Back Check Part 20

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Water lapped as he moved his legs against her smooth ones. "Yep."

"I like it."

"Me too. And here I thought I wasn't a bath guy."

This was a new experience for them. Back in college, opportunities to do something like this hadn't existed, with him living in a dorm and her living with her dad. They had showered together, which had been hot but had also been largely about efficiency.

Her toes found his hard c.o.c.k in the water and brushed over it. She gave him a wicked little smile. He wanted to toss the aside and haul her onto his lap. His blood heated and l.u.s.t pulsed in his b.a.l.l.s. He fought for patience, letting the heat of the water seep into their bodies, relaxing their muscles...except it wasn't working for him. He was strung so taut, wanting her so bad he ached with it.

"Keep that up, baby, and you'll find yourself on my lap impaled on my d.i.c.k."

She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and released it through her teeth.

"You want that, don't you." He let her toes play with his tortured b.a.l.l.s. "You want me inside your tight little p.u.s.s.y."

"I do," she whispered, moving her foot languidly at his groin. He reached down into the water and closed his fingers around it. He deliberately rubbed her sole over his c.o.c.k, watching her lips part. He gave a tug, and she gasped and sat up straight. Wine sloshed over the edge of her gla.s.s, briefly turning some bubbles pink. "Tanner!"

He set his gla.s.s on the tiled edge of the tub and reached for both her feet, slowly pulling her toward him in the water. He s.h.i.+fted forward, meeting her in the middle of the tub, and took her winegla.s.s to set it with his. Then he drew her closer still, his stiff c.o.c.k brus.h.i.+ng over her p.u.s.s.y, then her belly. She wrapped her legs around his hips and set her hands on his shoulders.

Their eyes met and held in a scorching connection.

"I don't have a condom here," he said in a low voice. "So we're just going to do this." And he bent his head to kiss her, his hands slipping around to her a.s.s to pull her tight to him.

Water sloshed around them. Her mouth opened to him and his tongue plunged inside in a deep, desperate kiss. Her fingers played over the nape of his neck, slid into his hair. Her fingernails sc.r.a.ped over his scalp, sending s.h.i.+vers down his spine, right to his b.a.l.l.s.

Her needy little noises inflamed his senses even more. He slid his fingers along the crack of her a.s.s, rubbing her there, and she gasped. Then he dipped his fingers lower, around to her p.u.s.s.y from behind. He found her slick furrow and stroked her there and she whimpered into his mouth.

"Such a hot girl," he murmured. "You want me to f.u.c.k you."

"I do." She kissed his jaw, traced her tongue along the underside of it. "I really do."

"I want to kiss you." He found her mouth again with his. "Want to make you wet. And hot. For me."

"I am."

"Slow down, baby. We have all night."

"Oh G.o.d. This is so amazing..."

"I know." He tugged her earlobe between his lips. "I know. You amazing, gorgeous girl." She arched back in his arms, presenting her t.i.ts to him, and his gaze dropped there. "Oh yeah. I see those pretty t.i.ts. What do you want, gorgeous?"

"I want you to suck my nipples," she said breathlessly.

"You love that. You always loved that."

"Yes." The word was a sigh.

"Lift them for me. Offer those perfect little nipples to me."

She blinked but slid her hands down from his neck and cupped her t.i.ts, lifting their soft weight. He stared, mesmerized. She s.h.i.+fted higher so her nipple brushed his lips. He growled and opened to close his lips over the tight nub. He gave it a firm suck, licked it, then sucked again. She tasted G.o.dd.a.m.n delicious. His head swam with pleasure and her soft moans filled his ears as his eyes drifted closed. She moved, giving him the other nipple, and he feasted on her in long, hard pulls until she was gasping and rubbing her p.u.s.s.y against him.

"You're aching, aren't you, baby." He used his teeth to tug her nipple.

"Yes. I'm aching."

"You need me to soothe that ache. Pet your p.u.s.s.y."

She made a strangled little sound. "Yes."

He delved under the water and cupped her smooth flesh. She hissed. He played there while he sucked her tight little nipples and licked her wet curves. His fingers circled over her c.l.i.t and rubbed her pouty lips. Her slender body vibrated at his touch, soft sounds spilling from her lips.

"Wanna f.u.c.k you, Katie."


He lifted her off his lap and surged upward, bringing her with him out of the water. She gave a laughing gasp, grabbing his shoulders. Water spilled over the side of the tub, but it was harmless on the tile floor. He grabbed a thick towel from the bar on the wall and wrapped it around her, then seized another one for himself. With a few quick swipes of the terry cloth, he was dry enough and wrapped the towel around his waist, then he dried Katelyn off with gentler strokes and rubs.

