Back Check Part 7

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Rachel tapped at her phone and swiped, and her eyes moved over the small screen. "Holy s.h.i.+t," she breathed. "Six million dollars a year? And yeah, a signing bonus of seven million? That's insane!"

Wow, that was a lot. "Pro athletes make crazy money."

"Jesus. Well, no wonder they can have the wedding of their dreams."

"The thing is, Marc and Lovey aren't going over the top. I kind of admire that." During the last week she and Lovey had gotten a lot done, since Marc and the rest of the Aces were away on trips to Denver and Boston.

"I hope you're charging a lot."

"I'm not going to gouge them because they're rich!"

Rachel grinned. "I wasn't suggesting that. I just mean, I hope you're getting paid what you deserve for all that you do. Have you seen Tanner again?"

"Yeah. At Lovey and Marc's place the other night. It was awkward. We talked a bit."


"I know, right? Why does he have to be one of the groomsmen?" She sighed. "But it is what it is. I just have to deal with it."

Rachel bent her head to her phone again, typing something new on it. "Well. That eight hundred thousand was nothing compared to what Tanner makes now."

Katelyn eyes popped wide. "Don't even tell me." She held up a hand. "Seriously." It was none of her business how much Tanner was earning now.

Rachel frowned. "Wait, what's this?" Her eyes moved over the screen, a faint crease between her eyebrows.


"I'm just reading this article...'Despite leading the Pacific Division all season with strong defensive play, outstanding goaltending, and stellar power play, the Anaheim Ducks still need another top-four defenseman. Ducks' general manager, Stan Lennox, is apparently interested in Chicago Aces D-man Tanner Bennet-the best blueliner who could be available before the February twenty-seventh trade deadline.'" Rachel looked up from her phone and wrinkled her nose. "Can they just take him? Why is he available?"

"I don't know." Katelyn frowned. "I don't know anything about trades or how they work. I don't want to know anything about them."

Rachel kept reading. "'Other GMs think Bennet could be available before the trade deadline. They doubt the Aces can afford to re-sign both him and promising blueliner Hugh Land.'"

Katelyn blinked. "Eep. I met Hugh the other night."

"'Bennet is earning three million in actual salary this season. There is talk he could seek over five million annually on an eight-year deal. SportsWatch's Joe Chambers thinks the Pittsburgh Penguins could make a pitch for Bennet if blueliner Pierre Lafontaine remains sidelined.'"

Katelyn processed that. "Sounds like other teams want him."

"Yeah. Not sure what that means." Rachel set her phone aside. "So is he as gorgeous as he was in college?"

Katelyn sighed. "Even more."


"He's also kind of a jerk."

"Really? Well, he always was a bit And come on, you broke the poor man's heart."

"He's the one who left. I was the one with the broken heart."

"Katelyn. Seriously. Is that how you remember it?"

"It's the truth."

"He had to leave."

"I know." She sighed. "I don't blame him. Except I do. Because I couldn't leave."

"You would never have expected him to stay. To give up his hockey career."

"Of course not. I don't know what I expected. Maybe for him to fight harder for us instead of just walking away."

Rachel c.o.c.ked her head. "Maybe he thinks the same."

Katelyn shook her head. "I doubt it. He's over me. He married someone else, even though they're divorced now. He doesn't like seeing me, though. I can tell that." One corner of her mouth twisted up. "It makes it a little awkward. Lovey and Marc are so nice and their friends are fun."

"It's just a job, though. You have to do your job, get through the wedding, and you'll never have to see him again."

Ouch. Katelyn bent her head and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Why did that sting? She didn't want to see Tanner. She'd be glad when this was all done.

Their salads arrived and they picked up their forks to dig in.

"We should go to a game," Rachel said.

"A hockey game? No way."

"Come on. Why not?"

"I don't want anything to do with hockey."

"Wouldn't it impress your clients if you did that, though? To show you're interested in their lives."

"No. I don't have to be interested in their lives." That was a lie. She always had to be interested in her clients' lives, knowing their likes and dislikes, their pa.s.sions and pastimes-that way she could make their event as personal for them as it could be.

"You're so stubborn."

"I know." She smiled.

"Do they have any other hot single friends?" Rachel asked. "For you, I mean. Not me."

Katelyn laughed. "Well, Hugh was flirting with me. Apparently he's single. But no way am I going out with a hockey player. No way am I going out with anyone. I'm a menace to men everywhere."

Rachel burst out laughing. "Oh my G.o.d."

"I am! Look what happened with Daniel, Parker, and Ethan. I led them right to the altar, then ditched them and broke their hearts."

Rachel winced. "Yeah, I know. But better that you realize you didn't love them before you get married than after. They just weren't the right guys for you. You'll find the right guy."

Katelyn shook her head, but an ache formed behind her sternum because she was afraid that she'd already met the right guy...and he'd left her behind.

She shook her hair back behind her shoulders. "Nope. Not looking. Not going there again. Now, never mind me. How are things at your work?"

Rachel was an intellectual property lawyer. For the rest of their lunch they chatted about her job, friends of theirs, and plans to go to hot yoga morning before Katelyn did a birthday party.

After lunch, she was off to a corporate event she'd been working on for a while, a rewards and recognition dinner for a big pharmaceutical company being held at Trump Tower. The flower arrangements were being delivered that afternoon and the AV company she'd hired was setting up. She needed to put aside thoughts of the Armstrong-Dupuis nuptials and hot hockey players and trade rumors, and focus on pulling off this dinner.

