Club Zombie: Zombies Suck Part 12

Club Zombie: Zombies Suck -

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He pulled out his phone to check his messages. Nothing. Cutter hadn't responded to his 'good morning' message. Maybe he was mad about the awkwardness afterward. He'd gotten really uncomfortable to the point he was pretty sure he chased Cutter away.

They made out like crazy until they relieved each other with the sweetest oral s.e.x Uli ever imagined. Afterward, he got really intense and clingy, which forced Cutter to all but run away. Dammit. He needed to talk to Cutter about the whole "mated forever" thing.

Geez, one b.l.o.w.j.o.b exchanged and the poor guy would be stuck with him for life. An eternal life...unless, of course, Cutter refused. Then what? What if he didn't accept the mating bond?

"Hey, Uli." His cousin's voice made him jump. "You okay?"

He glanced up at Kai and his mate on horseback. "Yeah. Hey, Kai. Jaz."

"Hi." Jasper suggested, "Why don't I take your horse back to the stable? You have a couple hours before your cla.s.s." d.a.m.n, the guy was like a mindreader. Jaz could always tell when Uli needed to speak to his cousin alone.

"You sure?" Kai tilted his head to the side as he leaned in to kiss Jasper. Ah, that completeness was all Uli longed for; why couldn't he have it?

"Of course. I can even drive you in. I have some errands to do in town."

"Cool." Kai leaned in for another kiss before sliding off the saddle and handing the reins back up to Jasper. "Love you. See you in a bit."

"Love you too." Jasper nodded to Uli and said, "Catch you later."

Kai meandered over and sat. He watched Jasper go all the way back to the stables.

"I see you're still goo-goo eyes for him," Uli said.

Shrugging, Kai smirked at something Uli refused to guess at. "Yeah." When he turned his attention back to Uli, the grin left his face. "So what's up with you?"

Uli thought about denying he was a mess, but his cousin wasn't stupid and he needed to talk. "Cut's my mate."

"So you've said." Kai never said much about the revelation except the first time. He expressed his shock over Alex not being his mate. Apparently, everyone believed there was something between the two of them. Kai adored Alex and had mentioned more than once that he'd wished Ulrich and Alex had been mates.

If wishes came true Uli would have been mated to his apartment-mate as soon as they met. Alex took Uli's breath away on every level possible, and he was the best friend anyone could ask for. A slash of guilt cut across Uli like a physical wound. He needed to put his crush for Alex on permanent ice.

"Are you sure?" Kai frowned in disappointment that was echoed in his tone.

"Well, as of last night...I'm positive." Uli's words died in his mouth. He didn't want to go into specifics with his cousin.

"Oh." Kai nodded his head but stared at the pond. Several ducks made attempts at enticing Kai to throw nonexistent food to them. "Does Alex know?"

"Is that really your first concern? Alex?" Being mad at Kai was safe and easy. Arguing with his cousin was like slipping on a bit of the past when things seemed simpler and he felt like he knew which end was up.

"Isn't it yours?" his cousin countered.

"Yes. No. I mean... I have a mate. Cutter is my mate." Maybe if he said it enough he could erase what happened with Alex last night. No wonder Alex didn't want to speak to him this morning. He'd verified Cutter was his mate and he'd rubbed off on Alex like a dog in heat. Who did that?

"Why are you upset?" Kai's even voice made him p.i.s.sed.

He inhaled and when he blew out the air he sounded like he was deflating. The only anger left was directed at himself.

"You're going to tell me sooner or later." Kai jerked his head around. "Did Cutter or that thundercloud kid hurt you? I swear to G.o.d I'll..."

"No. No, nothing like that."

Kai seemed annoyed he didn't have a reason to take Storm or Cutter apart. "Then what?"

"How did you feel when you figured out Jaz was your mate?"

