Club Zombie: Zombies Suck Part 10

Club Zombie: Zombies Suck -

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Alex's hand slapped down. "Three."

By the time Uli called out "Ten", Storm was hard against Alex's thigh and pus.h.i.+ng his a.s.s up to meet Alex's hand. Alex continued in the same rhythm and intensity as Storm wrapped a hand into Cutter's light brown hair. Storm proceeded to kiss the h.e.l.l out of Cutter, who made all sorts of happy noises.

Someone in the crowd whined. "He's not hitting him very hard."

Another zombie put him in his place. "Shut the h.e.l.l up. It's the hottest birthday spanking I've ever witnessed."

Alex stopped for a moment to caress Storm's light pink cheeks. He leaned forward and whispered, "Still okay?"

Storm reluctantly stopped kissing Cutter to turn and peek over his shoulder at Alex. "f.u.c.k, yeah." Storm wiggled his hardness against Alex as if he wanted to rea.s.sure him. "Don't I feel okay?" He snorted and raised his a.s.s. "Go ahead and give me the rest...a little harder." The hesitation endeared him further to Alex.

Uli nodded in agreement as if he were waiting to see the action get cranked up a notch, and Cutter just moaned hotly before recapturing Storm's mouth in a wet, noisy kiss.

Alex raised his hand and heard a universal gasp from everyone in the room. He bought his palm down on Storm's a.s.s a little harder, making him buck as if seeking friction for his trapped p.e.n.i.s. "Eleven," Uli called out.

Storm raised his spanked backside, and when Alex didn't treat him to a slap, the man wiggled. What a sight! Storm using his body to beg almost undid him. But Alex dug down deep, found his calm center, and focused on his mate. "Twelve," Uli counted a little before the slap rang out.

"Mm mm, yeah." Alex barely heard Storm's moan of pleasure. Storm thrust his a.s.s back, and the action couldn't be mistaken for anything but want.

Alex smacked Storm's a.s.s in a slow, steady rhythm. When Uli finally called out "Twenty-one", Storm's b.u.t.t was only a little pink. Alex rubbed the cheeks as the man over his knee rutted against him as if hoping for release while Cutter kissed him.

Cutter drew back to congratulate Storm. "You did well." Light brown hair fell into his eyes but didn't hide the excitement and need written all over Cutter as he gazed up at Alex. "Didn't he, Alex?"

"He did great." Alex patted the pink cheeks one last time before a.s.sisting Storm into a standing position. Storm's c.o.c.k must have agreed because it was saluting the three of them. Temptation flooded Alex to do more, but he resisted. He stood up and gave Storm a hug. The man surprised him by holding on tight instead of delivering a quick squeeze.

As Storm righted his clothing with some uncomfortable-sounding grunts, the partygoers cried out for the next victim. Storm laughed and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek.

"I guess I'm next," Uli said to no one in particular with a nervous glance at the crowd.

Uh-oh. It appeared Uli wasn't happy with the gawking partiers watching him. Arm around Uli's waist, Alex steered him back toward a wall. The partiers divided like the Red Sea. Storm and Cutter flanked him, blocking people's view. Their bodies created a wall that allowed Uli a sense of privacy.

"Thank you," he whispered gratefully. "Should I um, take off my pants?"

"You don't have to." Alex smiled, trying to convey peacefulness.

"How should we?" Uli seemed to be struggling and fl.u.s.tered because he didn't know what he should do.

"I've got you." Alex hugged him, taking the decision of Ulrich's hands. Instantly, he felt Uli's stress dissipate. "Lean against me. I'm going to do this standing up. Okay?"

Uli's lips turned up as they all heard the complaining zombies whose view was now blocked. Uli seemed to think the irritation of those outside their immediate circle was funny. "'Kay. I trust you." Uli leaned back. "Completely."

Yes, this was what Alex needed. Trust. Uli tipped his face up to Alex, for maybe a kiss. He took the invitation. Soft, moist lips parted, surrendering to Alex's questing tongue. Uli pressed against him, then slid right before s.h.i.+fting to the left, forcing their lower halves to rub together. Uli's excitement became evident.

Cutter leaned in to remind them of the original purpose. "Keep kissing him but spank him too." His words sounded anxious.

Uli strained back for a moment to study Cutter. The blond in his arms returned his attention back to Alex and grinned mischievously. "Go ahead. Do it."

Uli went so far as to guide Alex's hand onto his a.s.s. Pus.h.i.+ng back into Alex's palm, he silently begged for a playful whack. Taking a liberty he'd never taken before, Alex ma.s.saged a hand over Uli's jean-covered a.s.s. His bottom was more solid than Storm's but just as wonderful.

