Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 24

Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest -

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Engulfed by her own intense feelings, she lifted her arms to Colin.

He scooped her up in his embrace, holding her close to his thundering heart as he strode to his room. They fell on the bed still wrapped in each other's arms, their mouths locked together, their tongues traveling into the other's mouth.

Clothing ripped in their haste to rid the body of its restraints and neither one noticed or cared. The raging fire between them burned out of control.

Colin sat up, straddling Joanna's body and gasped for air, his muscles quivering in his excitement. Drawing several deep breaths, he gained some measure of control over his rampaging hormones and then he kissed her face and neck, never giving her the opportunity to cool off.

He nibbled on her earlobe and his tongue entered her ear.Groaning when her hand closed on his rigid organ, she stroked, pulled, then stroked again, and for the first time ever he broke out in beads of sweat. His juices lubricated her hand, intensifying his pleasure even more and he bit down on her ear harder than he intended. Joanna endured the pain, for when there is pa.s.sion there is no pain and she so enjoyed pleasing him. The tiny droplets of blood inflamed his senses to the point he lost control, sinking his extended fangs into her pliant throat and at the same time firing into Joanna's hand.

"What have you done to me, woman?" A guttural laugh was her only answer. "You have me behaving like a teenager on his first date!"

"Are you complaining, Colin dear?"

He responded by capturing her lips in a powerful kiss and running his hand down her body, ma.s.saging and caressing every inch of her. Then his mouth followed the same trail, wet and warm, sucking at and nipping her skin all the way down. When he reached her toes, he slid his tongue back up her calf, pus.h.i.+ng her legs apart so he could reach the inner thigh and above.

She clutched the bedspread with both hands, twisting the fabric until it wrapped around her wrists. He drove her crazy with his tongue, plunging in and out then flicking her nub until she could hold back no longer. Squeezing his head between her thighs she rode the swells and bit her lip to hold back her screams.

Turning her head to his arm, she bit into his wrist and drank, the blood once again bringing her the euphoria so akin to the ecstasy she already felt from Colin's masterful tongue. Pulling away, she closed her eyes and felt the warmth of his body as he covered hers. His chest hairs tickling her nipples, he kissed her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, her eyelids, then her lips.

As his kisses deepened she felt his pa.s.sion rising along her thigh. His knees pressed hers outward until she opened for him and he slid in. With slow easy thrusts he brought her out of her lethargy and awakened the animal in her once again. As his force increased, she rose to meet his strokes, digging her fingernails into his back in her fervor.

"Oh, Colin. My, but you're frisky tonight."

He laughed and increased his tempo until words no longer formed in her head. She was lost in his hunger, and he devoured her.

They lay spent, still wrapped in each other's arms, their labored breathing returning to normal. Joanna seemed distant and Colin's attempts to gain her attention failed. Not wanting to disturb her musing, he contented himself stroking her hair and feeling the silky strands slip through his fingers."I want to be married legally, Colin."

She shocked him with her announcement and his hand stopped in mid-stroke, entangling itself in her hair. After a moment, he detached her hair from his fingers and sat up, moving Joanna over to her pillow. Looking into her face, he saw that she was serious about her declaration.

"I do not believe that you will ever cease to amaze me, little one. But we are married, eternally, married by blood. You are part of me now, and no ceremony could be more binding than the one we have already been through."

As he sat holding her hand, examining her short little fingers, he made no attempt to hide his nakedness. So she used the opportunity to study his pale, but glorious body in its entire bare splendor.

"Would you like me to purchase a ring for you, Joanna?" "No ... well, yes, but I still want to be married, because of my family, Colin. I don't want my mom and my sister to think I'm shacking up with you." With a crooked smile she shrugged her shoulders as if to apologize for her feelings.

"Oh, Jo. It would be best if you had no more contact with your human family. We make it a rule not to socialize with the humans."

Her muscles bunched as she bristled with objection and tried to roll off the bed, but he was not willing to give up the serenity of this time with her. Holding tight to her hand he sought to relax her again.

"Oh now, Joanna, I am sure we shall work something out. You are one for breaking the rules, are you not?" She began to relax.

"After all, a mortal lifetime is inconsequential when you have an eternity." Glancing down at her face, he caught her staring at his semi-erection and it grew hard. He couldn't help but laugh at the brilliant crimson blush that washed over her face as she averted her eyes.