"Um..." Kai blushed. He coughed. He stared out at the pond. "Overwhelmed. Thrilled. Connected. At peace. And a whole lot of other things we don't need to discuss." After a pause his cousin slowly turned toward him. The examination felt a little too close for comfort. "Why? How do you feel?"

"I feel..." A million emotions and thoughts ran through him, but one floated to the top. "Incomplete." He ignored Kai's bugged-eyed openmouthed expression. "Shouldn't I be whole?"

"You haven't done the blood exchange yet, right?"

"Right." But he knew it wasn't normal to be in love with Alex and totally drawn to Storm at the same time while he was falling in love with Cutter. Nothing made sense.

"Does Cutter know about the whole zombie mate thing?"

"Nope." He'd bet anything the exchange wasn't the issue.

"Maybe you're just worried about that." Oh, now Kai was grasping at straws.

"Yeah, I guess." All Uli wanted right now was to go to Alex. No! He had to get away from here. He stood up, effectively ending the discussion. "You have cla.s.s."

Checking his phone for the time, Kai replied, "You're right. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine." His lie rolled out so easily.

"Okay. Oh, make sure you see Cutter soon. Usually until the exchange you need the medicine more often."

Uli cracked up. He might the worse mate ever in the history of mates. His world crumbled all around him. But Kai still referring to male essence as medicine was beyond ridiculous.

"No laughing." Kai chuckled. "Just see Cutter soon."

"Okay." Uli accepted a warm hug, and for a moment wished they were back in Germany in the vineyard. His thoughts tripped to his father and he decided being here was better for both of them.

He almost sat back down but opted instead to trudge across the manicured lawn to a wooded area. The shade lowered the temperature enough to be comfortable. When lethargy struck he found a big tree and sat. He was exhausted, barely able to hold up his head. He'd rest for a bit.

Uli didn't know when the day had gotten dark. The shadows were no longer cast by the sun but by the moon. He should get up but he didn't have the energy. Maybe if he rested a little longer. He'd put his head against the tree and close his eyes...just for a minute or so.

"Uli! Uli!" Something shook him, and his pocket buzzed.

He groaned. "Stop." He tried to push away whatever the thing was disturbing him but failed. He inhaled to gather strength and he went hard from the delicious scent. "Mm mm," he whimpered. Hoping for mercy, he scrambled toward the familiar warmth.

"Uli, it's me." Alex's voice sounded deeper than usual, but his arms felt as good as ever wrapped around Uli.

"It is you." He opened his eyes to see his stunning best friend. Uli felt drunk. "So pretty. You look like the King of the Fae. When we first met I didn't think anyone real could look like you." Uli couldn't stop himself from pus.h.i.+ng his face into the longish reddish hair and inhaling.

"Red? Wrong color, but I like it." He yawned, so exhausted. "You mad at me?" But Alex's smell ignited an internal drive.

"No, Uli." Alex's voice was deeper than usual but so s.e.xy.

He squirmed around in the strong arms cradling him until he was face first in Alex's lap. Heaven. He forced his heavy arms to move his hands. His fingers shook with effort as they eased down Alex's zipper. Those metal teeth were what separated him from what he craved. Needed. It wasn't a want but a necessity.

Alex moaned as his c.o.c.k came popping out of his jeans. He might have been talking; Uli didn't mind even if he couldn't understand the words. Alex could talk. Uli would suck. This seemed to be a logical compromise in his l.u.s.t-addled mind. He reached out and took Alex in his hand.

The c.o.c.k of his dreams was velvety hard and right in front of him. A bead slipped out of the opening. He hesitated and peeked up at Alex. "Okay?"

Alex nodded, giving him permission as he guided Uli's head forward. Uli licked at the tip and sweetness exploded on his tongue. "Mm mm." Another drop appeared so he licked at the slit, hoping for more.

