The VIP Room: Teased Part 21

The VIP Room: Teased -

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Colton wrapped her calves around his shoulder and went down on her already wet c.l.i.t, his tongue laving, wringing moans from her as he drove her mindlessly into a climax which he let her ride out on his tongue. She hadn't stopped shaking when he lowered her hips back to the mattress. Spreading her thighs wider, he notched his c.o.c.k at her entrance.

"f.u.c.k me. Please, just f.u.c.k me," Vida begged him unashamedly.

Colton slid his c.o.c.k in her wet heat before thrusting fully inside. Vida arched as he slid deeper, moving in an out in a slow rhythm that had her thrusting back, trying to get him to go faster.

"Harder. I need it harder," Vida begged.

Colton used his palm to pull back her mound until her c.l.i.t rested on his c.o.c.k.

"Baby, I'm always going to give you what you ask for." He thrust high and hard within her, holding her shoulders to the bed. Each thrust rubbed her c.l.i.t, sending shards of pleasure inside of her that were so intense that she was unable to hold back the climax storming her body. Her wildly bucking hips had him lowering his body over hers as his thrusts became harder, capturing and sharing the same o.r.g.a.s.m which became as primal as it was loving. He gave her the essence of himself with a final thrust, committing his body and soul as she gave hers in return.

"That was beautiful," Vida whispered, unable to stop clinging to him.

"That was how I felt when I first saw you..." Colton said, not wanting her to let him go.

Chapter 20.

Vida stood nervously by Colton as he knocked on his parole officer's door. Colton opened the door when the voice told him to come inside. She had wanted to wait outside, but Colton had refused to let her leave his side. Giving in, she now found herself under the scrutiny of a large man behind a desk. If his hair hadn't been black and long, worn in a ponytail, he would have been a ringer for Santa. However, the man sitting behind the desk had anything other than a jolly look on his ruddy face.

"Dax, I wanted to check in today, I have several appointments scheduled for tomorrow. I had to fire one of my artists so I'm short staffed," Colton explained to the man, who from the looks he was giving Colton, could care less about his explanations.

Dax leaned back in his chair. "Is that right?"

"Yes." Colton gave the probation officer a sharp look. Vida was beginning to feel that he also was sensing that something wasn't right.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Colton?"

"Dax Carter, this is Vida Bell. She's my fiancee." Vida looked at him in surprise. She must have been asleep when he'd proposed because she d.a.m.n sure didn't remember it.

"You don't waste much time, do you, Colton? The ink's barely dry on your divorce papers and you already have a new fiancee."

"Maybe not, but they are signed and it's legal," Colton countered.

"Have a seat, Colton. You too, Ms. Bell," Dax said, pulling open a folder on his desk.

"I'm glad you stopped by. I had to change your schedule, and now that you're here, it saves me the trouble of emailing it to you." Dax leaned forward, handing Colton a piece of paper that he picked up off his desk. Colton took it from him.

Vida began to get worried when Colton took several minutes, reading over it. She had promised she wouldn't leave without him to find Sawyer. If his probation schedule didn't give them enough time to get to Indiana and back, then he wouldn't be able to go. She wouldn't break her promise to him, which meant she could lose Sawyer forever.

"I don't understand." Colton's hoa.r.s.e voice drew Vida's mind away from her worried thoughts.

"Let me explain it for you. This morning, your ex-wife went to the police with her lawyer and confessed to the crime you committed. She is now under arrest, since she is yet to be convicted, all charges against you cannot be dropped. Your lawyer, who was notified, is currently taking care of all the necessary paperwork. I should wait until this gets the judge's approval, but I see no need for further visits pending the judge's approval. In plain words, you're a free man."

"Tessa confessed?" Colton asked.

"Yes, she even included in the statement that you were under emotional duress because she was carrying your child," Dax explained to a shaken Colton.

"I can't believe after all this time, she confessed," Colton said unbelievably.

"It's her way of telling you she's sorry," Vida whispered, her throat tight.

"It's a little late if you ask me. She could have saved him three years in prison," Dax said, clearly unimpressed with Tessa's gesture.

