Aces MC: Jayden Part 4

Aces MC: Jayden -

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I waved my arms around not wanting to hear anymore of the story, "Stop right there, I'll be sick."

CJ, "I'm pulling your f.u.c.king leg, I may talk s.h.i.+t sometimes but I'd never eat it."

We both laughed hard at his comment, and I found myself enjoying his company.

"What's so funny?"

We both turned towards the voice, "Just to give you a heads up, I'm moving into CJ's." I responded as Duke walked further into the room. He nodded his head and grabbed a chair as he made his way towards our table. "Thank you for putting me up though, I appreciate it."

"Not a problem, that's what we're here for Jay, we're a family." Duke's words rung in my ears and I knew what he was trying to prove. He knew that I had my doubts about the clubs worth because of the time it had taken my parents away from me when I was younger, and this was his way of letting me know that the club helps everyone out. "So when are you moving out?" Duke asked looking between CJ and myself.

I turned to CJ, "I've got a few things I need to sort out today and I need to pay someone a visit but is tomorrow too soon?"

CJ rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he seemed to me, "Did you use that number I gave you?"

I could feel the blush cover my cheeks as his words registered and I knew that I'd be the brunt of all jokes.

"What number's this?" Duke asked obviously intrigued by my reaction.

"Jayden got his nuts wet last night, thanks to Jackal and his girls."

Duke nodded his head approvingly before reaching into his jean pocket to retrieve his phone. He glanced at his screen and stood, "Sorry guys I've gotta take this but don't get embarra.s.sed Jay. I think we've all paid for it at some time, not that I think we should looking like this." He pulled up his s.h.i.+rt to reveal the six pack that he was proud of, and gave a wink as he swiped the screen of his iPhone to answer it.

"Are you seeing the lucky lady again?" he asked genuinely interested.

I nodded, "Yeah, later on today after our sparring session."

"Well that's good, and how was she about your little predicament?" CJ lifted his drink to take a swig and grimaced as he swallowed.

"What little predicament? I told you I didn't have any issues with this baby working." I as I pointed to my c.o.c.k.

"You're leg, was she okay about your leg?" I felt the blood drain from my face and a cold sweat break out, how the f.u.c.king h.e.l.l did he know?

"Look, I don't want to interfere in your life mate you obviously have your reasons for not telling anyone and I respect that but I don't know how long you think you'll be able to keep that a secret." He nodded towards my leg. "Surely it's better if your parents find out from you rather than someone else."

"Promise me you won't tell them." I could hear the panic in my voice but I didn't care, I wanted him to know that they couldn't be told.

CJ gave me a scouts salute, "You have my word. I'm just putting this out there Jay, what you do with your life is up to you."

"And how do you know?"

"I saw you in the shower." CJ raised his hands, "Don't get your knickers in a twist I wasn't perving, I was coming to talk to you and then I saw your leg and decided to leave before you knew I'd seen it."

"And you're telling me now that you know because?" I left the question hanging hoping he'd fill in the blanks.

"If you're coming to live with me, you've got to feel comfortable. So if you want to take it off, or whatever you do with it, then that's fine with me."

I nodded my head slowly taking in what he'd said. I was pleased that there wasn't any pity, CJ was great at telling it how it was which put me at ease.

"So why have you come here anyway, I thought we were meeting at the gym later?"

"There's been a change of plan, my siblings own a security firm and need me to go and help out for a couple of hours. I don't know what time I'll be back so can we reschedule for tomorrow?"

"Sure, that suits. It'll give me time to sort myself out and pack, not that I have a lot."

CJ stood, "Well I hope it goes well later. Don't get too attached as it'll end up costing you a fortune." I at his comment, "Stay safe."

"And you."

Here I was for the second time in two days standing in the corridor waiting for Sam to open the door. I glanced up and down the corridor as I waited and wondered if I'd got the right door as she was taking so long. I went to knock again but the door opened and she ushered me in.

"Fancy seeing you here," she stated s.e.xily running a finger down my chest.

I grabbed her hand and stepped forward pus.h.i.+ng her towards the wall, taking her hand I pulled it high and rested it on the wall behind her as I pushed my body against hers. Sam moaned as she felt my hard c.o.c.k push directly on her p.u.s.s.y and wrapped her leg tightly around my thigh to pull me closer. Sam moved her head to the side giving me access to her neck and I obliged by sucking and nipping her skin making my way up towards her cheek and ear. I opened my eyes briefly and pulled away when I noticed bruising on the side of her face although she'd done her best to cover it up with make-up. I grabbed her chin and moved her face towards mine, the shock registered and she tried to pull away but I held firm.

"What the f.u.c.k happened here Sam?"

"You're hurting me, let go." She demanded, I instantly released my hold and stepped back giving her the room she needed.

"I'm waiting!" I folded my arms across my chest and tapped my foot impatiently.

