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"Only-" Morgan murmured.
Ferris swallowed, suddenly ashamed of his misgiving.
"Only what, my lord?"
"Only, you are just a little afraid," Morgan said gently, "which is certainly understandable." He sighed wearily as he turned to gaze out the window. "You wonder whether I was reading your mind just now, and whether I would in the future. I cannot blame you for that."
"Forgive me, my lord," Ferris whispered, certain that any chance of serving the Deryni duke was now gone.
"No, you have a right to wonder," Morgan said. "And you deserve an answer to your unspoken question. 1 was not reading your mind just now; and I would not in the future, if you served me, except for a specific reason-and then it would only be with your permission, unless there were dire reasons otherwise." He quirked a strained, lopsided smile in Ferris' direction. "I'd have to touch you, in any case."
"As you did out there?" Ferris breathed, remembering the eerie, helpless sensation as Morgan had ordered him to remember.
"Yes. It would be easier if you were cooperating, if I had to do it again."
"But you didn't touch the other four," Ferris pointed out.
"No, but I wasn't reading their actual thoughts, either. I was Truth-Reading. There's a difference."
"Oh." Ferris swallowed uneasily and tried to a.s.similate all that Morgan had just said.
"I don't know why I'm telling you all this," Morgan muttered. "A man shouldn't tell a total stranger about his limitations." He gave Ferris a sidelong glance. "Maybe it's because I think I would like to have you serve me-and it's only fair that you know what you're getting into, if you do. Maybe it's also that I sensed your basic honesty and integrity, when I did have to read your mind."
"I would be loyal to you, my lord!" Ferris said fiercely. "I swear by all the G.o.ds, I would!"
Smiling, Morgan glanced down at the hilt of the sword at his waist, then back at Ferris.
"By all the G.o.ds, I think you would. But this is not the time for either of us to make that kind of commitment. I've just delivered you from the jaws of a very unjust death. It's only natural that you should be grateful. You've offered to make me a better sword in return. I accept. So why don't you ride back to Coroth with me and my aide this afternoon, and I'll put you to work? When you've delivered the sword, then we'll decide about the future."
"Done, my lord!" Ferris said, as he and Morgan began moving out of the window embrasure to rejoin Morgan's aide. "But I know what my decision will be."
(Included but not proofread) KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS.
C = Catalyst HS = Healer's Song V = Vocation B = Bethane PA = The Priesting of Arilan L = Legacy KD = The Knighting of Derry T = Trial * = Character or Place appears in one or more of the Deryni novels.
ALDRED, Prince-grandson of Nimur II of Torenth and nephew of Wencit; Deryni; age 15 in June of 1105. (L) ALISTER Cullen, Bishop-Deryni Chancellor of Gwy-nedd and Bishop of Grecotha in 914; alter ego of Camber MacRorie. (HS)*
ARGOSTINO, Father-heavy-set young Llanneddi priest ordained with Denis Arilan in 1105. (PA) ARIELLA, Princess-sister and lover of Imre, the last Festillic King of Gwynedd; Deryni. (L)*
ARILAN, Father Denis-Deryni ordained priest in spring of 1105 at Arx Fidei Seminary, age 21. By 1115, he was Confessor to King Brion. (PA; KD)*
ARILAN, Sir Jamyl-elder brother of Denis; age 25 in 1104-5; close friend and confidant of King Brion; member of the Camberian Council. (PA) ARNULF, Father-aged household chaplain at Castle d'Eirial in 977. (V) AUGARIN Haldane, King-first High King of Gwy-nedd. (L)*
BARRETT de Laney-young Deryni lord who negotiated the freedom of a score of condemned Deryni children by offering himself in their place; blinded before rescued by Darrell; later, a member of the Camberian Council. (B)*
BENJAMIN, Father-seminarian at Arx Fidei, ordained with Denis Arilan in 1105. (PA) BETHANE-old woman who keeps sheep near Culdi; wife of Darrell. (B)*
BRION Haldane, King-King of Gwynedd, 1095-1120; father of Kelson and brother of Nigel. (PA; L; KD)*
CALBERT, Father-energetic young Abbot of Arx Fidei Seminary in 1104-5. (PA) CAMBER MacRorie-Deryni Earl of Culdi; father of Cathan, Joram, Evaine. (C; HS)*
CAPRUS d'Eirial, Lord-seventeen-year-old younger son of Sir Radulf, Baron d'Eirial in 977, and half-brother to the heir, Sir Gilrae d'Eirial. (V) CAROLUS, Crown Prince-elder son of Nimur II and father of Prince Aldred; Deryni; brother of Wencit; 35 in 1105. (L) CATHAN MacRorie-eldest son of Camber; Deryni; 15 in 888. (C)*
CHARISSA, Lady-daughter and only child of Hogan Gwernach, The Marluk; Deryni; age 11 in summer of 1105. (L)*
CHARLES FitzMichael, Father-young priest ordained with Denis Arilan in 1105. (PA) CULLEN, Alister-see ALISTER Cullen.
