Perry Rhodan - Atlan In Danger Part 4

Perry Rhodan - Atlan In Danger -

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Within the exact minute the Drusus took off from Terrania. It was a superbattles.h.i.+p with a diameter of 1500 meters, with Perry Rhodan, Mercant, Freyt and the great majority of the Mutant Corps on board. An additional 200 specialists of various scientific fields were included in the special mission which bore the peculiar name of Fly Swatter.

Far from Pluto's...o...b..t the Drusus warned the measuring stations of the structure shock and simultaneously reported the time of their impending transition.

Only emergencies permitted a transition within the System; Perry Rhodan laughed bitterly as he thought of it. Again it was all or nothing!

300,000 kilometres from the California the Drusus returned out of hypers.p.a.ce back to the normal cosmos. Five minutes later Reginald Bell, a few companions and a work robot swung over to the Drusus cruising alongside them.

The work robot was carrying the new special tracking device. Bell had not even dared carry it himself. It weighed only a few kilos, was light and easy to transport but it was the only device as yet in existence and Bell considered it his duty to entrust it to a robot.

It took his group 10 minutes to get from the airlock of the Drusus to the gigantic Command Central. There was no particular reason for haste. While still in the airlock he contacted Rhodan via microphone, stating: "16 25/F 13/S 27, Arkonide sidereal catalogue."

The positronic computer on board registered this information, depositing the perforated strip in the input slot one second later.

The triple group of letters and numbers was the Arkonide designation for a tiny, dark red sun, 8136 light-years from Earth, which had two equally tiny, uninhabited planets. In this system, which lay in the direction of the so-called 'corkscrew', one arm of the galactic spiral resembling a corkscrew, Reginald Bell had located something. Using the newly developed special tracking device for structure change by application of Druuf linear hyper-propulsion, he had positioned those 3000 Druuf s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps which had disappeared into the depths of the Milky Way after their flight from the Solar System.

The tape that Perry Rhodan thoughtfully held in his hand furnished all the data necessary to fly to this small, dark-red glowing sun that was only 1/8th the size of the terrestrial sun.

At that moment the Drusus and the California were four light-years from Earth. That, too, had been considered in the calculations of the computer.

Military perfection began to unfold in the large s.h.i.+p Central. Rhodan issued succinct, clear-cut orders, received confirmations from all sides and retained his composure through all questioning.

When Bell and his group, including the robot carrying the special device, reached Central Command, the California, a s.h.i.+p of the state cla.s.s measuring 100 meters in diameter, was already on the return flight to Earth. The Drusus, however, was preparing for transition which was to bring it across 8,100 light-years into the vicinity of the insignificant, but for Rhodan now doubly-important, little sun system.

The superbattles.h.i.+p began to accelerate. The computer had set the jump through hypers.p.a.ce for the 31st minute.

Perry Rhodan left the Central accompanied by Bell, Mercant and John Marshall. He had delegated command of the spherical giant to Deringhouse.

Conferences in Rhodan's cabin were always a signal that significant missions were imminent.

Thus far only Allan D. Mercant had been fully initiated into the plan of Fly Swatter. The Administrator never held long introductions. "At midnight the California will land in Terrania. At that time we in the Drusus will have approached within. 10 to 15 light-years of the system to which, the remainder of the Druuf fleet retreated. A courier s.h.i.+p is waiting in Terrania for the confirmation that we have approached the two planets on which the Druufs landed. Upon receiving our message the courier will take off for Arkon 3. The courier does not know what message he is delivering to the Admiral. The s.h.i.+p computer will not receive any word of it, either. But I hope that Atlan will recall something I once designated as the Ring of the Nibelungs while he and I were in a spherical s.h.i.+p's command central. That key word is all the courier is delivering." Rhodan noticed that Bell was breathing heavily. "Are you short of breath, Reggie?"

"You couldn't have made it any more complicated, could you, Perry?" he inquired in an equally friendly manner, shaking his head.

"Complicated?" Rhodan slowly repeated. "Not a bit. I'm simply not willing to incur the slightest risk on this mission. Atlan will have the Ring of the Nibelungs brought from the courier s.h.i.+p. He will immediately know what I have sent him. Then the courier does not return to Earth but will follow us and wait for notification of a coordinate point. Meanwhile we will have contacted the Druufs..."

