Seaside Nights Part 14

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Sawyer paced the ring, itching to go again. Roach stepped up close, and Sawyer was sure he was going to give him h.e.l.l for going after Delroy so hard.

"You paying attention to your body? Any numbness in your fingers? Blurred vision?"

Sawyer gritted his teeth, holding Roach's dark gaze. "A warning doesn't suddenly f.u.c.k me up, Roach. Back off. I'm fighting." Guilt clawed at his shoulders. Roach had been with him since the start, and Sawyer loved him like a brother, but he wasn't going to let him come between him and winning that t.i.tle fight for his father. "I've got this, and no, no signs of any of that horses.h.i.+t."

Roach nodded. "Stubborn a.s.s." Roach glanced over his shoulder at the front of the gym and asked, "You expecting company?"

Sawyer looked over Roach's shoulder and saw Sky, wide-eyed and holding on to the registration desk as if she needed to in order to remain standing.

He removed his gloves and climbed from the ring. "Give me a sec."

"Sky." Up close, nervousness radiated from her entire being, like a wounded bird with a cat hovering above.

As if she'd noticed this slight reveal, she pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, hoping to ease the shock of seeing him fight, but she remained rigid beneath his touch.

"I didn't know you were coming by." He glanced at Brock, standing behind the counter, and Brock respectfully turned away.

"Neither did I." She looked past him at Delroy. "Is that guy okay? You punched him in the neck."

"Delroy?" He glanced back at his sparring partner, who was engaged in a serious conversation with Roach. He reminded himself that what he saw and what Sky saw were probably two very different things. "He's my sparring partner. He's paid to fight."

"But look at his neck."

"It's not as bad as it looks." He reached for her hand, and although she didn't readily grasp it, she also didn't pull away. He was so thankful that he nearly said it aloud as he guided her away from the reception desk. The gym didn't have sofas or chairs or a cozy nook in which to talk, but the other men in the gym were respectful enough to turn away.

"I...I should go. I don't want to interrupt your training."

"Sky." He stepped in closer, and the wounded look in her eyes softened, although they were still bouncing between him and the back of the gym. He laced his fingers with hers, and when she accepted them, truly embraced his hand, a relieved sigh slipped from his lungs.

"I know this is probably hard for you to understand, but boxing is more than just two guys beating the h.e.l.l out of each other."

"How? I just don't understand it, Sawyer. I came here thinking that maybe I was overthinking your fighting. That maybe we weren't so far apart in our beliefs, since we're so close in every other way. But..."

"Don't say but, Sky. Not yet. Boxing is just another art form. Like tattooing or singing, or playing the drums, or dancing."

She scoffed. "You're not serious."

"Totally serious." He wasn't used to defending his career. Most people thought it was cool and exciting that he fought-but he didn't give a d.a.m.n about most people. He gave a d.a.m.n about Sky. "Sky, I've worked for years to perfect my techniques and conquer my weight cla.s.s. I've put years of study, years of practice into figuring out what worked, and honed my skills so I could beat everyone else. It's not a game, or a way to just let loose and hurt someone. Boxing takes finesse as well as power." The forcefulness of his tone surprised him, but he didn't want to take a chance that she'd walk out that door without at least trying to understand. "I've gone through years of grueling workouts and given up significant parts of my life for months at a time. Fighting is a part of me, Sky. It's what I've done since I was thirteen."

Her lips parted as if she was going to say something, but no words came.

Acutely aware of Roach's and Delroy's time, he glanced over his shoulder and found them both watching him impatiently.

He turned back to Sky, trying to figure out how to squeeze a day's worth of explanation into the next three minutes. "Where are you headed?"

"Work, I think. I...Work." She nodded, and he could see she was even more conflicted than she'd been when he'd dropped her off at the cottage earlier that morning.

"Can I come by and see you later?"

She dropped her eyes to the floor, taking his stomach with them.

"Sky." Her name slipped from his lips on a whisper. He lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes, needing her to see him and not only what he did for a living.

He ran his hands down her arms, gently bringing her closer and wanting to bring her closer still. "Sky, I'm the same guy I was last night. The same guy you were with this morning on the beach. The same guy who gets crazier about you every second we're together-and twice as head over heels when we're apart."

"I know." Her voice was thin, tethered.

