Aces MC: Jayden Part 2

Aces MC: Jayden -

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I looked along the optics, "How big of a session are we having?" I asked hopeful that he was here for the long haul.

His grin widened, "You wanna do a late one?"

"Sure do, I'll have a Fosters and JD chaser."

CJ glanced in the direction of the barmaid that had just joined us on the other side of the bar, "Did you hear that sweet?"

"Sure did." The barmaid leaned on the wooden surface as her large t.i.ts spilled from her low neckline. "Is that all you want though?" she gave CJ a huge smile before biting her lip seductively.

"I'll have two of each babe, and get yourself one." CJ leaned on the bar opposite the busty blonde as he reached into the top pocket of his cut and removed a note. She flicked her head from side to side in a playful manner as her hair cascaded around her shoulders. Taking the money from CJ's hand a childlike giggle escaped her lips at the clear enjoyment of his attention.

"You're terrible." I stated shaking my head as the barmaid seductively walked further down the bar to pull our pints.

CJ grinned, "I know but if I don't pull anything else tonight then I'll be able to take her home. I'm just keeping my options open." I shook my head in dismay. I was newly single through no fault of my own, I hadn't felt the need to s.h.a.g anyone since the breakup but then I'd been feeling a little self-conscious about my appearance since the accident. I also wasn't too keen on one night stands, Paige had pulled me up on this on numerous occasions, telling me to let off steam and s.h.a.g around a little but it just wasn't my thing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I glanced in CJ's direction as the barmaid placed two pints of beer on the counter in front of us.

"Nothing I want to share at this stage mate. Cheers!" I lifted the gla.s.s and c.h.i.n.ked it against CJ's.

"What shall we drink to?"

"Well for me it's gotta be new beginnings." I stated lifting the pint gla.s.s to my lips so I could take a long swig of the cold liquid.

"I'll drink to that mate, it's been a rough couple of months for me so I could do with a fresh start myself."

"Care to discuss?"

"Let's just say that I lost someone very dear to me."


CJ nodded his head, "No but a brother all the same."

I could see that he didn't really want to elaborate further, "Swiftly changing the subject then, those two birds have been checking us out since we walked in. Should we go and sit with them?" I nodded in the direction of the table in the far corner.

A smile lit his face, "That's the best idea you've had all day." CJ grasped his pint and reached on the bar for his chaser. Lifting the gla.s.s to his lips, he swiftly tipped his head back and I saw the contents disappear into his mouth giving him a satisfied grin. He swallowed hard, "Ahhh I needed that. Come on Jayden but I'm choosing first."

I rolled my eyes and watched CJ stroll towards the women like a predator stalking his prey. I picked up my drinks and followed him at a distance taking in my surroundings, I wasn't familiar with the bar so I liked to make sure I was aware of where things were. This had been installed in my brain since a child, to know where all your possible exits were in case there was a problem and you needed to make a quick getaway. I to myself as I heard my father's voice ringing in my head.

As I reached the table I noticed that CJ had sat next to the prettier of the two, he caught my eye as a wide smile crossed his face. Draping his arm across the shoulders of the pretty brunette, he pulled her closer and nuzzled her ear. I couldn't believe the audacity or the fact that this young woman would allow a stranger to do that so quickly. I wasn't a prude by any means, I'd seen club life first hand and I knew what a patch did to a woman. I'd seen headstrong women turn weak at the knees after being shown attention from a club member, it came with a certain notoriety and women seemed to dig that but this had only fuelled the fire and helped me decide to leave for the army once I was old enough, as I wanted something different but in hindsight that didn't work out as planned either.

"Hi babe, I hope they're not going to be the only people getting any action tonight." My attention was drawn to the bird sitting opposite the now cavorting couple, and I shook my head as I gave her the once over. She was a little with her hair sgragged back in a messy bun but that didn't mean she wouldn't be a good conversationalist, although I doubted that from the way she'd just addressed me.