He couldn't take this slow; he required Alex now. He took the head into his mouth to suck it. He slipped back over the top allowing his tongue to lap the length. Lavis.h.i.+ng the flesh with flicks of his tongue, he savored Alex's flavor. Being guided by instinct and Internet p.o.r.n, he sucked Alex's c.o.c.k. His lower half found a tree root sticking half out of the ground, and he s.h.i.+fted so he rubbed across the rough bark. It wasn't much, but the friction stimulated him through his jeans.

His entire core revolved around tending to Alex and partaking of his essence. He craved Alex's essence. He bobbed his head as quickly as his uncoordinated movement allowed.

Long fingers wrapped in Uli's hair before Alex cried out and filled his mouth. As soon as the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e touched his tongue, Uli's entire body seized up. He hollowed his cheeks as he gave long sucking pulls. As he ingested Alex's fluids, his own left his body in a joyful o.r.g.a.s.m at the same throbbing rate. Uli swallowed deeply as he came.

Energy flooded him. Confusion and exhaustion fled, leaving him invigorated. He licked his lips, tasting Alex again.

He glanced up at his best friend and the question that came out of his mouth was, "Why is your hair red?" It was gorgeous on him, but why did he color his hair?

Alex grinned, ignoring his irrelevant question. "You do know we're mates?"

Uli hesitated. He reviewed the evidence: he loved Alex, he as he tasted Alex's essence, and now he could sense the same bonds that tied him to Cutter linked him to Alex.

"Yes." Elation spread through Uli.

"I love you." Soft and low, Alex's declaration made him overjoyed. Every impossible thing he'd hoped for now seemed within reach.

Ulrich grabbed him around the waist to hug him tight. He tucked his head down into Alex's torso. His position made him instantly aware of his mate's naked parts. Uli tried to ignore the still-hard d.i.c.k now inches from his mouth. "I love you too."

Alex tipped Uli's chin back. "Hey, eyes up here when you say that."

Uli cracked up. "I love you. I do. I always have and I am glad you're my mate." A weight lifted off him that he hadn't betrayed Cutter.

Alex didn't need to be asked to give him a moist kiss. Uli drew back to ask, "So Cut's your mate too." The thought of sharing didn't bother him at all. Sharing a mate with Alex would be perfect.

He nodded. "And so is Storm."

"Storm's ours too?" f.u.c.king A...being a zombie was awesome! That boy was smoking hot. Now Uli didn't have to feel guilty about ogling him.

Chuckling, Alex beamed at him. "Glad you don't find Storm to be a difficult burden."

h.e.l.l no. "Not at all. But how do you know? Did you..."

Alex shook his head. "No, we haven't. I don't know how to describe it, other than I know."

"Hey, maybe you're a better psychic than me." Chuckling, Uli added, "One of us needs to figure out what we should do." He tried to get off the hard ground, but when he moved he got reminded where his sticky satisfaction ended up. "Ew!"

The sweet man only smiled but didn't laugh at Uli's predicament. "Let me text Kai so he knows I found you. I should've told them you were okay before..." Alex zipped himself back in his jeans and held out a packet of tissues.

"Thanks." He took tissues and cleaned up the best he could. "You were a little busy," Uli teased. He licked his lips yet again, hoping for a little of Alex but found none.

Uli was glad they were in the shadows, because his face heated up when Alex inhaled and groaned a little. Alex must be reacting to male essence all over Uli. Two buzzes interrupted what Alex was going to say, making him laugh.

"What?" He shoved the soiled tissue wad in his pocket. He hoped the distraction would allow him to go soft; otherwise walking back would be rather uncomfortable.

"Your cousin is thrilled you're fine. But he's less than thrilled to find out Storm will be a permanent fixture."

"Yeah, well, he'll deal." He'd get used to the guy.

"Yes, he will." Alex pacified him with another kiss. "I love you very much." Uli would never tire of hearing that proclamation.

Standing next to him, something appeared different. "Wait... Are you taller?" Alex stood at least seven inches taller than he'd been. Wow, he was even muscular. "What's going on?" How did these changes happen overnight?

