Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 11

Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest -

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Glancing up at Colin's baffled expression she laughed even harder. He had no clue! So pleasing to her, she loved the fact that he had no clue! Now if she could just tear her eyes away from his crotch, and keep them away. Argh! She couldn't stop herself ...

She looked again! The giggles at least had died in her throat as the breath caught right behind that last giggle and hung there. His position hadn't changed and the immense bulge in his pants stayed quite evident.

She would love to lay her head in his lap and feel his bulge under her cheek. Pressing her fingers to her temples, she tore her shameless gaze away from Colin's pants to stare out the window at the pa.s.sing countryside.

This attraction to his obvious endowments was an even bigger reason that she needed to get away from these two! Now why had she thought of it as a bigger reason?

Colin and Ben kept their comments to themselves after her rather strange laughing fit. The long ride progressed in silence. Colin hadn't exaggerated about the city being far away.

Once they did reach town, the car stopped for a stoplight and Joanna's hand crept to the door handle. In an instant, Ben's cool hand landed on top of hers and Colin held her other wrist with his unrelenting grip. She rolled her eyes and gave up.They arrived at the mall without incident and Colin parked the car. Then he turned in his seat to face her. Ben got out of the car, opened her door and kneeled down beside her. Their stares gave her an uneasy feeling. It was as if they knew something that she didn't and she hated it.

"There are a few rules I must give you before we enter the mall. Listen Joanna, for I will not have you claim ignorance if you break a rule. Do not give me that rebellious look, woman. If you defy me you will be punished ... no exceptions."

Colin stared hard at her until she dropped her obstinate expression, then he continued.

"You will stay between us at all times, act normal, and if someone you know speaks to you then you may answer. But do not initiate a conversation with anyone. Do not attempt or even contemplate escape. If you expose Ben or myself to anyone that person will die, and you will watch it happen. Do I make myself clear to you?"

She listened with half an ear until his last two sentences, then she felt the blood drain from her face. An inkling of fear crept into her stomach. She had lost the fear for her own life, but she hadn't thought of innocent people dying because of her. He had to be bluffing. He had to be! He hadn't killed her yet, and she defied him several times. No, she had to go on with her plan to escape.

She met Colin's ebony eyes with a glare of her own. "Yes, you make yourself perfectly clear ... Master." He nodded and got out of the car. Ben offered her his hand, then when she refused to reach up to him, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her from the car then shut the door, just missing her rear end in the process.

Colin armed the car alarm and they walked toward the entrance. People searching for parking s.p.a.ces drove past the trio, but no one saw anything amiss.

Her stomach churning, Joanna entered the busy mall with a tall virile vampire on each side of her. People everywhere. Talking, shopping, people-watching, and some walking with brisk steps for exercise. The crafty pair smiled saying, "How are you," to blend in with the human crowd.

Colin and Ben both received inviting stares from appreciative female shoppers. A few men eyed them too! It was enough to make a knowing person gag. Rolling her eyes so many times she made herself dizzy, Joanna now found the situation so funny she started to giggle.

Those stupid people were envious of her! Not a single person saw anything abnormal about her escorts. How could they not notice the air of supremacy that oozed from Colin's every pore? The way he carried himself ... the very oddness of his extraordinary good looks and vitality ... his obvious power? Before long, every time someone looked her way Joanna choked on her own spit then burst out laughing.

Colin grabbed her arm after a very loud burst of laughter and spun her to face him.

"What is wrong with you? Are you becoming hysterical again?"

"I can't help it, Colin. Look around at these stupid people! I'm walking through a mall full of people with a vampire on each side of me and n.o.body knows it! Real Vampires! Don't you get it? Half these girls in here are drooling over you and want you to jump their bones!" She started giggling again. "If they only knew!" She laughed so hard now that tears poured down her face.

Colin glanced over at Ben, sighed, and ushered Joanna over to an alcove designed for a public telephone. Still laughing, she coughed and held her stomach then laughed again. Colin took hold of her shoulders and shook her.

"Snap out of it, Joanna!"

She hiccupped and trembled all over. He started to slap her, but a better idea came to mind. He pulled her into his arms and bent his head to her throat.

"Owwww! You bit me!" She brought her fingers to her neck then pulled them away to look for blood. "You bit me!" "Oh, did I?" He lifted his eyebrows in mock surprise.

She glared back at him, all laughter wiped away.

"I had to get your attention in some way, and it worked, did it not?" She touched her fingers to her neck again and still found no blood.

"I did not extend my fangs, Joanna. I simply bit you to stop your hysterics." He pulled his collar aside and smiled. "Would you like to bite me in return?"

"NO!" She snapped at him.

Ben giggled and she reached over to slap him on the head. He didn't flinch, but he did stop his snickering. After wiping the tears from her cheeks, she straightened her clothes, composing herself.

"All right, let's shop, y'all."

Colin nodded his agreement, took her arm and led her out into the throng of people.