"So are you a patched member?" she asked checking out my attire.

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted, "Of course he is but he's just returned from Afghanistan, we're on a night out to celebrate his return." I glanced in CJ's direction to see a cheeky grin before he continued to snog his victim.

"Well babe, if you've been away for a long time you obviously have a lot to celebrate." She patted the seat beside her before crossing her legs drawing the material of her already short dress up her legs further.

I took a deep breath and glanced around the room, this was going to be a long night and I was far to sober to conduct any form of conversation with this bird. I caught the barmaid's eye from across the bar and indicated that I needed a round of drinks. She gave me a smile and indicated that she'd be two minutes before I turned to the young lady and sat beside her.

"I'm Candice and you are?"

Too f.u.c.king sober, were the words that rang in my head but I couldn't be so cruel. "I'm Jayden," I stated holding out my hand for her to take.

Candice glanced at my hand raising her brows slightly before she clasped it with hers and shook.

"Well Jayden let me be the one to put a smile on your face babe." Candice placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed her palm up and down as she got increasingly close to my groin, the act itself was a turn on and I could feel a stirring in my jeans. My attention was drawn to the sound of being placed onto the table and I looked up to see a surly looking barmaid as she observed the brunette being groped by CJ.

"Cheers babe." I stated trying to grab her attention as a crazed look crossed her face.

She glanced in my direction briefly before turning on her heels and stomping in the opposite direction.

"Just keep them coming." CJ shouted after her as he prized the woman from his face and reached into his pocket. CJ's excitement was evident when he'd found what he was looking for and proceeded to pull out a small plastic pouch with a couple of tabs inside. The woman next to him squealed with excitement and clapped her hands together which piqued Candice's interest further as she sat up in her chair.

"Can I interest you ladies?" CJ asked shaking the plastic pouch as the two women nodded excitedly.

I felt a vibration on my thigh and reached into my pocket to retrieve my phone. I sighed as I read the name and hesitantly swiped the screen to answer.

"Hi dad," I said rising from my seat and walking towards the exit of the building.

"Don't f.u.c.king hi dad me, when were you gonna tell me you were back?"

I rolled my eyes at his outburst, "When I'd sorted myself out. I've only been back in the Abbey a couple of hours." I wasn't ready to divulge any more information at this stage, it would come out all in good time.

"And what's your mother going to say?"

"Well hopefully she'll be pleased that I'm back." I stated confused by his question.

"But for how long? Is that it? Have you thrown in the towel already?"

"Are you really going there dad?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, after all that has happened with Paige over recent months, are you going to verbally attack me without listening to what I've got to say?" The line went quiet and rightly so, what right did he have to a.s.sume my reasoning for leaving the army. "You haven't learned a f.u.c.king thing!" I spat before ending the call, placing my mobile back into my pocket. My old man was a strong willed bloke with good values but he lacked diplomacy and always took the moral high ground. Well I wasn't listening to his s.h.i.+t tonight, I wanted to enjoy myself.

Thoughts of who may have told him that I was back ran through my mind as I made my way back to the table. The party was now in full swing and I noticed a few extra drinks placed on the table directly in front of where I was sitting.

"You're falling behind Jayden, drink up." CJ stated raising his gla.s.s before he knocked back the liquid.

I eagerly grasped a shot gla.s.s and knocked the contents back before I picked up the second and did the same, feeling the burn at the back of my throat as the liquid slowly made its way down my body. As I placed the gla.s.s onto the table the group roared with laughter, I drew my brows confused by their outburst and made a swipe for my pint to wash down the taste of the shots. I sat next to Candice and she immediately grabbed for my thigh this time though she didn't hold back and rubbed further up my leg until she reached my semi erect c.o.c.k. Candice opened her mouth and let her tongue snake along her upper lip suggestively as she kneaded my sensitive skin through my jeans. I felt a hot sweat come over me and pulled at the collar of my polo s.h.i.+rt trying to cool myself down which had no effect.

