Seaside Nights Part 25

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Chapter Twenty-Three.

AFTER HIS FATHER was discharged from the hospital, Sawyer and Sky went to his parents' house to help them get settled. By the time Sawyer and his mother had gotten his father comfortably into bed, it was well after midnight, and Sawyer and Sky were both exhausted. They decided to spend the night and leave in the morning instead of driving back out to return the boat that late at night.

Sawyer a.s.sured Sky that sleeping in his childhood bedroom together wasn't an issue, even though he also admitted that he'd never brought a woman to his parents' home for the night before. That both pleased and worried her. She didn't want his parents to think poorly of her. But his mother had been gracious and kind the evening before, setting clean towels in the bathroom and offering her and Sawyer an extra pillow. She didn't seem to mind that they'd spent the night in the same bedroom.

Sky got up extra early and took a quick shower, then went to the kitchen in search of caffeine.

"Good morning, Sky." Sawyer's mother was standing in her bathrobe, putting coffee in the coffeemaker. "You're up early. It's only six thirty."

"Good morning. I thought I'd get up early to see if there was anything I could help with."

"Thank you." She pointed to a cabinet as she turned on the coffee machine. "You can grab a few mugs."

"Sure. You're up early, too." Sky set four cups on the counter and took a moment to look around. From the moment she'd arrived last night at the hospital, she'd felt welcome. She knew from dealing with her father's alcoholism that the one thing she could do to help Sawyer was to act normal. If she'd freaked out over his father's fall, or his awful bruises, it would have only made Sawyer more upset. The strange thing was, there was something in his father's eyes that was also comforting-at a time when she knew he needed it the most.

"I'm not taking any chances," his mother said. "Tad is still asleep, but he's awake by seven every day. I thought I'd get the coffee started, and then I'll go get ready and read in the bedroom until he wakes." She touched her dark hair and smiled at Sky. "Between last night and this morning, I must look a wreck."

"You look beautiful," Sky a.s.sured her.

"I'm sorry we met under such stressful circ.u.mstances, but I'm glad to finally meet you."

"Thank you. So am I," Sky said. "I've heard a lot about you both from Sawyer."

"He's a good boy. Man," she corrected herself with a smile. She pulled out an address book and began flipping through it. "I need to start calling a few friends and neighbors to line up some coverage for the next few weeks."

"Coverage?" Sky asked.

"People to stay with Tad when I have to go to the grocery store or pick up his medicines."

"Oh, I see." Sky tried to figure out how she could help. "Would you like me to cook breakfast for you and Mr. Ba.s.s?"

"Oh, honey, Lisa and Tad, please." She tightened the belt on her robe, then lowered her voice. "Was Sawyer okay after he went up to bed? I worry about him so."

Sawyer had been terribly upset and had spent a long while talking with Roach on the phone about amping up his training and trying to figure out how he was going to fit in extra training while trying to also spend more time with his parents. And then he'd stewed over their date being cut short, but of course she'd rea.s.sured him a million times that she wasn't at all bothered by it. It should be the last thing on his mind at a time like this-and yet he had such a big heart that he wanted to please everyone.

They'd talked half the night-Sawyer planning his training and Sky listening to the grief in his voice and wis.h.i.+ng she could help him in some way. They'd eventually fallen asleep in each other's arms, and when Sky awoke this morning, Sawyer had held tightly to her, trying to get her to stay in bed. As much as she'd wanted to lie in his arms, she thought his mother might need some help or comfort, too. Sky wasn't about to tell his mother any of that. She didn't need to worry more than she already was.

"He was okay, just tired. Why don't I finish making coffee and take care of breakfast while you shower, so you don't have to worry about being ready when Mr-Tad wakes up?"

"Thank you, Sky. That's awfully kind of you."

"She's an amazingly kind woman," Sawyer said as he came into the kitchen wearing his jeans from the night before and no s.h.i.+rt. He hugged his mother and kissed the top of her head. "Morning, Ma. Dad up yet?"

"I'm just going to check on him."

Sawyer leaned in and kissed Sky. "Morning, beautiful."

"Good morning. I was just going to make breakfast. Are you hungry?" Sky was mentally ticking off her day to see how else she could help his parents. She had to work, and with the grand opening coming up, she didn't have much time off, but she was off work today, so maybe she could help now and then help out later as she was able.

