Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 23

Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest -

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This was no ordinary animal, he knew that by its size alone. The fearlessness and raw power flowing from this beast made him respect it and almost fear it. So Master Colin did have a protector, a Therian, a very old and very powerful one. Of course this was unexpected.

He backed away from the wolf, one foot sliding back, then the other. He almost tripped over the prolific briars that snaked their way through every inch of the forest, but he never took his eyes off of the creature. Then with a burst of his supernatural power, he turned and ran, disappearing from the beast's view in a heartbeat.

Laughing with relief once he reached town, he stood in front of a service station, gazing at his reflection in the gla.s.s storefront. That animal might have marred his perfect face! He grasped his square jaw in his left hand and turned his own face from side to side, admiring the texture of his skin and the curve of his cheekbones.

This added stumbling block called for a change of plans, but he would still have the woman as his own, no doubt about that. No great wolf or weakling centenarian would stop him, no, not the great Nikos.

"Can I help you?" The young service station attendant stood behind him, looking at his reflection in the gla.s.s. Ah ... in his prime, blood fragrance strong with the beguiling vigor of youth roaring through his veins. Nikos turned on his heel to face him, the smile lighting up his face, insidious fang teeth exposed as he greeted the young man.

"Yesss, I would say that you could indeed..."

Tomas The limp body of the dark-haired woman dropped from his hands. A mistake to kill her but again when he sank his fangs into her hot body he lost himself in thought. His ancient past with Linnea always sprang to life when he made love to any woman. All of his lovers were similar in appearance and they favored Linnea with the long dark hair and lovely moist chestnut eyes.

His memories of their last night together stayed as fresh in his mind as the lifeless body at his feet and he clenched his fists and trembled with despair. Linnea...

"Why do you say that?" He spat. "What do you think you can accomplish by acting thus?" Tomas glared at Linnea as she continued her litany.

"I am tired of this life, Tomas. It is not because of you really it isn't. You should know that I always hold love for you in my heart and would bring you no pain if I could avoid it."

Linnea drew a deep breath and reached to touch his livid face with her fingertips. As usual her caress sent s.h.i.+vers down his spine even after these hundreds of years. An interesting and complicated relations.h.i.+p they shared, part mother-son and part lovers. She taught him her ways and bent his will to do her bidding as a neophyte, but after he came into his own ascendancy the fire between them grew and she knew love at his hands that she had not visited since Jeremiah.

She ran her hands down his body and despite his previous anger, her caresses didn't fail to arouse him.

"Linnea" He groaned through liquid lips.

"Shhhh, all is right now." She continued her exploration of his flushed body. Her hot breath warmed his skin and the wetness of her mouth soon followed across his forehead, down his cheek and into the hollow of his throat. His heartbeat quickened as he felt the sharp p.r.i.c.k of her fangs. Oh how delicious to be tasted by her ... how erotic. He almost cried out when she pulled away from his throat but her mouth continued its trek down. She kissed his shoulder, his biceps, and the crook of his elbow where she stopped to lick his pulse then again drove her fangs into his flesh. This time she hit the throbbing vein and drank deep before she licked the wound and held her hand over it to staunch the flow of blood.

She rose and stood before him, her smoky gaze heating him even more than he thought possible. When their lips met, his knees buckled and if not for her hand still clamped to his elbow, he may have fallen to the floor. This tiny woman, his mentor, his love, made him feel powerful and fragile all in the same moment, as he did now. He wanted to be the aggressor and take her in his arms but she melted him with her barbed kisses and he lost himself in the sensations. She released his arm and with unhurried movements they both fell to the rug in a melted heap of flesh.

Staring into each other's eyes they removed their clothing, savoring each inch of skin exposed. Her skin flushed pink with arousal and the infusion of his blood. When she saw him looking she tantalized him by running her hand down between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, down her stomach, and below. All the while her eyes bored into his with such intensity that he felt it in the pit of his stomach.

"Be savage with me, Tomas."