"Then give me a chance? I've got one more fight to win, Sky, and nothing will keep me from it. I hope you can understand that. This one's for my father." He wanted to bend down and press his lips to hers. To remind her of the man he was, separate from boxing, but he respected her too much to do that. He knew this decision had to be made with her heart. Not based on their s.e.xual chemistry.

She surprised him then and placed her hands around his waist and nodded.

He touched his forehead to hers. "My sweet, sweet summer Sky. Thank you."

Roach cleared his throat as he approached, bringing Sawyer back to the world he'd stepped away from only moments earlier. Sky had once again transported him away from everything else around them. How did she do that?

"I should go." Her eyes darted to Roach, who'd stopped by the desk to talk with Brock.

"How late do you work?"

A tentative smile finally lifted her lips and reached her eyes. "How late do you want me to work?"

He shook his head and smiled, feeling like he'd just been given a gift. "d.a.m.n, Sky. You're going to drive me batty. I thought I'd lost you just now."

She pressed her finger to the center of his chest and said, "I'm not going to lie and say I'm okay with..." She s.h.i.+fted her eyes to the ring, then met his gaze again with the familiar warmth that made his pulse go crazy. "All of this. But I really like spending time with you. I like who you are, and I like how you think. And I like who I am and how I feel when I'm with you."

"But, Sky, I can't change this part of me."

"I know," she said softly.

"This isn't the place to discuss it. Can we talk more later? I need to get some work done at the house this afternoon. The company that's installing the interior ramp is coming by for another preinstallation something or other. Can I come by the shop and see you around six? You said you had some shopping to do. Want to do that together?"

"Interior ramp?" Without giving him a chance to explain, she added, "I'd love that, and six is perfect." She lowered her voice to a whisper and said, "I think I'd better go. That guy looks like he's ready to blow his top."

"The ramp is for my dad. It'll allow him to go up to the skycap again. I can build the smaller ramps, but the interior one was a major renovation. And that guy over there you asked about? That's my trainer, Roach. The guy he's talking to is Brock. Roach always looks like that, but he's a good guy. Hey, why don't I introduce you?"

"Um." Her forehead wrinkled with indecision.

"It would mean a lot to me if you could meet the guy who helped me get where I am. He's a good friend. He just looks like a Rottweiler-he's really more like a German shepherd."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She reached for his hand as Brock looked over at them.

Sawyer ran his eyes down her white tank top to her emerald-green miniskirt, which he hadn't had a second to appreciate, and a spear of jealousy shot through him. The leather and silver bangles settled around her wrist as he lifted her hand, and the anklet she wore had a starfish ornament hanging from a chain that went down the center of her foot-all very Sky. What was he thinking? He might as well have put her on a silver platter for Brock and Roach to ogle. What man wouldn't want to gobble her up?

"Trust me?" he asked, wis.h.i.+ng he'd just walked her out to her car instead.

She nodded, and the way she looked at him, like he was the only man she wanted, despite his fighting, plucked the claws of jealousy out of his neck.

Sawyer was around the guys so often that he forgot how imposing they probably looked to her. Sky tightened her grip on his hand, and in an effort to make her more comfortable, and because he adored holding her, he draped an arm over her shoulder and proudly introduced her to his buddies.

"Sky, this is Brock 'the Beast' Garner, the owner of the club."

Brock smiled, softening the Beast and charming a smile out of Sky.

"It's nice to meet you, Sky."

"Thank you. Nice to meet you, too."

"I'm Manny Regan, but most people call me Roach." Roach held a hand out and Sky shook it.

Sawyer was relieved to feel the tension ease from her shoulders.

"Do you guys fight, too?" she asked.

"We all fight, but it's not as bad as it looks." Roach looked over at Delroy, who was. .h.i.tting the heavy bag. "See? He's no worse for wear."

"I can't even imagine getting hit by one of you." Sky looked up at Sawyer, then back at the others.

"You're with Songbird, so you'll never have to worry about being hit by anyone. He's a monster in the ring and a pup out of it." Roach winked at Sawyer. "You should put gloves on her sometime and show her how to protect herself."

"Oh, no," Sky said, taking a step closer to Sawyer. "Thank you, but I really don't think-"

"That's the best way to see what it's really like," Brock added. "You'd be surprised at how empowered you feel. My sister fights. She's a tiny little thing, but she packs a powerful punch."

"Okay, enough of the hard sell. I'm going to walk Sky out to her car. I'll be back in a few minutes." Sawyer guided her toward the front door. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think they'd push like that."

