Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 9

Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 -

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communis Ott. sp. 12-ye. _re._ W. Indies. 1688 D.S.S.


_viridis_ Ott. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.

Grengelii sp. 8-10 ye. .. S. Th. Is. ---- D.S.S.

meonacanthus Lk. sp. 9-ye. br. .. Jamaica 1835 D.S.S.

macracanthus Salm sp. 9-ye. apex .. S. Domingo 1820 D.S.S.


pyramidalis Ott. sp. 11. elong .. Curacao 1824 D.S.S.

br. re.

_spinis rubris_ .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... D.S.S.

Salmia.n.u.s Lk. Ott. sp. ext. 10. c. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

3. elon. y. re *octogonus sp. 8-10 br. ye. .. Mexico 1834 D.S.S.

*excavatus sp. ext.7-8 .. ------ ---- D.S.S.

cent. 1. re. ye.

_ECHINOCA'CTUS. ECHINOCA'CTUS_. Invol. tubular imbricated. Cal. superior, inserted in the involuc. Cor. of many petals. Stam. numerous. Style 1; stigma many parted. Flowers bursting from the apexes of the ribs, behind the fascicules of spines.



_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+------------ Ottonis Lk. Otto's ribs 10-12.

tenuispinus Ott. slender.-sp. ribs 11.

Linkii Lehm. Link's ribs 13.

corynodes Ott. claved ribs 16.

*Montevidensis. Mt. Video. ribs 13-obt.

rhodanthus rose-fld. ribs 13-14.

acutangularis HB. acute-ang. ribs 18.

acuatus Ott. sharp-rib. ribs 13 acute

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -----------------+------------------+--------+--------+----------- Ottonis Lk. sp. ext. wh. _ye._ Mexico 1829 D.S.S.

centr. br.

tenuispinus Ott. sp. ext. wh. _ye._ Brazil 1835 D.S.S.

cent. ye. br.

Linkii Lehm. sp. ext. wh. _ye._ Mexico ---- D.S.S.

cent. bk.

corynodes Ott. sp. ext. wh. _ye._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

cent. br.

*Montevidensis. sp. ye. apex br. .. Mt. Video ---- D.S.S.

rhodanthus sp. ext. wh. _ro._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

cent. br.

acutangularis HB. sp. ext. wh. _ye._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

cent. br.

acuatus Ott. sp. ye. 10-13 _ye._ Mt. Video 1836 D.S.S.


_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+--------------- pachycentrus Lehm. thick-sp. ribs 12-12. obt.

centeterius Lehm. awl-sp. ribs 10 tuber.

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ------------------+------------------+--------+--------+---------- pachycentrus Lehm. sp. ye. apex br. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.

centeterius Lehm. sp. ext. 8-10. _li. re._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

cent. 4.


_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ -------------------+-----------------+--------------------- sessiliflorus sessile-fld. stm. depr. r. 8-12 coccineus H. Berol. scarlet st. dep. ribs 8-9 spiralis Karw. spiral st. erect. ribs 8 recurvus Haw. recurved st. glo. r. 13-15 gl.

cornigerus DC. horn-bearg. stm. depr.

_latispinus_ hamatus hooked stm. dep. ribs 21 Sellowii DC. Sellow's st. glo. depr. 10 gibbosus DC. gibbous stm. ov. r. 9 obt.

robustus Salm. robust stm. cyl. ribs 8 crispatus DC. curled st. cyl. r. 10-12

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -------------------+------------------+-------+--------+----------- sessiliflorus sp. 5-6. wh. .. ...... 1834 D.S.S.

coccineus H. Berol. sp. 8-10. br. re. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

spiralis Karw. sp. 8 varieg. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

recurvus Haw. sp. 9 ye. re. .. Mexico 1796 D.S.S.

cornigerus DC. sp. ye. rec. cent. _pk._ Mexico 1820 D.S.S.

flat. ro.

_latispinus_ hamatus sp. 7. grey .. B. Ayres 1833 D.S.S.

Sellowii DC. sp. 7. centr. .. Mt.Video 1826 D.S.S.

elon. br.

gibbosus DC. sp. 8-9. bk. br. _wh._ Jamaica 1808 D.S.S.

robustus Salm. sp. 8-9 ye. slend. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

crispatus DC. sp. 9-10 cent. .. Mexico 1826 D.S.S.

1. br.


_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+---------------------- tuberculatus tubercled stm. glo. r. 8 obt.

platyacanthus flat-spined st. glo. r. 21-24.

polyacanthus many-sp. st. ov. glo. r. 21 ob.

*xanthacanthus yellow-sp. st. depr. 11 ang.

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ---------------+---------------------+-------+--------+---------- tuberculatus sp. 8. ext. sp. elon. .. Mexico 1826 D.S.S.

platyacanthus sp. 7-8. cent. 4. .. Mexico 1837 D.S.S.

polyacanthus sp. 8. spread. .. Brazil ---- D.S.S.

*xanthacanthus sp. y. elong. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.



_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+------------------------- Gilliesii Gillies's stm. s. glo. obo. rib. 13 formosus H. ang. handsome ov. cyl. ri. 14-16 *thelephorus nipple-bear. st. glo. ribs 14 gladiatus DC. sword-sp. st. glo. ri. 14-22

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