He took her, wild and savage just like she asked. Before they each reached their climax, oozing fang marks and bruises marked their untamed love for one another. He held her close, listening to her heated pants and slowing heartbeat and smiled with contentment. She wouldn't leave him now, she couldn't.

When he awoke, he knew that he was wrong. The house felt empty, devoid of any love or life. Just as he felt now, so many centuries later alone in his house because there was no Linnea and there were no others. She left him, just like she said she would.

She left him and any other vestige of anthropomorphic life. Not knowing how to be a shape changer or if he even could become one, he stayed in this form, preying on humans for his existence and willing Linnea to return to him.

She never did.

He heard the recent call of another female that survived the change. So easy to hear, if you listened in, even from a place as far away as America. He had to go see for himself it if could be true.

He knew it was not his Linnea, but he had to see nonetheless. Every once in a while he felt Linnea's presence. A fleeting thought, nothing more than a tiny tingle in his forehead, but he cherished those moments. It was enough to give him hope that she survived and would one day regain her human form so that he could regain her.

America. A nice place to visit ... warm this time of the year, but a nice place at any rate. He made travel plans for the very next evening.

Nuk Nuk tilted his head to the side, listening to words unsaid, silent voices, the rush of the gentle breeze through the valley and that which only he could hear. Silent voices, thoughts as they were formed. Being a G.o.d, he could hear them if he wanted to.

Another female had been initiated into the clan. As the Alpha male, he must claim her. This was his birthright.

"Not, if you wish to remain a male, my husband". Her voice warmed his ear as both her small but mighty hands closed on his shoulders. "And, you are not a G.o.d, you conceited old warrior."

He stood, shaking her hands off, offended, and turned to face her. Nuhh, so difficult to remember what he wanted to say when she stood before him, gleaming, smooth skin glistening in the moonlight, long lithe limbs swaying with a song she hummed to herself.

He knew she went without modern clothing on purpose, just to keep him distracted. Ducking her head, her long dark hair falling forward, she smiled and looked up at him through her thick lashes as she danced closer. Ahhh, the images she sent to him! Ancient language, primal, carnal, exquisite images of the two of them, alone in the world, but with each other. This is how she would have them remain.

"Beylon." He breathed her name like a prayer. Her hand closed on his wrist, pulling him to her ... and once more, he was lost to the world and to himself.

Milo "Milo!" She chased him down the hall. "You can't just leave." Catching up to him at the elevators she stood in front of him, tapping her toe, arms crossed in front of her heaving chest.

"Calm down, Evelyn. I can do as I like." He smiled to take the sting out of his words. "I do own this company."

She had to crane her neck to look up at him. He stood so tall, even to her 5'8" frame. His smile lit up his entire face. Pale freckles danced across his cheeks, small even white teeth dazzling against the backdrop of that red gold beard. Deep golden brown eyes, always sparkling with merriment like they were now, even with his most tiresome clients. Her charming golden boy, that's what he was, even though he was the boss. Most of the time she felt more like his mother than his a.s.sistant the way she had to nag him.

Trying so hard to stare him down, maybe talk some sense into him and he just smiled, that adorable boyish smile. She became tongue-tied and almost dizzy looking into those big soft eyes ... b.u.t.terflies fluttered about in her stomach and she had to look away.

She found staring at his glittering diamond earring much easier than meeting his gaze. A woman twice his age and her heart still raced when she stood too close to him!

"You can handle things here, Evelyn." He placed his big hand on her shoulder.

"I have faith in you." The elevator doors opened and he slipped inside. Letting go of her shoulder, he lifted his hand, waved his fingers at her and smiled, mouthing the word 'bye' to her as the doors closed in her dismayed face.

"Milo!" His name echoed down the shaft, the worry in her voice giving him just a pang of guilt, but nothing would stop him from taking this trip. He didn't care if the company went belly up in his absence. Texas was the place he wanted to be. The siren's mental song and her phenomenal pheromones called to him over this great distance and he would answer that call.His thoughts projecting to the street below, he summoned a taxicab to be waiting when he reached the lobby. Then using his cell phone, he called his pilot and asked him to meet him at the plane, much less work than using telepathy. Then there was dinner.