Bell and Marshall wanted to get up but they resisted. Bell pensively contemplated his thumb.

Rhodan's grey eyes blazed momentarily but then he overlooked Bell's insinuation. "We shall arrive at an agreement with the Druuf commander!" Rhodan's voice had suddenly taken on a different tone. His a.s.sertion, which sounded implausible, lost its unbelievable character by virtue of his positive a.s.surance.

Bell remembered the many favours from the Druufs he had experienced first-hand and would never forget. He had no fond memories of them and he was not the man to keep this under wraps. "Perry, we will only reach an agreement with the Druuf boss when he sees no chance of living another second otherwise."

"How well you have comprehended the situation of the Druufs," Rhodan gently chided, "for the Druufs don't have a chance of ever reaching their own universe."

"The overlap zone between their universe and the Einstein Universe has become so unstable that a simple changeover from continuum to continuum is becoming more difficult every day. We know that and Atlan knows that but no other person in the Arkon Empire knows it and a certain Thomas Cardif does not know that!"

"Our trump card is the fact that the captains of the 3,000 Druuf s.h.i.+ps know it. They must have discovered by now that their fantastic hyper-propulsion units do not help at all because speed offers no path from our s.p.a.ce into their universe and they do not have our lenticular field projectors."

"That plus the second, equally unfavourable fact that since they brought along their own time, they are only half as fast as we and only reach 50% of the speed of light in normal s.p.a.ce flight."

"The Druufs one day will have computed where the stable discharge fissure is to be found between our two universes, gliding past one another. But I am willing to bet you, Reggie, that they know as well as we do how distant the day is when they'll find the point that will take them home!"

"When that day arrives, even the longest-living Druuf will have been rotting for decades."

"Perry," Bell asked in his typical manner, "have you ever heard of the desperate man driven by panic and despair into acting like a madman and doing just the opposite of what everyone had expected?"

Perry Rhodan nodded affirmatively, then asked: "And have you ever heard of a straw, Reggie?"

"If we weren't dealing with Druufs, I would have to say-you are right. But the Druufs and their incomprehensible mentality..."

"If dying is involved... when fear of dying enters, then all creatures are the same, Reggie. That is my basic a.s.sumption when I contemplate negotiations with the Druufs."

The hypercom was activated by Communications Central; the flickering screen demanded Rhodan's attention.

"Sir, news from the Admiral!" the officer on duty in the large Com Central of the Drusus reported.

Atlan's grim face regarded the men in Rhodan's cabin. "Perry, I congratulate you on your son. You would be proud of him if he were on our side!"

That was the prologue. Rhodan's face flushed slightly.

"Barbarian, the largest bank in the Arkonide Empire, the Bank of the Galactic Traders in t.i.ton on Archetz, has been coerced by a certain Thomas Cardif into creating inflation!

"You know we have an inst.i.tution similar to your stock market: for the past three hours it has been the meeting place of men gone crazy because I have not been able to stabilize the dropping exchange rates with the means of the State Bank. My robot computer has given me the advice to undertake nothing against it.

"Our dear friends the Aras have temporarily discontinued delivery of any medications under very transparent pretenses. I have learned that Thomas Cardif and c.o.kaze negotiated with the Council of 10 for several hours on Arkon, the main world of the Galactic Traders.

"Dispatches are arriving from all sectors of the Empire that not one Springer s.h.i.+p is landing or delivering goods. There are only unflightworthy cylindrical s.h.i.+ps docked at the s.p.a.ce harbours in the various worlds.

"Three cruiser task forces flown by Galactic Traders have attempted to land on M-13. When I found out about it, the automatic robot defence had already intervened, destroying the three task forces down to the last s.h.i.+p... 362 units!"

"An absolutely reliable source reports that the Mounders are flying security guard around Archetz."

"The only worlds where revolution is not yet brewing are Arkon 1, 2 and 3."

"The reliability of the combat s.h.i.+p commanders at the Druuf front was evaluated by the computer at 47.3%.

"Now it is rebounding on us like a boomerang that the giant computer largely replaced the robot crews at the Druuf front with people. If the situation continues to degenerate as rapidly as it has for the next 10 hours, then I will give final warning and blast the planet Archetz into the skies. And if that doesn't deter them, then they will get just what they have..."

