Aces MC: Jayden Part 12

Aces MC: Jayden -

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"How's the wounded soldier?" Diesel asked sarcastically as he joined the group.

"I'm good, how's Jamie doing?" I asked concerned for his welfare. Yeah he was my opponent and I couldn't stand his f.u.c.king brother but I didn't want any lasting harm to come to him.

"He's going to be okay, once the blood was cleared away he looked a lot better, his face is a mess but all superficial." Diesel handed Duke a large envelope before throwing mine in my lap. "Not bad for a night's takings." I placed the icepack on the ground and picked up the envelope to flick through the notes. "10,000 in total," Diesel replied to my unasked question.

Jayden let out a low whistle, "Not bad at all."

I moved once more and this time the guys allowed me to stand, "I need to go home and take a shower." I glanced at Jayden, "You ready?" He nodded his head and dug into his pocket for the car keys. "Thank you all for coming but I really need to get home and relax."

"I understand bro, do you need us to come back with you?" Eli asked.

"Nah you're cool, I've got Jayden to nurse me better." Jayden rolled his eyes at my comment and bent down to pick up his bags.

As I pa.s.sed Duke, he placed his hand on my arm to stop me walking any further. "I need you to rest up and recoup, we've had more intel and we're ready to go in three weeks." I nodded my head understanding that he was referring to our operation in the Midlands for our revenge on Satan's Wrath. It had taken longer than I would've liked but I had a warm feeling inside now knowing that it wouldn't be long before I achieved what Locke hadn't manage to do.

Jayden helped me into the car and I groaned as I hurt all over. "I didn't manage to say goodbye to Fallon, where did she go?"

"She couldn't watch the fight so she ended up sitting in Finns car, Duke told Ramsey to sit with her to keep her safe."

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l is that what it's come to, getting protection from a nineteen year old." I to myself as I tried to fasten my seatbelt but gave up as the pain was too much. "You're just gonna have to drive slow as I'm not wearing that."

"That's fine, here take some of these for the pain." From his little bag he pulled out a pack of pain relief. I removed four tablets from the blister packet and washed them down with water from the centre consol.

"I'm just gonna close my eyes for a while." I stated leaning my head against the cool window. It was a nice feeling and the rocking movement of the car as he pulled out of the car park, seemed to make my head droopy, and soon darkness took over and I fell asleep.

Jayden I'd got CJ into bed and had placed a drink, painkillers and an ice pack by the side of his bed in case he woke. He'd drifted off to sleep quite quickly so I left him tucked up quietly in bed, and made my way to the hotel as I'd made an appointment to see Sam.

"How you doing babe?" I asked stepping into the hotel room and noticed Sam in her tiny vest top, nipples hard and her skinny panties that did little to hide her womanhood. I leaned in to give her a kiss on her cheek and was surprised when she turned her head and locked her lips on mine. Sam opened wide and allowed my tongue to thrash against hers as I took her mouth with everything I had. This is what she did to me, she made me excited and feel alive, these were feelings that I needed.

I stepped back breaking the kiss and let my eyes roam her body, I needed to be inside her. Sam grabbed my groin and her eyes widened as she felt my already hard c.o.c.k. With her other hand she rested it on my chest and proceeded to run her hand up and down as she increased her tempo on my erection. I was longing for her, already hungry with desire. I could feel my own wetness in my underwear, and knew that I, knew that I needed her, to take her, pleasure her and love her and to give her the happiness that she deserved.

We both smiled, feeling the electricity building between us before I leaned in again to take her mouth. My hands were insatiable, taking in every feature of her body. I ran them down her back, moving them further around her body to stroke the sides of her hips before caressing the outsides of her thighs. Sam released her hold on my c.o.c.k and pushed herself forward, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I moved my hands under her vest top, and ma.s.saged her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, twisting her nipples and rolling them gently before I pulled hard. Sam moaned into my mouth, which turned me on further, I wanted her to enjoy this and treat me like a lover and not a punter.

Sam pulled away forcing me to drop my hands, but she quickly grabbed one and led me over to the bed, letting go to sit down and spread her legs invitingly. She leaned back as I removed my clothes watching as every item was tossed to the floor but once I was naked she sat back up to beckon me over. Sam leaned closer and took the tip of my c.o.c.k into her mouth, sucking my b.e.l.l.e.n.d and drawing more blood into it before she ran her tongue lightly across the top as it jerked in appreciation.

"Oh, baby," I groaned in approval.

