Irish Stewed Part 15

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"People walking around. Voices."

I glanced at Declan but since he didn't say a thing, I took the lead. "Men's voices?"

The kid shrugged.


Another shrug. "Just voices, and I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention because I thought . . . well, I figured I was screwed for sure. That somebody who worked there came in for something and that they were going to find me if I didn't haul my b.u.t.t out of there."

"And that's when you dropped what little copper you'd already cut and ran?"

He nodded in answer to my question. "Only I didn't get very far. I just got over to the steps that led up to that door I came in when I heard a guy say something pretty loud. Then there was another sound, like chairs falling over."

I could picture the scene. "And then?" I asked him.

"Then things got really quiet." As if he were reliving the scene, Owen froze at the center of the room, his arms tight against his sides, his breath suspended. "I waited," he said, glancing up at the ceiling just like he must have glanced up when he was down in the Terminal's bas.e.m.e.nt. "I dunno how long. I thought"-he swallowed hard-"I thought if I ducked out the door I came in, somebody might see me. So I just stood there. And then, that's when I heard the gla.s.s break."

I glanced at Declan. "The back door? Upstairs? The door that leads right outside?"

He looked at Owen. "You're sure it was after you heard the commotion? Not before? Because both the killer and the victim had to get in the restaurant, and that broken back door was the only way in."

Not the only way.

It wasn't like I thought Declan could read my mind, but I looked away, anyway. Just so there was no chance he'd pick up on the fact that I was thinking about Sophie. Sophie, and her front door key.

"It was after," Owen said. "I'm sure. I think."

"It's important, Owen," Declan reminded him.

The kid squeezed his eyes shut. His hair was blunt cut and hung to his collar and he tugged at one red lock. "Maybe it was before," he said, and turned pleading eyes toward his cousin. "I dunno. I was scared, Declan. That proves I couldn't have killed that guy, right? I was scared that somebody would find me and that means I'd never have the nerve to do something like kill somebody. I sneaked back up the steps and I couldn't risk walking out of the building and going around front and over to Uncle Pat and Aunt Kitty's because I figured whoever was in the restaurant, they might see me and figure out what I was doing. So I hid behind the Dumpster."

"For how long?" I asked.

The kid shrugged. "Don't tell n.o.body." He slid Declan a look. "If Jamie or Connor or Brendan find out-"

"What your cousins think of you is the least of your worries," Declan told him. "You realized you'd done something wrong, you were afraid of being caught. They'd understand why you were hiding."

"I should have took some of that copper with me," Owen grumbled, then swallowed his words at a fierce look from Declan.

I ignored their sparring. "Well, you couldn't have been there for hours and hours," I said, thinking over everything Owen told us. "So when Sophie and I arrived, that must have been soon after whoever killed Jack left."

"I just got up the nerve to slip out from behind the Dumpster and run. That's when I heard your car," Owen said. "After that, well, I heard you talking from out front." He looked toward Declan. "And then the lights came on. And then . . ." Owen ran his tongue over his lips. "Then the police cars showed up and the ambulances and all those reporters. If I ran, it would look really bad. So I went back behind the Dumpster and stayed there."

"And that looked really bad, too," Declan reminded him.

One hand out, Owen took a step toward his cousin, then realized that he looked too needy and pulled back. "What's going to happen to me?" he asked.

"Well, you're not going to prison for a murder you didn't commit," Declan told him. "I can guarantee that. As for the copper . . ."

He left the words hanging in the air, and Owen to think about them.

Outside in the hallway, Declan shut the bedroom door and turned to me. "So the back door was broken in either before or after the murder. What does that tell us?"

"I can't imagine." I could, of course, but since what I imagined was Sophie using her key to go into the restaurant for some unknown reason, killing Jack for some other unknown reason, and then breaking the window in the back door to make it look like the Terminal had been broken into, I decided I was better off playing dumb.

Playing dumb and changing the subject.

As it turned out, that was easy enough to do when we walked back down into the living room and I caught a whiff of the scent wafting from the kitchen.

I drew in a deep breath. "Cayenne pepper," I said. "Just a little. And garlic and thyme. And beer. Something dark and strong."

Declan confirmed this with a nod. "Mom's cooking for tomorrow. I have no doubt you smell Guinness and some red wine, too, I bet. She likes to replace some of the water in her grandmother's recipe with a little of each."

