Sweet Carolina Girls Part 13

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"I'd like that," Lauren said, surprising Harper.

That was easier than Harper thought it would be. She took a step toward Lauren and then stopped saying, "Wait a minute. There's somebody I want you to meet."

She motioned to J.R., who was looking through the window, just like everyone else. He got the message and joined the two women outside.

"Lauren, this is J.R., the baseball player I told you about. He just arrived this afternoon and I was introducing him to everyone."

"Nice to meet you J.R., you're quite the dancer," Lauren smiled and extended her hand for him to shake.

J.R. took her hand gently, "It's nice to finally meet you, too. Harper has told me all about you. I think she's infatuated."

G.o.d, J.R. was smooth, Harper thought. He was charming Lauren into a dimpled grin, that adorable dimpled grin.

"Jay, can you get back to the house on your own? The house key is on the Hummer key ring."

"Yeah, sure, no problem, that's what a navigation system is for. Should I leave the door unlocked for you?" he said, with a wink.

"I've got a hide-a-key rock, so go ahead and lock up." Harper winked back at him.

Harper turned back to Lauren, holding out her hand gesturing toward the driveway, "After you."

They walked silently to the Tahoe. Harper was cold, because she left her coat in the pool house. She figured Shelby was back there about to tie one on. It was probably going to get ugly. Harper hoped J.R. would leave, before it got too bad.

Lauren was out in front, purse in the crook of her arm, her blonde hair blowing in the breeze as she walked. One of the tails of the turquoise silk scarf around Lauren's neck fluttered behind her. Harper heard the "beep beep" of the remote as the locks on the Tahoe popped open and the parking lights flashed. Harper got into the cold seat. The thin material of her top added no insulation.

Lauren noticed Harper's predicament, "You must be freezing. Here take my coat. I have a sweater on."

Lauren took off her coat and handed it to Harper. She put it on gratefully. It was warm and smelled of Lauren's perfume. Lauren cranked the Tahoe and backed out of the driveway. Harper heard Joan Armatrading coming from the speakers. She smiled to herself.

Harper told Lauren about the British musician being one of her favorites, in one of their previous conversations. Joan was singing "The Weakness in Me," how appropriate. Lauren turned the heat on, when they were a few miles down the road. Harper began to thaw and relax back into the seat.

Lauren didn't say anything, as she concentrated on driving. Harper glanced at her occasionally, but Lauren stayed focused on the road ahead. Twenty-five minutes later they pulled into the warehouse studio. The garage door lowered behind them. Lauren had recently installed security lights and an alarm system. She got out and went to the alarm panel under a bare light bulb, punching in a code. She hit some switches and a few lights blinked on. Harper exited the vehicle and waited for Lauren to lead the way, even though she knew where to go.

Lauren had added more furniture and hung more paintings. Harper was impressed with the way the hanging walls created a maze into Lauren's living s.p.a.ce. A small table sat to the side with four kitchen chairs. A real stove and large refrigerator now stood against one wall. Cabinets had been installed creating counter s.p.a.ce and Lauren now had a real kitchen sink.

Lauren went to the coffee pot on the counter, turning to Harper, "I'm going to make some coffee, is that okay, or do you want a beer?"

"No, coffee's fine, but could I have some water first?" Harper's throat was so dry it felt like she was in the desert.

Lauren added coffee and water to the coffee maker and pushed the aon' b.u.t.ton. She went to the refrigerator, retrieving a bottle of water. She walked to the table where Harper had already taken a seat. Harper stood, removing the coat and offering it to Lauren. She took the water bottle and had nearly downed it all, before Lauren returned from putting her coat away. Lauren went back to the counter to prepare the coffee. Soft jazz started to play from the Bose radio on the counter.

Lauren turned to Harper, "Still cream and sugar?"

"Yes, that would be fine."

The air in the room was still. Harper could hear every click of Lauren's shoes on the hard concrete floor. Harper's mind was racing. She played the scene, back at Abby's, over in her mind. Lauren had said she made it clear that she and Shelby were finished. What did Lauren want to talk about? Was she here so Lauren could tell her she was done with her, too? Harper didn't think so. Why had Lauren continued to call her every night, if she didn't want something from her? The suspense was killing her.