Rhodan interrupted him. "Atlan, I would like to advise you not to do anything before hearing from me."

"Don't underestimate your son, Perry! I could really admire him! Alright, I'll wait, a.s.suming that Cardif allows me the time for it!"

Rhodan was not able to explain later how he arrived at his response: "Admiral, he will allow you the time!"

And Atlan on Arkon 3, alone in the gigantic dome of the mammoth computer, suddenly widened his eyes, smiled weakly, then nodded and replied: "Rhodan against Rhodan, friend! Does he know you as well as you know him? And do I know you well enough to place the Empire of my fathers and my descendants into your hands for hours? Haven't you realized that our friends.h.i.+p is being subjected to an unbelievable strain as a result of your doing?"

"What did you tell me? Admiral, Cardif will allow you the time!"

"Just consider what I could suspect is behind that and don't forget what the Computer answered to my question of who was masterminding the rebellion. It named the name of Rhodan but it forgot to mention the first name. It should have said Thomas Rhodan alias Cardif!"

Arkon switched off. Perry Rhodan, always able to instantly react and adapt to a new situation, failed this time. He remained standing in front of the darkened screen to prevent the others from seeing his face which mirrored the storm within him.

Indeed, he had subjected their friends.h.i.+p to the most severe test. And with his a.s.sertion that Cardif will allow you time he had aroused the suspicion that he was covertly working together with Thomas Cardif!

Anyone else in Atlan's position would have drawn that conclusion. Atlan, however, only asked one question: does Cardif know you as well as you know him?

But how had he come to make that a.s.sertion?

Rhodan, the mightiest man of the Solar Empire, screwed his eyes shut and tried to compel himself to think about something else but this time his feelings were stronger. They cried out for Thomas. The father cried out for his only son!

However, Thomas Cardif was on the other side. He did not know any father called Perry Rhodan.


The dark-red little sun was only a pinpoint on the enormous panorama screen of the Drusus. Rhodan had approached within 8 light-years of the system in the superbattles.h.i.+p. For minutes the transmitter that he had used on missions in the Druuf universe was running warm.

From the weapons deck the all-clear came. The Drusus was at peak combat readiness. More than 2200 people on board the cylindrical giant were wearing s.p.a.cesuits. Tension was crackling in the s.h.i.+p. A half hour previously, shortly after transition, Rhodan had informed his men in brief words about the nature of the mission and its perils.

Rhodan's idea had materialized into project Fly Swatter but only Marshall, Freyt, Mercant and Bell were able to envisage it.

The cold composure acquired by the men after hundreds of missions could be clearly felt.

Perry Rhodan made the decisive move: he was about to call the commander of the Druuf fleet of 3,000 s.h.i.+ps.

Harno, the mysterious spherical creature with the incredible ability of television, was gliding next to Rhodan. Before Rhodan could open his mouth to utter the first word of his message to the Druufs, Harno made the square, bulky body of the over-three-meters-tall Druuf commander visible. Apparently he had found him instantly among the large crews of the 3,000 s.h.i.+ps.

The leathery skin of the totally hairless creature gleamed brown-black in the colour picture. Four eyes and the triangular mouth did not enhance the beauty of the noseless and earless round head, which measured 36 meter in diameter. But Rhodan and his men were accustomed to the frightening sight of the Druufs.

Perry hesitated to call when he caught sight of the picture provided by Harno of the Chief of the Fleet. His body was seized by a light s.h.i.+ver. With the aid of that creature and his 3000 combat vessels he intended to carry out a daring plan. But what would happen if this Druuf at some point ceased to hold to their agreements and acted on his own?

Hundreds of reasons pointed toward that possibility. Human motives could be eliminated from the start. The mentality of the Druufs was nonhuman, descending from insects as they did. Fear of the Terran and expediency alone would perhaps make them stick to the agreement-if they arrived at any at all.

"Sighting, sir, on yellow 18!" the lieutenant at the s.p.a.ce tracker reported. "80 to 100 s.h.i.+ps approaching. Speed 0.4 light; distance 7 light-minutes!"

Rhodan turned his head to the right. There stood John Marshall, chief of the mutants. Part of his Corps was on board the Drusus, the flags.h.i.+p of the Solar Empire.

Marshall nodded in response to Rhodan's, glance. They had communicated telepathically and in the same manner Marshall now informed his group, taking up contact with the hypno, Andre Noir.