The scent was a siren's song, and I followed it, my nose in the air. "There's Worcesters.h.i.+re, too," I said before we arrived in the kitchen. "And bay leaves and onion."

"You've got another convert, Ma," Declan announced when we stepped into the bustling kitchen. "Laurel's come about the Irish stew."

Ellen wiped her hands on her ap.r.o.n. "It's not ready yet, I'm afraid. If you'd like to come back tomorrow for the party-"

"I've got to work tomorrow." Was that my voice, so high-pitched and eager to distance myself from the swirl of Declan's family life? I consoled myself with the fact that no one could blame me. I'd never had a family of my own and this . . .

Three little kids barreled through the back door and their grandmother reminded them to walk inside the house. They listened, at least until they got as far as the dining room, where they checked over their shoulders to make sure she was busy and broke into a trot.

This was overwhelming.

"Well, if you can't come back tomorrow, maybe Declan can bring you a container of stew," Ellen said. "That is . . ." She looked up at her son, all sweetness and innocence. "If you'll be seeing Laurel again, that is."

"She works across the street, Ma," he reminded her.

"Of course." Ellen scurried over a desk built into the countertop next to the refrigerator. She dug around and came back my way holding an index card.

"Here's the recipe," she said. "We say it's Grandma's but truth be told, I think it was her grandmother's and probably hers before that." She stopped just before she handed over the card. "We don't share this with just anyone."

"Then I'm grateful," I said when she handed over the recipe. "I can't wait to try it."

"She'll add sus.h.i.+ to it," Declan said. "Or tofu. Then Grandma will haunt her."

Thank goodness for the distraction! I elbowed him in the ribs.

After all, it was better than letting him know that I was worried.

About murder.

About lies.

And about why someone had unlocked the front door of the Terminal, then smashed in the back window to make it look like a break-in.

Chapter 13.

The good news-when I got back to the Traintown neighborhood, the street in front of the restaurant was crammed with cars and news vans and reporters who were lounging around looking antsy and eager for a tip just like they'd been lounging around and looking antsy and eager for a tip since I'd discovered Jack's body.

The bad news-as far as I could see, just about all those reporters in all those cars and news vans had a Caf-Fiends bag or to-go coffee cup with them.

"Bad morning?" Inez was just refilling Lou's daily order of pancakes and she looked up when I stomped in and slammed the door behind me.

"No." I didn't want to give Lou-our one and only customer at the moment-the wrong idea, so I waved off her concern. "Just hard finding a parking place out there."

Inez leaned back so she could peer beyond the waiting area to the front door and the street outside. She didn't say a word. She didn't have to. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head.

I glanced around the quiet restaurant. "No Denice?"

"Not this early. Not on Friday." Inez scampered up front to cash in Lou's bill and I followed along. "We're open late Fridays and Sat.u.r.days, until nine. So I do the early s.h.i.+ft and Denice comes in later and works until closing. And if we're busy . . ." The way she said it, I could tell that Inez didn't think this was actually a possibility. "We call Judy. She used to work here full-time. Back in the day. And she's always willing to work an extra s.h.i.+ft if we need her."

Good to know.

If we were ever busy.

The thought settled in my head and my shoulders drooped. "I don't know how we're ever going to be busy unless we try something different. But people around here don't want to try menu items that are new and different, not unless it's pizza and wraps," I grumbled, more to myself than to Inez.

That didn't stop her from replying. "This is Hubbard. We're pretty ordinary people. We don't like things like salmon and leeks. Not in a restaurant like this, anyway. If we're looking for food like that, we get dressed up and find a linen-tablecloth kind of place. But when we just want good food, we come to a place like this, and we come to a place like this because it's homey. That means we're looking for comfort food."

"Then we should be packed! Fried bologna and onions, some people think that's homey, don't they?" The very thought made me s.h.i.+ver. "Or meatb.a.l.l.s and rice."

"Or wraps and pizza."

The new comfort food.

"So people's idea of what comfort food is and isn't changes," I commented. "Maybe we need to change, too. And not to a place that sells panini sandwiches and wraps. It wouldn't do us or Caf-Fiends any good to fight over the same customers."

