Back Check Part 9

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"Is it true? Are they trying to decide between us?"

"I don't know. They'll never say that, of course. But I saw Boucher's agent at the airport yesterday, flying out."

"s.h.i.+t." Tanner looked down at the white tablecloth.

"The truth is, they could afford to sign you both, sure, and probably give you what you're asking for. But then they wouldn't have cap s.p.a.ce to sign Pilkvist, Land, and Boyarov. They're all in the final year of their contracts and Boyarov will be an RFA. Rumor is he's asked for five years and twenty million."

Tanner nodded.

"The Aces will be hard-pressed to keep all their pending free agents."

Tanner f.u.c.king hated that. Teams changed every year, especially now with the salary cap, but the Aces had a good, solid core of guys that he liked personally and enjoyed playing with. From the sound of it, that was going to change.

"You two are both looking for big contracts. Panchyshyn in Tampa just signed for eight years, AAV of six mil. Boucher's comparable in age and skill. Rumor is Boucher and his agent want more than that."

"Boosh is good, but he's not better than Panchyshyn."

"Don't worry about him. Worry about yourself."

"I want to be reasonable. I don't want to f.u.c.k the dog by asking for way too much-something I'll never get-and end up with nothing."

"Wrong att.i.tude. You have to be confident in what you're worth."

Tanner narrowed his eyes at Kevin doubtfully. The guy talked s.h.i.+t, but somehow he always came through. "Guess it's a good thing I'm not negotiating."

Kevin barked a laugh. "Too true."

"Is it those suspensions?" Tanner asked. "Are they still haunting me?"

Kevin made a face. "Who knows? I don't think so. They've never brought that up in discussions."

In his last season in New York, Tanner had been suspended five games for an elbow to the head of Stefan Collier. He'd never intended to injure anyone, he wasn't that guy, but he was big and he got physical. Then in his first season with the Aces, he'd gotten another one-game suspension for a high stick that had drawn blood and required st.i.tches. Again, an accident, but he knew he had to be in control of his stick and he couldn't argue with it when the dude had st.i.tches.

Since then, he'd been working hard to eliminate stupid penalties from his game and control his stick, and he'd gotten his penalty minutes way down.

"Are you sure you want eight years?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. I want a long-term deal."

"I need to know where there's wiggle room."

He sighed. "I'd take less, if I had to."

Kevin nodded. "Okay. I'll keep you posted."

- Katelyn had put together this baby shower in record time. She had no doubt Lovey and some of the other wives and girlfriends could have done it themselves, but Lovey seemed very appreciative of the help.

"My business is super busy right now," she explained to Katelyn as they got things set up at Marc and Lovey's condo. "It's good, but I'm a little stressed about it." She told Katelyn about the public relations firm she'd started just over a year ago and the blog she tried to keep up. "Add to that the charity work I do with the Aces Ladies and wedding plans...aaaaaah!"

Katelyn grinned and adjusted the garland of pink and white paper flowers and "It's a Girl!" signs. For some reason, she'd imagined hockey wives living a life of luxury, decorating their mansions and having mani/pedis with their friends. But Lovey had a busy career of her own and was actively involved in several charities.

"I knew you'd come up with something perfect." Lovey surveyed the table draped with a white tablecloth and now loaded with enough pink stuff to make your teeth hurt.

"Thanks." Katelyn gave a final inspection to the pink cake pops, the pink-frosted cookies, and the large pink layer cake. She tweaked some of the pink roses in the crystal vase at one end of the table. It did look nice.

"Look at those cookies!" Lovey stared at the platter of sugar cookies shaped like little onesies and decorated with pink and white icing. "They're too pretty to eat! Where did you get them?"

"Sugar Sugar. They do all kinds of custom cookies."

"You know all the best places."

"Yes, I do." Katelyn grinned. "That's my job."

"Everyone should be here soon. Let's have a gla.s.s of that pink Moscato."

Katelyn followed Lovey to the kitchen, where more food was ready to be served, including a non-alcoholic punch (pink, of course) and several bottles of pink Moscato chilled in the fridge. She would be hanging out in here making everything run smoothly so Lovey could enjoy the party.

Marc leaned against the counter, helping himself to some of the deviled eggs the caterer had delivered a while ago.

"Hey! Those are for us!" Lovey smacked at his hand, but did so laughing.

"These are good!" Marc popped another one in his mouth. "What are those?" He pointed at a plate.

"Veggie ranch tortilla roll-ups," Katelyn said.

"I'll try one." He devoured one of the small sandwiches. "Awesome."

Amber arrived then, along with Jenna and another woman named Kim, followed by several other wives and girlfriends. Lovey bustled around taking gifts and arranging them on a table, getting people seated and serving the drinks Katelyn poured. Finally the guests of honor arrived as well.

Katelyn hadn't met Sidney. Jared carried in a baby seat and set it on the floor near the couch. "Whoa, too much pink," he said with a grin, looking around. "Where's Duper? We gotta get out of here."

"I'm in the kitchen," Marc called. "C'mere, you have to see this food."

"You guys, the food is for the girls," Lovey protested again.

They ate a few more things, mostly just to yank Lovey's chain, Katelyn thought, amused. Then Marc and Jared left to go to the Sin Bin, where they were meeting some of the other guys.

