.u.c.king nowhere, on a dirt road to f.u.c.king nowhere. Anyone stumbling upon it would see it for what it was, an old, abandoned hen house. Cutter had purchased the property twenty years ago and done nothing with it, but I'd always seen the potential in it.

Once I'd taken over as president we'd built another building inside the original metal structure, with one main entrance and an emergency exit at the opposite end. The entrance blended in with the rest of the building because I'd had it made out of the same metal, and it opened up like a garage door. Whenever my brothers went there the orders were to bring the bikes inside, and keep it closed at all times, so that it always looked like it was abandoned and no one was there.

The building was used for storage. It was big enough to store the vans we used on long runs, and for client storage, items that they wanted kept secret and hidden from any records. We also kept new bikes there. The underground storage held the illegal s.h.i.+t we dealt in, along with a soundproof interrogation room. s.h.i.+t! The discovery of the warehouse wasn't good news. As we neared the back of the property we stopped at the end of the trail, still under cover of the trees, and cut our engines. Once the noise died down I could hear the sound of rapid gunfire.

"f.u.c.k, man." Lenny pulled his gun. Hulk and Yank did the same. "Do we know how many Devils?"

It sounded like a f.u.c.king army, but I knew my brothers were holding their own. "Red didn't say." I listened for a moment. The Red Devils were on the roadside of the warehouse out front. The hen house had been abandoned for fifty years, but there weren't any f.u.c.king trees around it that would give us cover. The surrounding area was covered with thick, overgrown gra.s.s that resembled a hayfield. If we got lucky it just might give us enough cover to sneak up to the back of the building.

"Four or five," Hulk said. We made eye contact. "I texted Bushy."

I nodded. "Stay low," I grumbled, already making my way out of the trees. I knew we wouldn't be able to get in through the back entrance because it would be secured. But if we could make it close enough, and then spread out using the overgrowth for cover, we could hit the Devils with a surprise attack. I didn't like that we'd have to hide-I liked facing the enemy when they were about to die.

"f.u.c.k!" We halted. The shooting had stopped. "Hulk, text Bushy and tell him to give the Devils all they have." If they kept the rival club busy with gunfire it would give us a better chance of getting closer without being seen.

"Done," Hulk said.

No sooner said than the shooting began again. We moved forward and didn't stop until we were flush against the metal of the building.

"What's the plan?" Yank asked.

"There's no f.u.c.kin' way we can get in a position to come up behind them," Lenny stated the obvious.

"Text Bushy and tell him to give up." I could feel the sudden tension of all three brothers.

"That's f.u.c.kin' suicide, man," Hulk finally said.

"Think about it." I made eye contact with my Sgt. of Arms. "The Devils like torture. Have you ever f.u.c.kin' heard of them shooting a brother down when they had that option?"

There was a minute of silence. "Prez is right," Yank said. "A couple months ago the Red Devils and the Storms got into a showdown. Knowing they were outnumbered, the Storms called for a truce-"

"There are no truces-"

"I f.u.c.kin' know that, Lenny," Yank grumbled. "Anyway, once the Storms surrendered and s.h.i.+t, the Devils f.u.c.kin' tortured and burned them alive while videotaping it."

"Sick f.u.c.ks," I said. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was from Bushy.

You f.u.c.king sure about this, prez?

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