"It's not too late." Vida stood up, hugging Colton when he rose from his chair. Tessa had made it possible for them to leave town without having to worry about Colton getting in trouble for a parole violation.

Colton reached across the desk and shook his parole officer's hand. They turned towards the door.

"Colton, if by some chance you decide to leave town and run into any difficulty, give them my card." Colton and Vida both stopped, turning back to Dax. "I've been a parole officer a long time, no one shows up early for an appointment."

"Thanks, Dax." Vida waited for Colton to close the door behind them before throwing herself in his arms again.

"Let's drop the keys off to Reverend then we can hit the road," Colton said as they got on his bike.

The parole office was a twenty minute ride away from the tattoo shop.

They pulled in the lot just as the last client left.

Reverend was waiting for them inside.

"I sent Carlito home. The boy's going to need his rest. I told him he's working full-time until you get back."

"He can handle it; he's a good artist, almost as good as you at his age," Colton complimented his friend.

Colton handed Reverend the shop keys. "Thanks, Reverend. Take care of it for me until I get back."

"You know I will, brother. Be safe."

"Always." Vida laughed at the man hug they gave each other before hugging Reverend herself.

"You two better be going, not much daylight left," Reverend warned.

Vida turned to go outside, coming to an abrupt stop.

"Uh... Colton?"

"Yeah?" Colton turned, grinning at the sight outside.

Vida followed Colton out the door. The Predators took over the whole parking lot. There were well over a hundred bikes, some even had to park on the street in front of the other businesses.

"What's up, Ice?" Colton said, shaking Ice's hand.

"Reverend gave me a call, telling me you're headed out of town to find your old lady's friend. We've been bored sitting on our lately, thought we'd tag along for the ride."

Vida looked at the crew of rough men waiting to ride with them. "Digger couldn't get Sawyer away from this musician because he had security. Want to bet we have better luck?" Vida joked with Colton.

"Sounds like Vida wants your help. Thanks, brother."

Ice nodded his head.

The men all moved their bikes back into position as Vida put on her helmet and climbed onto the back of Colton's bike. When he started his motor, backing the bike up in position, Ice moved forward to pull his bike next to Colton's.

"You might want this to keep you warm." Vida saw Ice hand Colton a leather jacket that looked like the one's the other men wore.

Colton took it from him, pulling on the jacket he had taken off over three years ago.

Vida leaned forward to hear his words. "Baby, you ready for this long ride?" Vida knew he was talking about the ride to Indiana, but she was looking further down the road, to the years ahead.

"I'm ready." Whether they got Sawyer back safely or not, Vida knew she was ready to take whatever road life had in store for Colton and her. They had each other now, and however exciting and dangerous it was, their love would survive the test of time.


Vida walked quickly through the strip club. Her trembling fingers tightened on the belt around her waist. Going up the staircase carefully, she didn't want to trip in the high platform shoes she was wearing and break her neck.

The VIP room had just a few customers already being taken care of by the regular servers.

"You're late. Your client's been out here twice to see if you were here yet," Henry said impa.s.sively.

"Sorry," Vita mumbled, going for the private door. She slipped inside, closing and locking the door before taking a deep breath and turning to her client.

"I'm going to kill you for this."

"Is that any way to talk to your client?" Colton laughed.

"If any parents from Axel and Roxi's school recognizes me, you're dead," Vida threatened.

"Vida, baby, I hate to tell you this, but you're kinda putting a damper on my fantasy, talking about the kids." Colton leaned back against his plush chair. "It's your own fault, promising me anything for our anniversary."

"I didn't think you would choose this," she said through gritted teeth.

"Again, you're killing my buzz. Henry even made sure there are clean sheets on the bed."

Vida turned bright red, unable to prevent herself from looking at the huge bed against the wall.

"Come on, where's the woman I met and fell in love with?"

Gracefully, giving in to her husband's fantasy, Vida reached out, pressing the b.u.t.ton by the door. The room filled with Colton and her favorite song. "Resuscitate Me."

Loosening her belt, she unb.u.t.toned her raincoat, showing the three piece stripper outfit she had ordered online.