Finally Lauren brought two coffee mugs to the table, placing one in front of Harper, and sitting down across from her. This was the first time Harper got a good look at Lauren. She looked better than ever, if that was possible. The part of Lauren that seemed unsure of herself was gone. Lauren realized Harper was studying her face. She finally smiled that crooked smile, her dimples revealing themselves. Harper reacted by smiling back, she had no control. Lauren had her, hook line and sinker and Harper was helpless.

The silence broke when they both started to speak at the same time. They laughed at each other. The silence followed again.

Finally Lauren cleared her throat. She must have had the same lump in her throat as Harper. "Harper, I... I don't know if... I don't know..."

Harper didn't know either. She didn't know where this journey was going to take her. All she knew was she wanted to take it. Harper reached across the table, taking Lauren's hand, but she didn't or couldn't speak. She had no idea what to say.

Lauren began again, "I've been thinking a lot lately. The time on my own has been good for me. It's the first time I've had to be self-sufficient in my life. I learned some things about myself. I learned to make decisions without someone else's input. I feel like, I am now on the road to living the life I have chosen for myself, not one that is chosen for me. I've started to feel so free."

Harper, who had been on her own since she was sixteen, knew that freedom. "I'm happy for you, Lauren" She still held Lauren's hand.

"The night we left the party, I told Shelby we were through. You were right; the perfect couple was a sham. I love Shelby. I always will. But...I'm not in love with her and I haven't been for a long time. You made me see the lie we were living"

"You already knew it, Lauren. I just came along when you were ready to deal with it." Harper didn't want credit for bringing Lauren and Shelby to an end.

"I'm glad that you did," Lauren smiled and squeezed Harper's hand.

They looked into each other's eyes. The tension was palatable in the room. Harper's breathing was coming faster. Her heart was thumping in her chest. She stayed lost in Lauren's gaze until Lauren looked down at her coffee cup. She wasn't finished.

"The thing is I don't want to walk back into another relations.h.i.+p, but...I do want to see you." She paused looking back at Harper. "Would you be interested in dating me?"

Harper let go of Lauren's hand. She stood up and rounded the table. She put her hand out for Lauren to take. Once they were standing face to face, Harper pulled Lauren closer, "I will do whatever you want, because I can't get you out of my f.u.c.king mind"

They were too close together. It was bound to happen. Lauren reached up with her free hand and brushed Harper's hair back from her face. Her hand moved to Harper's neck. She began to pull Harper's mouth to her. Harper needed no further prodding. She placed her hand in the small of Lauren's back and pulled Lauren into her arms. Their lips met in a slow deep kiss, which gradually grew into a frantic need. A moan came from deep inside Harper. Her hands began to explore Lauren's body. Lauren started unb.u.t.toning Harper's s.h.i.+rt. Harper ran her hands under Lauren's sweater.

Lauren breathed into Harper's ear, "You look so hot tonight."

Harper had never heard a woman's voice sound so s.e.xy.

Harper felt Lauren's hands under her s.h.i.+rt, on her bare skin. She trembled. She wanted Lauren all over her bare skin. Lauren slid Harper's s.h.i.+rt off her shoulders. She ran her hands under the camisole, so Harper raised her arms and let Lauren pull it over her head. Lauren's lips found one of Harper's nipples. She arched her head back and another moan left her throat. Harper pulled Lauren's face to hers. She kissed her hard, a kiss filled with all the craving Harper had built up, since the first time she ever laid eyes on Lauren.

Breathlessly she said, "I've wanted to sleep with you since the first time I saw you."

Lauren whispered back, "I've wanted you to f.u.c.k me since the first time I saw you."

Oh, my G.o.d, she was going to talk dirty to her, too. Harper could feel the warm wetness between her legs spread as Lauren whispered in her ear. Lauren pulled away from Harper and took her by the hand. She led Harper through the maze of paintings. They entered another walled off area, containing a beautiful antique spindle bed covered in a thick, down filled, white lace duvet.

Lauren hit a b.u.t.ton on the brick wall and all the lights went out except for a floor lamp, glowing amber in the corner. No words pa.s.sed between them, as Lauren pushed Harper down on the bed and slowly peeled away her own clothes, while standing between Harper's legs. With each layer, Harper's heart quickened. When Lauren was totally naked in front of her, she thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

Lauren's b.r.e.a.s.t.s were perfect, small, but full and round. She was slim, with curves that created the ideal silhouette on the painted wall behind her. Harper reached for her. Lauren fell into Harper's arms pressing Harper back onto the bed. She straddled Harper and Harper's hands began to tremble. She could barely breathe.

