The VIP Room: Teased Part 17

The VIP Room: Teased -

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"Good. Now you're going to listen to me." Colton relaxed against her. His jean covered c.o.c.k finding the notch of her thighs.

"I met your mother when I joined the Predators; she was seeing one of the brothers. When they broke up, she had made several friends, one of them was Roni. She was twenty, Vida, younger than you are now. I was sixteen, but I became involved with Roni on and off for the next couple of years. I never touched your mother. My mouth or hands were never in the vicinity of her body. I did mess around with Roni and several of the other women at the clubhouse, but not Goldie. We were never attracted to each other; we became friends and did party together a lot. It was some pretty hardcore partying, Vida, but I never had her, not once."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew my mother?" Vida whispered. The anger was gone, but the hurt remained.

"Because I liked your mom and I truthfully didn't want you asking me questions about her that I knew would hurt you if I gave you the truth."

"She was a s.l.u.t, wasn't she?"

"No, honey, but she was constantly looking for a man. She didn't like being alone, Vida. She wanted a man to share her life with."

"She had me." Vida bit her lip to keep it from trembling.

"Baby, she loved you, never doubt that, but it just wasn't enough for her. She wasn't like you. You're strong, Vida. Strong enough to stand on that stage and bare your body and soul to save your friend. You put your disgust aside to a.s.sist in finding women who need help simply because you couldn't turn your back and walk away. There's no one else like you, Vida. Even your own mother, who was the sweetest woman I've ever met, can't compare to you."

He released her hands. Vida lowered them, circling his shoulders and then looking up into his eyes. She could tell he was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry I hit you with my computer and called you a perv," Vida apologized.

Colton grinned down at her. "Is that all you're sorry for?"

"Did I call you something else?" Vida tried to think of all the names she had called him out loud. He couldn't expect her to apologize for the ones that she had in her head when she hadn't voiced them.

"No, I'm talking about something else."

"What?" Vida asked suspiciously.

"My blue b.a.l.l.s."

"Oh." A smile teased her lips. "Why should I have to apologize for that? You didn't tell me you were sorry for leaving me in the same shape," Vida informed him unwisely.

"You have blue b.a.l.l.s?"

"No. You know what I mean." Blus.h.i.+ng Vida buried her face in his shoulder.

"Oh, did I leave my baby hanging? Is that what you meant?"

Vida was glad he couldn't see her face, but she nodded her head against him.

"Well, I can't break my promise about taking good care of you, can I?"

"No," Vida mumbled, unable to believe she was urging him on.

Colton rose up to sit on his knees between her thighs, pulling his s.h.i.+rt up and off. Vida stared at his chest covered in various tattoos. Her mouth went dry when she saw a couple disappear beneath the band of his jeans. His hand tugged her s.h.i.+rt off before unsnapping the flimsy pink bra she had on underneath.

"There are my pretty girls." He leaned down, grazing each breast with a light kiss against their tip. Getting off the couch, he pulled his shoes and jeans off before pulling off Vida's.

She started to protest when he pulled off her underwear, but she didn't, knowing he would stop when she asked.

For the first time, Vida enjoyed showing her naked body, thrilled that Colton enjoyed seeing it displayed before him. His hardening c.o.c.k showed how much he wanted her. When he would have lain back down on the couch with her, Vida rose to her knees. Before he could guess what her next move was, she surrounded the head of his c.o.c.k with her mouth, sucking his length into her throat. This time, when Vida would have welcomed the roughness of the night before, he remained gentle, letting her have only the tip.

His finger went to her p.u.s.s.y, separating the cleft until his fingers swirled in the moistness that seeing him naked had provided.

"Your little p.u.s.s.y is nice and wet, Vida. You like having me in your mouth, don't you?"

Vida nodded against him. It was the truth; something about taking him in her mouth, knowing he was at her mercy, made her want him. It was a strange and frightening thing to want that part of him. The thought of him wanting another woman like Krystal, Tammy or Tessa drove her on to prove to herself that she was all he would need to satisfy those desires she saw swirling in the depths of his eyes.

Vida was an innocent, however she had learnt one thing the last few weeks at King's; you control a man's c.o.c.k, you control him.

"I don't even want to know what you're thinking right now. I have a feeling it's better if I never do," Colton said wryly.

"I was just thinking that I love the taste of you." Colton's eyes narrowed, not believing her for a second.

"You know what feels even better?"

"No, what?" Vida asked, trying to drive him crazy by swirling her tongue over the crest of his c.o.c.k.

Colton pulled away from her to sit down on the couch, pulling her onto his lap, her knees on each side of his hips. His c.o.c.k rubbed against her wet heat and Vida pressed down harder against him. The increased pressure almost sent her over the edge.

"You want me, baby?"

Vida wanted him so bad she ached. All the doubts she had disappeared and she knew exactly what she wanted. "I want you, Colton."

Colton lifted her by her hips until the tip of his c.o.c.k brushed against her entrance. Her hands gripped his shoulders, balancing on her knees as he slowly brought her down on him. She felt him pus.h.i.+ng to get inside of her and it made her want to slam herself down on his c.o.c.k, but his tight grip on her hips kept her from moving.

"Coltonnn... please... f.u.c.k... me..." Vida tried to wiggle down further on him, but he gritted his teeth.