"At our house . . ." Just thinking about it made Inez smile. "Comfort food is things like chicken and rice. What we call arroz con pollo. Or fried plantains, or bean and cheese burritos or menudo." She sighed. "That's tripe and hominy soup, and before you turn up your nose-"

"I've had menudo. I've cooked menudo," I a.s.sured her, thinking of the months I'd spent in Mexico with Meghan when she was shooting a movie there. Menudo's ability to cure hangovers is legendary and the way I remembered it, Meghan was feuding with a certain somebody who eventually became her ex. Those days, the tequila flowed like water. Meghan needed plenty of menudo. "You don't have to convince me how good it is."

"Well, that's just it, isn't it?" Inez scooped Lou's change out of the cash register, took it over to him, and headed back into the waiting area. "Everybody has their own idea of what comfort food is, and it changes, you know? The way cities change because the people who live in them changes. Some people think of comfort food as arroz con pollo, and some people think it's something like stuffed cabbage. Some people think of it as Italian food or Hungarian food or-"

"Irish food." I plucked Ellen Fury's recipe for Irish stew out of my purse and, thinking, tapped the index card against my chin. "What if we tried to cater to them?"

"All of them?" Inez laughed. "If we tried to pack our menu with Polish food and j.a.panese food and Indian food-"

"There's no way we could handle that. Not with our small kitchen." I nodded. "But if we ran specials featuring one ethnic food at a time . . ."

"Like every day."

"Or every week or two. That would be more practical from a menu standpoint and as far as getting supplies and arranging advertising." The moment the words were out of my mouth, an unfamiliar feeling zipped through my bloodstream and thumped inside my rib cage. It caught me by surprise and it took me a moment to realize what it was.

Interest. Curiosity. Excitement.

Emotions I'd been too numb to feel since Meghan gave me the ol' heave-ho and pummeled my culinary dreams.

When I headed into the kitchen, recipe in hand, I found myself smiling.

"Ethnic foods," I crooned. "Different, interesting ethnic foods. Designed to appeal to the different and interesting people of Hubbard." I imagined the ad we'd put in the local paper, and practically skipped the last few steps and, yes, when I handed Ellen's recipe to George as if it were being presented on a silver platter, he did give me a funny look.

It didn't help when I added, "Take that, wraps and pizza!"

It was nearly four, and I knew Dale, Phil, Ruben, and Stan would be hitting the road soon. They'd enjoyed the lunch special-Swiss steak-and I don't know how many cups of coffee, and even though we were open late, they'd disappear to wherever it was they disappeared to every day at this time.

Which was why I was surprised when instead of saying, "See you tomorrow, kiddo," like he always did on his way out the door, Dale waved me over to the table near the windows.

"What is it?" he asked.

Blank stares are so not a good look for me!

I snapped my mouth shut so I could ask, "What is . . ."

Phil breathed in deep. "That smell. What is it? It smells like-"

"Heaven!" Stan grinned.

And I couldn't help but grin back. "That is tonight's dinner special," I told them. "Irish stew."

"Iris.h.!.+" Dale chuckled. "We've already got an Irish store around here. We don't need more Irish. We need Polish food."

"Or Latin food," Ruben put in.

"Or good ol' Southern home cookin'!" Stan rubbed his stomach with one hand. "My mother could cook up a pot of red beans and rice like n.o.body else. I'll bring you her recipe."

"I'd appreciate that. And I'll take your suggestions into consideration." I pa.s.sed around the handwritten menus I'd gotten ready for the evening. In addition to our usual Friday-night fare-fish and chips, Swiss steak (hey, why waste anything left over from lunch?), and bean soup-I'd added Irish stew and even embellished the menu with a couple little hand-drawn shamrocks.

Declan would approve.

I shook the thought away. "For the next week, we're going to feature Irish food," I told the guys and prayed they didn't ask which dishes we'd be adding since I hadn't had a chance to research Irish recipes yet and I had no idea. "We're starting with a local family recipe."

"Well, if it tastes anything like it smells . . ." Stan drew in a deep breath right before he fished his phone out of his pocket. "I'm going to call Alice and tell her to meet me here for dinner."

"Good idea." Dale grabbed his phone, too. "I'll give Georgia a call. She's watching the grandkids today and it would be easier for her to come here for dinner than have her cooking for three extra people."

Smiling, I left them to it.

My smile didn't last long when I saw Kim Kline and a colleague come through the front door.

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