Seaside Nights Part 6

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"One more punch to the head," Sawyer said with a piercing pain in his gut. Somehow saying it out loud made it more real. "You know the score. They try to scare the s.h.i.+t out of you to cover their b.u.t.ts."

Roach didn't say a word. His biceps twitched, and his eyes s.h.i.+fted to the ring.

"Say something or let's train. I've got a lot of s.h.i.+t to get out of my head."

"What's your plan?" Roach's dead-calm tone made Sawyer edgy.

"Train like a b.a.s.t.a.r.d and win the t.i.tle-then I'll think about retiring."

"G.o.dd.a.m.n it, Sawyer. You can't disregard what he said with a generalization like he's covering his a.s.s."

Sawyer stepped closer, challenging him with a narrow-eyed stare. "I'm going to fight with or without you. I'm going to win with or without you. And my father is going to have every f.u.c.king penny he needs. Now, either train me or step aside."

Roach stepped so close Sawyer could smell the anger on his breath and feel the ice in his stare. "You stubborn a.s.s. I haven't trained you all these years to hand you over to some other trainer who will run you into the ground. If you're stupid enough and determined enough to do this, you're sure as h.e.l.l not doing it without me. I actually give a s.h.i.+t about you, and no other coach is going to. It's your head and my rep on the line, so don't f.u.c.k it up." He paused, clenching his teeth repeatedly. "But you'd better think long and hard about this, because I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'll be the one greeting your mother in the hospital to tell her that now she not only has a husband to look after, but a son, too."

Roach walked away, leaving Sawyer to stew in his own effed-up situation.

AT NINE O'CLOCK Sky was still sitting on the deck of Amy and Tony's cottage, having breakfast with Jenna, Amy, and Bella. She loved mornings at Seaside, when she and the girls caught up from the night before and their husbands went jogging together. The last few years she'd come to Seaside for breakfast several times each week even though she hadn't been staying there. The girls and their husbands had welcomed her into their lives when she moved back to help her father with his store, and they'd become as close as family.

Leanna Remington came out of her cottage with her fluffy white Labradoodle, Pepper, trotting along beside her. She held up two jars of jam as she crossed the gravel road and joined them. Her dark hair hung loose and wild over her shoulders, and her batik tank top had streaks of red jam on it. Leanna had married probably the only man on earth who could put up with her disorganized and messy ways, which was funny, because Kurt was as methodical, organized, and neat as they came. He was forever cleaning stains from her clothing, and the girls never failed to tease them about it.

"My newest creation!" Leanna set the jars of Luscious Leanna's Sweet Treats jam on the table while Pepper wound around the girls' feet and licked their bare legs, whimpering for attention, which they happily lavished on him. Leanna had started Luscious Leanna's a few summers ago, and now her jellies and jams were sold all over the Cape and used in restaurants as well.

"Wait until you try my Moon-s.h.i.+ne Jelly," Leanna said with a wide smile. "I'm spelling it with a hyphen between moon and s.h.i.+ne just to give it a little something special. It tastes just like apple pie. It's made with chardonnay, apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar. It's so good I'm surprised I haven't gained ten pounds while perfecting the recipe."

"That sounds amazing." Jenna reached across the table for a jar.

Bella smacked her hand. "You can't have moons.h.i.+ne." She laid her hand over her very pregnant belly and eyed Jenna's smaller baby "Your baby needs calcium, not alcohol."

Jenna's jaw was still gaping when Amy giggled and reached for a jar. "The alcohol burns off, Bella."

"Yeah, well, I'm not taking any chances." Bella brushed her thick blond hair from her shoulder.

"Don't be silly." Leanna slathered jelly on a piece of toast and set it on her plate. "I know you're worried about what Evan and Caden will say, but I'll explain to them that it's fine." Evan was Bella's stepson. As soon as he'd found out Bella was pregnant, he and Caden, Bella's husband, had begun watching every move she made and everything she put in her mouth. They were so excited for the baby to be born that they'd decorated the entire nursery before she was even three months along.

"Evan has turned into quite the doting stepson, hasn't he?" Jenna spread jelly on her toast, then fed a piece to Pepper, who had curled up at her feet. "I can still hardly believe he's almost nineteen. Where has the time gone?"

"Speaking of time," Amy said. "I think the guys will be back from their run soon and I wanted to talk to Sky before they get here. How was your date with guitar boy?"