They purchased a television set, a radio, some forks and several throw rugs Joanna insisted she had to have. Colin bought her a wrist watch, which she put on right then. Her dark escort held her hand as they walked the mall from store to store and Joanna had to fight having a fit of hysterical laughter every time someone smiled to acknowledge the 'happy couple.'

Several times she tried pulling away, but every time his grip tightened to a painful squeeze before he relaxed his hand again. She got the message after the third time her knuckles crunched. He wasn't letting go! She nodded and smiled at the appropriate times and even said thank you to a young sales clerk when the girl told her that her husband was very attractive.

Joanna knew he heard the infatuated girl's whisper. The conceited pig had the nerve to tell her, "See how fortunate you are ...

wife?" She squeezed his hand as hard as she could, hoping to break a few bones, but he only laughed and pulled her toward another store.

When she saw which store he chose, she balked.

"Colin, I can't go in there!" She stopped in her tracks. "I work there! Richard works there! How am I supposed to explain to my boyfriend that I have a new master now? Oh yeah, Richard, by the way, don't p.i.s.s him off or he'll suck you dry?"

He stared hard into her face.

"Silence, Joanna." He peered over her head at Ben, then he released her hand and walked off without her.

Now's my chance! She watched Colin's retreating back for a second, then her gaze traveled to the exit doors.

"Don't even think about it." Ben's long arms snaked around her shoulders. He rested his chin on top of her head and held her against his chest, keeping her in place with little effort.

She tried to struggle, but he laughed and held her tighter ... she couldn't even breathe. As soon as she stilled he loosened his hold, but only enough so she could inhale.

"Let me go, you a.s.shole."

"Hush now, Joanna. If Colin finds out you disobeyed his command he'll be very angry ... and you know he's much stronger than I am."

She reconsidered making a scene, and it was a good thing she did because Colin already returned to them. Was that a smirk on his face? When he drew near, Ben removed his arms and stepped away from her."It was good for me, was it good for you?" She tried to elbow him, but he moved too fast, so she contented herself by shooting him the finger.

Colin carried a bag from the pet shop. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him coming toward them.

"What did you buy?"

"Food for the parrot." His answer stunned her for a moment but she recovered and couldn't help but ask even though she had a feeling she would not like the answer.

"How did you know which one to get for him?"

What a strange smile. What had he done now?

Colin shrugged. "It was relatively simple. I asked Richard to help me choose."

"Wh ... wh ... what?"

"You know, the thin young man with the unkempt appearance, Richard." He hesitated, still giving her that strange look. "It is rather peculiar. It seems that he has forgotten all about you Joanna."

"What did you do to him, Colin?"

He smiled at her with that same odd expression and extended his arm. When she didn't move to take his hand he sighed and grasped hers.

"Come along now, Joanna. It is time to go home." He pulled her with him like she was a reluctant child.

d.a.m.n him.

They picked up their purchases and made their way out of the large anchor store. A way to escape popped into her head as they pa.s.sed the customer service hall.

"Uh.... Colin? While y'all are loading this stuff in the car, I'm gonna go to the restroom. See, there's one right here close to the door." He looked at her with obvious suspicion, his forehead creased with several worry lines as he squinted down at her.

"Oh come on! It's right there in that hallway." She pointed to the door and flashed them her most innocent smile. Both of them stared back at her as if they had no trust in her whatsoever. They had good reasons to doubt her, still they thought of themselves as superior ... why worry about one little woman?

"Ben will bring our purchases to the car, and I will go with you to the restroom." Ben left with the packages and Colin took her arm to lead her to the bathroom ... as she expected him to do.

"Colin!" She gaped at him in pretended astonishment. "You can't go in the bathroom with me. It's a ladies room!"

"I am aware of that, Joanna. I am not of inferior intelligence. I will wait for you here. Make haste, or I will come in after you."

Turning away so that he couldn't see, Joanna mouthed 'whatever', rolled her eyes and entered the restroom. She turned on one of the faucets and a hand drier to cover the subtle noise of the salon door opening and closing. The store's beauty salon was next to the bathroom and they shared the same restroom with their own door from the salon. She knew that, but Colin didn't! He waited in the hallway by the public door for her to come out. Wait in vain, Colin.

Joanna crept through the salon, her pulse thundering in her ears. It took all her will to maintain a normal pace and not run until she made it out. She didn't want to attract undue attention. When she reached the mall common area, she headed for the first service hallway, then she ran. Within minutes she made it to the outside door. Hesitating with her hand on the doork.n.o.b, an uncomfortable feeling of foreboding flooding her senses. What if Ben parked out there waiting for her?

The door flew open from the outside and she nearly choked with fright, swallowing a huge gulp of air that settled right below her breastbone. Only a mall employee coming in to work and she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the teenager.

"You scared me to death!" Her nervous laugh echoed back to her. He stared at her like she was a senile old fool, the way teenagers look at anybody over the age of twenty-three.