He stepped out first and held her hand to help her, then picked her up by her a.s.s to carry her to the bedroom. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he kissed her as he walked toward his bed.

He set her down and tossed the towels aside. "Roll over, baby. Show me that pretty a.s.s."

She bit her lower lip but did as he asked, rolling on the plain white duvet. Her hair was falling out of the bun she'd made earlier, and she tugged the rubber band out and let the damp strands tumble down.

"Oh yeah. Dammit, Katie. Your a.s.s is so f.u.c.king sweet." She stretched out on her stomach on the bed. He admired the smooth curves, grabbing her a.s.s in both hands and squeezing. She pushed her knees into the mattress and raised her b.u.t.t in the air invitingly.

"Oh yeah. That'll get you what you want."

He knelt beside the bed, and she pushed onto her hands and backed her a.s.s up until it met his face. He bent down and pressed his face to her a.s.s, her skin warm and damp from the bath. Along with the scent of the bubbles, he inhaled her feminine aroma, light and sweet.

He licked and kissed her there, delving between her a.s.s cheeks into forbidden territory, tickling, nipping at her b.u.t.t cheeks, then licking lower to her p.u.s.s.y. He suckled on the soft folds there, gave her long, lush strokes of his tongue, then toyed with her back opening with his tongue as his fingers slid inside her and rubbed. She s.h.i.+vered and whimpered at his carnal touches, and her feet gave slow kicks up and down, her face to the bed, hands digging into the comforter. His arm banded around her lower back, his fingers plunged into her over and over again as his tongue worked wickedly.

His engorged c.o.c.k throbbed, and need burned through him. He stood and grabbed a condom from his bedside table. Once the condom was on, he directed the head of his c.o.c.k to her opening, revealed by her upturned a.s.s, all slick and pink. She pushed up onto straight arms and turned to look at him, hair falling all around her face. He slid a hand into that hair and twisted, gripping it, holding her in position with his other hand on her hip. Her lips parted, cheeks flushed, she looked so d.a.m.n gorgeous and he drove into her, f.u.c.king in and out of that tight, hot p.u.s.s.y.

He climbed onto the bed, moving her farther up, planting his knees into the mattress. On her hands and knees she moved on his c.o.c.k, pus.h.i.+ng herself back onto him, then sliding off...back and forth. Back and forth. Heat rushed through his body, vibrations sizzling up his spine.

He held her waist and took over the movement, driving into her. He skimmed a hand down under her, found her soft breast, then pulled her up and back, his other hand gripping her hair and turning her head so he could find her mouth. Her back pressed to his front; he held her like that and kissed her, long, lush, devouring, then rubbed his cheek against hers. "Feel good, baby?"

"Oh yeah."

He set his hand in the middle of her back and gently pushed her down to the bed. He held her hips, admiring the dimples at the base of her spine and the strong groove up the center of her back. He watched his s.h.i.+ny c.o.c.k disappear inside her, then move smoothly back out. The visual was electrifying, sensation burning and twisting inside him. She slid a hand down under and touched herself.

"Oh yeah," he groaned. "Do that, baby. Touch yourself. I want you to come on my c.o.c.k...come so hard."

Her breathy noises increased in tempo, her fingers moving furiously. Her channel tightened on him, squeezing him, and she cried out as she came, clamping down on him.

"That feels so f.u.c.king good," he ground out.

He pounded in harder, faster, steadying her body with his hands, his thumbs digging into her soft flesh. He came in hot, weighty pulses, shuddering against her, pouring himself into her. Fighting for breath, he slowed his strokes, pulling all the way out, letting his still-stiff c.o.c.k bounce, then slowly sliding back in. Again. And again, while his racing heart slowed.

Planting his hands on either side of her, he leaned down to kiss her shoulder, soft, openmouthed, reverent. He lifted a knee to the outside of her body and s.h.i.+fted to the other side, pulling her around to find her mouth. She curled an arm behind his head and their mouths joined in long, sumptuous kisses.

"Wow," she whispered long moments later when they'd both collapsed to the bed in each other's arms. "Wow."


The bed was a disaster, their frenzied pa.s.sion having twisted the duvet up. He rolled off it and shook it out to cover them both, then pulled her back into his arms.

It was still early, but sleep dropped over him like a blanket, knocking him unconscious. He awoke a while later, the light from the bathroom spilling into the dark bedroom. Katelyn stirred next to him.