"Stop laughing, you a.s.s." She stiffled a giggle. "It's just that I still find it hard to believe that you are a vampire. Well, you know, I can feel it here, inside of me." She touched her left breast. "I feel the change your bite produced, but as I sit here and look at you, and feel you, you appear so normal and.... right. Oh, I can't explain it!" Eyebrows drawn together, mouth tight, she scowled in frustration.

Peeking down at his lap, she lost her frown when she saw the throbbing erection that he didn't attempt to cover. Just knowing that he wanted her that much lifted her spirits.

"I understand, little one, what you are trying to say. But if you were to look at me through mortal eyes, you would see me as you did before. Now we are as one and I shall always be right to you. You do not fully comprehend the depth of the blood union yet, it is not like one of my neophytes converting, no..."

He stopped as he sensed her confusion and decided to drop the subject for now. Her eyes clouded and distant, she muddled over his words in her mind.

Hearing Ben stirring around in the library, he bounded off the bed with his usual fluid grace, accented by his nakedness and no enc.u.mbering clothing. Tugging at her hand, he pulled Joanna off the bed and gave her a gentle shove toward the bathroom.

Tossing her one of his t-s.h.i.+rts, he said, "Come on, Jo. Get dressed. Ben wishes to see you."

"Why?" It surprised her when she heard Ben's voice as he spoke from the other side of the house.

"I'm just concerned and nosy ... that's all."

Dressing in a hurry, she realized why Colin gave her one of his s.h.i.+rts. Her own s.h.i.+rt was ripped right down the front. Blus.h.i.+ng, she thought of her wanton behavior of the past two hours. The ruined s.h.i.+rt was worth it!

When they entered the library, Ben dropped his book and rushed up to them, staring with open curiosity at her flushed face, his eyes traveling over her face and body in the same cursory manner that Colin used so often. Looking to Colin, a question in his eyes, he seemed relieved when his creator nodded and he looked back to Joanna, his boyish face alight with a dazzling smile. Unable to control his rush of sentiment, he flew to her and gathered her in his arms, hugging her tight, kissing her cheek and holding her out at arms length to gaze into her astonished face.

"I'm so happy to see that you made it!"

Confused, but nevertheless pleased with Ben's exuberant greeting, she smiled. "But, Ben, you saw me a few hours ago and I was fine then."

"Come sit down and relax, little one." Patting the sofa beside where he sat, Colin motioned for her to come to him, a lazy grin decorating his handsome face. Heart pounding, she did as he bid.

With a noticeable bounce to his step Ben followed, choosing the recliner opposite the sofa so he could be nearby but not crowd the couple. He also needed to cool off. For a brief moment when he touched her he felt like he'd gone up in flames.

The attraction that he felt for Joanna before the transformation was nothing compared to how he felt now. He would hide this, he must hide it or die trying. He hoped it wouldn't come to that though.

His face almost glowed he seemed so happy, and Joanna still didn't understand. Looking at Colin, she saw that he, too, appeared too delighted. Glancing from one to the other she crossed her arms in front of her chest waiting to find out just why they both grinned like the cat that ate the canary. Placing his elegant hand on her leg, Colin gave her an affectionate squeeze and began.

"Ben is happy, and so am I, that you made it through your first kill, Joanna. If you could not accomplish the act no amount of love from us could prevent you from peris.h.i.+ng. You did well and I am very proud of you."

Thinking back on what she did, she felt rather proud of herself also. That sc.u.m deserved to die, and she wasn't the least bit remorseful over his death. Maybe before the change she would've been horrified, but now it seemed like a way of life, which in truth, it was. She knew now how she would feed every time. She would sit back and wait for her next victim to attack her!

"It was easy, Colin. He provoked me. I didn't go after him to feed. It just happened. So you can't really say I made a kill, well I did kill him, but I didn't go out with the intention of doing it. Oh do you know what I am trying to say?"

Her male companions couldn't help but laugh at her imploring tone that bordered on whining. They knew how she felt because they experienced the same thing themselves.

"You do not have to enjoy the kill, Joanna. There is no need to make excuses. I do not enjoy hunting and neither does Ben. In fact, we abhor cruelty. It is just a matter of survival for us during the week of the full moon, like the food chain in the animal kingdom."

He hesitated. Coming to a decision, he ran his fingers through his curls and cleared his throat.

"We are at the top. Nothing feeds on us but members of our own kind." Ben and Joanna wore matching frightened expressions, their eyes round and wide as they stared at each other.