Sam smiled at my enjoyment and wrapped a hand around my shaft, feeling the thickness of my girth. She increased her pace and w.a.n.ked me off, pumping me while she sucked on my tip hard, bobbing her head up and down on my manhood. I moved my hands so they cupped the back of her head and encouraged her to take more. I let out a loud sigh and new that I was close so I stepped back watching my c.o.c.k pop from her mouth.

Sam's eyes widened, "What's up babe?" she asked looking concerned.

"I don't want to come yet, I want to please you."

Sam smiled s.e.xily and pulled her vest top over her head to reveal her pert t.i.ts, then allowed me to guide her to lay on the bed. I lay on top of her, took one nipple into my mouth and tweezed the other. Sam groaned softly, bucking her hips against the tip of my erect c.o.c.k but I didn't want to take her yet, I wanted to taste her p.u.s.s.y. I kissed my way down her body until I reached my goal and removed her panties eagerly so she laid bare for me to see. I licked her bulging c.l.i.toris and she bucked her hips moaning with delight. I lapped her c.l.i.t, teasing it from left to right before running my tongue up and down the side of her perfect slit, in between her inner and outer lips leaving her panting for more. I continued to give her fleeting glimpses of pleasure, dragging my tongue along her slit and circling my finger at her juicy wet entrance to tease her further. I'd make her desire me so she didn't want any other man inside her.

Sam panted and pleaded, bucking her hips wildly, desperately wanting me inside her and I decided to put her out of her misery and pushed one finger inside her wet hot p.u.s.s.y pus.h.i.+ng and ma.s.saging against her upper wall. She was wet and needed another finger, I quickly inserted a second and hooked them around to ma.s.sage her g-spot. I continued to lap her juices, and it was the best thing I had ever tasted. I sped up my fingering, timed it to the laps on her c.l.i.t and I knew that she was in bliss, soaring towards her o.r.g.a.s.m. I pulled my fingers out and quickly moved up her body pressing my c.o.c.k at her hot entrance, "I need to be inside you." I whispered.

I eased my c.o.c.k inside her p.u.s.s.y and groaned in pleasure at the contact. This was the first time I'd gone bareback but I needed to feel that hot p.u.s.s.y swallow my c.o.c.k. I pulled out slowly and quickly slammed it back inside, Sam's hands went to my shoulders and she dug her nails in deep.

"Harder babe, f.u.c.k me harder." She moaned pus.h.i.+ng herself further down the bed towards me so she could get more friction.

I switched gears, and began to f.u.c.k her with more intensity, Sam ground her hips forward again to meet my every thrust. "Jay that's it babe, keep f.u.c.king me like that."

Her words were a turn on and I could feel my own pleasure mounting with every stroke. Sam kissed me hungrily, moaning into my mouth as I plunged inside her over and over again. I felt her body tighten, and become rigid as she lifted her hips slightly off the bed before she convulsed in ecstasy losing all of her senses. I continued thrusting, driving her through her o.r.g.a.s.m until my body shook and I unloaded myself inside her.

I lowered myself onto her, she was panting and I felt the sweat line our bodies as we lay together, unmoving, not speaking.

Sam's eyes started to droop, "Babe, you can't fall asleep." I whispered rubbing the back of my hand against her cheek. She gave me a small smile but made no effort to open her eyes. I watching how cute she looked and rolled off her to give her some s.p.a.ce to get comfortable. Sam rolled onto her side and lay curled in the foetal position, I pulled the cover over Sam to keep her warm and decided to get dressed. I had booked her for three hours this evening so planned to allow her to sleep during this time as she obviously needed it.

Once I was fully dressed I removed my phone from my pocket and lay on the bed beside Sam, she was now asleep and making cute noises making me sn.i.g.g.e.r. I saw that I had a message from CJ and pressed the screen to read the text.

Thanks for getting me home, don't remember a f.u.c.king thing after the car ride I typed a response, That's what mates are for It wasn't long before I received a response.

Appreciate it. Where are you?

With Sam Okay mate, enjoy!

I spent this time going through my facebook and emails, making sure everything was under control. I'd been contacted again by Tia but I simply deleted the message as I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't really know why she kept making contact but I was hoping that she'd get bored and move on. She was marrying Boyd so she shouldn't be making contact with me anyway but that was Tia, always fighting for attention.

Sam stirred and I stopped what I was doing trying not to pull her from her sleep but it was too late, she opened her eyes and gave me a huge smile.

"Sorry, I must have nodded off." I at her comment. "What?" she asked confused by my reaction.

"You fell asleep straight after your o.r.g.a.s.m babe but I'll let you off as you're cute when you sleep."