Sam pushed pa.s.sed me and headed for the bedroom taking off her clothes in the process and throwing them to the floor. "Where do you want me?" she asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Are you trying to f.u.c.king annoy me by not answering the question. I want to know who put their hands on you, and I won't be going until I know so I suggest you start talking."

"It was an accident that's all, a stupid accident." Sam walked towards me and tried her seductive routine, she bit her lip and traced her finger down my chest. "Come on babe, forget about it and let's have some fun." She moved her finger further down my body until she reached my belt and used both hands to unfasten it to reveal my c.o.c.k.

"Strip," she demanded as she stepped back and sat on the bed. Sam began to touch herself, slowly spreading her legs open on the dark satin bedspread. My eyes widened seeing her splayed out on the sheets, legs wide open, her fingers working wantonly on her p.u.s.s.y. She knew what she was doing by changing the subject but after I had s.h.a.gged her, I was going to make her tell me everything.

I watched her stroke herself softly up and down with one hand as she played with her nipples with the other. Sam moaned softly to herself and pushed her fingers past her soft folds to find the centre of her pleasure.

I couldn't just be a spectator, I moved to the edge of the bed and played with her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she thrust two fingers in and out of herself, up to her second knuckle. She continued to moan with pleasure whilst looking into my eyes. Before she could voice her thoughts, I leaned down and touched her lips softly with mine forcing her mouth open with my tongue. Sam's body responded to my touches and she arced her back to bring more of her skin towards my hands as I cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s roughly.

I climbed onto the bed and covered her body with mine, lowering my head to gently suck at her breast and work her nipples, roughly tugging at them with my teeth. My hand replaced hers between her thighs and began to stroke her into a frenzy. I watch her body come alive but it was too much, my need to be inside her was too strong. I removed my fingers, grabbed a condom from the dresser, and quickly covered myself before I was on her. I positioned my c.o.c.k and it slowly spread her open, allowing me to thrust into her slowly so she could feel every stroke of my length. Sam moaned and pulled me closer taking my mouth hungrily. I pulled away slightly, "f.u.c.king h.e.l.l you're good babe." My breath on her sensitive skin made her s.h.i.+ver.

The thrusts were relentless now, and she surrendered her body to me. I pulled her legs to wrap them around my waist to take her deeper and we rocked together, our rhythm raised to a frenzied pace. The pressure built behind my eyes, I closed them as I found my release with the blood pounding in my ears as Sam also screamed from her climax.

The release was explosive, I was sweaty and panting, out of breath in the dark. I wiped the sweat from my brow, thoroughly satisfied and wholly exhausted. I'd never been with a prost.i.tute before but my understanding of the process was that you got serviced and pleasured by them, but what I was finding strange is that I liked pleasuring her also, like I would with a woman if I were in a relations.h.i.+p.

"Wow!" I glanced in Sam's direction and smiled. She seemed a little embarra.s.sed by thinking out loud but pulled herself together quickly. "Thank you Jayden, that was great just...great!"

My smile widened, "You do wonders for my ego babe." I winked at her as she giggled. "And you don't mind that?" I asked pointing to my leg. I hadn't taken it off yet as the stump sometimes sickened people and I didn't want her to dislike being with me.

Sam shook her head, "Really! You think I'm that fickle?"

I sighed, "No but it isn't nice, I can understand if you don't want to f.u.c.k me because of it."

"Does that stop your c.o.c.k from working?"

I drew my brows and, "No!"

"Well then babe, I haven't got a problem, and anyhow in case you weren't aware I'm a dead cert!" I frowned at her comment, "It was a joke Jay, sorry a poor one at that."

"Is it always like know with the other punters?"

"Fis.h.i.+ng for compliments?"

I, "No, I don't mean it like that."

"I'm pulling your leg," Sam placed her hand on mine and gave it a squeeze.

"Which one?"

"Now who's taking the p.i.s.s?" Sam shook her head composing herself, "You'd be surprised who walks through those doors. Young, old, fat, skinny, wealthy, poor, you name it and I've probably seen it but more times than not, they're looking for company."

"And do you enjoy it?"

She looked at me surprised by my question, "Do you enjoy your job?"

"I did before I lost my leg but things weren't the same after that."

"Well, I've got a feeling things won't be the same for me after that." She stated nodding towards my c.o.c.k. My smile grew again, I enjoyed our easy banter and the way she made me feel regarding my leg.

"As you know I'm a little inexperienced when it comes to prost.i.tutes so I didn't know what to expect. Is it always like that...what I'm trying to ask is if you o.r.g.a.s.m every time?"

She frowned and shook her head, "No babe, it's not always like that believe me. I feel more like a social worker or that I work in the Citizens advice bureau at times so this," she wagged her finger back and forth between us, "Is a lovely surprise."

I wasn't fis.h.i.+ng for compliments at all but I wanted her to enjoy our time together rather than seeing it as a ch.o.r.e. In fact, I enjoyed her company and knew that I wanted to see her again and possibly out of the confines of this room.

