Club Zombie: Zombies Suck Part 16

Club Zombie: Zombies Suck -

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"I've never been in this room before." Cutter lowered his voice as they entered the quiet peach-colored spa suite.

"It's the largest Extraction room in Club Zombie." Ulrich supplied the information like a tour guide. It was a twenty-foot by twenty-foot square room with four benches surrounding a huge colorful machine the size of an old-fas.h.i.+oned water heater and half as tall. Ulrich referred to it as the "extractor".

"Me neither." Storm took in the new-agey-decorated room. "I don't get what we're doing here." He eyed Alex and Uli suspiciously.

"Extracting," Uli teased.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Uli and I wanted to share this with you. In the future, with all of us going to college or taking, we might need to use it to save time." He gestured with his head to Cutter and Uli. "Sit down." He readied the machine.

"Drop your pants first, Cut," Uli said as he undid his jeans and pushed everything down to the floor, leaving him naked from the waist down.

Storm reached for Ulrich's aroused c.o.c.k. The head was already leaking. "Mm mm, give me that."

Alex laughed as he rested a hand on Storm's shoulder holding him in place. "Go over there. We want to try something. Pull down your jeans."

Storm didn't like to be bossed around and normally he'd have ignored the instruction, but the sparkle in both Uli and Alex's eyes suggested a treat was in his future. Cut encouraged him with a quick nod. Cutter relaxed on the bench, but his c.o.c.k seemed to be begging for attention. Storm wanted to give it some love with his mouth. Maybe it was normal, but he appeared to be developing an oral fixation around his mates. But he could be patient, or maybe Cutter could take him against the wall later. He felt it for a full week the last time Cut ravaged his a.s.s. He seemed to bring out the wild in Cutter, whereas Uli bought out the gentle. And everyone knew Cut became submissively pliant for Alex.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Alex stood next to him with a hissing tube, bringing Storm out of his erotic musings. Inspecting the machine the tubes were attached to, it looked like the contraption belonged on a d.a.m.ned dairy farm. "I'm not a f.u.c.king cow."

"No, we already established you're a vampire zombie." Alex's traced the mark marring the perfect skin on his neck. It wasn't Storm's fault that the man's neck was a biter's paradise.

Snorting, he admired the dark hickeys he placed on each of them. He liked to keep his territory marked. Hearing Cut gasp drew his attention. Uli had attached one of the tubes to Cutter's d.i.c.k and now was sitting back down to place one on his own c.o.c.k. A grunt was the only indication he gave when the tube was sucked him in.

"f.u.c.king A. I'll be a cow for this," Cutter said to no one in particular as he reached out to hold Uli's outstretched hand. d.a.m.n, they were sweet together. "Moo!" Storm's c.o.c.k hardened completely at Cut's enthusiasm.

"Shall I?" Alex asked gently. It wasn't that Alex coddled him, but with Storm, he never pulled the dominant bulls.h.i.+t Cutter seemed to eat up.

"You shall," he said magnanimously.

With a small smile, Alex held the device near Storm's erection but not touching it. Strong suction teased his d.i.c.k, and he thrust up to get closer. Alex didn't tease him, but slowly placed the hose over his c.o.c.k. The silver tube sucked him in.

He stared down at the tube as it moved up and down. "f.u.c.k." It felt alive. The sucking was relentless. He'd still prefer one of his mate's mouths to the device, but this had its own kinky appeal. Watching his mates enjoy it had many future possibilities.

"Mm mm," Alex quietly moaned as his d.i.c.k got sucked into the machine.

"I'm going to come, Alex," Cutter yelped.

Alex shook his head and his tone brokered no room for negotiation. "No, Cutler."

"Oh, G.o.d. Alex, please. It feels too good." Storm may not have enjoyed being on the receiving or giving end of BDSM, but watching o.r.g.a.s.m control flipped all his switches. Storm didn't miss when Cutter desired to be controlled, because he announced his impending o.r.g.a.s.m and Alex was always there to master him.

Alex's voice dropped to a command. "Wait. Let it build a little more." Yeah, make him wait. He'll come harder.

Cutter s.h.i.+vered but managed to get words past the strangling sound he was making. "But I'm so close."

Uli kissed Cutter's hand. "You can do it, Cut."

Storm grabbed onto Cut's thigh to give him support as well, but he didn't know if he was going to be able to hold off his own o.r.g.a.s.m. The feelings were building quickly and the kink factor coiled him tighter.

Uli grunted. "Sorry, Cut. I can't wait." He thrust and groaned in a blissful release as he fed the machine.

Alex leaned into Storm, drawing his mouth into a kiss. His tongue plunged in and reminded Storm of the last time Alex had been inside of him. It just seemed to get better and better. "You close, Storm?"

"f.u.c.k, yeah. Right on the edge." He squeezed Cutter's thigh as if to give them both more willpower to hold out.