Lauren continued to undress Harper. When she was finished, she lay her body down on top of Harper, their bodies moving in a slow rhythm, as they kissed. Lauren left Harper's lips and slid down her body. She took one of Harper's nipples in her mouth, while she caressed the other with her hand.

Harper's back arched off the bed again. She ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. Lauren's lips left Harper's nipple, she kissed down her body until she reached Harper's small mound of blonde hair. Harper spread her legs. When Lauren's tongue touched her, Harper began to lose any control she still had. She came quickly and hard.

She pulled Lauren up to her, rolling over on top of her. Her hand slipped between Lauren's legs. She was wet and ready when Harper's finger's entered her. They began moving in unison, quickening their movements until Harper placed her hand in Lauren's back and pulled her tightly to her, as she curved off the bed. Lauren moaned from deep in her soul. When it was over they lay quietly in each other's arms for a moment, each trying to catch her breath. It had all happened so quickly, the pent up s.e.xual tension between the two women had been too overwhelming to slow down.

Lauren looked into Harper's eyes, smoothing the hair from her face, "I do believe that was worth waiting for."

Harper smiled and kissed her. "It's a h.e.l.l of a first date, anyway."

They spent the night making love. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning they fell asleep, after Harper set the alarm. She still had to go take Grandma to church. Before they fell asleep, Harper asked Lauren to go with her tomorrow. She said yes. Harper fell asleep holding Lauren tight, spooning her from behind.

She thought to herself, just before she fell asleep, "Yes, m'am, that was definitely worth waiting for."

Chapter Fifteen.

Harper had only three hours of sleep when the alarm sounded, but she was energized, as she and Lauren drove to her house. Lauren had simply grabbed some clothes and thrown them in a bag; she would dress at Harper's. They held hands and flirted all the way to Kerrville.

J.R. was asleep in the guest room. Jasper met them at the door, lying about being alone all night, because Harper knew he had just come out of J.R.'s room. No occupied bed would go without a visit from Jasper. He was a bed potato.

Harper pointed Lauren up the stairs and went to the kitchen to get the coffee started. It would be much needed later, of that she was sure. She was high on life right now, but the crash was bound to come and today was going to be a long day. She grabbed two water bottles and headed upstairs. She heard the water running in the shower. Harper looked at the clock, smiled and thought she had time.

She slipped off her clothes and entered the bathroom. She could see, through the gla.s.s enclosure that Lauren was was.h.i.+ng her hair with her back turned to the door. Harper opened the door and stepped in. She took over was.h.i.+ng Lauren's hair. One thing led to another and by the time they left the shower, they had to dress quickly.

Lauren put on a gray-blue, scooped neck, sweater dress with three quarter sleeves and beaded neckline. It clung to her curves and was very flattering. Harper chose her standard black sleeveless dress with scoop neck front and back and gently tiered drop waist skirt. Harper found her black, Jimmy Choo heels in the back of the closet. They were the most expensive piece of clothing she owned and she rarely wore them. She fell for them when she was at Midwestern and the OU women's basketball coach, Sherri Coale, started wearing them on the sidelines. She figured if Coach Coale could walk in them on a basketball court; Harper could manage them on a sidewalk.

Lauren wore black leggings with a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, which they both stopped to admire. Harper even tried them on. Then they realized how much time they had left, which was not much. Lauren receded to the bathroom to put on her makeup. Harper put on her black hose, which she loathed and went downstairs to fix some coffee. She returned from the kitchen in time to see Lauren step out of the bathroom. Harper couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Every time she saw her, Lauren took Harper's breath away.

Harper quickly applied her makeup and fixed her hair. She added her mother's pearls and a thin black sweater to the outfit. When she returned to the bedroom Lauren smiled, "Wow. For a tomboy, you clean up good." Downstairs, Harper wrote a note for Jay and left an extra key to the house. She grabbed her wool walker coat and a silk scarf from the hall closet. They had been flying around the house for the last forty-five minutes.

Lauren stopped Harper at the door and kissed her sweetly, "I'm so glad I met you, Harper Lynch."

