Seaside Nights Part 22

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Sky held her hand up and silenced him. "Don't say another word. TMI!"

Sawyer laughed, and when her brother and Blue moved away to say good night to the others, he pulled her in close again. "Did you have fun tonight?"

"I always do." She slid her hands into his back pockets. "But now I'm ready for a little Sawyer fun."

Her voice was soft and sensual and sent a ripple of awareness through him.

"I should help them put all the chairs away, then..." He pressed her in tighter against him. "Then I'm going to..." He felt himself getting aroused and decided to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Going to?" She pressed her lips to his chest. "Tell me what you're going to do to me, Sawyer." She grabbed his b.u.t.t and rocked her hips against his, taunting him as she dragged her tongue along her lower lip.

Powerless to stop the words from spilling from his mouth, he said in a near growl, "I'm going to start with those luscious lips of yours and kiss you agonizingly slowly to pay you back for this. I'm going to kiss your neck and every inch of your beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s, loving them the way you like it. I'm going to drag my tongue over every inch of your body." He pressed his hand to her back, holding her against him, feeling her breathing go shallow. "I'm going to taste your inner thighs, then lick you until you're so turned on that you can't remember your name."

Her hands fisted in his s.h.i.+rt, eyes dark with desire. "And then?" Her voice was shaky, hardly audible.

"Oh, my sweet summer Sky, you are a sensual girl."

She tightened her grip on his s.h.i.+rt and pressed her body unbearably closer. "Tell me," she urged.

"And then I'm going to bury myself deep inside you and make love to you until you come so hard you can't move." So much for not getting aroused. He was hard as steel, and she was barely breathing.

"Hurry," she urged.

Chapter Eighteen.

SKY THOUGHT SHE was dreaming, that the harsh whispers were tangled voices of her subconscious. Sawyer had kept his promises and had made love to her until they both lay on the mattress boneless and sated, and she'd fallen right to sleep...until now.


"It's time!"

Her eyes took a minute to adjust to the dark, and her brain took another moment to register that the voices coming through her open bedroom window belonged to Bella and Amy. She slid quietly off the bed, surprised her legs could hold her up, and peeked behind the curtains.

"G.o.d! We've been calling you for ten minutes!" Bella snapped. She, Amy, and Jenna were each wrapped in a towel, with their hair pinned up messily with clips. Even in the dark Sky could see that Jenna's red towel matched her hair clip, which matched her flip-flops, of course.

"Hold on. Give me one sec to wash up and grab a towel." She dropped the curtain and tiptoed into the bathroom, where she soaped up a washcloth, rinsed the scent of s.e.x from her body, and donned a towel and a hair clip of her own.

She slid the gla.s.s doors open quietly and stepped out onto the deck.

"I forgot my flip-flops." She reached for the door again.

"Shh." Bella grabbed her arm, pulled her toward the gra.s.s, and headed for the pool. "Too bad," she whispered. "It's already two in the morning, and Caden has to be up at four for his s.h.i.+ft. He got a call at midnight and had to run out, and he just got back a little while ago. I want to get in the water before he wakes up and notices I'm gone."

"Pete went out around then, too. He said Grayson's motorcycle broke down and he had to give him a ride." Jenna handed the pool key to Bella. "I can't see a darn thing. Amy, why didn't you leave the lights on by your deck?"

"I thought I did." Amy grabbed Sky's arm. "Sorry, Jenna. At least I remembered the eggless cookie dough from the health food store!"

"It's the little things," Sky teased.

The heavy metal chain clanked against the gate, and they all shushed Bella.

"I'm trying," Bella snapped. "The lock is being fussy. Hold the chain so it doesn't wake up Theresa. She's got supersonic hearing." The pool was closed after eight o'clock, and Theresa took her job as the property manager seriously. She was a stickler for rules.

"How long did it take strummer boy to fall asleep?" Jenna whispered to Sky.

"I don't know! I was too nervous to pay attention. I kept thinking that you guys were going to show up at the window right in the middle know. And then I got too into it to care."