"Come now, you two! This I have told of before. Do you not recall? I will protect you both. Do you think me not capable of this?"

Colin's voice was gruff as he forced himself to sound rea.s.suring. In truth he worried more about Joanna if for no other reason because she was female. Ben would be fine. He had the strength of a centenarian already and just did not know it. "He is right, you know, Joanna. What have we got to worry about with Colin as our creator?" Ben nodded at Colin.

"Forget about it. It is a practice shunned by the majority of our group, for as a majority, we are not evil, living as clean a life as possible under the circ.u.mstances to avoid the scrutiny of the humans and each other." Colin squeezed her leg and smiled as he spoke.

Her heart swelled when he smiled, she loved him so. Why would she ever be frightened with Colin at her side?

"Do you know any other vampires?""Yes, Jo, I have met a few others in my short lifetime. But that word, vampire, really is disturbing. This is not a word of our choosing, but one made up by fiction writers." He cleared his throat for emphasis and continued.

"We are really only more highly evolved human beings, not vampires. We seek blood as sustenance, this does not make us the living dead, Count Dracula, monsters, ghouls, fiends or the undead."

Not wanting to discuss outsiders, Colin jumped to his feet and crossed over to the desk, playfully thumping Ben on the head as he walked by. Ben's mouth dropped open in astonishment and stayed that way as Colin retrieved a note pad from the desk and tossed it, along with a ballpoint pen, to Joanna.

"Start writing, Joanna. We have a wedding to plan!"

After staring at him in pure amazement for a moment Joanna leapt off the sofa. Tripping over her own feet as she ran to Colin she fell against him, stabbing him in the shoulder with the pen.

Staying calm, he righted his over-exuberant mate and pulled the pen out of his flesh.

"Joanna, if you do not wish to marry me there is no need to stab me! Have you heard the phrase 'just say no'? Must I send you to charm school so that you can walk down the aisle ... oof." He coughed as Joanna slammed the air out of his lungs with a jab of her elbow.

"Colin, you are an insufferable imp."

"As are you, Jo, but I love you just the same."

Ben said nothing, just watching the two of them as they touched each other, hugged each other, looked at each other with such love, like they had their proverbial hearts in their eyes. All he could think of at the moment ... that he wished he were in Colin's place. His brain told him that this was unthinkable, he would be destroyed for this kind of thinking ... but his loins, no his entire being, wanted to throw her on the floor and take her right here, regardless of his creator standing there.

He had to shake himself, tell himself ... no, No, NO over and over, then he left the room. It was much easier to gain control when she wasn't in the room with him, or in the house with him, or in the same d.a.m.ned town as him.

A subtle breeze swayed the treetops, just a little, enough to stir up the fresh pine scent that Ben loved so much. He filled his lungs with the warm but still crisp air. Standing in the thick of the woods, just yards from the house, he could still feel her presence, her s.e.xuality, her call. Of course he'd ignore it, treat her like a blood sister ... but he would never stop wanting her.

The added fact that Colin would snap him like a twig helped to cool his ardor as well. What a predicament.

Nearby, a wolf howled, long, low ... mournful. Linnea? Ben's breath caught in his throat and he darted back into the house.


"I still don't see why you had to get married in the J.P.'s office, Joanna. A church wedding would've been so nice." A new pixie haircut made her even more difficult to argue with. Her short, deep mahogany color made her look younger, not like you'd picture on a mother. Joanna took a deep breath, trying not to let her mother irritate her on this special day, but she just wouldn't stop!

"You should've let me throw you a nice reception in a nice banquet hall instead of this dark, stuffy old club. What were you thinking of, Joanna?"

'If she says nice again, I'll scream.'

"Mom! Will you please stop? This is my wedding night! This is what Colin and I wanted, so please don't spoil it for me." Diane was unruffled by Joanna's plea. Staring at her daughter with concern, she clicked her tongue against her teeth and frowned. Then she lifted her, holding them just above her eyes, to stare some more.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm just nervous and worried about you. We don't even know this man. Oh, sure he's quite handsome, but he seems so unapproachable and, Joanna baby, you look so pale! Hiding out in those woods can't be good for you. Maybe you should see..."

"Mother! I'm fine. Really, I am. Stop worrying. I'm happier than I've ever been before, so congratulate me. O.K.?"