The teleporters prepared for action. One of them was only one meter tall and looked like a cross between mouse and beaver: Pucky.

He strapped on the little set of highly potent special bombs. One bomb ignited in a s.h.i.+p sufficed to turn it into a gleaming atomic sun. The set he had strapped on contained 20 bombs. The human teleporters had a double portion on their backs.

They were only waiting for the command to jump. But they were kept waiting.

The special tracker that measured linear hyperpropulsion alerted them to a menacing situation. Bell was standing next to the device. He reported: "400 Druuf s.h.i.+ps exceeding speol at yellow 18. Distance about 3 light-days... Oh! Curses! There's another swarm of hornets less than 2 light-hours away, 60 s.h.i.+ps strong!"

"Then the time has arrived!" was Perry's comment. He shoved aside all other microphones, leaving only the microphone for the Druuf transmitter.

"Rhodan to Chief of Druuf Fleet! Rhodan to Chief of Druuf Fleet! Come in, please! Rhodan to Chief of Druuf Fleet! Come in..."

He repeated the call 10 times, then was silent. There was not a sound to he heard in Command Central other than the humming of picture tubes, spools and transformers. Suddenly a hissing sound could be heard, gradually becoming louder.

The Druuf receiver was turned up to full volume by Communications Central but still only the hissing sound of unstable tension fields between the stars could be heard.

Now Bell's voice was added. "The 400 fleet is now flying at about three times speol. Nice and fast..." There was a trace of envy because Terra did not have this fantastic linear hyper-propulsion which enabled them to move between normal and hypers.p.a.ce above the speed of light and thus never have to endure the shocks of transition.

The weapons deck reported over intercom. "Sir, I've switched all reserve power stations to the weapon towers!" The officer in charge had formed an impression of the situation based on Bell's information and was acting independently. His routine reports to Perry Rhodan often proved to be salvation from desperate situations.

"OK!" Rhodan said. It could be heard via intercom throughout the Drusus.

"The Druufs are speeding up even more!" Bell's voice was excited this time.

"How fast?" Rhodan asked intently.

Bell mustered the new positioner for structure shocks by linear hyper-propulsion "The thing is broken!"

"A sighting!" an officer in Central called, pointing at the large panorama screen of the flags.h.i.+p. "Druuf s.h.i.+ps reappearing in the normal universe!"

At almost the same second the teleporters jumped over to the approaching formation of Druuf s.h.i.+ps.

But Rhodan knew only too well that this mission was not destined for a decisive victory. Confusion and unrest could be engendered in the Druufs by the mysterious destruction of a portion of their s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps. Never, however, would this force this race of gigantic, c.u.mbersome creatures to take flight with their entire fleet. Hence Rhodan repeated his call to the superior command.

"Rhodan to the Chief of Druuf Fleet! Come in, please!" Rhodan to Chief of Druuf Fleet. Come in..."

The apparatus switched from sending to receiving. Again there was only the loud hissing of fields of tension to be heard.

"Sir, we are being encircled!" Rhodan was informed.

He nodded absentmindedly it seemed. All preparations had been made for a flash transition but that was not what he was thinking about at that second. Nor did he have the danger in mind that was steadily approaching.

There was too much involved! To win everything he had to stake everything!

"Three men, sir..." Marshall whispered.

Three minutes previously the teleporters had jumped. According to their schedule, the first bombs were to be ignited five minutes after the jump. This left a security lapse of 45 seconds to allow the teleporters to leave the s.h.i.+p.

"Rhodan to Chief of Druuf Fleet! Come in, please! Rhodan to Chief of..."

Through Harno he had been able to observe the behaviour of the Druuf commander-in-chief and had seen him swivel around on his clumsy, columnar legs and head towards the device which Rhodan recognized as a transmitter.

"Rhodan, Uong-zterds-klighf speaking, Commander-in-chief. What do you want?"

Druuf names were all monstrous words-impossible to p.r.o.nounce or remember. The humans had already determined that on their first visit in the Druuf Universe, which is why Rhodan did not make the slightest attempt to retain the name of the Druuf chief. But when his voice was suddenly made audible in the room by preset adapters, Rhodan sent a vital telepathic message to Marshall: call back the teleporters! No bombs detonated!

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