Back Check Part 22

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"Traysha Simpson, part of the Draven Dance Theater. This is really cool."

The theater was filling up, and the audience was largely women, Katelyn noted.

The show got started. The master of ceremonies was a local TV personality, Linden Jonah, who told a few bad hockey jokes that nonetheless got the audience laughing and loosened up.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Our first contestant this evening is goaltender Brent Stoyko! Come on out, Brent!"

The big goalie sauntered onto the stage, waving as the audience applauded. Katelyn covered her mouth at how he was dressed, in a seventies disco-style suit with flared pants.

"So what song have you chosen for your lip-sync performance tonight, Brent?" Linden asked.

"'Shut Out/Heaven Is a Disco,' by Paul Jabara," Brent said into the microphone.

Linden laughed. "'Shut out.' Of course. All right, then...the stage is yours!" He moved away, the lights dimmed, and then the instrumental opening of the song began.

The crowd was soon bopping and laughing as Brent performed a shortened version of the song, including some very stiff and awkward disco dance moves, his mouth wide open as he pretended to hit the high notes of the song.

The show moved on to Eric Barclay doing some pretty good moves to "Boom! Shake the Room" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. Andrew Ross and his girlfriend, Jenna, performed to "You're the One That I Want" from Grease, which was super-cute, Andrew dressed in jeans, a white tee, and a black leather jacket; Jenna in black leggings and a tight top.

"They're so good!" Katelyn said as she clapped and cheered along with everyone else.

Olaf Pilkvist came on the stage and did a hilarious version of "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)," a few girlfriends Katelyn didn't know did a Spice Girls song, and three players did "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees.

During the intermission, Katelyn and Rachel went to the lobby to check out the silent auction, with lots of great Aces swag as prizes-signed jerseys and sticks, tickets to games, T-s.h.i.+rts. They bought some tickets and entered, and it seemed like everyone there was only too happy to sh.e.l.l out big bucks for a good cause.

After the break, Lovey performed a s.e.xy Ariana Grande song, then it was Tanner's turn.

He and Julien came out onto the stage, waving at the cheering crowd, grinning, both wearing vests with no s.h.i.+rt beneath, big gold chains, and ball caps. The music of Jason Derulo and 2 Chainz's "Talk Dirty" started. The crowd went crazy.

"Holy c.r.a.p!" Rachel cried as they broke into dance, their feet moving in a series of fast moves. The stage lights gleamed on their bare, muscular arms and a bunch of women in the audience started catcalling.

Katelyn shook her head, laughing, mesmerized by Tanner up there dancing like that. He'd always been a pretty good dancer, but who knew he had this in him?

At one point, the two men yanked down the zippers on their vests to expose their chests, and they flexed their abs and pecs in time to the music.

High-pitched screams filled the theater, and Katelyn fell back in her seat, laughing.

"I love you, Tanner!" a female voice cried from behind her.

Well. Too bad, bish.

They ended the song with simultaneous backflips that again had the crowd cheering. Everyone leaped to their feet to applaud in a standing ovation. Katelyn exchanged an amused glance with Rachel as they both stood as well.

"That was so freakin' hot!" Rachel cried.

It really was.

There were a few more acts, and then Marc Dupuis ended the show, but despite the captain's popularity, Tanner and Julien were a tough act to follow. Nonetheless, Marc's Justin Timberlake song and dance went over pretty well.

They announced winners, and no surprise, Tanner and Julien came in first. After that they declared how much money had been raised for the charities the Aces Foundation supported, amid more cheers and applause. The crowd left the theater smiling and feeling good, Katelyn no exception.

"That was pretty amazing," Rachel said as they waited for a taxi. "Who knew hockey players were so talented?"

"Not all of them." Katelyn grinned. "But I give them all credit for being good sports and getting up there like that."

"Totally. Hey, you need to get Tanner to dance like that for you at home."


"Is he coming over tonight?"

She bit her lip. "Yeah."'

"Lucky you."

She'd kept Rachel updated on their activities. This week they'd seen quite a bit of each other since he had no games, although he did have practices, workouts, team meetings, and a photo shoot. She'd cooked dinner for him at her place one night, making the one thing she'd been any good at cooking back in college-spaghetti and meatb.a.l.l.s. And a chocolate cake.

Tonight, though...watching him up there performing...she'd felt herself falling. It wasn't just that he had an amazing body that women were drooling over. It wasn't that he was a pretty good dancer. It was that he'd put himself out there like that, risked making a fool of himself onstage, in front of hundreds of people, for a good cause, and had done it with a smile on his face. Plus, that compet.i.tive drive in him that had clearly urged him on was kind of hot.

"Rachel. I think...I'm in love with him."

"Oh. Oh Katelyn." She paused. "I thought you didn't believe in love anymore."

"I do." She sighed. "I do believe in love. I always have. But it's okay. Don't worry." She grabbed her friend's arm in the back of the taxi and squeezed it. "I know there's a chance he'll leave me again. And I'm afraid. But...I have to take this chance."

Yes. She was falling in love with Tanner Bennet. Again.

Chapter 17.

"My dad's in town."

They were at Tanner's place Friday night after going out for a fun dinner with Lovey and Marc, Amber and Duncan, and Jenna and Andrew.

"You look like you just said you've been sentenced to ten years in prison."

He grimaced as he pulled his sweater over his head. "That's kinda how I feel."