Her worry did diminish some when she saw the way her daughter's face lit up as her new husband came up behind her, wrapping his long arms around her and kissing her on the nape of her neck. Reaching to Joanna's shoulder, she touched her son-in-law's hand and smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Colin. I can see that my daughter is fond of you, so I am too!" She paused a moment and studied their faces, a slight frown marring her features before she replaced that frown with a whimsical grin.

"You two must be deeply in love. You have a radiance about you, my gosh, like you are lit from the inside." Joanna gained her mother's side and looped her arm through hers "Oh, Mom. You are so romantic. Would you like some punch?" She steered Diane over to the buffet table as they talked.

Glancing back at Colin, she showed him a tiny smile as if to show her relief. Now if she could just stay in the darkest parts of the room until everyone in her family left she would have succeeded in keeping her enormous secret!

Leaving her mother at the table, she melted back into the shadows and let her eyes drift over the numerous guests attending the reception. She had no idea that her mom would invite everyone in the family when she'd given her the guest list ch.o.r.e. Some of the aunts, uncles, and cousins, she didn't even recognize until they were introduced. Even after the introductions were complete, the room seemed full of strangers.

Colin invited only a few friends because he said he had no family left. Her eyes roved the crowd, examining the many male faces.

An intense feeling of ill will crept over her as she gazed at one dark form reclining in the far corner of the room. Their eyes met and he stepped into the light. She could see his lecherous expression and his pale lips as he whispered to her from across the room.

Blocking out the party sounds she honed in on his raspy voice, watching his mouth as if she were entranced.

"You cannot fool everyone, little Joanna. I know what you are." Her heartbeat accelerated as a tendril of fear formed in her chest.

"I'm going to get you and..."

"Joanna!" Colin's voice broke in on her trance. "I want you to meet someone very important to me, and to you also, my love."

Turning toward his sweet voice she saw him grinning, his arm around an exquisite, pet.i.te raven-haired woman. Her jealousy flared.

"Just a minute, Colin" She spun around to search the room for the stranger, she wanted to point him out to Colin. "Dammit, he's gone."

Ignoring the woman at his side she addressed Colin. "I need to speak to you, in private, now..." The woman might think her a rude b.i.t.c.h but she had bigger problems, with that threatening person she'd seen. To further add to her confusion Colin stood there grinning like a fool, his arm still around the gorgeous woman. He almost lost his balance when the woman stepped away to stand next to Joanna and put her lips up to her ear.

"You need not worry, dear. I am your friend, and as long as we remain friends, you shall not be molested by the others, if they know what is good for them." She glanced around the room, and then back to Joanna.

"I admit, there are far too many powerful beings in this room, but they stand divided and that is where our strength lies. We do not."

The dainty woman's voice reminded her of the lilting notes of a tiny song bird carried on the wind, pleasing even to the most tone deaf ears, and her admiration for this woman bloomed, her jealousy fading by the moment.

"But, he was evil." Joanna stammered. "And he said he knew what I was and that he was going to get me!"

Grabbing Colin's hands in her own she squeezed them to gain his full attention.

"There are others here also! I saw them. I think we've made a big mistake doing this ... they're watching me!"

Pulling her to him, he held her in his arms, comforting her, stroking her back until she relaxed. His chest rumbled under her ear when he spoke.

"It is all right, little one. I told you that females are few in our clan. I have several very powerful friends here and I do not think anyone will cause us trouble, especially in light of all the humans here in this dark club. We have a truce right now."

Nervous, twisting in his arms, she glanced around at the dozens of inquisitive male faces. At least she didn't see the menacing one any longer.

"They would not dare hurt any member of this party, Jo."

"But, Colin, the one that spoke to me wished me harm ... I could feel it!" He smiled down at her worried expression, tracing the lines of her face with his forefinger.

"Just never wander off alone. Stay with us at all times. n.o.body here would dare to harm you with myself and Linnea to protect you. I am a very powerful centenarian, and you are my wife, by blood and now by human law. No blood seeker in their right mind would be stupid enough to cross me." Examining the awesome picture he made, his tall firm body, his chest puffed out, and his head held high, regally, like he ruled all he could see, she felt that she was indeed safe from peril. Her heart swelled with love for him, her eyes sparkling with merriment, she coughed to hide her laughter.

"O.K. Colin, you look very powerful. I believe you." She coughed again. Clamping his hands around her waist, he lifted her off her feet until her head drew level with his. Peering into her grinning face, he kissed the tip of her nose.

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