Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 10

Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest -

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"Earth to Joanna!" Ben spoke into her ear and she jumped so hard that her shoulder hit him in the chin. He grunted and backed away a bit, stroking his bruised face as he scowled at her.

"I'm sorry, I was wool-gathering. What did you say, Ben?" She picked up a magazine from the nearby table and fanned her hot cheeks with it.

Rubbing his chin a few more times, he looked her over, watching the movements of her hand with the magazine like a cat stalking its prey. In an instant, the magazine disappeared from her hand and he stopped her arm with a hand on her wrist.

"I'll take care of that for you." He placed the periodical back in the precise spot she removed it from.

"Now then, I asked you a minute ago if you want to play chess but you were too busy l.u.s.ting over Colin to hear me."

Gasping, she shook her head no, denying his allegations.

"I was not!" Joanna bl.u.s.tered, trying to convince herself, as well as Ben, that she did not l.u.s.t after Colin.

Ben rolled his eyes, but said nothing further. He sat down by the game board, staring up at her, waiting for her to join him.

"Sorry. I'm just not a chess player."

"Come on, Joanna. Be a sport."

"Benjamin, I will play you. I think you owe me a game." Colin spun around in his chair to face them. Though he spoke to Ben, he stared into Joanna's face at the same time.

She felt the color rise in her cheeks again.

"I think I'll go to my room and play with Pete." Joanna backed toward the doorway expecting one of them to follow her but neither of them did. She didn't know if she felt more disappointed or relieved. But now that the two of them seemed to be occupied, she could do whatever she wanted for a change so she went to the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator for another, she spied the white parcels again. He said they were microwave food. It wouldn't hurt to sneak a quick look then would it? On tiptoes, she went back to the kitchen doorway and peeked around the corner. They seemed occupied with their chess game so she crept back to the open refrigerator and removed the top box. Whoa! It's heavy.

Careful not to tear it, she un-taped the paper, slid the box out, and opened the lid, exposing the contents.

"Ooooooooooo gross!"

Inside, she found plastic bags of blood on top of a thawed ice pack. Afraid she would get caught, she replaced the lid and slid the tray back into the paper. The tape wouldn't stick when she tried to re-tape the wrapping, so she lifted the other boxes and put the open one on the bottom of the stack.

Her anxiety abated somewhat when she placed the parcels back the way Colin arranged them before she nosed into them. Wiping her sweaty palms on her s.h.i.+rt, she stepped back, flung the refrigerator door closed and found herself 'face to chest' with a tall silent figure.

"Oh h.e.l.l." She stared at his b.u.t.tons until they blurred out of focus, then little by little, she lifted her eyes from his chest to his stony face. By his grim expression, he must've been standing there the entire time.

"You exasperate me, woman. You have violated my privacy." He drew his eyebrows together, crossed his arms, and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Must I punish you as I would a meddlesome child?"

Her behind felt warm just thinking of his last punishment. She once again stared at his b.u.t.tons, her discomfort growing heavier by the second. Several retorts crossed her mind: No 'keep out' signs on the packages, no 'do not open' labels, plus, he'd said himself that she could have anything she desired.

Joanna wanted to say something, anything, but her lips felt too big for her face and she imagined that if she tried to talk, the giant lips would flap together and make farting noises. After standing in silence for several long minutes, Joanna risked a glance at his face. The big lug grinned down at her, loving every minute of her discomfort!

"You a.s.s!" She pushed against his solid chest and when he didn't move she tried to go around him. She just had to get away before her face burned into spontaneous combustion.

With invisible speed he caught her in his arms, lifting her off her feet and holding her close to his body. She felt the soft rumbling in his chest of his silent laughter.

"Ah, Joanna.... You are a breath of fresh air in my closeted life."

Colin set her back onto her own two feet. She tilted her head back and stared into his face. He no longer smiled ... instead he stared back at her with smoldering eyes. When she ran her tongue over her dry lips he groaned, bending down to wet her lips with his own.

Patches shattered the moment by tearing through the kitchen, right between their feet, in pursuit of her invisible prey. Joanna hiccuped, swallowing her disappointment.

"Crazy cat!"

"Indeed." Colin sighed. "Join us in the library." He put his arm around her and led her out of the kitchen.

"Whatever." Her deadpan tone stopped him and he turned her body around to face him.

"Joanna, is it so boring here for you?" She shook her head but he continued anyway.

"Tomorrow evening, we will go shopping. The three of us will go to the big mall and you may choose whatever you desire."

Her eyes lit up. "A television set?"


"Great! I look forward to it! Is it O.K. if I go to my room now?" He hesitated, searching her face.

"Of course you may. You are free to do as you wish, as long as you do not attempt to leave here."

"I'll see ya tomorrow then. Good night." She shrugged his hands off her shoulders and left the room, leaving Colin standing there bewildered. What ever was she up to now? He doubted that he could ever guess.

So they were going to the mall, huh? She would almost be sorry to escape from him. It would be better for her to get away from the two vampires as soon as possible though, because as much as she wished to deny it, she already liked them both. For the time being, she needed to keep her distance and succeed in her next escape attempt.