"So can we talk about personal stuff yet, this is like our second date?" I asked, trying to find out some information about her. Sam bit the inside of her mouth contemplating what I'd asked, "Well while you contemplate your answers, I'm going to talk about myself. I've booked you for the hour and I'm going to have you for the hour." I stated lying on the bed with my hands placed under my head as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm the eldest of four children, and have a younger brother called Tyler and twin sisters called Paige and Chloe. I'm twenty-two and enlisted in the army at eighteen, after my training I was deployed to various places but my last stint was in Afghanistan. I was engaged to be married but the very person who was supposed to love me unconditionally dumped my a.r.s.e when I lost my leg in an accident at work. I've spent four months in rehabilitation learning to walk again and have only just come back home after not telling anyone about my injury apart from my sister Paige." I turned my head to look at Sam to see her shocked expression, "So whatever your life holds babe, it can't be any worse than that."

"Whoa, that's some story."

"Not a story, just my f.u.c.ked up life. Okay, your turn." I rolled onto my side to face her.

"Well I have only one sibling, she's seventeen and her name's Jasmine but I call her Jazz. She's the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out." I saw her smile as she spoke about her sister as I would Paige.

"So how did you become a working girl?" I asked genuinely intrigued what would entice such a pretty young woman to work as a prost.i.tute.

She glanced at her watch, "It's nearing the end of your time you'd better start thinking about going."

She was right, it was a shame I'd only booked her for an hour. I'd have to book a longer session in future or even better ask her out.

"Would you like to meet up for a drink?" I asked hopeful that she'd want to come.

Her eyes widened and I mentally kicked myself knowing that I'd over stepped the mark. She was lost for words again, her mouth bobbed up and down as she tussled with what she wanted to say like she did the first time I'd met her. I felt like a fool, I'd obviously read all the wrong signs. "That's fine babe, look I'm gonna make a move, and I'll book you sometime later in the week."

"No Jayden please don't go like this, things are just...they're just complicated at the moment."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked wanting to know how big the rejection had been.

She shook her head, "No I don't have a boyfriend it's nothing like that, I've just got stuff to sort out. It's complicated to explain, you're just gonna have to trust me."

I stood and collected my clothes throwing them onto the bed so I could sort through. I tried to make the rejection look like it hadn't bothered me but it stung inside. She'd obviously enjoyed the s.e.x, she'd f.u.c.king c.u.m both times we'd f.u.c.ked so I couldn't be that bad, and she'd also said that it wasn't always like that with punters so she'd left me a little confused. I pulled on my clothes conscious of the time and placed her money on the end of the bed.

I turned to Sam, "Thanks for a great time."

"Jayden please don't go like this, I really wish I could explain but I can't." Sam bowed her head and looked at the floor with a sad expression. I placed my finger under her chin and lifted her head so I could see her beautiful face, "I'm fine Sam and you don't need to explain anything."

"Can I see you again?" she asked almost pleading.

"Of course, I'll be in touch." I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

I left her room and casually walked through the lobby not wanting to draw attention to myself although management were probably aware of the comings and goings of this establishment. There weren't many places where you could rent a hotel room by the hour. I was pulled from my thoughts by the vibrating in my pocket and removed my iPhone to see that CJ was calling me. Swiping the screen, I glanced around the lobby looking for a comfortable place to sit.

"What's up CJ?"

"Are you okay to talk?" I knew what he was referring to and ignored his comment.

"Yeah, go on!"

"Well the family need a bit of muscle and want to offer you a couple of weeks work if you're interested?"

"Doing what?" I noticed Sam exit the lift and adjust her clothing feeling slightly uncomfortable in the tight dress she was wearing as she made her way across the lobby.

"This and that, you know collecting money, offering a bit of protection." CJ was being blase about the whole situation and I realised it was because we were on an unsecure line.

"Yeah count me in." I followed Sam's eye line and saw her eyes widen as the bloke I'd had an altercation with yesterday walked into the lobby.

I noticed a short exchange of words before he grabbed her under the arm and yanked her towards the main exit. I jumped to my feet and surged forward trying not to gain too much attention to myself as I briskly walked through the lobby not knowing what to expect. As I exited the building, I saw her get into a brand new Range Rover, "CJ are you still there?" I asked hopefully.

"I thought you'd start talking eventually." He

"I don't have time for this s.h.i.+t, I need you to run a check on a vehicle. Do you think you can do that?" I asked impatiently.

"Of course I can. Just text me the registration but I may need a couple of days."

"That's fine."

"Anything I should know about?"

"I hope that it's just me worrying about nothing but I may need to trust my gut feeling on this one. What do you know about a guy called Spyder? He possibly works for that bloke you mentioned...Jackal."

"Doesn't mean anything at the moment but I'll dig for information."

"Thanks mate, I'd appreciate your help on this." I knew CJ was the one to turn to regarding finding out information about people, he'd been doing it for the club for years.

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