"Hey, you girls get to have fun, what else are we gonna do?" Jared asked Sidney. He kissed her and the little pink bundle that Sidney had carefully lifted from the baby carrier. "Bye, girls. Enjoy yourselves."

Sidney smiled up at him, their baby cradled in her arms. "You too. See you in a while."

The other women crowded around baby Aubree, exclaiming over her cuteness, wanting a turn to hold her. Lovey took a moment to introduce Sidney to Katelyn.

"This is the wedding planner I told you about," Lovey said to Sidney. "She's amazing. You need to take one of her cards for when you and Jared get married."

Sidney smiled and tucked a strand of pale blond hair behind her ear. She was stunning, with her dark smoky eyes and red lips. "We're in no rush. And we might just do something small."

"Even so, she can help."

Lovey's words of praise pleased Katelyn. "Thanks, Lovey. I'll leave a few of my cards in case anyone else is interested in event planning."

"You know." Sidney c.o.c.ked her head. "I actually could use your help professionally."

"How so?"

"I have a mixology consulting business. I often arrange parties to launch new c.o.c.ktail menus at bars and restaurants. Having Aubree now means not as much time for some things. Would you be interested in that kind of work?"

"Absolutely! It sounds fun."

"I could really use some help for a party coming up next month. I love doing it, but not when it takes me away from her." With a soft expression on her face, she glanced over at the baby Amber was holding.

"We should talk, then." Katelyn smiled. "Call me tomorrow, or any time that works for you."

She all but danced back to the kitchen to get the fruit platter. Taking this wedding planning job had already turned into more business for her, and that was important. It had been a shock to have Tanner walk back into her life, but she could deal with that if it meant more business. She hoped.

Chapter 8.

The gifts had been opened, the wrapping paper gathered up, much of the food consumed, and several bottles of wine drunk when a bunch of big men arrived at the condo, changing the atmosphere from pink and girly to vibrating with testosterone.

Katelyn stared as half the Aces team walked in, there to pick up wives and girlfriends. Except why was Tanner there? He didn't have someone to pick up. Or did he? Had she missed something in all the introductions? Did he have a girlfriend?

"Hey, s.e.xy baby mama." He greeted Sidney with a kiss on her cheek. "Look at you. Gorgeous as ever."

She smiled affectionately at him. "Thanks. First time I've put on real clothes and lipstick since Aubree was born."

"Where is she?"

"Right here." Jared had his little girl cradled in his arms.

"I want to see her." Tanner edged closer as if the baby was an explosive device and peered down. "Oh. She's really cute."

"You want to hold her?"

"No!" Tanner held up his hands and took a step back. "f.u.c.k no. I mean, sorry..."

Sidney laughed. "It's okay, I don't think she's going to be repeating that word for a while."

"Babies scare the c.r.a.p out of me," Tanner muttered.

Katelyn sucked on her bottom lip to hide her amus.e.m.e.nt.

"I'm afraid I'll break them," Tanner said. "Or they'll cry."

Katelyn's heart turned over in her chest at this big, rough, tough hockey player terrified of a tiny human.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. You can help me carry the gifts down to the car, then." He handed Aubree to Sidney.

"I can do that." Tanner turned and met Katelyn's eyes. "Oh hey, Katelyn."

She quickly looked away in case he could see how she'd been watching him and the baby. "Hi. The gifts are over here." She gestured at all the lovely things-beautiful picture frames, soft little blankets, and some adorable baby girl outfits that she was pretty sure didn't come from Target.

Tanner and some of the other guys loaded up and carried the gifts down to Jared's car in one trip, which was no doubt the reason he'd brought the whole team back here with him. When they returned, Jared asked, "Any food left?"

"There's lots," Katelyn said with a smile. "I was about to put it away."

"No, don't put it away," Marc said. "We're starving."

"How about a piece of pink cake?" Lovey asked. "Is your masculinity secure enough to eat pink cake?"

"I love cake," Tanner said. "Don't care what color it is."

Katelyn remembered his love of cake.

"There's one piece left." Katelyn slid it onto a plate and handed it over. "Dig in."

"Why does he get the last piece?" Duncan demanded.

"Here. Have a cake pop." She handed the big guy a little pink cake on a stick.

He frowned at it, then shrugged and popped it in his mouth.

"Did you bake this?" Tanner forked up a piece of cake.

"G.o.d, no. I'm an event planner, not a caterer."

"Huh." He swallowed. "d.a.m.n, that's good."

"Right?" Marc said. "Try these ham things."

Lovey was handing out party favors, pink bath bombs wrapped in cellophane and tied with s.h.i.+ny pink ribbons. The women were all standing now, chatting and milling about as they prepared to drag their men out of the kitchen and away from the food.

"Thank you so much, Lovey." Sidney gave her a big hug. "This was just wonderful."

"We all had to meet Aubree." Lovey grinned. "I couldn't wait to see that baby."

"I'll call you tomorrow," Sidney said to Katelyn. "I'm so glad we met."

"What's she calling you about tomorrow?" Tanner asked in a low voice behind her.

Katelyn turned to face him. "A job, apparently."

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