Colin returned to the library where Ben waited for him at the chessboard. He was only one move away from winning though Ben had no idea. As soon as he sat down, Ben met his eyes.

"You do know that she will try to escape again, don't you?" Colin lifted the corner of his mouth in an uncharacteristic smile.

"Perhaps so, but my punishment was severe for her latest jog in the woods. She will consider that before she attempts to escape me again."

Ben laughed. "I doubt it!" His laughter continued even though Colin glared at him. He watched the elder's face grow dark until he bit his own lip to hold back any additional mirth. Colin looked as if he might scalp him."Sorry Colin. Don't kill me. I just think that you are underestimating her stubbornness. That's all. I meant you no disrespect."

"This is good young one. And checkmate." He removed the last opposing rook and moved his p.a.w.n into place beside Ben's king.

He won the game with a p.a.w.n! Ben's incredulous look was enough to put Colin back into good spirits again and he smiled as his opponent's mouth dropped open.

"You still have not learned to be wary of the most innocent players, Ben."

The young pupil moved to the other side of the room where he stared out the door into the main area of the house. He ran his fingers through his hair like he saw Colin do so many times when he worried about something, then realized what he was doing and stopped. The last thing he wanted was for Colin to think he mocked him. Still, he could not stop himself from voicing his thoughts.

"And you, my revered teacher should be watchful of your queen."


"He loves me, he loves me not." She pulled the delicate white petals off the tiny wildflower, one by one. "He loves me, he loves me not. I knew it, he loves me not." The last petal floated to the ground and she tossed the stem down beside it. With a heavy heart, she gazed at the broken flower, its petals scattered like the fragments of her life.

Would she ever be able to return to her normal life after this experience? Somehow she doubted it. What would Colin do when she escaped from him? She would have to move, maybe to another state. But then her entire family would be so far away. With a long sigh she fell onto the porch swing and rocked back and forth, her bare foot pus.h.i.+ng against the wooden planks. Colin was such a perfectionist that his swing didn't even squeak. It was as silent as his lithe movements. She shook her head, angry with herself for dwelling on the mysterious Colin.

I've got to get away." She groaned and stretched her arms over her head. Then she stuffed her hands in her shorts pockets. Her right hand closed on a slip of paper and she drew it out of her pocket.

Smiling, she un-crumpled the paper and re-read the note she found taped to the refrigerator earlier this afternoon.

Colin's bold script flowed across the page with the same easy rhythm of his speech.

"Joanna-As you will no doubt notice-the key is in the back lock-Be careful when you explore out of doors-If you happen to lose yourself in the woods, have no fear, for with my keen lupine senses, I shall find you with no difficulty- Until tonight.... Colin"

Joanna stared down at her bare feet. A twinge of pain tugged at her heart as she thought about her Mom pitching a fit if she saw her outside without her shoes, even if she never left the porch. She missed her over-protective mother, and her Dad, and her little sister. Oh well, she'd go visit them all tomorrow, after she left Colin and Ben in her dust at the mall tonight. Would anybody believe her when she told them that vampires really exist? h.e.l.l no! She didn't even believe it herself when she was faced with two of them.

No, this secret she'd keep to herself, or risk being committed to the nearest loony bin.

Inside the cabin, the sense of awe overpowered her, the cool air, the quiet ... the closed doors at the end of the hall. She had to get back out, spend as much time in the suns.h.i.+ne as possible, anywhere but in the dark cabin with its sleeping vampire inhabitants.

She craved the real world, a world free of the supernatural and things that go in the night. Being here was like living in another dimension!

How could Colin just walk in that busy mall undetected?

Regardless of the consequences, she would get away from him during this shopping trip. She'd been working at that mall for years, and knew all the back hallways and service entrances. Not a chance that he could find her. His sensitive hearing wouldn't help either. With thousands of footsteps and human heartbeats, and no way to differentiate between them, it will be so easy! She planned to be so sweet and compliant that they wouldn't suspect anything until it was too late and she was gone!

"h.e.l.lo Joanna. s.e.xy voice by her ear. She grunted in surprise and bolted out of the porch swing. She would have fallen flat on her face, but his quick response saved her skin from wood splinters. Colin caught and held her with little effort.

"I apologize for frightening you. I spoke to you twice, but you did not hear. Were you ... ah what was the word? Ah yes, were you wool-gathering again, Joanna?"

Still in shock, she couldn't meet his eyes. Instead, she chose to stare at the patch of deflected sunlight dancing on his bare forearm.

Sunlight on his arm?

"Oh my G.o.d, Colin, what are you doing out here?" Frantic, she pushed against his chest and then pulled his arms toward the cabin door.

"Colin! Get inside, you fool!" She continued to pull on him with all her might, but he just stood there, watching her grow hysterical. She tried pus.h.i.+ng again.

"Colin, you a.s.s! The sun is still up. It's not dark yet!"

Ben stepped out the door and stood watching her with the same calm expression as his creator. Finally, she stopped trying to get Colin inside and stared back at them.