Sawyer drew her into his arms and held her close as his mother went to shower. "Hungry for you," he said. "I'm sorry about our date, Sky."

"Would you stop? It's fine. I was actually thinking that you could go return the boat to Pete and I'd stay here and help your mom for a few hours."

"You want to stay and help?" His eyes narrowed.

"Yes. Your mom needs the help, and she can probably use the company. We were just going to make googly eyes at each other all day, so why not? Besides, she has phone calls to make, and I can get to know your dad a little better."

"Sky, are you sure?"

She touched his cheek, and he leaned in to her palm. G.o.d, she loved this man. "More than sure. I would offer to return the boat so you could spend time with your parents, but I have no idea how to sail it back to Wellfleet."

He kissed her again. "What did I do to deserve you?"


Chapter Twenty-Four.

IT HAD BEEN three days since Sawyer's father's fall, three days since Sky had met his parents, and three days since he'd had a good night's sleep. His parents' neighbors had rallied around them, and that helped tremendously. Despite his mother's arguments, Sawyer hired a part-time nurse to help during the day, and she was working out well. That put his mind mildly at ease, but all of it-his father's fall, the devastation of reality knocking on their door-increased the pressure for him to win the t.i.tle fight.

Today Sky and all of her friends were coming to watch him spar the heavyweight Roach had lined up.

Sky. Sweet, beautiful Sky, full of dusky pleasures, confidence, and tenderness. The woman who had stayed with his parents without having been asked. The woman who had just told him that she'd researched his father's disease after knowing him only a few days, so she could help him and his family. The woman he was going to ask to marry him after he won his last fight. Now wasn't the time, with the fight and his father's fate hanging over his head, but soon...She'd become his whole world, and his parents had both told him how much they adored her. Not that he needed their blessing, but he was still d.a.m.n glad to have it.

He watched her put her favorite C. J. Moon poetry book into her patchwork bag and slip her delicate feet into her sandals as she got ready to go to the tattoo shop for a while before his sparring match. Blue had finished the shelves in the back of the shop, and she wanted to check them out and put a few finis.h.i.+ng touches on her work area where Blue had created cubbies for her supplies. But he knew Sky well enough to understand that she needed to keep her mind busy rather than sticking around the cottage and thinking about what he was doing later that afternoon. She'd done a 180-degree turn, supporting his career the way she was, and he truly appreciated and loved her even more for it. But he knew it wasn't easy for her.

Her flowing white skirt swept over her feet as she crossed the living room, straightening the basket containing pieces of his poems as she pa.s.sed. She wore a skintight light pink tank top that hugged her curves and did nothing to hide her pert nipples, and as she usually did, an armful of bangles and gold swoopy earrings that sparkled in the light against her chestnut hair. She looked gorgeous. He reached for her and pulled her down onto his lap.

"It's weird seeing you leave before me." He nuzzled against her neck. "Christ, you smell good enough to eat."

She leaned back, giving him better access to her neck. "I think you had enough of me this morning."

"I'll never get enough of you," he said honestly.

"You better win your sparring match today, or you won't get any more yummy Sky tonight."

He laughed. "Oh, I won't, will I?" He cupped her breast and dragged his tongue along her collarbone, knowing just how much she loved it and earning himself a l.u.s.tful moan.

"All my friends are going to be there today, and I want them to see my Herculean boyfriend." Her eyes danced with the tease.

"At least you didn't say your cute boyfriend."

She kissed his chest and then pressed her lips to his as she wiggled her a.s.s against his erection. "Cute went out the window a long time ago, Mr. Big, Strong, Alpha, s.e.xy Boxer Boy."

He growled and swept her onto her back, holding her hands above her head as she giggled and squirmed beneath him. He nipped at her lower lip, then rubbed his scruff along her cheek, earning himself another s.e.xy moan.

"You know I love that," she said in a heady voice.

"I want you to think about me all day, so by the time we come back together tonight, you can barely wait."

"Oh my, you are demanding." She leaned up to kiss him, and he pulled away so she couldn't reach him. "Tease!"

"Self-preservation. I'm already in a bad state." He pressed his hard-on to her leg. "Any more and you're not going to work."

"Promises, promises."

He sealed his lips over hers and slid a hand beneath her skirt, stroking her through her panties. She was damp in seconds, and when she moaned, "Sawyer," against his lips, he couldn't resist slipping a finger beneath that damp material into her velvety heat.