He could pick up dinner on the way to the airport. Reaching into his breast pocket, he pulled out his little black book, snickering at the absurdity of the address book filled with the names of willing donors. So many in the city, easy food for the taking! They would give their lives to him but of course he didn't ask that much of them.

He ran his finger down the list, turning the page, trying to decide who he would prefer the taste of tonight. The elevator reached the lobby and the doors opened. Without looking up he walked straight out of the elevator, avoiding the group of people waiting there with little effort and not even noticing the admiring looks of the females and one of the males too. He chose dinner. Jamie ... a name with three stars beside it meaning this donor could handle three consecutive feedings. He may need him for three nights so this seemed a wise choice.

The taxi waited by the curb, the driver stood by the open rear door and rubbed his forehead as if that would help clear his thoughts. Milo eased around him and slipped into the seat, then smiled back up at the baffled driver. Everything about the man screamed 'round' ... his wind chaffed reddened face, his large, protruding belly, his fingers like puckered stalact.i.tes at the ends of his immense hands. His sunken, bloodshot eyes surrounded by drifts of flesh for eyelids and that greasy mouth ... so repulsive Milo had to look away. Sometimes he really hated being so observant.

Milo tired of waiting and pushed with his mind for the man to get back in the vehicle then gave him Jamie's address. The driver's eyes darted from the road to his rearview mirror to stare at his red headed pa.s.senger then back to road. Relaxed enough to drive the car he pulled out but kept checking the mirror, gawking at Milo.

Now annoyed, Milo spoke to him in a low voice. "Quit looking at me and watch the road."

When they neared his donor's home he started to send his prompt, but decided against making Jamie meet him at the curb ... it seemed rude to do that to one of his flock.

Unfolding himself from the taxi he told the driver to wait, then went to the door, rapping it twice with his knuckles. Jamie opened the door and his face lit up when he saw Milo standing there, like a toddler who just saw Santa Claus come down the chimney.

Smiling, his left hand reached to move the hair away from his throat as he stuttered.


Looking deep inside the young man, Milo checked for illness, found none and flashed Jamie with a smile of his own.

"Your turn." Almost comical the joy it brought this human. His heart thundered in his chest and he knocked into Milo in his eagerness to get out the door and join him. Accustomed to his donors' exhilaration, he waited a moment for Jamie to calm down, then stared at his bare feet.

"Shoes, perhaps?" He laughed. "Pack a small bag too, we may be gone several days."

Brown sugar eyes widened. This donor was a collection of sweets, colors and scents.

"Cool!" Entire body quivering, Jamie stood on the small landing of his building, grinning up at Milo until the tall blood seeker placed his hand in the small of his back and gave him a little push back into the door of his studio.

"Pack, and make it quick." He gave the genial, yet firm command. Jamie was able to overcome his initial excitement, get his shoes on, his bag packed and leave with him.

Milo's hunger grew, burnished almond skin flaunted before him enflamed his appet.i.te, but feeding would have to wait until they reached the seclusion of the plane. Jamie made sure his throat and arms were easy to access in the b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt he wore.

How considerate. Even if he couldn't read every erotic thought buzzing through the young man's mind, so obvious, with his fawning gaze fixed on Milo's mouth for almost the entire taxi trip, that his eagerness to be bitten rivaled Milo's zeal to sink his fangs into him. His blood seeker's potion must be like a very potent, exotic drug to his flock and they begged to be bitten. He knew a couple of humans who loved the pain of his fangs slicing into their flesh and even without the injection of his narcotic saliva they would want it again and again. He could understand that too. Maybe this female that he now boarded the plane to go seek, would want to taste him!