"Guitar boy..." Jenna raised her brows in quick succession. "I bet he knows how to strum your strings."

"I bet he's got good rhythm, too," Bella said with a smirk. "Does he like it fast and hard or soft and melodious?"

Sky couldn't stifle her laugh as she said, "That man can strum like n.o.body's business."

Jenna, Leanna, and Bella burst out laughing. Amy squealed and hugged Sky.

"You naughty, naughty girl," Bella said. "I'm so proud of our little Sky. She's growing up to be just as dirty as all of us."

"Hey, speak for yourself," Amy teased.

Jenna tugged at her maternity top, which was stretched tight across her enormous "Sky's been strummed! And? Are you going to see him again, or was this a one-hit strummer?"

"We didn't sleep together," Sky clarified.

"So he just strummed?" Leanna wrinkled her brow. "Strumming is good, right? We like strumming."

"Strumming," Bella repeated. "His fingers took a walk on the wild side."

Sky covered her face. "Oh my G.o.d."

Leanna's cheeks flamed. "Oh. Oh! Sorry. You guys are much quicker to catch on with this stuff than me."

"Don't sweat it, Leanna. You just have a cleaner mind than we do." Jenna leaned in closer to Sky and lowered her voice. "But she gets more s.e.x than all of us combined. You should have heard them last night."

"Jenna!" Amy snapped.

"Kurt." Jenna crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. "Right...there. Oh, yeeeeeeessss."

Leanna turned beet red. "Did we forget to close the window again?"

"Do you ever remember?" Bella patted her hand, then turned to Sky. "When are you seeing strummer boy again?"

"Tonight, at Pete and Jenna's bonfire, but don't you dare call him that." Sky dug her phone from her bag. "He's so hot. I mean, s.e.xy hot, super-s.e.xy hot, ultra-s.e.xy hot. Not just hot, but...scorching freaking hot."

"We get it-he's hot," Jenna said as Sky handed her the phone. "Jesus. He looks even better than he did at Governor Bradford's. I'd let him strum me as much as he wanted. You lucky girl." She handed the phone to Bella.

"Don't let my brother hear you say that, or he'll kick Sawyer's a.s.s for being hot." Sky closed her eyes and tipped her face up toward the sun, thinking about how sensually and erotically she and Sawyer had danced together. Her body flamed with the memory of his hips gyrating against hers, his hands traveling over her- "h.e.l.lo? Earth to Sky." Bella's voice drew her from her reverie. "I love that he said he wished you were with him this morning. And your response was perfect."

She felt her cheeks flush. "You read my response?" She'd texted, Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up together.

"Our little Sky has a s.e.xier side than we thought," Amy said as she gazed at the picture of Sawyer and the text. "I'm glad someone else can be the brunt of the jokes this summer instead of me."

"You can tease me all you want, but you guys know I don't sleep around."

"We know," they said in unison.

"We were plotting Operation Get Sky Laid just yesterday." Bella winked.

"He's muscular, like Tony," Leanna said as she handed the phone back to Sky.

"Yes, he is, which reminds me. He boxes." She knew her tone made it sound as awful as if she'd said, He never bathes.

"That makes him even hotter," Jenna said as she reached for another piece of toast.

Leanna turned empathetic eyes to Sky. "Are you okay with him boxing?"

Sky shrugged. "I've been compartmentalizing. I think about his romantic, poetic, warm, and s.e.xy sides." She pointed down the hill toward the pool. "And somewhere way down there, far, far away, are thoughts about his boxing."

"Mm-hm," Bella said. "You're in denial."

"Big-time," Amy added.

"He's a good strummer. Give her a break," Jenna said. "We've all ignored certain things when the s.e.x was too great to walk away from."

"We didn't have s.e.x," Sky reminded her.

"But you want to," Jenna said with wide eyes.

"More than you can imagine, which probably makes me a s.l.u.t, because we've gone out on only one very long, very fun, very revealing date."

"Well, you're definitely not a s.l.u.t," Amy said. "If you were, you would have slept with Blue."

"Oh, gosh," Leanna said. "Does Blue know? He's so protective of you."

"Yeah. He met Sawyer, actually," Sky said. "He seemed to like him, but he got a little funny."

"Funny?" Bella asked.

"He called me his girl when he was talking to Sawyer. He said, take care of my girl."

"Sky," Bella said with a serious tone. "You and Blue haven't hooked up, have you? You can tell us."