"Don't fight it bro, just go with the flow." I glanced in CJ's direction to see his magnified grin and understood exactly why I was feeling this way, the mother f.u.c.ker had spiked my drink.

The giggles from the two young women rang in my ears and I closed my eyes trying to familiarise myself with the strange sensation that was running through my body.

"Come on babe let's have some fun." Candice slithered onto my lap until she was straddling me and gyrated her hips back and forth building the friction in my groin. Although I wasn't into her, I was only human and becoming increasingly hard. "Wanna go to the toilets?" I opened my eyes as Candice pushed forward and took my lower lip roughly into her mouth, and I instinctively grabbed her waist and pulled her closer so she could feel my throbbing c.o.c.k. She let go of my lip and a smile crossed her face as she moved from my lap and held out her hand ready for me to take. I glanced across the table to see CJ up close and personal with the brunette and knew that he wouldn't miss his wingman for a while. I returned my attention to Candice and placed my hand in hers, I didn't know the bar's layout but I had a feeling that Candice did and this wouldn't have been the first time she'd taken a guy to the toilets for a quickie.

She grasped my hand excitedly and pulled me eagerly through the small groups of people dotted around the bar until we reached an old looking door at the back of the room. Candice let go of her grasp and pushed the door open with two hands. I felt the cold air swirl around my bare arms as I followed her into the corridor, watching her take a sharp left into a dimly lit room. I followed her noticing the WC sign on the door and stepped into the small s.p.a.ce as Candice pushed up beside me to close the door. I heard her slide the small bolt across the door and turned to see the lock held to the wood by a couple of loose screws, that wouldn't keep anyone out.

"Come here babe." Candice s.h.i.+mmied closer standing between my thighs as I rested my a.r.s.e on the hand basin. I was still buzzing from whatever CJ had given me and I was slowly losing my inhibitions.

I placed my hand roughly at the back of her neck and pulled her closer, she stank of cigarettes and alcohol but this had gone too far now for me to stop it. I had a raging hard on that needed to be taken care of. Closing my eyes I leaned forward and took her mouth, her tongue snaked in and around my lips as she moved even closer to gyrate her hips across my erection.

"Ooh, you like that soldier?" she asked pulling back slightly with a devilish glint in her eye. I slowly nodded my head watching Candice's delight as she pulled my collar away from my neck to reveal my skin allowing her to roughly kiss and nip at my neck. Her hands made light work by lifting my polo s.h.i.+rt, pulling the garment up over my head to reveal my torso. She sucked in a breath taking in my appearance as did most women. I knew I had a buff body and females appreciated what they saw, the only thing was up until recently it had only been Tia that had seen it up close. Her reaction did wonders for my self-esteem, I grabbed her arm to pull her closer to my torso and Candice happily laid kisses down my chest leading to my nipple. Placing it between her teeth she yanked it, I let out a cry of pleasure but bordering on pain. She quickly licked over the area and planted a soft kiss before she worked her way down my happy trail until she reached my belt. Candice knelt in front of me and unfastened it, she quickly popped my b.u.t.ton to my jeans and dipped her hand inside to reveal my hard c.o.c.k. Candice unconsciously licked her lips and opened her mouth wide as she moved her head closer to take my length into her mouth. What she lacked in technique she made up for in enthusiasm as she sucked me hard. I placed my hands at the back of her head and held her firmly as I pushed her back and forth showing her what I enjoyed. I felt a rush of euphoria pa.s.s through me as my blood pumped faster, getting excited at the sight of this b.i.t.c.h sucking my c.o.c.k. Candice tugged on my jeans and boxers pulling them down further, she cupped my b.a.l.l.s and ma.s.saged them as she fought against me to come up for air. I eased my grip and she moved her head so she could lick and suck my b.a.l.l.s while she moved her hand up and down my c.o.c.k keeping the momentum of what her mouth was supposed to be doing.