DARBY, Father Alexander-newly appointed pastor of St. Mark's Church, near Arx Fidei, in 1104. His treatise on Deryni, written when he was a seminarian at Grecotha, became required study for all aspiring clergy. Trained as a physician. (PA) DARRELL-husband of Bethane; a teacher of mathematics in Grecotha and secretly Deryni; killed rescuing Barrett de Laney. (B)*
DE COURCY, Jorian-see JORIAN de Courcy.
DE NORE, Archbishop Oliver-Archbishop of Valoret and Primate of All Gwynedd in 1104-5, who ordained Denis Arilan; known to have burned Deryni in the south as a itinerant bishop. (PA) DERRY, Lord (Sir Sean Seamus O'Flynn)-Marcher earl knighted by King Brion in spring, 1115; aide to Alaric Morgan. (KD; T)*
DE VALI, Arnaud, Sieur-young va.s.sal of Morgan, knighted with Derry in 1115. (KD)*
DEVERIL, Lord-Duke Jared's seneschal in 1100. (B)*
ELGIN de Torres-junior seminarian at Arx Fidei in 1105. (PA) ERDIC, Father-chaplain to the d'Eirial family in the 960's. (V) EVAINE MacRorie-daughter of Camber; Deryni; 6 in 888; later, wife of Rhys Thuryn. (C; HS)*
FERRIS-a swordsmith from Eistenfalla; makes a sword for Morgan in 1118-19. (T) FESTIL i-a younger son of the Torenthi royal house who, in 822, established the Deryni Interregnum in Gwynedd and founded the Royal House of Festil, which reigned for 82 years. (L)*
GILBERT, Master-d'Eirial battle-surgeon. (V) GILRAE d'Eirial, Sir-twenty-year-old heir to the Barony d'Eirial, who wants to be a priest; elder half-brother of Caprus d'Eirial. (V) GORONY, Father Lawrence-chaplain to Archbishop de More in 1104-5. (PA)*
Ha.s.sAN-Hogan Gwernach's Moorish Deryni tactician, and bodyguard to him and Charissa. (L) HOGAN Gwernach-see MARLUK, the.
IMRE of Festil, King-last Festillic King of Gwynedd, during the Deryni Interregnum; fathered a b.a.s.t.a.r.d son on his sister Ariella. (L)*
JEBEDIAH of Alcara, Sir-Deryni Earl Marshal of Gwynedd and Grand Master of the Order of Saint Michael in 914. (HS)*
JEHANA, Queen-consort to King Brion and mother of Prince Kelson; Deryni, but unknown until Kelson's coronation. (KD)*
JOCELYN, Lady-Camber's countess; Deryni; mother of Cathan, Joram, and Evaine. (C)*
JORAM MacRorie-son of Camber; Deryni; 10 in 888; later, a priest and Knight of Saint Michael. (C; HS)*
JORIAN de Courcy, Father-young Deryni ordained to the priesthood in 1104, age 21; discovered and executed by archbishop's tribunal. (PA) JULIUS-a horse dealer at the Rh.e.l.led horse fair in 1115. (KD) KELSON Haldane, Prince -heir of King Brion, 8 in 1115 (KD)*
LARAN ap Pardyce - Deryni physician and scholar, age 46 in 1104; an ally of Jamyl and Denis Arilan and member of the Camberian Council. (PA)*
LILLAS-betrothed of Stalker, a King's Ran and killed in Kiltuin in 1117. (T) LORCAN, Sir-d'Eirial seneschal in 977. (V) LORIS, Archbishop Edmund-newly appointed Archbishop of Valoret in 1115; does not like Morgan. (KD)*
LOYALL, Father-abbot's chaplain at Arx Fidei in 1104-5. (PA) MACLYN-a horse-handler employed by Julius at the Rh.e.l.ledd horse fair of 1115. (KD) MACON-Duke Jared's battle-surgeon in 1100. (B) MARK of Festil, Prince-son of Imre and his sister Ariella, and ancestor of Charissa. (L)*
MARLUK, the-Hogan Gwernach, Deryni; father of Charissa; scion of the Festillic line claiming the throne of Gwynedd; killed by King Brion, June 21, 1105, age 45. (L)*
MALACHI de Bruyn-junior seminarian at Arx Fidei in 1105. (PA) MELWAS, Father-young priest ordained with Denis Arilanin 1105. (PA) MORGAN, Sir Alaric-Deryni Duke of Corwyn. (B; PA; KD; T)*
NIGEL Haldane, Prince-King Brion's younger brother. (L; KD)*
NIMURII, King-Deryni King of Torenth, 1080-1106; father of Princes Carolus and Wencit. (L) O'FLYNN, Sir Seamus Michael-Earl Deny; father of Scan Lord Deny; died 1108 of wounds sustained on Mearan campaign with King Brion in 1107. (KD) O'FLYNN, Scan Seamus, Earl Deny-see DERRY.