"No! G.o.d, Bella. I just told you guys I got...strummed...after one date. I think I would tell you if Blue and I slept together after knowing him for years."

"We need to meet strummer boy and see if Blue saw something he needs to be wary of," Jenna said. "If we think he's a keeper, then we can work on you and your aversion to sports."

"I don't have an aversion to sports," Sky said sharply. "Tony is a pro surfer, and I'm fine with that."

"But boxing?" Leanna asked. "Sky, you're all about love and kindness. No part of you is about punching someone in the face. You get mad when Bella stomps on spiders."

"Yeah, I know. That's what I'm trying not to think about." Her phone vibrated, and each of the girls' eyes shot to the phone.

"Is it him?" Jenna bounced in her seat.

Sky scrolled to the text. "It's him." She read the text to herself and felt her insides go warm.

"And?" Amy urged.

"Her cheeks are pink," Leanna said. "It's probably private."

Jenna elbowed her. "Did he ask you if you needed to be strummed?"

Sky laughed and sighed dreamily-for effect-then read the text aloud.

"Radiant beauty. Soft as light. Dark and stormy, wild and bright. I can't wait to see my sweet summer Sky tonight."

"I don't care if he boxes, skydives, or steals quarters from little old ladies," Bella said. "That man just got hotter."

"That's more romantic than Petey organizing my rock collection by size." Jenna swooned. She'd been collecting rocks for years, and she had a wicked case of OCD, making what she'd suggested a supreme gift.

"Kurt's a great writer, but thrillers don't compare to that," Leanna said. "Is he a poet?" Her husband, Kurt, was a bestselling thriller writer.

"He writes songs, but it's just a hobby. A seductively s.e.xy hobby."

"No wonder Blue was jealous," Amy said. "I'm jealous."

"Blue's not jealous, but speaking of Blue..." Sky rose to her feet, and Pepper lifted his head and barked. "Sorry, Pep, but I've got to go see our friend before I open my shop. I want to check on the renovations." She glanced over the table. "Want me to carry some of this stuff inside?"

"Oh, no, thanks." Amy waved her hand. "The girls and I can handle it. How's Merlin enjoying the cottage?"

"Merlin is in heaven. He loves sleeping in the corner of your couch. I hope that's okay."

Amy smiled. "Honey, that cute little m.u.f.fin can sleep anywhere he wants."

A postal truck pulled into the complex and stopped in front of Amy's house.

"Expecting a package?" Jenna asked.

Amy shook her head. "Not that I know of."

The postman, Carl, waved as he got out of the truck and flashed a bright smile that reached his sea-green eyes. "How's it going, ladies?"

"Better now," Bella mumbled under her breath.

"You definitely have a thing for guys in uniform," Jenna teased. Bella's husband was a police officer.

Carl carried a pink box under one arm as he mounted the steps. He'd been the postman for the complex for the past several years and knew each of the residents by name. "What's for breakfast?" He eyed the toast and jam. "Got any more of that Sweet Heat jam, luscious Leanna?"

Leanna's cheeks pinked up. "No...But I have Moon-s.h.i.+ne Jelly."

She fixed him a slice, and they all gawked as he took a bite and closed his eyes, enjoying the deliciousness.

"Mm-mm." Carl savored the flavor. "You do know how to stir things up."

"You are such a flirt," Bella said. "Who's the package for?"

"Well, first of all, not that I'm judging, but someone's going to have a fun night. This lovely package is from Eve's Adult Playhouse and it's to T. Ottoline, but it has Amy and Tony's address on it. So..." The side of his lips quirked up as he winked at Amy. "Either Amy and Tony are going incognito, or Theresa has mistakenly put the wrong address on the box." Theresa Ottoline was the property manager for the community. She was about twenty years older than the girls, far more proper, and oversaw the community rules with an iron fist.

"That is not mine!" Amy shook her head adamantly.

Sky giggled. "You sure? Maybe Tony wanted to spice things up."

"Or maybe our sweet Amy wanted to do more than ride the longboard." Jenna's head fell back with a loud laugh.

Sky caught Bella trying to stifle a laugh and had a feeling that this was one of Bella's pranks. Every summer Bella pranked Theresa, and every year Theresa's responses grew stronger. One year Bella put an old toilet on Theresa's front lawn, and rather than b.i.t.c.h and moan, Theresa dropped her drawers and used the d.a.m.n thing, right in front of everyone. This situation reeked of a Bella prank.

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