He pulled back his hand as Uli closed the distance between their mouths again. The hot kiss became hotter once his palm met Ulrich's a.s.s. The first light tap earned him a moan. Alex made the second swat a bit harder, which got him a needy groan. He decided to give Uli a little more and the third spank derived a blissful grunt.

Alex maintained the speed and intensity throughout the spanking as Uli's lips clung to his mouth. s.e.xy little pants of excitement exhaled between grunts as Uli thrust across Alex's erection. Satisfaction was not to be had as twenty-one was reached far too soon.

Disappointment was replaced by the realization that a roomful of people was staring at them. This was neither the time nor the place for their fulfillment. Besides, Cutter appeared to be most eager for his turn.

Alex patted Uli's a.s.s regretfully. Uli broke the kiss and asked, "One more?"

Without pause Alex swatted him. "And one to grow on." The last one was little more than a love tap, but was the hardest and made Uli chuckle as he reached back to comfort his backside with two hands. Uli gave him a pretend pout but appeared none the worse for the wear.

Storm stood, hands on his hips, and grimaced at Cutter who was standing against the wall quite demurely. Hands folded innocently in front of him belied the fact that his pants were already pooled around his ankles. "I'm ready, Alex."

Cutter s.h.i.+fted his weight from one leg to the other. His downcast eyes didn't hide the excitement he exuded. He required this in a way his other, would-be-Alex-hoped, mates didn't.

Uli turned toward Cutter. After a couple seconds of study, he stepped aside as he encouraged Alex toward Cutter. Storm growled a little but put a hand on Cutter's shoulder and encouraged him toward Alex.

Alex paused until his eyes met Storm's. He saw confusion evolve into acceptance and finally a nod of agreement. Acceptance that Alex could provide what he could not.

"You know I see you, don't you, Cutler?" He used Cutter's real name and kept his voice low so only the three of them heard his words. "You need this spanking as much as I need to give it to you."

Cutter whimpered and reached out for both Storm and Uli. They stepped closer and each grabbed one of his hands. The rea.s.surance settled him immediately. His gaze darted up to Alex before dropping to the floor. "Yes, Alex."

"I like when you concentrate on me, Cutler." Instantly, he stared directly at Alex. The weight and intensity of the attention fed a demand within Alex. He'd fulfill each of his mates to the best of his ability.

A random zombie eager to witness another spanking brought over the spanking chair to set it near the four of them. Alex kissed Cutter's forehead as he pa.s.sed by to sit on the chair. Storm and Uli continued to block the crowd from getting a full-frontal peek. Cutter didn't seem to be embarra.s.sed in the least as he shuffled half-naked across the floor to reach Alex.

Standing next to him, Cutter couldn't hide his erection as it pushed out the front of his somewhat oversized t-s.h.i.+rt. Alex picked the fabric off to reveal Cutter's excitement. He licked his lips, trying not to obsess about the liquid that seeped out of the tip. His mouth watered as he inhaled the scent of Cutter. Alex's hands seemed to have a mind of their own and teased his fingers over Cutter's backside.

"Cutler, I'm going to give you a birthday spanking." Alex wasn't sure if the s.h.i.+ver that went through Cutter was a reaction to his real name again or Alex's fingers teasing Cutter's bare bottom. "Do you want that?"

"Yes. I need it hard." Cutter's voice broke but he nodded to back up his response.

"Over my lap." Alex guided him to lie across him but let Cutter adjust his p.e.n.i.s so its length slid between Alex's thighs. Cutter thrust back up and pushed down, which made them both sigh.

Alex noticed Uli tucked under Storm's arm, nuzzling into him. Storm no longer appeared as if he were going to smash anyone in the face, but seemed concerned for Cutter. Alex got his attention and winked.

He enjoyed Uli's soft giggle and Storm's mouth dropping open in surprise before returning the wink with a small chuckle. Uli pushed Storm down to Cutter's level. Cutter slowly raised his head, allowing Uli to tilt his chin up. Uli dragged Storm's head toward Cutter's. As they shared a wet kiss, Uli focused on Alex. l.u.s.t seemed to zing between them until Storm wrapped his hand into Uli's blond ma.s.s of hair to tow him down to Cutter's face. Storm ogled the lingering kiss before smiling up at Alex.