Harper smiled broadly, "Wait till you meet Grandma, she'll steal your heart."

They drove the Tahoe, because it would be easier for her Grandmother to get in and out of. On the hour and a half drive to Wilson, the two women talked non-stop. Harper was enthralled by everything Lauren. She wanted to know all about her. Harper listened as Lauren answered questions about her life. Lauren was just as interested in Harper's story and peppered her with questions in between answering her own.

Harper told Lauren all about her grandmother. Grandma was eighty-seven years old. She had lost all of her children. Harper's father was the youngest. Two of his brothers were killed in Vietnam, the only girl died as a child from the measles. Harper was the only grandchild. Grandma had been a tall statuesque woman, now shortened and bowed with age. Her once long black hair had turned snow white. She was still quite active and only left the farm, because it was too much for one person to upkeep. The only thing she told Harper she missed about the farm, were her daily trips to the pond to fish.

Harper and Lauren kissed at every opportunity, the heat between them drawing them together. Church was going to be a trip, because what Harper was thinking about was in no way what her grandmother would a.s.sume she was thinking about. Occasionally, on the drive, Harper would slide her hand up Lauren's thigh, under her dress. To which, Lauren would slap her hand and say she couldn't drive with Harper's hands on her. Harper enjoyed this little bit of power and couldn't resist. Besides she was so h.o.r.n.y, she thought she would burst. She didn't think she could make it all day. Harper was trying to remember all the good hiding places in the church, from her vacation bible school days, when they pulled up to the a.s.sisted living center.

Her grandmother was waiting just inside the door in the lobby. Harper saw her white head as they pulled under the covered entrance. She got out and helped her grandmother into the front seat. Lauren moved to the back so that Harper could drive. They decided it was a better alternative to the point and holler method of giving directions. Harper introduced her grandmother who was as gracious as Harper knew she would be and Lauren was a true southern lady, raised in the best of homes, who could talk to an old farmer's wife with ease.

Sunday school, which they had to attend, dragged by so slowly. Her grandmother had insisted that two beautiful young women should be in the young people's cla.s.s and not with her and the seniors. Harper spent the hour watching the men in the room watch them, especially Lauren. They were enamored with the beautiful blond, from the big city. Lauren looked like money, old money; she couldn't hide it. It showed in the way she carried herself and how she cared for the old folks, at the church dinner.

Harper's grandmother was rosy cheeked with pride. She may not win for the oldest person there, but she brought the prettiest girls. Harper and Lauren did anything her grandmother wanted, after leaving the church. She wanted to go by the grocery store, the drug store and Parker's Barbecue for a takeout bag. Harper ordered some Barbecue and sides to take back to Kerrville. She had loved Parker's, since she and her parents used to come here, to have family style with her grandparents.

They settled grandma back into her rooms, at the a.s.sisted living center. With the auction and sale of the farm, her grandmother could live here until she could no longer be cared for with light supervision, then she would move next door to full time care. She should have enough money to last her, but if she didn't Harper would make sure she was taken care of. Harper kissed her grandmother goodbye and promised to come back soon and spend more time, maybe take her fis.h.i.+ng. Her grandmother was beaming and chewing on a cornbread stick, in front of her TV, when they left her.

Harper drove back to Kerrville. Lauren fell asleep holding her hand just after leaving Wilson. Harper did not wake her until they turned into the driveway. The two women climbed the steps to the front door tiredly. Jasper met them with his baseball in his mouth. He wagged his way down the hall, in front of them, until they collapsed together on the couch. They sat there together, Lauren leaning on Harper's shoulder, until Harper said she could take no more of the pantyhose. They went upstairs to change.

When she reached the bedroom, Harper was already half way out of the hose. She fell back on the bed and pulled them off. Lauren was behind her, "You really don't like those things do you?"

"Oh, my G.o.d, I hate them. They had to have been invented by a man," Harper said, throwing the panty hose, across the room, towards the bathroom and the hamper.

Harper sat up on the edge of the bed. Lauren slid one leg between Harper's thighs. Harper ran her hands under Lauren's dress. Lauren's head fell back in pleasure. She raised her head and pierced Harper's heart, with a look of desire she had never seen on a lover's face. Lauren put her hands on Harper's shoulders and climbed on the bed, she stood on her knees straddling Harper. Two hours later, Harper woke up naked lying on her stomach with Lauren asleep, her head in the small of Harper's back.