The lock clicked open and they scrambled through the gate.

"I didn't think Caden was ever going to fall asleep," Bella said, closing the gate quietly behind them.

Jenna dropped her towel and ran naked across the pool deck toward the steps at the far end.

"I swear I'm going to tie your towel around your body so you stop doing that," Amy said. "You need to either tweak your OCD so you can keep your towel on until you get to the steps, or climb in at the far side. You're like a rebellious, naked, pregnant teenager, and I'm always worried you're going to fall."

"I'll never change!" Jenna giggled as she stepped into the water. "Brr. Hurry up and get in. It's freezing."

"I still don't understand why you run across the deck naked," Sky said as she draped her towel over a chair and walked into the chilly water.

"Because!" Jenna rolled her eyes like it was the stupidest question on earth and sank down so her shoulders were beneath the surface. "I did that the very first time we ever went chunky-dunking. I can't change it now."

"That would drive me crazy," Sky said to Jenna. Bella and Amy walked hand in hand down the steps and sank under the water. "Your bellies really do make you even more beautiful."

"Hey, what about me?" Jenna splashed Sky.

"You, too, of course. But your belly is still little. Look at them. Pregnant nudity really is attractive." Sky swam to the side of the pool, grabbed four foam noodles, and gave one to each of the girls.

"All I know is that being pregnant is awesome," Bella said. "I can eat as much as I want and not worry that it'll show." She hung her arms over the noodle, and they all came together in a tight circle, kicking their feet to stay afloat.

"I can't believe we're going to have babies. We'll have to ask our hubbies to be on baby duty so we can chunky-dunk," Amy said as she reached for Jenna's hand. "Do you think it'll take the fun out of it?"

"No," Bella answered. "As long as they don't tell Theresa, we'll still have fun."

"I'm around to babysit," Sky offered.

"Babysit? You'll be chunky-dunking with us," Amy reminded her.

"Not after I move," she said sadly. She'd miss being so close to her friends when she moved, having breakfast with them and spur-of-the-moment barbecues.

"We'll text you to come down and give you enough warning that you can join us." Jenna shook Sky's noodle.

"Yeah, like the sound of a car won't wake Theresa? You can park on the road and walk into the complex." Bella kicked away from the group. "I'm hungry."

"We just got down here," Jenna said.

"Well, the baby has to eat when the baby has to eat." Bella swam to the stairs and climbed out of the pool, s.h.i.+vering. She grabbed the cookie dough and hurried back into the water, holding it above her head.

"That baby is going to weigh ten pounds," Amy teased.

"So what?" Bella tore open the cookie dough, and each of the girls held her hand out. "See? You guys wanted it just as badly as I did." She bit off a hunk and handed the package to Amy. "Sky, is this the weekend you're going out on Pete's boat with Sawyer?"

Sky smiled. "Yup. My brother came through for us. He's letting us take the boat out overnight, and Sawyer said he can take two days off of training, which surprised me."

"I told you love makes people do all sorts of things." Amy floated onto her back with her big belly protruding out of the water.

"Love," Sky said dreamily. She s.h.i.+fted onto her back and floated, gazing up at the starry sky.

"Love?" Amy swam over to Sky. "Love?"

"Sky's in love!" Jenna threw her noodle in the air.

Bella caught Jenna's noodle and shushed her.

Sky held on to the noodle and dropped her feet back under the water. "I didn't say I was in love. Although Sawyer is everything I could want in a man. Seriously, he's a great listener, and he really gets me. And he loves his family, and he's hands down the best lover I've ever had, and-"

"Oh my G.o.d. You are in love. Our little Sky is in love!" Bella said so loudly that all the other girls shushed her.

"Stop it." Sky laughed. "I've never been in love. I'm trying it on for size."

"Okay, so you're not in love yet," Jenna said with an emphasis on yet. "Would you be if he wasn't a fighter?"

She shrugged. "It's not his fighting. This is his last fight, and he's fighting for his dad, so I have to be okay with it, right? I've just never been in love before, and it's such a big feeling. Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest, or I want to huddle away with him for hours. Isn't that weird?"