"Come on, he's your dad." Katelyn too pulled her sweater off, leaving her in a lacy bra, a tight black miniskirt that hugged her a.s.s, and black tights that showed off the curves of her legs.

"I know, I know. He wants to come to the game and then get together after. It's an early game, six o'clock start." He took off his jeans and underwear, conscious of Katelyn watching him with increasing heat in her eyes.

"That's nice."

He watched her in turn as she peeled down the skirt and tights. "Will you come with us?"

She pursed her lips and straightened. "You want me to meet your dad?"

"You have met him."

"That was a long time ago. You know what I mean."

She'd met his dad in college once when he'd come to visit after the Spartans had made the playoffs. At that point, Tanner and Katelyn had been dating for months and had gotten pretty close. Dad had liked Katelyn...why wouldn't he, she was gorgeous and Dad loved the ladies. He'd flirted with her, which had p.i.s.sed Tanner off. He hadn't seemed to realize that Tanner had been serious about Katelyn. Tanner had actually thought they were going to be together...okay, yeah, forever. He'd thought about forever with Katelyn even though they'd been young.

His dad had talked about her behind her back like she was a puck bunny who slept her way around the hockey team and Tanner was a lucky guy to have girls like that throwing themselves at him.

"Truthfully, I'm not sure I want you to meet him," he finally responded, moving to the bed and pulling back the duvet.

She frowned.

"But I kind of want you there for moral support."

"Why don't you want me to meet him?" she asked, sounding hurt. She didn't move, standing in an ivory bra and thong panties as he slid under the covers.

"Because he's an a.s.shole."

She blinked. "Oh." Then she smiled. "Tanner. You're a grown man. You don't need moral support to meet with your dad."

"Yeah, I kinda do."

She climbed onto the bed and knelt beside him. "He's your dad. I only wish I could have dinner with my dad one more time."

"Ah, babe. You're right. I should appreciate the fact that he's still around and he's interested enough to come to my game."

She nodded. "But I'll come with you, if that's what you want."

"I do." He curved a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her head down for a kiss. Her mouth lingered on his, warm and soft.

"Want me to make a reservation somewhere?" she murmured.

"Sure. Thanks. Somewhere nice. He'll expect that."

She rolled her eyes and slid off the bed, padding to his bathroom in her s.e.xy lingerie to wash her face. She reappeared naked, face bare of makeup, shutting off the bathroom light and leaving them in shadows.

He pulled her to him in the bed and kissed her temple. He liked having her there, in his bed. They'd been together every night this week. She'd had a job Wednesday night but had come to his place after. He'd had the lip-sync thing Thursday but had gone to her place after. Tonight they'd gone out with friends, like a couple. They were a couple. Again.

It was weird, and yet it felt totally natural.

- Seeing his father went pretty much as he'd expected.

Dad brought his new fiancee, Helen, with him. This would be step-mom number four. Yay.

What did surprise him was that Dad didn't even remember Katelyn. Tanner'd had to remind him that they'd met before.

"Of course, of course, how could I forget a pretty face like yours." Dad flirted with her, holding her hand too long.

She was lovely to him, of course, polite and friendly, with impeccable manners. She'd made a late dinner reservation at Jack's, which was perfect, the kind of place Dad would enjoy...velvet curtains, a pricy menu of steaks and seafood, waiters in tuxes.

"Too bad about that turnover in the second period," Dad said as they perused the menu. "Cost your team a goal. And you were a little too focused on the puck when they got that second goal. You lost position on your man."

Tanner gritted his teeth. Trust Dad to focus on his mistakes. Of course, playing defense didn't get you the attention of the scorers. You didn't end up on highlight reels even though you'd made saves and laid some bone-crus.h.i.+ng checks on opponents that changed the direction of the game. Whatever.

"I thought you played great," Katelyn said. "And you were on the ice for a lot of minutes."

"Forty-two." He rubbed his face. Yeah, he was feeling all of those minutes. Not to mention bruised ribs and a sore hip.

"Your coach obviously relied on you," she said. "You killed all those penalties. And even though they were constantly running at you, you didn't retaliate." She squeezed his forearm.

He stared at Katelyn.

"Wow, your little lady here sounds like she knows something about hockey," Dad said.

Sounds like. Tanner nearly winced at the subtle insult to Katelyn, but she either didn't get it or ignored it, beaming a smile at Dad.

"Thank you!" she said. "Tanner taught me so much about the game back in college."

Dad could insult him all he wanted, but not Katelyn. "She does know a lot about hockey," he growled.

Katelyn's hand now landed on his knee and squeezed and they exchanged a quick glance. Yeah, she got it.

"So Mr. Bennet, tell me more about your business. I understand you have several successful car dealers.h.i.+ps."

One thing Dad liked to talk about was himself, and he launched into a monologue about car sales, pausing long enough to order food and wine.

Eventually Katelyn managed to get a word in and spoke to Dad's fiancee. "And what do you do, Helen?" she asked.

"I'm a paralegal."

Katelyn nodded. Tanner had no clue where to go with that, but Katelyn did. "Do you work for a small law firm or a big one?"

"I actually work for a software company," she said. "I help draft and negotiate legal agreements for sales, licensing, and marketing."

"Interesting. Have you worked there long?"

"About five years, right from start-up."

"That must have been exciting to be in on the ground floor of something new."

"Yes, it was." Helen smiled, seeming appreciative of the interest.

"So what's happening with your contract negotiations?" Dad asked Tanner.

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