"O.K. then, both of you can burn! See if I care!"

Ben smiled at her and went back in the cabin. Colin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It was one of his habits that Joanna found quite endearing.

"Do not believe everything you read in your horror books, Joanna. But, then again, do not discount anything either." He rubbed his forehead and squinted at the sunlight. "It is best to believe only what you see with your own eyes and even then, look twice to make sure you are not just seeing what you thought you believed."

He left her standing on the porch, still trying to decipher what he just said. She heard his voice calling to her from inside, "Prepare yourself, Joanna, we are soon to depart for the shopping mall."

She shook her head and followed them into the cabin. Colin stood leaning against the kitchen counter, his long legs crossed at the ankle, talking in his quiet way, to Ben, as the younger one rinsed out a clean juice gla.s.s. Looking closer, it dawned on her that their appearances were now altered ... they looked so ... human! Neither one of them wore black, plus they glowed with health and vitality. Gone were the pale shut-in complexions.

From his s.h.i.+ny black curls to the tips of his tan suede shoes, Colin was all male, all human male! His denim Dockers molded to his hips, nice hips, and an abundance of black chest hair sprang from the v-neck of his baby blue polo s.h.i.+rt. For some reason, she never thought of body hair on a vampire. Ben looked young and athletic in his blue jeans and red sweats.h.i.+rt with the sleeves removed. His feet sported dirty white running shoes. They acted so normal, appearing comfortable with the way they dressed.


She darted past them to her room and changed into jeans and her sneakers, the best clothes for her escape!

"I'm ready to go." Joanna stopped outside the door to wait, but they already flanked her and each one of them held one of her arms as they led her off the porch and into the trees.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" They picked up their pace. "How are we supposed to get there?" Colin ignored her, instead watching the woods before them.

"We run!" Ben snorted at her.

"What?" She screamed as her feet left the ground. They moved so fast, her surroundings blurred into streaks of color. Their strong grips felt rea.s.suring on her arms and she found the speed exhilarating! All too soon, they slowed and stopped close to a narrow dirt road. A thick growth of trees and underbrush lined both sides of the road.

Joanna panted, still trying to catch her breath and regain her footing when Colin released her arm and disappeared back into the woods. Ben slid his arm around her waist and held her up. Glancing sideways at his glowing face, she saw that he did it to help instead of being suggestive, and at the moment she welcomed his help. He noticed him watching the side of the road where Colin had vanished so she followed his example.

The bushes and vines parted and a dusty black Mercedes pulled out of the woods with Colin at the wheel.

"Can you stand?" Ben glanced back to Joanna.

She nodded her head, "Uh huh." Ben released her and went to the trunk of the car and removed a large cloth. With efficient speed, he wiped the dust off the car, revealing a beautiful s.h.i.+ne.Joanna hadn't moved an inch. She stood there like a zombie, stunned. What else can these vampires do?

"Come along now, Joanna." Colin urged. "Do we need to get that jaw checked? It seems to be loose and apt to fall open quite often." He pushed her chin up to close her mouth. Colin led her to the car and then hesitated, looking from the bucket seats in front to the back seat, then at her face. After a moment, he guided her to the pa.s.senger seat and stepped away so she couldn't hear him talking to Ben. Then, he climbed in and started the car, its engine purring to life with the first turn of the key. Ben hopped in the back seat behind her, and off they went.

"Fasten your seat belt, Joanna." Colin's eyes traveled her flushed face, as if he knew she had just been thinking about how easy it would be to leap out. "I would not want you to fall out of the car." His feigned sweetness turned her stomach.

Ben snickered and handed her the shoulder harness. When she wouldn't take it from him, he bent over the seat, his chest brus.h.i.+ng her face, and fastened it for her ... nice and tight.

"Thank you, Ben."

He spoke right behind her head, "You are most welcome, Colin."

She ignored them both. Let them have their fun, because she would have the last laugh when she escaped their clutches ... d.a.m.n them both. Even as they drove through the gorgeous woods and countryside, she kept her eyes downcast, staring at nothing until her gaze strayed to Colin's seat.

Oh my word! Her cheeks blazed as she tried to look away from the huge male bulge in his lap. His pants seemed snug, but not formfitting and everything s.h.i.+fted over to one side as he drove. The man must be hung like a horse! "Joanna, What do you think of that enormous stallion?"

"WHAT?" She choked on her own saliva. Joanna felt the blood rush to her face, sure she blazed a vivid red.

"It's a ma.s.sive beast isn't it?" Ben piped up from the back seat. She just wanted to crawl in a hole and hide. They'd read her filthy mind. Now what would she do? How could she deal with this?

"What do you think he is? A Clydesdale? You know like the beer wagon horses." Ben sounded like an enthusiastic little boy.

"Well you are not going to even see him if you do not lift your head, Joanna. We are almost too far past the pasture."

"What? Where?" She looked out the window to see nothing but some cows and lots of trees. Thank the stars that they weren't reading her mind after all! How ironic that Colin tried to point out a real horse at that very moment! She couldn't help herself, she laughed.

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