"d.a.m.n woman, you look fine for a soccer mom."

"Now you're ruining my fantasy," Vida reproved him.

"Come here and I'll give you more than a fantasy," Colton promised.

Vida started dancing to the music, edging closer to Colton at the same time that she teased him by removing the top cover of her outfit. Showing the tiny red bra and panties underneath, she leaned over him until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s lay against his bare chest.

"Actually, I had a different present in mind for our anniversary," Vida said, straddling his lap.

Colton's eyes were on her swaying b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she unsnapped the tiny bra, baring her b.r.e.a.s.t.s that had grown fuller with the birth of their children.

"I can't imagine a better present than this," he said, leaning forward to take a nipple between his lips, but Vida evaded him by sitting down on his lap.

"Colton." Her s.h.i.+ning eyes and mischievous smile brought a lump to his throat. Taking his hand in hers, she placed it against her bare stomach. "Have you heard the saying double trouble...?"

Books By Jamie Begley: The Last Riders Series: Razer's Ride Viper's Run Knox's Stand (coming in November 2013) Shade's (coming Spring 2014) The VIP Room Series: Teased Sawyer's (Coming Soon) The Dark Souls Series: Soul Of A Man Enjoy an excerpt from Jessie Lane's book Secret Maneuvers (Ex Ops Series)


Annabelle The Georgia summer night air was hot and humid, but that didn't stop me from cuddling as close as I could get to the boy I loved most in this world. The sweet smell from the azalea blossom that Bobby Baker had tucked behind my ear drifted around me, creating a false sense of security. My chin was settled on the back of my left hand as I lay propped up on his chest. With so much weighing on my mind, I was distractedly staring into oblivion over his body in the general direction of Bobby's beloved 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500.

The car's black paint blended with the night, but its white racing stripes glowed brightly down the center in the soft moonlight. Bobby said the only thing that he loved more than that car was me. However, that love wasn't strong enough to stop him from leaving me behind tomorrow.

He kept telling me that I was worrying too much. That everything was going to be alright. No matter his rea.s.surances, the ma.s.sive lump of dread in the pit of my stomach wasn't going away. That uneasy feeling you got when something terrible was about to happen was haunting my every moment, and it was only a matter of time before whatever it was would come to pa.s.s. The question was, would I come out alright on the other end of the impending catastrophe?

Sprawled on top of a blanket on the bank of the creek, my mind was moving faster than the speed of light at what lay ahead of us tomorrow. Bobby was holding me tightly while he stared at the bright stars above us. The familiar sounds of the critters in the forest, accompanied with the crickets around us, did nothing to ease the heavy silence that Bobby and I were trying so carefully to tip-toe around.

What felt like a thousand pounds of pressure on my chest eventually became too much. I resigned myself to broach the subject he was trying so desperately to avoid. "What time do you leave tomorrow, Ace?"

Bobby's hand tightened on my shoulder for a second before he started stroking the bare skin above my tank top. "I've got to be at the bus stop at seven."

My chest seized up and the ability to breathe suddenly felt impossible. Fighting my instincts to sob uncontrollably was almost painful, but necessary, as I reminded myself that tonight would be the last night we would have to spend together for months. Tomorrow he was headed to Fort Leonard Wood in Waynesville, MO for ten weeks of Army Basic Training. After that, it would be at least fourteen weeks that he would be gone during the next phase of training for an Infantryman position. Even longer if he was selected to attend Ranger school. Months and months before I could see, taste or touch him again. I had to rea.s.sure myself in the most basic ways that Bobby Baker, one of the town's golden boys, was really and truly all mine; that someone like him could, in fact, love a girl like me; to have the physical proof from his hands and mouth as they touched me that I was not alone in this world. Those were hard facts for me to accept when Bobby was all I genuinely had here.

Sensing the direction of my thoughts he grabbed my chin gently and turned it so that I was looking at him. "Don't think about it tonight, Belle. Tonight is just for us, remember? Come here." Rolling to his side, Bobby pulled me up the last few inches so that we lay facing each other while he stroked his fingertips down the side of my face. "Don't feel sad, baby. What's our plan?"

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