ORIOLT, Father-young priest ordained at Arx Fidei with Jorian de Courcy in 1104, age 21. (PA) PADRIG Udaut-Derry's eleven-year-old cousin; son of Trevor Udaut, Baron Varagh. (KD) RADULF d'Eirial, Sir-Baron d'Eirial; dying father of Gilrae and Caprus. (V) RANDOLPH, Master-Morgan's physician/battle-surgeon. (KD)*
RHODRI, Lord-royal chamberlain at Rhemuth in 1115. (KD)*
RHYS Thuryn-Deryni foster son of Camber; 11 in 888; later, husband of Evaine MacRorie, and a Healer. (C; HS)*
ROMARE-Derry's blacksmith. (KD) RIORDAN, Father-Master of Novices at Arx Fidei Seminary in 1104-5. (PA) SERELD, Dom-the King's Healer in 888, approaching 50. (C) SIMONN-Healer-hermit at ruined St. Neot's in 977. (V)*
STALKER-a King's Ranger based at Kiltuin, a port town near the Torenthi border, in 1118. (T) STEFAN Coram-a Deryni ally of Jamyl and Denis Ari-lan and member of the Camberian Council; in his late 20's in 1104-5. (PA)*
TARLETON-guard captain who negotiated with Barrett de Laney for the release of Deryni children. (B) THURYN-see RHYS; TIEG Joram.
TIEG Joram Thuryn-infant son of Rhys and Evaine; a future Healer. (HS)*
TOLLIVER, Bishop Ralf-Bishop of Corwyn in 1118; holds Kiltuin town directly of Morgan. (T)*
TREVOR Udaut, Baron Varagh-Derry's uncle (mother's brother) and his sponsor for knighthood in 1115; father of Padrig. (KD) UDAUT-see PADRIG; TREVOR.
UTHYR Haldane, King-King of Gwynedd, 948-980.
VARAGH, Baron-see TREVOR Udaut.
WENCIT, Prince-second son of Nimur II, King of Torenth; Deryni and brother of Prince Carolus; 32 in 1105. (L)*
ARX FIDEI SEMINARY-near Valoret, where Jorian de Courcy and Denis Arilan studied for the priesthood and were ordained. (PA) BREMAGNE-kingdom to the east; homeland of Jehana. (KD)*
CARDOSA-fortress city in the Rheljan Mountains, on the Gwynedd-Torenth border. (L)*
CASTLE DERRY-seat of the O'Flynns of Derry, a small earldom in the eastern marches, between Cardosa and Rengarth. (KD) CORWYN-Morgan's duchy. (KD; T)*
CULDI-Camber's earldom, in northwest Gwynedd. (HS)*
EIRIAL, Barony d'-holding of Sir Radulf d'Eirial; formerly part of Michaeline holding of Haut Eirial. (V)*
GRECOTHA-site of a famous university and seminary. (B; PA)*
GWYNEDD-central and most powerful of the Eleven Kingdoms, ruled by the House of Haldane.*
KILTUIN-port town near the Corwyn-Torenth border, held by the Bishop of Corwyn from the Duke of Corwyn. (T) MEARA-client-princedom west of Gwynedd, where Derry's father received the wounds from which he later died. (KD)*
RHELJAN Mountains-along Gwynedd-Torenth border. (KD)*
Rh.e.l.lEDD-site of a famous spring horse fair in northern Corwyn, near the Torenthi border. (KD)*
RHEMUTH-capital of Gwynedd under the Haldanes. (PA; KD)*
R'Ka.s.sI-kingdom to the east, famous for its horses and archers. (KD)*
RUSTAN-town in the Rheljan foothills where Brion was to meet the Marluk. (L)*
SAINT LIAM'S ABBEY-site of a school run by the Order of Saint Michael, near Valoret. (Q*
SAINT MARK'S CHURCH-parish church near Valoret. (PA)*
SAINT NEOT'S ABBEY-mother house of the Gabrilite Order, which trained Healers; in the Lendour Mountains of southern Gwynedd. (HS; V)*
SHEELE-Rhys and Evaine's manor near Valoret. (HS)* TRE-ARILAN-the Arilan family seat near Rhemuth. (PA) VALORET-Festillic capital of Gwynedd; seat of the Archbishop-Primate of Gwynedd. (PA)*
822 Festil, Deryni youngest son of the King of Torenth, successfully invades Gwy-nedd and accomplishes a sudden coup, ma.s.sacring all the royal family except the two-year-old Prince Aidan Haldane; establishes his capital at Valoret and reigns 17 years.
839-851 Reign of King Festil II.
c. 850: final days of St. Torin of
846 Camber Kyriell MacRorie born: third son of the Earl of Culdi.
851 -885 Reign of King Festil III.
860 Prince Cinhil Haldane born.
875 Ariella of Festil born.
881 Imre of Festil born.
885-900 Reign of King Blaine of Festil.
888 Fall: "Catalyst."
900-904 Reign of King Imre of Festil.