"Hey," he murmured, stroking her hair. "Sorry. I crashed."

"Mmm. I did too." She ran a foot up his calf. "I want the rest of that wine now."

He grinned and slid off the bed to retrieve their The tub was still full, the water now cool, and bubbles long since gone. He lifted the stopper so it would drain and tossed another towel on the floor to absorb the water pooled there. Smiling, he carried their wine and the bag of chips back into the bedroom.

Katelyn sat propped up against the pillows and smiled as he handed her a gla.s.s. "This is fun."

He laughed and joined her in bed. "Drinking wine in bed?"

"All of it."

"Yeah. It is."

He turned on the TV and they drank wine and watched the news, commenting on some of the stories. Then he had her again, slow and lazy and luscious, before they fell asleep in his bed.

- Tanner had set his alarm for ten and it woke them both out of a sound, exhausted, satisfied sleep. They had lazy morning s.e.x, then showered and dressed.

Katelyn frowned at the dress she'd worn last night, but it wasn't really that out of place in the morning light. She'd tossed her disposable contacts last night and now had her on as she sat at Tanner's kitchen island, checking emails on her phone while he toasted bagels for them.

Her phone rang in her hand and she tipped her head as she swiped to answer the call, glancing at him apologetically. He just nodded and smeared cream cheese over half a bagel.

"Oh hi, Mrs. Corrigan. How are you?" She greeted the mother whose son's wedding had now been postponed several times.

"They got married at city hall."

"What? Who did? Chandler and Adriana?"

"Yes. I can't believe it," Caroline Corrigan continued, her voice rising with her agitation. "They didn't even tell me. I overheard my daughter telling her boyfriend. Chandler apparently called her and told her to come down to City Hall because he and Adriana were secretly getting married. Apparently Adriana said the wedding was too stressful for her and she couldn't deal with it."

"Oh, dear."

"I can't believe they did this to me!" Caroline cried. "I can't believe they got married with no family there."

Katelyn covered her eyes with one hand, her stomach dropping with disappointment. "So the wedding is off, then?"

"They haven't told me to call it off. They haven't told me anything! They think I'm still planning the wedding, but now it's just a big charade and means nothing! I feel sick about this. I don't know what to do."

"Okay, well..." Katelyn thought fast. She caught Tanner's concerned expression as he slid a plate across the counter toward her and gave him a weak smile.

Caroline Corrigan had been a problem to deal with all along. This wasn't her wedding, but you would have thought it was. She was going to have to be tactful with the woman.

"First of all, if you go ahead with the wedding, it's not a charade," she said gently. "It's a public celebration of their marriage even though they already had a private ceremony."

"Should I confront them and tell them I know?"

"Well, that's up to you, but if you're going to tell them that you know, I think you need to be careful how you do it. Caroline...this isn't about you. This is their wedding."

Silence greeted her and she winced. She could be losing a well-paying client.

"So if you talk to them, I think you need to calmly share that you found out that they're already married and ask them if they still want to go ahead with the wedding you're planning. can keep quiet about it, go forward with the wedding, and enjoy your chance to celebrate their marriage with them. But I hope you won't confront them as if they've done something wrong and taken something from you, because I don't think they did this to hurt you, and they don't owe you a wedding."

More silence. Then a sniff.

Katelyn resisted the urge to jump into the silence and keep talking. Caroline needed to process what she'd just said. She stiffened her spine and prepared to hear the words "you're fired."

"Well. I certainly appreciate your honesty."

Katelyn sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

"I need some time to think this through," Caroline said. "I'll be in touch."

"Okay. Taking some time to think sounds like a good idea. Just give me a call."

She set down her phone and met Tanner's eyes.

"What was that?"

She told him the story. "I can see exactly what's happening. I'm sure the bride was overwhelmed and stressed by her future mother-in-law taking over everything, and they decided to quietly elope. Obviously, Caroline feels betrayed and hurt by that, and yet this probably happened because of her own actions."


"And they didn't get married with no family there, as Caroline said-the groom invited his sister."

"But not his mom."

"Nope." She sighed. "Not sure how this is going to work out."

"You handled that really well, Katie," he said quietly.

"Um, thanks. Hopefully I didn't p.i.s.s her off."

He shook his head. "You're kind of like a therapist as well as a wedding planner."

She laughed. "Maybe sometimes."

He just smiled, but his eyes were warm on her. "Eat your bagel and I'll drive you home."

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