"I'm trying not to hurt you."

"It couldn't feel worse than this," Vida protested.

Ignoring her, he slid another small inch inside of her.

Vida wanted more. She leaned forward, taking his nipple in her mouth, biting down.

"Dammit, Vida." Colton's hips surged upward, tearing through her hymen in one hard thrust. Vida fell against his chest. "Did I hurt you?

"No," Vida lied.

"Don't lie to me, baby. I wanted to make this a beautiful experience for you. I meant to have you for the first time on a bed, not a couch," he said regretfully.

"You are making it beautiful, Colton," Vida whispered into his neck.

Colton's fingers went to the juncture of her thighs. Finding her c.l.i.t, he stroked her until Vida gradually began moving on his c.o.c.k, wincing slightly when he slid even deeper.

Colton's hands went behind his head. "Pretend you're giving me a lap dance."


"Think of your favorite song then pretend you're giving me a lap dance."

Vida thought of her favorite song then gradually began moving on top of him. Teasing him with faint brushes of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest. She slowly moved her hips back and forth against him, instead of up and down. The friction against her brought her pa.s.sion back with a vengeance.

"Oh." Vida stared at him with desire plain in her eyes.

Colton grinned back at her. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"It's incredible." Vida let the music in her mind lead her body into taking over.

She quit thinking, grinding down on Colton, driving his c.o.c.k deep within her. She began moving faster as she increased the speed, feeling herself coming closer and closer. Every time she came down she ground herself against him, giving herself the stimulation she needed.

Colton leaned forward suddenly, his hips thrusting upwards as she came down hard on him. She clenched him, squeezing him tight as she came in a climax that had her rocking against him until he held her still, thrusting high inside of her. A series of jerks within her had her going over the edge into ecstasy again.

"f.u.c.k," Vida said, her head falling forward. Exhausted, she lay against him.

Colton's body was shaking. Vida raised her head to find that he was silently laughing down at her.

"Are you laughing at me?" she asked in disbelief.

"Kind of."

"Why?" The last thing a woman wanted to hear was the man she just had s.e.x with laughing.

"Baby, you're every man's fantasy. Not only do you f.u.c.k like you can't get enough of my d.i.c.k, but you talk dirty. A man couldn't ask for more."

"A woman could," Vida responded.

"I couldn't give you more right now if someone put a gun to my head," Colton joked, pulling her forward until he softly kissed her lips. "Thank you."

Vida knew what he was thanking her for. "You're welcome."

"Feel like getting a tattoo?"

Vida thought at first he was joking, but she actually did. "Yes, I never want to forget tonight."

"I think I know exactly the tattoo. Get dressed." Colton helped her off his lap.

Vida tried not to look worried when she remembered they hadn't worn a condom. "I always wore a condom with the other women, Vida. I swear I wouldn't put your health at risk," he said when Vida couldn't hide her worry.

"I believe you. Luckily, I'm on the pill because I cramp so bad when I'm on my period." Colton didn't look happy at her news. "I thought you would be relieved there wouldn't be a chance of me getting pregnant." Colton shrugged, pulling on his jeans.

"I wouldn't have been upset. I like kids."

"I do, too." Vida carried her clothes into the bathroom across the hall from Colton's room. Cleaning herself, she then dressed before coming back into his room. She found him sitting on his stool, ready to start.

Vida sat down in the chair. "Give me your hand," Colton demanded, holding out his own.

Vida placed her hand in his. He turned it over, wiping down the back of her wrist before he began outlining the tattoo. This time, Vida had a clear view of how he worked.

"Don't you get tired of giving tattoos?" Vida asked curiously.

"No, it relaxes me. I enjoy doing it. Trying to come up with designs for people that I've just met is challenging."

"What's the worst tattoo you've ever given?"

Colton worked steadily. "Max. He kept bugging me to give him a big tattoo on his back. Wanted it to cover his whole back. I kept putting him off, but one night he finally wore me down and I tatted him."

"What did you do?"

"Well, we both were drunk. I thought I had done quite a bit of work, but we both must have pa.s.sed out. We woke up the next day and he came to my room to show me what I had tatted on him."

"What was it?"

"A tramp stamp."

"You didn't." Vida giggled.

"I did." The man went f.u.c.king crazy on me. I barely managed to escape with my life. He wouldn't even let me touch him to do the cover up. He got another artist to do it for him."

"He seemed so easy going. I can't imagine him that angry."

"Baby, they call him Max. That's his nickname," Colton explained.

"It isn't much of one. The nickname Max is kind of boring."

"Think about it. Max, as in, "Mad Max"."


"Yeah. He gave me a black eye that lasted a good month, not to mention he destroyed my room."


"Don't p.i.s.s him off," Colton warned.

"I won't."

Colton worked steadily for an hour before he finished, wiping down her wrist with a clean cloth. He scooted his stool back to watch her reaction.

"What do you think?"

Vida looked down at the back of her wrist. Tears clogged her throat. Blue forget-me-nots. There were vines twined down, buried in the flowers. You could see three names; Sawyer, Callie and Colton.

He had given her his name twice now. Vida knew he was telling her how much she meant to him.

"I couldn't think of one single thing more perfect than this night, Colton. Every time I look at this, I'll remember everyone I love."

Callie's name and the flowers together had a trace of a memory stirring.

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