Aces MC: Jayden Part 7

Aces MC: Jayden -

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I stood and threw the keys to Jay, "You can go and wait in the car, I'll be out in a minute."

He caught them and stood, "Nice meeting you all." He walked towards the door with the rest of the group saying their goodbyes.

I waited for him to leave and glanced around the table, "What aren't you telling him?"

Eli, "You know us too well." I raised my brows trying to hurry him along, and Eli let out a loud sigh. "He was arrested for trafficking a couple of years ago but they only had circ.u.mstantial evidence in the end and had to drop the case because the main witness disappeared and the rest of the women wouldn't talk."

I stood and walked over to the window and watched Jayden talk to a man outside by the car. "f.u.c.king h.e.l.l this is bad."

"Yeah, and if Jay's asking questions about trafficking, prost.i.tution or soliciting, that means he already has his suspicions because I didn't mention any of that." Eli stood and walked across the room to stand next to me.

"His new love interest is a prost.i.tute." I stated as I observed the discussion between Jayden and the man getting a little heated. Finn, Fallon and Rian had now joined us at the window to see the bloke shove Jay in the chest.

"Well I'd say she's most certainly being trafficked. I'm giving you this information CJ so you can do some more digging. I know you'll make decisions with your head, rather than your heart like Jayden." Eli nodded towards the office window, we watched as Jayden smashed the bloke in the face, knocking him out cold. Unaware that we'd seen him, Jayden casually straightened his suit jacket before getting into the car waiting for me to return.

We all glanced at each other before looking back through the window as the man picked himself up off the ground with a blooded nose, and scarpered in the opposite direction.

"I think Jayden will fit in just fine." Finn to the roar of laughter from the rest of the group.

"Yeah, I think he will."

Chapter 5.

Jayden "Hi babe, how you been?" Paige stood from her chair to greet me and air kissed either side of my face.

"What's with the air kissing?" I asked before grabbing Paige and bringing her in for a hug."

"s.h.i.+t Jay, you'll crease my outfit."

"f.u.c.k your outfit, you should be over the moon that your big handsome brother is home."

Paige rolled her eyes, "Oh I am but can the women of Ess.e.x handle it?"

I at her smart mouth, she was certainly one of a kind and that's why I enjoyed spending time with her.

"What can I get you two?" I turned to see Amy with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Amy, how are you?" I leaned in close and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She was a good looking woman and had it all going on but she was a forbidden fruit.

"Very well thank you, and you?" she asked out of politeness.

"All the better for seeing you babe," I gave her a wink as I sat down.

Amy smiled ignoring my comment, "So what can I get you?"

"A room!" Paige said in a clipped tone as she sat in the opposite chair folding her arms.

"Amy knows I'm messing," I turned towards her and gave her my biggest smile. "Could I please just have scrambled eggs on toast and a gla.s.s of iced water?"

"You on a diet?"

I scoffed at Paige's question, "No, I'm sparring with CJ later."

Paige raised her brows, "And how long has CJ been your bestie?"

"He's not my bestie, I'm his sparring partner that's all."

"And what would you like Paige?"

"Sorry Amy, can I have the same please." Amy wrote the order on her pad before walking over to greet a couple that had just entered the cafe.

"So how are things with you? You're looking well." Paige had a healthy glow about her and I didn't know if it was due to her being drug free or because of her busy love life.

"I'm doing okay, I'm still seeing the councillor."

"Well that's a good thing isn't it?" I knew this process wouldn't be an overnight thing, f.u.c.king h.e.l.l she'd be lucky to even go a day not thinking about it.

"It was difficult at first, you know talking about what happened but I've built a good relations.h.i.+p now with the councillor."

"Well I'm pleased things are working out okay, and what about your love life?"

"The love life is okay too."

Paige's facial expression didn't change, she wasn't giving anything away although I was aware of her relations.h.i.+p with Cade through correspondence with Chloe. "Is that all you're saying?"

"Yes. Changing the subject so it's about you and not me, you've upset mum and dad."

"Yeah I know, I didn't mean to but they just need to chill and let us all get on with our lives. You if anyone should know how I'm feeling right now."

"I can see it from both sides babe. I was like you before, bottling up my secrets but it was only when it all came out that I could try and put it all behind me."

I rubbed my forehead, "I'm not sure if I like the reasonable adult Paige?" I said humorously.


Amy placed our drinks on the table and left us to our conversation. "So what's the gossip, I know you're the hub of anything juicy!"

"Were do I start. Our dear sister is seeing a club member." She said dryly picking up her gla.s.s to take a sip.

"No f.u.c.king way! Who?"

Paige's excitement grew, "Why don't you guess?"

"I wouldn't know where to start. Who would be so stupid to even contemplate touching Chloe knowing she's a club member's daughter?"

"Well, as far as I'm aware he's been told to stay away and it looks like he is but I just don't know how long they can keep it up."

"The only blokes I can think of are Ramsey and Buster but they're prospects not members." I tried to rack by brain trying to think if there'd been any tell tale signs but I was at a loss.


"No f.u.c.king way."

"Oh yes f.u.c.king way, I caught them snogging in the yard so I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Well he's a good bloke but he obviously has a death wish." I couldn't believe that Woods would pursue something so crazy.

"But can you help who you fall for?"

"I suppose not but you should be able to have a little restraint and not give in to every urge." At that moment thoughts of Sam entered my mind making me smile.