Jamie stood in the plane doorway, waiting for a signal from Milo, anything to direct his next move, so nervous, so anxious, fiddling with the handle on his bag, flipping it back and forth between his thumb and forefinger.

The interior was small, but cozy, and Milo settled himself into one of the comfortable reclining chairs next to the window. Looking up at Jamie, meeting his gaze, he raised his hand to crook one finger, beckoning to him.

Stumbling on his own feet and the thick pile of the carpet, he moved to the seat next to Milo, gathered his jangled nerves into a ball then planted himself in the seat. He'd never been alone with Milo like this before and although exhilarated, he was also a little afraid.

Yes, it felt wonderful to donate to Milo, being bitten ... well pure ecstasy but that was always just a short, wham bam, bite me man, then he left. Now, here he was seated next to a being that just oozed strength, alone on a plane and going who knows where. To make matters worse, he told no one that he intended to leave town. No one knew where he was or whom he was with! Oh s.h.i.+t!

The sudden squeeze of Milo's hand on his knee startled him and he flinched, his muscles drawing away from the touch.

"Stop your fretting." Milo said in his ear, not because he wanted confidence, but because they were sitting so close together.

The warmth of his breath tickled Jamie's ear ca.n.a.l then he felt the moist heat of Milo's tongue touching his throat, sliding down to the point where his neck bent at the shoulder. The trail of heat chilled as the moistness evaporated and he s.h.i.+vered, gulping his breath as a rash of gooseflesh raced down his arms.

"Do you still want this?" Milo whispered, his lips just touching Jamie's flushed skin.

"Oh G.o.d yes." He sighed and bent his head over, giving Milo better access to his neck. But to his surprise Milo sat up, pulling away from him to reach for his briefcase under the small table. Opening it with the flick of a finger, he pulled out his cell phone and handed it to the now gaping Jamie.

"Call someone, anyone you need to, and tell them you are going out of town for a few days, and you may tell them you are with me." He paused, his gaze now more menacing than he had ever seen it.

"Of course if you tell them the true reason you are accompanying me, it will be the last time ... ever." Jamie's quick intake of breath a.s.sured him that he understood the implication.

"Hurry up now." He pointed to the phone in Jamie's hand. "I'm hungry and if I have to wait too long, I get ... irritable."

Lachlan Lachlan heard the call, but couldn't believe it. No, too long since the last female ... he knew of just myths, yes, only a cherished legend, any semblance of a female dying several millennia ago. No, he didn't want to leave his laboratory to go so close to the equator. Such a shock that he picked up on any signals at all in his frozen home, so shocking that for a moment he contemplated seeking this siren's call ... Hmm, but what would the world be like out there now? To have fresh blood again would be exquisite too. His last feeder died long ago and manufactured blood paled in comparison to the real thing.

How many of my clan still walk the Earth? Perhaps he needed to re-enter the world just to find out. This is how he would justify leaving his lab, not that he wanted to see if there were another female member born into the family. Plus he would love to share his knowledge with some of the others. Did they know they could survive on artificial blood? Did they know that their highly evolved pineal gland is what separated them from the rest of the human clan? Did they know that the reason they did not die a natural death is that this special gland evolved to not send the death signal as it did in other humans?Probably so. Many humans in the world now carried some of his clan's DNA. They carried that which modern scientists thought of as extinct. They were the ones that would survive the transformation. They were the ones who could read other's thoughts and move things without touching them. They were the ones with a touch of what they call the supernatural. All they needed was an infusion of the hormones to be transformed. But still, a female??? They never survived.

He could sit here and debate with himself the rest of the century or he could just shut down his current experiments, pack his bag and go see for himself if a woman existed, or just a resurfacing myth and a prankster broadcasting the telepathic siren's call. If it were only a joker, he would feel the wrath of Lachlan!

Looking in the stainless mirror at his ma.s.s of white gold hair, he realized that he looked more like a yeti than a human. Ye G.o.ds he had his own ozone layer growing around his head! A beard tr.i.m.m.i.n.g and a haircut were now priorities. He'd just made his choice to join civilization again. He prayed that the heat didn't kill him when he left his permafrost home.