Sam rolled her eyes, "Cute!"

"Yeah cute." Sam stretched and the cover fell away slightly to reveal her t.i.ts, "You have an impressive rack."

"Thank you," she replied blus.h.i.+ng slightly. She wasn't good at receiving compliments, but I was going to change that because she was a beautiful looking bird that needed to be told more often.

Sam rolled over and laid her head on my chest, her head rose and fell as I tried to calm my breathing, as her mere presence had an effect on my senses.

"I forgot to tell you that Spyder has given me a phone."

My eyes widened at the revelation, "Really?"

She nodded her head, "He's increased my privileges, I'm allowed to go shopping now for two hours and I can use the phone to call home but everything is monitored."

"That's progress babe. Well I want you to take down my mobile number," I got up from the bed and walked over to the desk. I picked up the pen left by the phone and wrote down my number and the address to my parent's house as I wanted to invite her to a family party tomorrow but didn't know how to ask her.

"You can get me anytime on this, if your calls are being monitored though only dial it from that phone he's given you in an absolute emergency, I don't want you getting into trouble." I sat on the edge of the bed and Sam rose to cuddle up beside me, "Why won't you just leave with me today, right now. I can't protect you when you go back to him each evening, and it's killing me Sam. I need to know you're safe."

I heard her sigh, "You know I can't Jay." She turned her head to look at me, "You said it'll be a couple of day's right?" I slowly nodded, CJ had everything in place we just needed to organise someone to watch over Sam's sister when it all kicked off so we should be good to go by the weekend. "Well then. It's been two years, another couple of days aren't going to hurt." I gently placed my hand on her cheek and caressed her skin with my thumb. She leaned into my touch and her reaction told me that she was developing true feelings for me. I had wondered at first if she was just going through the motions but Sam was an open book and very much wore her heart on her sleeve.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked unsure as to what she'd say.

"That sounds ominous."

"Not at all, if you're allowed out for two hours do you think you'll be able to come to a gathering at my parent's house tomorrow?"

Her face lit up excitedly, "What time are they having it?"

"Around 4.00pm, they want all of the family there so you'll get to meet everyone. I'll understand if that's too much but I'd like you there."

"I can't promise but I can try." And I knew that she would, she was genuinely happy that I had invited her.

I glanced at my watch, time was ticking away and I was nearing the end of my booked session. I let out a heavy sigh hoping that I wouldn't always have to see her with a time limit. Standing from the bed I removed my wallet and flicked through the notes taking out the required amount and threw them onto the desk.

"I don't want your money Jay." I turned to see the frown on her face as Sam glance at the notes.

I walked towards her and knelt between her legs, this wasn't an easy move for me but I wanted to be close, "I know it's not the ideal situation but if it's the only way I can see you at the moment then it will have to do." Sam nodded her head understanding. "I hope I won't have to keep on paying for it either because I'd be bankrupt the amount I want to s.h.a.g you, but you can't go back to him empty handed either." I glanced at my watch again conscious of the time, I didn't want to be here when Spyder came to collect her so I knew I'd need to leave soon. I leaned on the bed to help me stand and composed myself, I couldn't stand the thought of her going back to him. I needed to speak to CJ and make sure that it was still happening this weekend despite his injuries.

"I better be off," I glanced at Sam to see her playful pout and smiled at this strong woman in front of me. Despite everything that had gone on in her life she still managed a positive outlook and tried to be strong. I leaned down and bit her lip before sucking it into my mouth gently. She smiled and closed her eyes enjoying the close contact. "That's what I do to your other lips," I stated playfully before she slapped me on the arm. "What?" I asked standing tall.

"Stop being disgusting and get out!"

"Oh I see, you're just using and abusing me." I gave her a playful wink and casually strolled to the door. Turning back towards her, "Remember if you need anything then just give me a call babe." I opened the door and turned left preferring to use the stairwell today rather than the lifts, I really didn't want to into Spyder as I wouldn't be held accountable for my actions.

Chapter 8.

Jayden "So where is your friend?" Paige asked digging me in the ribs with her elbow.

"Do you mind that hurts!" I scolded her. She was in a playful mood this afternoon which was lovely to see.

"Don't change the subject Jay, is she your girlfriend?" Paige turned towards me with a huge grin.

"Girlfriend?" Chloe overheard and made her way towards us.

"She's just a friend that so happens to be a girl." I stated before taking a sip of my drink.

"So where did you meet her?" Chloe asked, ever the romantic looking for that perfect love story and happy ever after. I at her question as there was no way I was telling them how we met.