"Come, Cutler." The order was followed by Cut's scream of climax.

The s.e.xy sound made Storm come nice and hard. "So f.u.c.king good." He fed the milker as much as he had in him and wished he had more to give. Alex's body rippled as he joined them in completion.

After everyone finished, Alex turned off the device. He stumbled across the room. He came back with a small crystal bowl and spoon.

"Is that..." Storm asked as Alex mixed the creamy substance.

"It's all of us."

"Mm, me first," Uli begged until Alex fed him a spoonful. "Mm mm, yum."

"The doctor just thought we should try this..."

"Because it's hot," Uli chirped as he licked his lips and turned to kiss Cutter.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Because we might have less time on some days. He did say we'd be fine with ingesting essence from one of the other mates, but to function fully, having each of our essences every day is vital."

Uli added, "I still think I like it better on tap." Storm high-fived him to convey his agreement on verses being spoon-fed essence.

Cutter said, "Please, Alex." He opened his mouth like a baby bird. "Thank you," he said after he swallowed and jumped onto Uli, making him laugh. "I'll give you some from my tap."

The scent made Storm's mouth water. He opened his mouth for a spoonful of everything he needed to survive. "Mm mmmm, that's delicious."

Alex licked his spoonful clean. "Who wants to lick the bowl?"

Everyone shouted, "Me!"


Beau and Lafayette almost finished the tour of their new apartment. It had taken Lafayette about six months to renovate two of the older apartments on the grounds of the estate and then connect them so the four of them wouldn't be crunched.

Cutter swept open the master bathroom's door dramatically. "This is our favorite room in the house." There were two other small powder rooms in their apartment, but this room was huge. The length of one blue and gold mosaic wall was a gla.s.s-enclosed shower large enough for four to play among the numerous jets on the wall. There were two smaller toilet rooms with dark gold pocket doors. Two golden sinks glittered on the matching aqua blue and gold-tiled vanity was located next to them. The centerpiece of the room was an almost swimming-pool-sized Jacuzzi tub.

"Oh my. This is lovely," Beau gushed. Turning to Lafayette, he asked, "Ralph and Peter did this for their final project?"

"Yeah. Impressive, huh?" Lafayette kissed Beau's nose. "You have a meeting with them tomorrow to come up with plans for our apartments."

The squeal hurt Cutter's ears but he easily forgave the man. While he was grateful to all of them, Beau understood his need to submit and, along with his therapist, helped him deal with the cutting. The man was a true friend.

Uli unwrapped an orange stick of homemade sucking candy. Cutter could smell the citrus.

"Sharesies," Storm called out.

Uli leaned toward Cutter. He grinned as he opened his mouth. He jokingly deep-throated the thin stick of sugar. He slid his pursed lips up and down the stick, being sure to press his lips to a giggling Uli's each time.

"Mm mm, that's s.e.xy," Beau purred, which seemed to cause Lafayette to growl.

Cut moved his mouth back down and gripped about two inches in his teeth. Storm leaned to lick from Uli's mouth down the orange treat to Cutter's before sliding toward the middle to crunch off a chunk. d.a.m.n, Storm's mouth was big. Storm turned to meet Alex's mouth. They softly touched lips before biting the stick halfway down.

Uli sucked his section with half of it out of his mouth. Cutter savored the sweetness the same way Alex did. They allowed the candy to dissolve in their mouths slowly. Storm was too impatient to wait for it to melt in his mouth. He crunched his down, enjoying the orange shards of candy.

Lafayette grumbled, "We can get you enough candy for everyone."

Uli pulled out a bunch his back pocket. "You want some? We have plenty."

Beau's delicate fingers reached out to pluck one. "For later." He smiled with the glee of someone knowing they're being naughty. "You boys keep redefining s.e.xy."

Feeling impish, Cutter shrugged and said, "You should see us in the tub."

"Oh, can I? It would make an excellent photograph. All this sparkling s.h.i.+ny tiles would catch the light. You guys can take off your s.h.i.+rts and get in so I can have a pic..." Beau seemed to be all but drooling while eyeing Lafayette.

"Do you think I'd appreciate that?" Lafayette was all growly and grumpy. Cutter completely understood baiting one's master until he was compelled to be all masterly.

"I don't know. I mean, they're four very attractive men... Imagine them taking a bath."

Lafayette turned toward Alex. "Alex, I'll catch you tomorrow evening for the Dom meeting." Turning to the rest of them, he said, "I hope see the rest of you soon. Stop by my office any time." Staring down at Beau, the muscular man asked, "You think you're funny?"

Beau c.o.c.ked his head as if he considered the question. "Yeah, pretty much. I find myself very amusing, actually."

Lafayette's eyes widened, and a smile flashed across his mouth until he schooled it. "Do you? Well, let's see how amusing I find you." Lafayette's palm spanked his wayward mate out of the bathroom and out of the apartment.