"You did very well tonight, Joanna." Colin pressed his broad chest against her back, encircling her small frame in his arms and s.h.i.+fting his weight from side to side, rocking her with him. Their pliant bodies molded together, they swayed like the willowy kelp on the ocean floor.

A slight smile of contentment touching his lips, he closed his eyes and inhaled the heady aroma of his chosen one. The faint cocoa b.u.t.ter perfume of her shampoo still lingered in her hair and the unique tropical aroma of her skin almost brought him to his knees.

The fragrance he cherished from the moment he met her, the redolence that he found himself searching for when she was not near, he loved it so.

Sighing, he held her tighter, the worrisome feeling of apprehension returning in the back of his mind. Even safe at home in his st.u.r.dy cabin, he still could not shake the dread. In his close grip, he felt her chest expanding as she drew a deep breath and he knew what was coming before she even opened her mouth.

"Colin? Do I have to wear black clothes? Can I still eat food? Are there certain rules I have to follow?" She fired questions at him one after another.

He chuckled and held his hand over her mouth. "How do you expect me to answer when you will not cease to question?" Turning her in his arms, he lifted her to a bar stool and sat her down facing him, his hands resting on her knees.

Her face was alive with curiosity but she restrained herself, chewing her bottom lip and gazing at him with impish adoration. He brushed his hands across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he straightened her twisted blouse and feigned innocence when she scowled.

"To answer your questions, first of all, you can wear whatever you wish to clothe yourself in. However, during the week of the full moon, I prefer, for myself, and my children, to wear formal black attire. Call it one of my pet peeves if you wish."

Glancing down at his suit, he brushed a speck of dust from the sleeve and placed his hands back on Joanna's legs, this time on her thighs. His face inches from hers, he blew the stray hair off her forehead and grinned when her eyes widened. He saw the disagreement in her face that she tried to hide. She would object to many things over the years, so he was prepared and determined not to bend no matter how much he cared for her, just as he treated Ben.

"I only do so during the week of the full moon when my compulsion to hunt is undeniable. You have seen that I dress, as you would say, normally, the remainder of the month."

Why did he strive to rea.s.sure her? He could not stop himself when he peered into that vibrant and beautiful face. He waited, expecting her to comment. It just wasn't like her to sit and listen. But much to his surprise, she gazed at him with her gem bright eyes and waited with a patience he had never seen before. What was she thinking? Swallowing his surprise, he continued, not wanting to lose her attention.

"In answer to your second question ... what was your second question? Oh yes, about the food.... you can eat or drink whatever your heart desires, my love."

She placed her hands on his arms and just held him, not changing her expression and not looking away. Oh, but she was up to something. This he knew. Fighting to maintain control, he kept a straight face and carried on as if he were talking to a stu-dent.

"Uh ... yes, I do not desire anything more than an occasional gla.s.s of wine myself."

He turned his head to the side and coughed.

"Your system can handle whatever you consume without making you ill."

He found it so hard to keep thoughts of food in his mind as he examined the beautiful vision sitting before him. He trailed his fingers through her long silky hair and down her arms, pleased at the rash of gooseb.u.mps his touch created on her skin. Captivated with her eyes, no obsessed, he peered into those fathomless emerald gems, and felt lost at sea, floating on a tide of pa.s.sion. She wet her lips with the tip of her tongue as if she stood before a sumptuous buffet of all her favorite dishes. Then she spoke in a voice so soft and delicate that he had to strain to hear, even with his supernatural hearing.

"Are you sure that wine is all you desire, Colin?"

A burst of heat traveled through his veins as his heartbeat accelerated and for a moment he thought he might swoon, but it pa.s.sed, leaving behind a giddy light-headedness that tended to increase his ardor even more.

Basking in the glow from his fervent eyes, Joanna felt the power and the pa.s.sion emanating from her beloved creator and mate.

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