"What the f.u.c.k?"

What? I opened my eyes and looked down to see Candice's unreadable expression as she sat back on her heels and stared.

"What's up?" I asked confused. I didn't want to be talking, I wanted her to be sucking my c.o.c.k and exploding into her mouth as she swallowed my hot salty offering.

"What the f.u.c.k is that?" I followed to where she was pointing to see her discontent at my prosthetic leg.

A shot of anger flared inside me for being so lax about the whole situation because I was usually so careful to not open myself up to situations like this, but I was more annoyed that this f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h was being so rude.

"What did you say c.u.n.t?" I spat full of hatred.

"You didn't tell me you were a cripple!"

I leaned forward and pulled my open palm back quickly before I b.i.t.c.h slapped her around her face. Her head fell as she took most of the force but she eagerly looked up ready to eyeball me further. "And you didn't tell me what a foul mouthed, rude b.i.t.c.h you were but such is life." I spat angrily.

Candice stood from her crouching position and ran her fingers through her hair, "Sorry I can't do this, that's just f.u.c.king gross." She stated shaking her hand not thinking to drop the matter as she continued to goad me.

I leapt forward and grabbed her around the throat, squeezing tightly as I pinned her against the cold tiled wall. She scrambled around trying to grab hold of something as I applied more pressure to her windpipe. Candice's face started to change colour as I restricted the airflow but I was enraged by her comment and how a virtual stranger could be so nasty.

There was a series of loud bangs on the door in quick succession, "Jay, you in there?" came the voice from behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm just finis.h.i.+ng up." I shouted letting him know that I'd be out soon.

"Okay, Buster's here to pick us up."

I returned my attention to Candice and positioned my lips close to her ear, "I may be disabled but I'm still worth ten of you, you slag." I eased the pressure around her neck and she instinctively leaned forward placing her head low as she wretched trying quickly to get oxygen into her lungs.

I casually bent down and pulled up my boxers and jeans so I could conceal myself, before I casually walked towards the door fastening my belt. I could still hear Candice choking as she breathed heavily but I didn't give a s.h.i.+t. I swiped the lock and yanked the door open forcefully, my earlier buzz had disappeared and I needed to get out of this small s.p.a.ce before I did her further injury.

CJ glanced over my shoulder to see Candice doubled over sobbing as she tried to control her breathing. I had no sympathy for the s.k.a.n.k, she needed to learn some f.u.c.king respect and fast.

"Do I need to ask what happened?" CJ asked wrapping his arm firmly around my shoulders as we walked side by side down the corridor.

"Nah, she just needs to grow up." My comment obviously confused him as he drew his brows but I ignored his expression, I wasn't ready to explain further.

"Your vexed mate, something's gone on." He stared at me intently, "A problem shared is a problem halved!" I nodded my head slowly understanding what he was saying but when the time was right, I'd happily tell people but I wasn't looking for sympathy.

"Look, I won't get on your case man but a close friend of mine kept secrets, and those secrets contributed towards his death in the end. All I'm saying is that I'm here if you want to talk." CJ removed his arm from around my shoulder and shrugged, making his comment seem like it wasn't such a big issue but I'm sure his feelings ran deep. He'd mentioned his friend a few times today and I wondered just how close they actually were.

We entered the bar and walked towards the exit, I couldn't see the bird CJ had been with earlier and didn't ask for clarification. He'd obviously decided to not pursue it further as he'd called a prospect to give us a ride home.

The cold air washed over me as I stepped into the car park. I noticed the black VW parked with its engine running and followed CJ's lead.

"Thanks for picking us up mate," CJ said to Buster as he opened the van door and slid along the bench seat giving me s.p.a.ce to join him.

"Not a problem, where we going?" I was only twenty-two but I noticed how young he looked especially to be wearing a prospect patch. What could have possibly gone on in this kid's life to make him gravitate towards the Aces at such a young age?