G.o.d, that was hot. Cutter hadn't meant to whimper. Uli and Storm both wrapped their arms around him.

"Alex will take care of you later." Storm's big fist wrapped around Cutter's c.o.c.k and made him s.h.i.+ver with antic.i.p.ation. His c.o.c.k was now fully hard.

"Let's take a bath first?" Uli dropped to his knees, and G.o.d yes, he took him in his talented mouth to suck on him. Ulrich rolled what was left of the orange candy stick over his c.o.c.k and then put both into his mouth and sucked.

Alex turned on the faucets, filling the tub from different locations. The plumber's design allowed the tub to fill quicker.

Uli licked his lips as he pulled away from where Cut needed him. "Mm mm, your c.o.c.k tastes like an orange." The blond stood and yanked off his t-s.h.i.+rt and pushed down his jeans. Yum, no underwear.

"Um, oh." Cutter wanted to beg someone to see if Uli was right. Did he actually taste like an orange? But Alex and Storm were undressing him with kisses. Each item was removed amid a ton of orangey kisses, leaving him just a little sticky. Nice. He tilted his head right and left to maximize the attention.

Maybe bath meant s.e.x? Oh, there were Storm's teeth. Yeah, he'd have another hickey. He exchanged wet kisses with Alex, then more urgent kisses with Storm, and then back to desperately kissing Alex. Where was Uli?

Alex led him to the tub. Uli sat in the water, reclined against the edge, slowly jerking himself off as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"Lean over the edge of the tub," Alex instructed him.


Storm smirked as he spelled it out. "Stick your erection in Uli's mouth, and if you do it right, I'll kiss you, Alex will smack your a.s.s, and Uli will..."

The words were registering. Cutter hurried over to the edge of the tub. Storm was there to catch him in his arms. Cutter bent over Uli's head where it was tipped over the edge the tub and then Uli started to suckle him. And oh, f.u.c.k yeah, Alex started spanking him.

Storm kissed him with an urgency that hid the fact that this was round three for them. He pushed deep into Uli's mouth and back up to meet Alex's hand. Sting. Sucked. Sting. Sucked. And the kissing rounded out the sensation of feeling totally loved by his mates.

"Does it feel good?" Storm asked as if he didn't know how good Uli was with his mouth and how wonderful Alex made him feel.

Whimpering was the only response Cutter could give as Uli stole his words with a hard suck.

"Come when you want to, Cutler," Alex said casually. The use of his full name put him over the edge quickly.

He strangled a little while he kissed Storm when he erupted into Uli's talented mouth. Alex spanked him through his o.r.g.a.s.m. Ahhh! When he was done, he quickly accepted Storm's c.o.c.k and sucked him off while Uli's mouth pampered his satisfied c.o.c.k with wet heat.

Storm's shout echoed off the bathroom walls.

"Bend over for me, Uli," Alex requested.

Uli squirmed around and leaned over the tub, holding on to Storm for support.

Alex pumped the fancy dispenser on the wall. A vanilla scent filled the room from the lubricant he used on Uli.

Tossing a folded towel to the floor, Cut found his place on his knees. He engulfed Uli's c.o.c.k, taking it to the root in one suck. He wanted to give as good as he'd gotten. He peeked up to see Storm bent over kissing Uli with long, wet kisses, and Alex just sliding inside.

He tapped on Storm's thigh to get his attention. Waving him over, he sucked face with Storm. Sweet wet kisses threatened to entice his c.o.c.k into responding, but it was way too soon. Their tongues played until he changed places with Storm again.

Closing his eyes to savor the situation, he could hear the action of each man. Alex sawed in and out, hitting Uli's sweet spot. Storm kissed, licked, and was now biting. f.u.c.k, maybe the guy was a vampire.

Uli whined. Cutter turned his head and engulfed Uli's c.o.c.k as it began unloading directly into his mouth.

Alex grunted, signaling his end was immediate. "G.o.d, yes." The dominant man hissed his pleasure as he thrust Uli through an o.r.g.a.s.m and enjoyed his own.

With one last swallow and a final lick, Cut kissed first Uli, then Storm, and finally Alex. His mates. His.

After their bath, which turned into more about getting dirty than getting clean, they headed over to Club Zombie. Beau had set up and heavily promoted a drag night to bring in new potential mates. All the zombies were dressed up and some really pulled off the womanly attire.

Uli smiled. "I guess she doesn't realize this is a gentlemen's club and this is just drag night." He pointed out an attractive female wearing a tight cheerleading uniform, high ponytail with a bow and high heels.

"Oh, h.e.l.l no." Storm stood up and abruptly turned away from the door.

Glancing over, Cutter almost swallowed his tongue. "f.u.c.k. Are you kidding me?"

"She probably just doesn't know this club caters to men." Alex said before taking a sip of his wine.

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