"Oh, sorry." He side-stepped around her and went down the hall. She changed her mind about going outside and chose a different corridor, leading farther away from her captors. Shaking with the constant flow of adrenaline in her veins, every sound she heard startled her, increasing her already rapid pulse. She knew Colin had discovered her flight by now and he would be seething with fury. If she could just make it around to the security station and solicit their help Colin couldn't do a d.a.m.n thing to her in front of that many witnesses!

Halfway down the third service pa.s.sage she heard the main door at the opposite end open. She dashed into the nearest doorway, flattening herself against the cold metal. Holding her breath in terror, she waited ... no footsteps. Almost fainting from lack of oxygen to her brain, she heard the door close with a loud click. She drew a ragged breath and slunk to the end of the hallway.

Peeking outside she recognized the two broad backs, not twenty yards away ... she bit her lip to squelch her scream.

A security guard questioned them. What did they do? She really didn't want to find out! Joanna eased the door closed and ran like the wind to the other end of the hall and out the delivery door.

One of the red security Blazers cruised by on his routine car theft patrol and she sprinted for the vehicle.

"Hey! Hey! I need help! Help me!" She ran out in front of the truck as she yelled. The guard slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting her. She didn't give him a chance to get out of the truck, but ran up and jumped in the pa.s.senger door, slouching down in the seat before she would tell him anything. The young guard stared at her in shocked silence, not knowing if he should handcuff her or comfort her.

"I'm sorry, but I've been kidnapped."


"Yes! I got away, but they're still out there looking for me. They'll kill me if they catch me! You've got to help me!"

"O.K ... O.K., relax lady. I'll take you to the security office." He sounded bored! This kid didn't even care! But at least he planned to take her to the office. She ignored his lack of compa.s.sion.

"Thanks." She could relax ... a little.

As soon as he pulled up outside the office, she leapt from the Blazer and ran inside, repeating her story to the group of guards in the outer office. They all listened without saying a word until she grew quiet, then an older man with a head full of white hair stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You're gonna be just fine, miss. n.o.body's gonna hurt you. All right?" He looked into her face with such pity. At least she found someone that cared!

"Why don't you step into my office and rest?" He guided her into the small room. "I'll be right back." He closed the door behind him.

The door on the other side of the room started to open as soon as the one behind her closed. Filled with dread she backed up, trying to escape. The k.n.o.b wouldn't turn ... they locked her in.

Seconds later, Ben stepped through the doorway opposite her. He shook his head to and fro, his eyes downcast.

I'm going to die and my executioner is on the way. A few scant moments later Colin entered the room and with slow, deliberate movements came at her with his head down. Joanna's knees buckled, and she felt the urgent need to urinate as he drew near. He came within inches of her before he stopped, glaring at her with eyes burning red with rage. Grimacing, his prominent eyeteeth gleamed white against his flushed skin. She wanted to beg for her life ... for forgiveness, but terror choked her. She let out a pathetic whimper and tried to run past him.

A low menacing growl rolled from his throat as Colin did what Joanna and he himself feared most ... he lost control. He s.n.a.t.c.hed her off her feet and threw her against the door. Then Ben moved to stand at his creator's side and they stared in absolute silence at the girl's still form. Colin looked to Ben and nodded, then opened the door to face the curious crowd of security personnel.

"Is everything all right, Doctor?" The white-haired guard showed genuine concern, his bushy brows drawn together over wrinkled, kind eyes.

"Yes, yes, thank you for your help. She has been taken care of and I can guarantee this will not happen again. Please forgive us for the intrusion."

Colin held the door open for Ben and waited while he carried Joanna's limp body through the door, then before anyone could question them further, they were gone.

The security guards stared at each other, everyone thinking, but no one speaking until after a long tense pause, one of them spoke up.

"She sure didn't look like no paranoid schizophrenic to me."

The man standing beside him snorted.

"How do you know what one looks like?"

A few guards snickered.

"Well smart-a.s.s, what makes you so sure that he was a real doctor?"

No one laughed any more.


Colin crammed the key into the door lock and yanked open the door, gritting his teeth when the alarm shrieked. In his blind fury, he forgot to disarm the blasted alarm. n.o.body even glanced their way, despite the shrill alarm and the unconscious woman in Ben's arms. In an uncharacteristic, clumsy move, Colin dropped the keys. When he reached down, he b.u.mped them even farther under the car, then dropped to his knees, searching for the control so he could shut off the alarm. Broiling with anger he bellowed at Ben.

"Throw that d.a.m.ned woman in the back seat and get in the car!"

Ben obeyed, tossing Joanna's limp body into the back seat. He jumped in the car even though at the moment he felt more like running. He seldom saw Colin so furious! The hands holding the steering wheel shook and Colin's chest heaved as he drew ragged, angry breaths. Joanna not only escaped again, but she made a fool of him, leaving him standing outside the women's restroom. Ben had no doubt she'd suffer for what she did, and he felt sorry for her.

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