"Sky," he whispered. "I crave you every minute of the day. I can't get close enough to you, and I'll never, ever get enough of loving you. You better leave, or..."

"Love me, Sawyer. Love me now. Taste me so I stay."

He moved her panties to the side and brought his mouth to her sweetness.

"Oh, G.o.d..." She fisted her hand in his hair and held him to her, rocking her hips to meet his efforts. "Don't stop. Oh G.o.d. I'm gonna need another shower."

He lifted his head. "Want me to stop?"

"No, no, no." She pushed his head back down, and he took her right up to the edge, feeling like he was going to come just from pleasuring her.

He scooped her into his arms, sealing his lips over hers as he carried her into the bedroom.

"Hurry up," she said with a giggle as she slipped out of her panties and skirt and grabbed a condom from beside the bed.

He kicked off his pants and watched as she rolled the condom on, getting even harder with the way she was licking her lips as she stroked him. He lifted her into his arms, guided her legs around him, and lowered her onto his throbbing erection. They both groaned at the intensity of their love.

"Sky, I'm ready to explode. G.o.d, what you do to me. Do you want quick or-"

"Quick and hard," she said as she kissed him. "Later we'll celebrate your win and make love all evening long."

He spread his hands over her hips, lifting her up and down over his hard length with quick, determined movements as she clawed at his shoulders. He wore her marks proudly.

Her thighs tightened around him as their mouths crashed together, and moments later they spiraled over the edge together.

"I'M TELLING YOU, I've turned into a s.e.x maniac," Sky said as she, Bella, Jenna, Leanna, and Amy walked across the parking lot of the gym to watch Sawyer fight. "I didn't even go into the shop this morning because we couldn't keep our hands off each other."

"And your problem is?" Bella teased. "Look at my man up there, all police-officer hotness with handcuffs at his waist. I still can't keep my hands off of him."

"I'm right there with you. Look at Kurt." Leanna smiled at her handsome husband as he held the doors to the gym open for them. He leaned down and kissed her, then swatted her b.u.t.t as they walked inside.

They gathered around the registration desk with their husbands, waiting for Brock, who was walking toward them from the back of the gym where Sawyer and Roach were huddled in a corner and another ma.s.sive boxer and two other guys were huddled on the opposite side of the floor.

"I missed work," Sky whispered. "For s.e.x!"

Pete turned angry eyes toward her, then hissed out, "I seriously don't want to hear this."

"OhmyG.o.d." Sky felt her cheeks flame, and they all burst into laughter.

Brock smiled as he approached. "Hey, Sky. You guys, you must be here to watch Sawyer. It's gonna be a mean sparring match." He put his hands on his hips, and his eyes turned serious. "Here's the deal. You can watch, but you stand behind the black lines that are on the floor. No profanity, no nasty slurs. This is a friendly fight."

"Okay," they said in unison.

"Sky, Jana's here," Brock said. "She's getting changed from practice, but she's excited to see you again."

"Who is Jana?" Hunter said as he draped an arm over Sky's shoulder.

"She's Brock's sister. Hands off," Sky said as Blue and Grayson walked through the front door.

"Brock, you may want to tell Jana not to come out of the locker room," Sky teased.

Brock narrowed his eyes and laid a dark stare on Hunter. Then his lips curved into a wide smile. "She'll kick both y'all's Follow me."

Sky's brothers got a nice laugh out of that. They followed Brock through the gym to the ring where Sawyer and his opponent were readying to fight.

"Your posse is here," Brock said.

Sawyer's gaze found Sky's in a hot second, and while he smiled and thanked everyone for coming, it was Sky he made a beeline to.

"You sure you want to be here?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. I love you, and I want to support you."

Blue came to her side. "We'll take care of her, Sawyer. You just show us how to win a fighting match."

"Thanks, Blue." He kissed Sky. "I love you, sweetheart."

"Ooh, sweetheart," Jana said in a singsong voice as she came up behind them. She threw her arms around Sawyer. "Go get 'em!" She turned to Sky with a wide smile and embraced her, too. "I'm glad you're here. You'll see, it's not that bad."

"I hope so. I have an army of support if I want to run screaming from the gym," Sky said, only half kidding.

Jana laughed, and her eyes moved over Sky's shoulder. "No way. Oh, no. Tell me you don't know that guy." She pointed to Hunter.

"That's my brother Hunter," Sky said, worried about the annoyed look in Jana's eyes.

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