She rolled over waking Lauren. Harper leaned on one elbow looking down, at Lauren lying underneath her. She kissed her, because she had to, she could kiss this woman for the rest of her life. Lauren finally came up for air saying, "I'm so hungry." Downstairs they found a note on the counter, from J.R., making her promise to call and reminding her that her shower was over the guest bedroom and not soundproof.

They ate standing in the kitchen, wearing nothing but two of Harper's old tee s.h.i.+rts. Harper made Barbecue sandwiches with slaw. They drank sweet iced tea, which Harper didn't seem to able to get enough of. It was a southern thing she could get to like. They laughed and giggled like teenage girls standing in the refrigerator doorway, feeding each other pieces of fruit. Jasper loved it, because they kept dropping things.

Later they made love unhurriedly, not so desperately as before. They explored each other's bodies for hours until Harper drifted to sleep, with Lauren in her arms. Just before she fell away into dreamland, Harper whispered into Lauren's ear, "Do you consider this our second date?"

Lauren answered, sleepily, "Has the first one ended yet?"

Chapter Sixteen.

Monday morning Harper made love to Lauren instead of running when the alarm went off at six thirty. It started, because when the alarm blared out, "You're the reason G.o.d made Oklahoma," Lauren bolted upright in bed. Harper usually turned it down and listened to the rest of the song before she rose, so that's what she did on reflex. Lauren was sitting up looking at her, still dazed from the unfamiliar alarm, when Harper laid her head back on the pillow.

Harper had one arm behind her head; she reached for Lauren with the other hand. Lauren smiled at her with dimples showing. She slid up on to Harper's chest, "So, you're the reason G.o.d made Oklahoma?"

"That's what my daddy told me," Harper answered, brus.h.i.+ng the hair out of Lauren's eyes.

"That is so incredibly sweet," Lauren said, beginning to kiss Harper on her chest.

"My dad used to sing this song to me every morning until I would get out of bed. I kind of got used to it." Harper began to squirm under Lauren's lips.

Jasper got off the bed and went downstairs. He couldn't watch, evidently, because he always left the room and came back later.

Lauren was not to be deterred. She kissed Harper's body all over until Harper could lie there no longer. She pulled Lauren to her mouth and melted into her. She rolled over bringing Lauren with her until they were on their knees facing each other. She straddled one of Lauren's thighs, drawing her close to her and at the same time sliding her hand between Lauren's legs. Lauren found Harper hot and wet when she slid inside her.

They rocked in unison, kissing until their breathing became so short they both gasped for air. Harper could hear and feel Lauren reaching her climax and she could feel herself doing the same. Lauren threw her head back in ecstasy and then a jolt pulled them together, as they came in waves of o.r.g.a.s.m, until the vibrations finally subsided.

They moved to the shower where Lauren stood with her back to Harper, hands pressed against the side of the shower, Harper close behind her. Harper had one hand full of Lauren's breast, while she reached around with the other hand and slid it between Lauren's legs. Harper had never been so s.e.xually aroused and free with a lover. When Lauren came this time it was so intense that Harper came with her, even though Lauren wasn't touching her.

Harper finally had to peel herself away from Lauren and go to work. She left Lauren naked, satiated and drowsy, in the bed with Jasper. Harper promised to call her later to wake her up and placed Lauren's cell phone on the bedside table, so she could hear it. She kissed her goodbye and went off to work, so happy she fairly floated over the floor. Harper nearly missed her turn, because she was having s.e.x with Lauren in her mind, replaying the events of the last forty-eight hours. She made it to the lab just in time.

Harper floated through the day accomplis.h.i.+ng a great deal of work to her surprise. Her mood brought several comments from her colleagues. She called Lauren at nine thirty to wake her. It soon became evident that she made the mistake of doing this in the lab where other people could hear her. Lauren said some things that Harper could only respond to by smiling and laughing into the phone. The little femme Asian grad a.s.sistant said under his breath, as he walked by, "Ooo, girl done got her some, yes she did."

Although she felt fantastic all day long, Harper was relieved when the clock finally struck five. When she reached her vehicle, she called Lauren.

"I was calling to see if you wanted to go out with me," Harper said, when Lauren answered the phone.

"I'm already out with you," was the reply.

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