When the wet kiss ended, Uli pulled Storm up to stand in front of Alex. They waited with the rest of the crowd. Cutter snaked a hand down on Alex's ankle to hold on. Tension wound back up and Cutter moved his b.u.t.t back, as if searching for the attention he craved.

Without further pause, Alex spanked his hand down on Cutter's cute bottom. He didn't use the soft pats and the playful swats he'd given previously. He gave Cutter stinging slaps that echoed through the room. As before, everyone disappeared save Uli, Storm, and of course Cutter.

Cutter urgently thrust with the swats. Alex sensed the throbbing erection riding against the rough material of his jeans. He tightened his thighs, causing Cutter to moan blissfully. They weren't even halfway to twenty-one when Cutter went into overdrive. He thrust deep as Alex spanked him hard, then pushed back immediately, clearly demanding more.

Alex landed the palm of his hand in a steady but quick rhythm. On spank fifteen, Cutter froze and he cried out in o.r.g.a.s.m during the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth smacks. By twenty-one, he lay limply across Alex's lap, seeming to simply absorb the tender caresses of Alex's palm and that of Uli and Storm, who were now back kissing and cuddling him.

The little imp stopped kissing long enough to glance over his shoulder and give Alex a dreamy-eyed gaze. Cutter smiled and wiggled his red b.u.t.t against Alex's palm. "Mm" was the only thing he vocalized. He fell back into the arms of the other two to receive more loving kisses and attention. Alex kept rubbing Cutter's brightly colored b.u.t.t.

When Cutter was ready, Alex, Uli, Storm helped him stand up, but he chose to fall into Alex's lap. He hissed and arched off his red b.u.t.t. Storm and Uli laughed sympathetically at the truly comical scene. Cutter actually blushed and hid his head under a length of Alex's hair, arms entwined as they hugged each other tight.

Cutter whispered, "I needed that."

"I know. Me too," Alex whispered back as he caressed Cutter's back. Each of the man had given him something entirely different but something critical to his very being.

Peeking out from a mess of hair, Cutter asked, "Really?" So many things played across his face, but the one that seemed to stay was a hope of finding a kindred spirit.

"Really. You are...quite..." Alex couldn't figure out the right word, but the smile on Cutter's face said he didn't have to search. "Though we should get you dressed."

As if for the first time, Cutter realized they had put on a s.e.xy birthday show. "Oh, um, yeah. Where are my pants?"

Storm held them out in front of him, smirking in a way that was just shy of being a total jacka.s.s. "I didn't know you were quite a kicker. They flew off around number eight."

Beau clapped his hands at the crowd still waiting for more. "Okay, show's over. If you're looking for more of the same may I suggest going Behind the Red Door." A number of partiers exited rather quickly.

Lafayette joined their group. "Well done, Alex."

Alex stepped around his friends to get to his mentor. "Thanks." He accepted the half hug, half-back slap that nearly knocked him over.

"Just make sure you get to bed by midnight," Lafayette said low enough for Alex's ears only.

"Fayette, let the boy take his friends to the club," Beau yelled. He checked his watch. "He's got plenty of time."

Lafayette turned and scooped Beau up in his arms to kiss him soundly. "As you wish, my dear." He marched to the door with his tall, pretty mate in his arms and didn't have to pause long before someone opened it.

Alex noticed Uli was dancing with Cutter to the music in their heads. "Did you want to go dancing?"

"Yes!" Both ran toward him. "Time to dance, birthday boy."

Chapter Nine.

Uli and Cutter led the way through the tunnels to the main part of Club Zombie, where zombies mixed with non-zombie patrons who were unaware of exactly why they always seemed to find a willing hottie to get them off. Alex found the two younger guys' whispers and laughter rather charming. Storm kept staring at him as they trailed behind the bouncing pair. For some reason, every time Alex turned toward Storm, catching his stare, the guy glanced away.

Finally, too frustrated, Alex asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing." Storm sighed as he shoved his hands deep into his jean pockets and trudged after the giggling duo.

Uli squealed as Cutter dragged him into one of the private single bathrooms they pa.s.sed by. Storm leaned back against the doorframe with folded arms. Alex took up position on the opposite wall trying to ignore Storm's pheromones. Alex failed and went hard.

Another minute pa.s.sed and Storm flew across the s.p.a.ce. He planted a hand on each side of Alex's head. Frozen in place, Alex breathed in Storm's minty fresh breath laced with birthday cake frosting.


Storm's face twisted up in confusion before the confusion evaporated into a gaze of l.u.s.t. "I didn't get to kiss you for real." He pressed Alex further against the wall with his body. The weight felt good.