"Even if it could be your happy ever after?"

"Seriously, what have you done with the old Paige?" I asked sarcastically. I'd never known her to be so reasonable before and see the positives in life.

"She's still in here don't worry about that."

"You never would've stuck up for Chloe in the past, not that I ever condoned you slagging her off I just find it hard to believe."

Paige and picked up her gla.s.s to take another sip of water, "I'm the same old Paige but just have a different outlook on life. If Woods makes her happy then I can't see why it's an issue her being with him."

"I agree but it's a respect thing, he needs to speak to dad about it probably to ask for permission but I can't see a sane person doing that."

We both at my response, Woods was a good bloke and would treat Chloe right but the lifers in the club needed to be a little open minded at times and that wasn't happening any time soon.

Amy placed our lunch on the table, "That looks lovely Amy, thank you." I picked up the pepper pot and sprinkled some on top of the egg.

"You're welcome." Amy turned to walk away and then stepped back as if she'd forgotten something. I looked up registering her confusion.

"Sorry but I overheard some of your conversation, I don't mean to pry but how do you think Frank would react knowing that those two were getting it on?"

"Do you know something we don't Amy?" Paige asked affronted that someone would know more about her sister than her.

Amy shook her hand, "No but if they were serious about each other and you think your dad would accept it, I could at least speak to Mitch.e.l.l to try and smooth the water."

"Thanks Amy, I'll speak to Chloe and see what the state of play is."

"Okay, I'm only trying to help." Amy smiled and left us to continue with her work.

"f.u.c.king do gooder!" I laughed and spluttered water down the front of my polo s.h.i.+rt. "Well, she does my f.u.c.king head in acting the f.u.c.king innocent and flouncing around like she's Mother f.u.c.king Teresa. Look I can cook, I work in a refuge, I babysit children, I get along with everyone!"

"Could you get any more f's into that sentence?"

"I probably f.u.c.king could if I tried. Did you know that she nearly broke my nose a couple of months ago?"

"I didn't but why would sweet little Amy do that?" I asked sarcastically knowing that it would rile her further. See this is the thing, I knew Paige better than anyone and knew how to push her b.u.t.tons and sit back to watch the show.

"She said she didn't like me but that's beside the point, she f.u.c.king head b.u.t.ted me! What sane person head b.u.t.ts another?"

I at her response, "You must have annoyed her Paige, Amy has a kind temperament and wouldn't go around head b.u.t.ting people for no reason."

"Well I may have said something about her relations.h.i.+p with Recon but that doesn't give her the right to a.s.sault me." I rolled my eyes, so there was a genuine reason for Amy to get upset, I thought as much as that was so out of character.

"Anyway enough about me, how are things with you?"

Paige was the only person that I felt comfortable talking about myself to, well tell a lie as I could add Sam to that list. "All good, I've settled in at CJ's and met his family yesterday as I'll be doing a bit of work for them."

"Those boys are hot, Rian especially."

"How do you know the family? I only met them yesterday."

"Face book!"

I, "You've stalked them on Face book?"

"I'm a girl it's what we do."

"No, I think you'll find that's what stalkers do!"

"Well if they don't want people to see their hot chests and bulging biceps then they shouldn't put images all over the internet for me to see." Paige picked up her phone that was on the table and continued to beaver away looking for something. "Here you go!" Paige smiled as she pa.s.sed me her phone, I flicked through the images to see Rian in some compromising positions.

"Oh my G.o.d, really?"

Paige nodded her head as she chewed on her food, and took the phone off me to place it back onto the table. "He's a hotty in fact they all are."

I shook my head in disbelief that my baby sister was perving over one of my mate's brothers but even more shocked that Rian would set up a Face book page for her to be able to perv.

I glanced at my watch, "Right I better be going I've gotta be at the clubhouse in ten."

"Sparring friend!" Paige air quoted mimicking the Inbetweeners.

"f.u.c.k off!"

Paige at my response. "It was great catching up, we'll have to do it again soon."

"I agree, give me a call when you're free." I stood to make my way around the table and bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Look after yourself, and stop perving over my mate's brothers!"

"I can only promise to one of them."

I threw a note on the table to cover the cost of lunch and gave her a quick wink before leaving the cafe and taking the short journey over to the clubhouse.

"Come on CJ, you gotta work harder than that!" I was putting him through his paces this afternoon, I couldn't move around as much as I would've liked but I was able to take a punch and duck accordingly in order for him to get a good workout. I'd decided to bring him to the yard this afternoon rather than the usual confines of the gym for a change of scenery, this also gave us a lot more room to move around in like the real fight.

I'd conducted some extensive research over the last couple of days and was more aware of the set up of bare knuckle fighting. I just thought two men would rock up, knock the s.h.i.+t out of each other and whoever could still stand at the end won, more of a brawl then a fight but there was big money riding on this and most importantly pride. CJ needed to keep his fitness up and over the past week he had upped his game and was taking everything more seriously, he'd even drafted Amy in to cook him protein rich meals each day at the cafe to keep his energy levels up.

"What's this? You look like your rehearsing for the f.u.c.king ballet rather than training for a fight." I turned towards the voice but already knew that it was Lyric trying to wind CJ up. He had hold of a dog that was pulling on the lead attached to its neck as it got excited by the movement around him.

I shook my head and lifted my arms again to face CJ, he surprisingly kept his cool and ignored Lyric's comment as he continued with his workout.

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