"I'm staying at the club house for now. Can you drop me off there?" I asked shutting the door behind me.

"Sure," Buster pulled away and turned left as he exited the car park heading in the direction of the clubhouse, my new home for the foreseeable future.

"So do you wanna help me out with the training?" I turned towards CJ taking in his question. He needed a sparring partner as his current one was unreliable but I didn't know if I'd be able to keep up the pace especially with my new leg that I was still getting used to. CJ must have seen me hesitate, "No pressure mate but if you're around for the next couple of weeks, I'd love to have you on board."

I nodded my head slowly, "I appreciate that, thank you."

"Is that a yes then?"

"That's a yes." CJ wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close to place a kiss on the top of my head. I saw a grin spread across Busters face and as he caught my eye he gained his composure and quickly returned his attention back to the road. CJ had warmed to me quickly, I was an easy going guy and to be honest there was nothing to dislike but CJ seemed a bit of a loner, a lost soul, it was as if he were looking for something or someone but he possibly didn't know what or who himself.

"Thanks for the lift." I pulled the handle to open the door and shuffled from the bench seat to leave the vehicle.

"Are you stopping by the gym tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course, I'll see you midmorning." I gave him a small smile before I closed the van door. I turned on my heels and walked over the gravel as I made my way towards the clubhouse. I knew there were a few guys in this evening because of the various vehicles outside but it wasn't overly rowdy which I was surprised about. Pulling on the metal door, I took a deep breath and walked into the clubhouse dreading seeing anyone I knew as I just wanted to hit the sack.

"Well well well, look at what we have here." I turned in the direction of the voice and was surprised to see Justice sat at the bar. "I'd heard whispers but I didn't know whether to believe them or not."

I smiled as I walked towards him, although I wasn't in a talkative mood I had a lot of time for Justice as he'd been a long time family friend and he was also my G.o.dfather.

"How you been?" he asked looking at my leg.

I was still getting used to it but if I'd been on my feet for a long period of time, I knew that I started to walk with a limp. "Everything's fine thank you Justice," I stated ignoring his questioning look. "How are things with you?" I asked changing the subject.

There was a long pause bordering on uncomfortable as he a.s.sessed me but as I was about to fill the void he started talking. "You know me Jay, I take everything in my stride."

"And the love life?" Justice would be one h.e.l.l of a catch, he was a good looking bloke and stood well over six feet with long hair that he liked to wear in a ponytail. He had women following him around in droves but he was waiting for that special someone and had expressed many times that he had kissed a lot of frogs in the process of finding that special person. I was starting to wonder if he ever would, maybe he set the bar so high that there was no one to live up to his high expectations.

He smirked, "Still waiting for that special one." I raised my brows as he slid from his chair, "How long you sticking around for?"

"Not sure yet, it depends whether dad gets on my case or not." The harshness of my reply caught Justice's attention.

"He's your father Jay, he cares and always will."

I nodded my head, "I know but he goes about it all the wrong way."

Justice, "You're not given a manual when you become a parent Jay, you have to just go with the flow and learn along the way." I understood what he was trying to say but my dad just needed to ease off the overprotective s.h.i.+t. "He does his best by you and the other three, so cut him some slack." Justice patted me on the back as he pa.s.sed walking towards the exit, "I'll catch up with you soon, stay safe."

I left the bar and made my way to the back of the clubhouse before I was stopped by anyone else, I needed to be with my own thoughts this evening.

Turning the key I unlocked the door and made my way into what would be my room for the foreseeable future. I walked inside and closed the door behind me, relieved that I had some time alone to think. Tonight was testament that I wasn't ready to expose myself to the world but I also couldn't hide my disability forever. At this stage though I was happy to do just that until I was mentally strong to share what had happened and then I could possibly tackle a relations.h.i.+p with the opposite s.e.x but then again, who would want a relations.h.i.+p with a cripple?

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About Aces MC: Jayden Part 2 novel

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