Alex allowed Storm to make the first move.

Storm's mouth loomed closer, their mingled breath arousing Alex. The lips of his difficult mate, or soon-to-be mate, were in reach. He only had to lean forward an inch to taste Storm's lips. Alex strained to resist.

As he did the bathroom door swung open. Storm jumped back from him as Uli and Cut rejoined them in the dimly lit hallway.

"What's this?" Cutter asked while gesturing at Storm and Alex. Uli stood next to him and glared with hands on his hips. Cutter had refreshed his own guyliner and added some to Uli. The rim of black made their eyes impossibly huge.

"Nothing," Storm barked. "Nothing." He repeated himself as if it would make his lie more convincing.

Cutter frowned at Storm. When he turned to stare at Alex, Cutter's expression filled with hurt and pain. But Uli's bitter sound of disbelief drew Alex's attention.

"Right." Uli swung an arm over Cutter's shoulder. "Come on, Cut. Let's go dance."

Cutter's distress disappeared behind a false smile. "You two have fun," he said, his voice overcompensatingly cheerful as he and Uli danced down toward the music at the end of the corridor.

Storm sagged against the wall without making eye contact. He rested his weight on one foot and began kicking the wall behind him with the heel of his boot.


He sighed and turned to glare at Alex. "What?"

"It's going to be alright." Alex considered telling Storm everything, but it was too soon. He needed to go through this mysterious secondary transition and convince Uli and all the other million and one things he needed to get in order to explain things. But having his mates angry and upset hurt deeply.

"Yeah. What-the-f.u.c.k-ever." Storm pushed off the wall and stomped down the pa.s.sageway.

Alex inhaled and exhaled and inhaled again until he found his place of calm. What a night, and the evening just started. He hurried after Storm.

He found Uli, Cut, and Storm standing next to the main dance floor. Excitement pa.s.sed through him as he studied each of them. They appeared similar. Each were dressed in jeans and black concert t-s.h.i.+rts. The only difference in their clothing was the bands the t-s.h.i.+rts displayed.

Dry ice smoke drifted over the dance floor, curling around half-naked men as they s.h.i.+mmed, bounced, and danced to a blaring, primitive beat. Storm engaged in what appeared to be a heated exchange with Cutter over what Alex guessed by the gestures was a refusal to dance. Cutter's jaw was stubbornly set while he shook his head at his best friend. Uli's head kept moving from side to side as if he were searching for something or someone until he caught sight of Alex. Uli's eyes lit up before he abruptly turned away from Alex as if he were ignoring him.

Alex dodged the gyrating bodies and ignored the grabby hands of the dancing men to reach his irate mates. It was time for some damage control.

Ca.s.sidy, jokester extraordinaire, danced over to the group as Alex joined them. One would think he was eight instead of twenty-eight the way he enjoyed hacking into traffic warning signs to warn people about zombies. The guy didn't seem to mind incurring Lafayette's wrath and frequently changed the signs in their area to "Zombies Ahead" or "Zombies Suck". For the most part it was a harmless prank, but it was a bit too close to their truth for Lafayette to find amus.e.m.e.nt with the stunts.

The attractive man shouted to be heard above the rave music. "You guys know it's b.l.o.w.j.o.b Night!" He pulled up his knees to show off his rainbow kneepads. Alex admired Ca.s.sidy's enthusiasm, but at times wished the guy would shut his mouth, especially tonight. He didn't need anyone giving his mates any ideas. Ca.s.sidy was clearly trying to play matchmaker with Uli and Cutter.

This entire situation got more difficult by the hour. Uli wouldn't go off with anyone other than Cutter, but neither Cut nor Storm had the same compulsion. Alex found his center again and took a deep, calming breath.

"And this is different than every other night here, how?" Storm flirted as he elbowed Ca.s.sidy. Alex barely controlled a growl of possession that threatened to erupt from him. Uli and Cut poured all their attention on him before possibly coming to the wrong conclusion about his feelings for Storm.

"It's different 'cause tonight I'm taking him in back." Cutter claimed Ulrich's hand. He stared defiantly at Storm as if daring him to object. Storm s.h.i.+fted his hands to his hips and frowned.

The crowd s.h.i.+fted. Men wedged their dancing bodies between Storm and the rest of Alex's entourage. Storm stared at the floor as if he tried to decide on a response, but the crowd swallowed him up.

"But it's not my birthday." Uli appeared a little confused but a lot h.o.r.n.y when Cutter tugged on his hand.

Ca.s.sidy snorted. ", they're not just for birthdays anymore."

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