Uli didn't try to understand the whole secondary dominant zombie transition thing; he just accepted what Alex told him. Clearly, there was a logical explanation for an illogical situation, but he'd learn to accept the crazy. He was a zombie after all.

He studied his mate for a moment. He was the same, but like "alpha intensified" Alex. "So when you woke up this morning you'd grown to this size?" He touched the newly sculpted muscles of Alex's arm. His arms had doubled in ma.s.s from yesterday.

Alex nodded. "My clothing from last night got shredded." Pus.h.i.+ng his glossy red mane over his shoulder, he smiled at Uli in the same way he'd always had.

"And your hair? I mean I like it and all, but it turned red." Ulrich dropped his gaze to Alex's pants. He didn't remember noticing any hair down there when his mouth was occupied.

Alex may have been bigger, more dominant, but the moon's s.h.i.+ne showed he still blushed like a virgin. "No longer there."

"Like as in just gone?" Alex nodded again. Uli loved when Alex got embarra.s.sed or fl.u.s.tered. He was cute. Uli pushed to clarify, "Smooth."

"Uli." His name being said in that way gave him delicious s.h.i.+vers.

"When you say my name, all dominant and s.h.i.+t..." He couldn't finish his thought as Alex shoved him against a tree and captured his lips. No longer fl.u.s.tered, he seemed to be h.e.l.l-bent on teaching Uli exactly what he meant when he said "dominant zombie".

The kiss threatened to delay them further as Uli allowed himself to enjoy his mate kissing the h.e.l.l out of him. They needed to figure out a strategy to break the news to Cutter and Storm. They should probably... "Mm mm," trying to speak became useless. He gave up and gave himself over.

He turned his head to break the kiss, but Alex's mouth slid down his throat. d.a.m.n, that was hot. Hungry nips led a trail to Ulrich's shoulder. Alex sucked up a mark. Oh, f.u.c.k! He wanted his mate.

Alex yanked Uli's arms over his head. "Keep them there," he instructed in his toppy voice before he dropped to his knees and stared up at him. Uli froze with his arms above his head, leaning back on the tree, waiting for Alex's pleasure. Alex's busy fingers opened his zipper.

Groaning, Alex rubbed his face into Ulrich's semi-cleaned but still sticky crotch. "G.o.d, you smell good. I need you to feed me." Alex snaked his tongue out and licked his shaft.

h.e.l.l, yes! He wanted his mate to drink him in. Uli wanted to provide what Alex needed. The fact he would get off was an added benefit. f.u.c.k! His eyes slid shut as Alex took him halfway in.

Alex's hot mouth trailed up and teased the head of Uli's c.o.c.k. Alex pulled off to whisper a quick, "I crave you, my love."

Uli's hands dropped from above his head, and he danced his fingers through the wealth of red strands, guiding Alex's mouth back down over him. "I love you too. Take what you need. I'm yours."

Alex groaned around Ulrich's c.o.c.k, which felt delicious, but what followed was off the charts. He pulled off for a brief moment to growl. Uli put his hands back over his head and was rewarded with sweet suction. It was perfection, but he wouldn't last long.

His red-haired mate tugged down Ulrich's jeans farther. Alex's long-fingered hands cupped Ulrich's a.s.s and dragged him closer, forcing him in deep.

Uli hit the back of Alex's throat and felt the slight gag followed by a swallow. Sweet mother of mercy, he couldn't hold out. Another rise and fall of Alex's determined lips dragging up and down on his c.o.c.k made Uli cry out, filling Alex's mouth full of exactly what his mate needed.

Alex's moan of pleasure escaped around the swallow. Uli laughed out loud as he came to a joyous conclusion, knowing his o.r.g.a.s.m brought one of his mates to completion with him. Uli didn't care that he probably looked like an idiot with his pants around his knees, his c.o.c.k finally limp, and grinning like a fool.

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