- "Oh no. Oh no, no, no." Katelyn rolled to her back on the towel she'd laid over her yoga mat and closed her eyes, her heart racing.

"What?" Rachel whispered. They weren't supposed to talk in the heated yoga studio before cla.s.s started.


She could not believe who she'd just seen enter the Bikram yoga studio...four very large, very muscled guys. They'd found spots near the door and were quietly unrolling yoga mats and towels.

For the love of Gandhi, what the h.e.l.l were they doing there? She only recognized three of them-Tanner, Duncan, and Marc-but she a.s.sumed the fourth guy was also a hockey player.

She stayed flat on her back, eyes closed. Hopefully they wouldn't look over this way and see her.

How could this be? They'd lived in the same city for years and never even knew it. Now she'd run into him how many times? And this...this was ridiculous.

Her muscles had all tensed up. She needed to relax for this yoga session. She let the chill music flow over her and focused on breathing.

The instructor spoke quietly at the front of the room. "Welcome. I'm Deesha." She ran through a few pointers about the cla.s.s and finished, "Remember that yoga isn't just about the body but is about creating harmony and love inside and out, connecting the mind and the body. Most of all, relax and enjoy yourself."

She began directing them in the various positions, moving on silent feet through the room, pausing here and there to adjust positions. Sweat was soon running down Katelyn's face, between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and in other unmentionable places. Luckily this cla.s.s was all done on the floor, with no standing poses, so maybe she would escape unnoticed by Tanner and his teammates.

Why was she even worried about that? For G.o.d's sake, Marc was a client. She couldn't sneak around, avoiding him.

"Listen to your inner voice to know how far your body can go," Deesha intoned. "Breathe fluidly and smoothly." She was standing over by the four hockey guys, and Katelyn turned her head to see what was happening. Deesha was gently pus.h.i.+ng on Tanner's legs, encouraging him to stretch further. He was surprisingly flexible. This obviously wasn't his first yoga cla.s.s. "Very good," Deesha murmured and moved on to Duncan, who was clearly not as experienced with this. Katelyn smiled and refocused on her own pose.

As they lay on their mats at the end of the cla.s.s, encouraged to take their time before leaving quietly, Katelyn cracked an eye open to see if Tanner was getting up. He remained supine, relaxed. She bit her lip, then rolled up slowly and reached for her water bottle and her smaller towel. She wiped her face and drank, then nudged Rachel. "I'm going," she whispered.

"Hmmm." Rachel smiled, eyes closed.

Katelyn rolled up her towel and mat and stood. Her shorts and tank were soaked. Her hair was in a messy knot on top of her head, secured with a headband that was also drenched. She tiptoed out of the studio and came face-to-face with Marc, also leaving.

Surprise lit up his eyes and he smiled. Hi, he mouthed, and held the door for her.

Out in the hallway, where a group had gathered waiting for the next cla.s.s, they paused.

"Hi!" she said brightly. "Never thought I'd meet up with a hockey player at hot yoga!"

He grinned. "It keeps us flexible. Our trainer recommended we come to this."

The door opened and Tanner, Duncan, and the other fellow stepped out. Tanner's gaze immediately landed on her and his jaw tightened.

He hated her.

She swallowed but kept her smile in place. "This is definitely an awesome way to stay flexible. I love coming here on cold days like this."

"I f.u.c.kin' hate this cla.s.s," Duncan muttered. He lifted a water bottle to his lips and drained it.

Tanner hooked an arm around Duncan's neck and shook him. "Give it a chance, man. It's only your second time." He released Duncan and said to Katelyn, "Come here often?"

She gave him a pursed-lip smile, acutely aware of the fact that she was sweaty and probably scarlet-faced. "Actually, not that often. I go to other seems like my schedule often interferes with the hot yoga"

They were then joined by Rachel, wide-eyed at seeing Katelyn standing talking to four men.

"Guys, this is my friend Rachel. Rachel, my client Marc Dupuis."

Rachel's eyes bugged out even more.

"Duncan Armstrong, Lovey's brother. I'm sorry, you are..." She smiled at the fourth guy.

"Happy to meet you," he said, reaching for her hand, eyes fastened on her face flirtatiously. "I'm Eric but everyone calls me d.i.c.k."

Katelyn blinked. "How do you get d.i.c.k out of Eric?"

"You ask nicely."

It took a second, but then she burst out laughing while the guys all groaned.

"Rico, you are such a tool," Tanner said.

Eric grinned. "Okay, everyone calls me Rico."

"This is our wedding planner, Katelyn Medford," Marc said to Eric. "Be nice to her."

"That should not be a problem," Eric said, still holding her hand, smiling into her eyes.

She felt her hot cheeks burn even more. Extricating her hand, she said to Rachel, "And you remember Tanner."

Rachel had managed to compose herself and she smiled at Tanner, who was scowling at Eric. "Hi, Tanner. Long time no see."

"Hi, Rachel." Tanner's smile became surprisingly warm and natural. "No kidding, it's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm good."

Katelyn wanted to roll her eyes. Tanner didn't have a hate on for her best friend apparently, like he did for her. She'd always liked it that Rachel and Tanner got along so well, but now for some reason it bugged her.

Because Rachel and Tanner were still friends. But she and Tanner were not.

Chapter 7.

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