The girls exchanged a look that told her they knew everything there was to know about love and she was the only one left in the dark.

"Honey," Amy said softly, "can you imagine a future without him?"

Could she? Would she want to? She was already used to falling asleep next to him and waking up in his arms, even though it had been only a few days. She looked forward to his flirty and poetic texts, and every single time she saw him, her heart went crazy and she wanted him to stay right there with her.

"Not willingly," she finally admitted.

Jenna and Amy smiled, and Bella said, "You're definitely falling. Ten bucks says you marry the guy."

"I'm not betting on my future." Sky laughed, but inside she was s.h.i.+vering with delight just thinking about a lifetime with Sawyer. "Lizzie says life is that easy and that complicated. I think I'm sitting in the center of easy and complicated and I don't know where I'll end up-but it sure feels like I'm in the right place regardless of if it's easy or complicated."

"That's because you're falling in love. That's how it happens, so you'll tip over right in the middle where easy and complicated intersect," Amy said.

"And Sawyer will catch you," Jenna added.

"With a poem at the ready." Bella reached for Sky's hand. "Take it from the girl who never thought she'd find the right guy. The only man who is right for you is the one you don't want to live without."

All this talk about forever and Sawyer was getting Sky hot and excited all over again. She dunked under the water to cool off. When she broke the surface, she said, "Wow, my heart is going a mile a minute. You guys...I love love! And I think I love Sawyer, too!"

The girls squealed and immediately shushed one another and laughed.

Sky snagged the cookie dough from Bella and bit a hunk off. "Did I tell you that he is the P-town poet? He just had no idea that there was a real P-town poet."

"That's because there's not. You made him up, remember?" Amy pointed out.

Sky looked up at the stars and exhaled loudly. "What a night. I feel so much for Sawyer that I swear I almost told him that I loved him the other night, and I didn't. Thanks for making me feel like I'm not moving too fast. That it's normal to fall this hard this fast." She floated on her back again and rested the tube of cookie dough on her stomach as she gazed up at the stars, feeling like she'd cleared the fog from her head.

Jenna floated on her back, too, and Amy said, "I can't lie on my back again. My baby will squash me."

They all laughed.

"I was looking forward to our boat trip before, but now? I feel even more excited now, like it's okay to feel so much after such a short period of time-and I'm going to enjoy it."

"Two days alone with Sawyer? You'll be so deeply in love when you return you'll be in the ring fighting for him." Jenna reached for the cookie dough.

Bella turned her head from side to side. "Shh. Do you hear that? What is that noise?"

"What?" Amy lifted her chin, listening.

"Shh!" Bella snapped. "It sounds like...cicadas?"

"I hear it," Jenna said, whipping her head from right to left.

"It doesn't sound like cicadas to me," Sky said, tipping her ear toward the sound. "It's coming from all around us. And it sounds different, not like bugs at all."

Bella shushed them again, and they all swam toward the edge of the pool.

"I can't see a d.a.m.n thing-can you guys?" Bella asked.

"No." Amy walked between Bella and Jenna, holding on to them both.

Bella motioned for Sky to hurry up. Sky swam to Bella and linked arms with her.

"What is it?"

"It sounds familiar." Jenna gasped, pointed at the fence, and shouted, "There's something moving against the fence."

"Shh!" the three others chided her.

"Do you want Theresa running out here?" Bella squinted into the darkness. "What is th-"

Suddenly a string of holiday lights lit up around the pool, illuminating a plethora of vibrating s.e.x toys, handcuffs, and other s.e.x paraphernalia hanging on the fence. Vibrant yellow, bright pink, and s.h.i.+mmering blue vibrators s.h.i.+vered and shook. Some flashed, and others remained like steady beacons in the night.

"Oh my G.o.d!" Jenna yelled, then cackled loudly, hanging on to Bella so tight she nearly pulled her under the water.

Amy and Sky burst out laughing, while Bella's face was a mask of shock-eyes wide, mouth agape.

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