"Ooh delaying tactics that means it's a juicy piece of information that he's not going to share." Paige could read me like a book, and she was right I wasn't sharing.

"I don't ask you two how you meet your blokes."

"I don't mind telling you how I met Cade but you may be a little embarra.s.sed." Paige chuckled and Chloe pulled a disgusted face clearly not wanting to hear the story. It amazed me how twin sisters could be so different but that's how I liked it as I got different things from each of them.

"So what's she like then, describe her please Jay." Chloe was in excited mode.

"Give it up will ya, she'll be here soon enough so you can see her in the flesh." I took another sip of my drink feeling a little anxious if she'd turn up at all. Spyder was giving her more freedom these days but she still had to monitor his moods and needed to keep that trust to enable him to give her some time alone.

The group were under surveillance, it was costing me a small fortune but it would hopefully lead to the safe release of all the girls. We could go to the police but I was worried that they wouldn't handle it correctly and Spyder would end up with a p.i.s.s poor sentence. CJ had a.s.sured me that he'd get what was coming to him and I trusted him more than the police. Everything was in place for tomorrow, and I was a little anxious how it was all going to play out but I hadn't given Sam any details as I thought it was best that she didn't know what was going to happen.

"Anyway Chloe, enough about my love life how's yours going?" I gave her a wink and Paige as Chloe turned a lovely shade of scarlet.

"What has she told you?" Chloe whispered moving closer.

"That a certain someone from the club has caught your eye." I kept my voice low, as much as I enjoyed winding Chloe up I didn't want to announce it to the world and blow any chances of her finding happiness.

She let out a sigh, "It's difficult."

"It always is babe but if it's what you want then you've gotta fight for it." I placed my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. "How does he feel about you?"

"We didn't really get a chance to see what may become of it because Duke put a stop to everything." I nodded my head understanding the situation, if Duke was involved then she was screwed. "Don't worry Chloe it'll sort itself out." I said rea.s.suringly but I wasn't holding out much hope. She gave me a small smile but this turned to a huge grin as she looked over my shoulder.

"Hi," I heard the familiar voice from behind me and turned around to be greeted by the most beautiful woman I knew.

"Hi babe, how're you doing?" I asked walking up beside her to lay a light kiss on her cheek. She immediately blushed as she looked at the girls a.s.sessing her.

"Sam, this is Paige and this is Chloe, and that over there is Tyler my younger brother." I stated pointing to Tyler who was just leaving a group of people to make his way over to us standing on the lawn.

"Nice to meet you all," Sam said politely but I could see that she was feeling a little uncomfortable from the attention.

I snaked my arm around her waist and she leaned into my body relieved by my touch.

"Well h.e.l.lo there, you must be Sam," Tyler extended his hand to take Sam's and shook it. "Now when he told me he had a pretty girlfriend I laughed because he isn't the best looking Watson but he wasn't lying." I rolled my eyes and tightened the grip I had around Sam's waist, she glanced in my direction with an unreadable expression before returning her attention to the group. Her smile let me know that she was okay and it was good to see her out of a hotel room and enjoying herself.

"So what do you do for a living?" Chloe asked genuinely intrigued. Trust Chloe to ask such a question but she wasn't doing it to catch Sam out, she was just a people person and wanted to talk to her.

"I work in sales," I took a sip of my drink to try to hide my smirk.

"And what do you sell?" Tyler asked getting in on the conversation.

"I work in the entertainment business." I couldn't hold it in any longer, I spat my drink out through laughing at her obviously rehea.r.s.ed answer. I coughed and spluttered as I tried to gain my composure and Sam patted my back trying to calm me through my fits of giggles.

"Is he p.i.s.sed?" Tyler asked pointing towards me.

"I don't think so, I'll go and get you a napkin," Chloe walked into the house to get something so I could clean myself with.

Sam narrowed her eye's and glared at me, "What?" I mouthed so no one else could hear.

"You know what, don't try to show me up or embarra.s.s me."

"Ah babe that's not what I'm trying to do, it just surprised me. I hadn't thought of how you may answer that question."

"And remember it's not through choice." Sam huffed folding her arms across her chest.

"I pulled her to one side, "Stop it, I didn't mean anything by it babe. I'm sorry, I really am. I invited you here this afternoon to meet my family, hopefully that tells you something about how I feel." She looked at me questioningly, "No declarations of love yet babe but we need to get you out of there asap and I'm hoping with the information CJ has it could be as early as tomorrow."


I nodded my head, "We just need to see how much manpower he has."

"And how's it looking?

"All in our favour."

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