"That's okay. I mean, I probably do the same thing when people judge tattoos. I always tell them that maybe if they tried a henna tattoo for a week they might like it." She held his hand as they walked across the parking lot.

A group of kids standing by Sawyer's truck ran toward him when he came out the door.

"Songbird, can we train today?" The request came from a tall, skinny, dark-haired teenager.

Sawyer smiled at the eager boys. They showed up a few times a week, and when he had time, he showed them a few moves. "I'll squeeze in a few minutes when I'm done training. But you guys have got to focus. No playing around today. I'm on a short timeline."

"Cool!" the tall kid said and gave his friend a high five. "We'll focus."

"I'm gonna text my mom to bring over my gear," another teen said as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Come on," a third boy yelled as he ran toward three bikes that were lying in the gra.s.s beside the parking lot. "Let's go get our stuff!"

Sawyer shook his head and turned back to Sky. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I love that they're so excited, but don't you worry about teaching them to hit each other?"

He shrugged. "Kids are going to fight whether you teach them how to do it right or not. They're trying to learn from watching YouTube videos, and YouTube doesn't teach the finesse they need to be safe-or give them the guidelines of the important things, like being respectful of others, fighters or not, respectful of property that's not their own, following the rules, caring for their gear."

A smile curved her lips. "You really care, don't you?"

"More than you can imagine. Just because I box for a living doesn't mean I'm an animal. I'd better get back inside, but I'm glad you came by." Sawyer pulled her into his arms and she smiled up at him. "Is this okay? Holding you like this?"

"Yes," she said with a smile.

"I know you're wrestling with my boxing, so I don't want to overstep my bounds."

"See? That's one of the things that makes me want to get closer to you. You don't push yourself on me or ignore the things that make me uncomfortable." She went up on her toes and pressed her lips to his chin. "You say that I'm driving you batty, but, Sawyer-Songbird-how do you think it feels to hear you say sweet things and then to know that you can turn all that goodness off and clock some guy in the neck?"

He put on a serious face. "I don't turn off my good side to fight, Sky."

"Well, you have to do something with it. There's nothing nice about hitting someone." She tilted her head and shaded her eyes from the sun as she blinked innocently up at him through thick lashes.

"It's not like that. I don't go into a ring thinking about how I'm going to beat the c.r.a.p out of someone. It's about winning a match. It's about finesse and talent, not just who's bigger or who can inflict the most damage." As he tried to explain, she looked even more confused.

"I know my career isn't something you necessarily like or understand, but that's only one part of me, Sky. And I'm hoping that as you get to know me better, you'll come to like all of me and maybe even accept my career."

"You're not upset with me about this?"

"Upset? Sky, I've dated plenty of fans, and the truth is, I'd much rather you like who I am and accept what I do for a living than like me for my career. Speaking of which, I'd better get back inside before Tanner takes off, but I'll see you at six at Inky Skies?"

"Yes, and, Sawyer, I'm sorry if I took up too much of your training time. Please apologize to Roach and your sparring partner, too."

That was another thing he admired about her. Even though she was obviously having a hard time with what he did for a living, she was still considerate of him and the others.

"I will, but you can have as much of my time as you want."

He pressed his lips to hers, and as he drew back, she deepened the kiss. She was a walking contradiction, and he couldn't get enough of her. He tugged her in closer and kissed her with all the pa.s.sion he'd been holding back. When they finally drew apart, she was breathless-and he was aroused.

Her eyes grew openly amused as she looked down at his tented shorts and said, "Oops."

"Oops, my a.s.s," he teased, and swatted her b.u.t.t as she climbed into the car.

"Now I feel bad. You can't go inside like that."

He leaned down and kissed her again. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

She giggled, and he kissed her again. d.a.m.n, he needed to stop kissing her if he had any chance of regaining control, but she was too delicious to stop. Through the window, Sky wound her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"Sky," he warned.

"I can't help it," she answered. "You're standing there in nothing but a silky pair of shorts and your body's so hard-no pun intended."

He clenched his jaw to stifle his smile. "This is totally fun for you, isn't it?"

She flashed a cheesy grin that made him laugh.

"You're the one who keeps kissing me," she said as she gripped the steering wheel.

"I'm the...Okay, you little tease. Get your cute little b.u.t.t out of here before Roach comes looking for me and finds me like this." He kissed her again through the window, then watched her drive away, turning his thoughts to his father's looming medical expenses and the renovations he was working on-anything to lessen the heat soaring through him.

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