Wild - Wildfire Part 2

Wild - Wildfire -

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Evening air felt cool on Deeas body, and her nipples hardened. She stepped from the redwood decking into the warm water where Catie already waited. The feel of the water rising over her skin was erotic as Dee eased onto the seat and set her drink on the decking.

Catie sighed as she reclined. The chocolate-eyed blonde had a pet.i.te, athletic figure, unlike Deeas generous curves and willowy height. Catieas b.r.e.a.s.t.s were small and pert, her nipples high and pouty.

aI won,a Catie murmured as she relaxed against the pillowed edge of the whirlpool and took a long draught of her margarita. aI get to f.u.c.k Jess.a Dee had just taken a drink of her own margarita and almost snorted it out her nose when she giggled. aYou should go for ita"I bet head say yes and have you in bed in a hurry.a aHa!a Catieas small b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose out of the water as she straightened in her seat and faced Dee. aThe man doesnat know I exist.a Dee downed more of her drink. aWell, weall just make him notice you.a aWheread you find such a stud for a foreman, anyway?a Catie c.o.c.ked her head.

aA friend of your brotheras referred Jess to me when my last foreman moved to Montana.a Dee positioned herself so that her legs where slightly spread and one of the jet sprays was directly on her c.l.i.t. aOh. Right there.a aWell, Steve never told me that.a Catie raised an eyebrow as her gaze traveled Deeas length. aWhat are you doing?a aMmmm.a Dee smiled, enjoying the feel of the stimulation. aIf you catch one of the jet streams just right, it makes for one h.e.l.l of a vibrator.a aAll this time and you havenat been sharing?a Grinning, Catie s.h.i.+fted in her seat, until she was side-by-side with Dee, their bodies touching from their shoulders down to their thighs. aAhhhh, yeah. Thatall do it.a Dee felt deliciously lightheaded and oh-so-mellow. aUh, how much tequila did you put in those margaritas?a Catie gave a devilish grin. aTriple, like you said.a Dee took a long draught and placed her gla.s.s on the decking behind her. aYou little s.h.i.+t.a aI know.a Catie set aside her own almost-empty gla.s.s. aBut doesnat it feel great?a aUh-huh.a Dee moved so that the spray struck her higher on her c.l.i.t, a warm feeling sliding through her, as she grew hornier by the second. aAre you picturing Jess, naked?a she asked as her own thoughts turned to Jake and that c.o.c.k she had once enjoyed so much.

aOooooh, yes.a Catie squirmed and spread her legs farther apart, pressing against Deeas. aIave seen Jess without his s.h.i.+rt, and G.o.d does he ever have a bod to make you wet.a Dee turned her head and grinned at Catie. aHeas probably nine inches, you think?a Catieas eyes were dreamy as she looked at Dee. aTen, at least.a Her gaze dropped to Deeas chest, and for a moment she just stared.

Dee s.h.i.+fted, her nipples hard and aching. aYou all right, Sweetpea?a aUmaDeeaa Catieas voice was low and hesitant as she continued to look at Deeas chest. aHave you ever wondered what it would feel like toa"to touch another womanas b.r.e.a.s.t.s?a A slow heat traveled through Dee that had nothing to do with the margarita, the warm whirlpool waters or the stimulation of the jet stream on her c.l.i.t. aWellayeah. A couple of times.a aI mean Iave always preferred men. G.o.d, you know I love men.a Catie almost looked as though she was in a trance as she stared at Deeas b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aBut Iave beenacurious.a Dee held her breath as Catieas hand came up, slowly, as though she wasnat sure what she was doing. But when Catieas palm cupped Deeas breast, she couldnat help but feel aroused. The sensual combination of her legs spread and the jet spray stimulating her p.u.s.s.y, and the soft caress of Catieas hand, was completely erotic.

Encouraged, Catie ran her fingers over the nipple, and then moved her hand to Deeas other breast. aIs this all right? Just touching?a aItas different,a Dee murmured. Catieas hands were so soft compared to a manas. aFeels good.a aWhat do you fantasize about when you touch yourself?a With a small groan of pleasure, Dee replied, aJake. The way he caressed me. The way he felt inside me.a aAre you thinking about him now?a Catieas breath was warm as her mouth neared Deeas nipple. aAre you imagining him between your legs?a aHis c.o.c.k is so big.a Dee widened her thighs to the jet spray. Catie flicked her tongue over Deeas nipple, and she arched her back so that she was fully in Catieas mouth. Her lipsa"so soft, her tongue swirling and licking. aI used to love it when he f.u.c.ked me. I couldnat get enough of him.a aMmmm.a Catie sounded like she was purring. aDid he f.u.c.k you slow and easy, or hard and fast?a she asked as she rose up on her knees and moved her mouth to Deeas other breast.

aBoth.a Dee gripped the edge of the stone seat as the jet spray and Catieas mouth on her nipple brought her closer to climax. Catie slid her fingers between Deeas thighs, stroking her c.l.i.t, and Dee gasped, her voice breathless as she continued, aBut I liked it best when he was pounding into me.a aI have something to confess,a Catie whispered, as she pressed closer, her vanilla musk scent surrounding Dee. aI, umaI saw you masturbating yesterday. And it really made me h.o.r.n.y. I never thought seeing a woman do that would be such a turn-on.a aOh.a Deeas eyes widened, but then they rolled back as Catieas touch grew stronger. aI thought someone had been there,a she murmured. aAnd it was a kind of exciting to imagine being watched.a aIam glad.a Catieas voice rose over the bubbling of the whirlpool. aNow about Jake. Did he ever bend you over and slide his c.o.c.k in you from behind?a aMmmm, yeah. Even once in the barn over a saddle.a Deeas whole body trembled at the sensations of a womanas hands and mouth on her as she fantasized about Jake.

Catie grinned and sucked harder on Deeas nipple as her fingers worked Deeas c.l.i.t. aIam picturing Jake, his hands clenched on your hips and f.u.c.king your p.u.s.s.y until you scream.a The o.r.g.a.s.m slammed into Dee, so hard her body bowed, her head thrown back, and a shout tearing from her lips. Catie continued stroking her c.l.i.t until the last vibrations settled in Deeas body.

aMan that was fun.a Catieas fingers slid across Deeas thigh as she repositioned herself in front of the jet spray. aIam so turned on Iall probably come in an instant.a Still feeling lightheaded from her o.r.g.a.s.m, Dee carefully reached out and touched Catieas breast.

aYou donat have to do this, just because I did.a Catie gave a small moan and squirmed beneath Deeas palm. aI promise Iall still respect you in the morning.a aI want to.a Dee laughed softly, enjoying the feel of Catieas nipple pebbling against her hand. aIam curious, too.a Catie moved her hips against the spray. aIn the morning youall probably blame it on the margaritas and say it never happened.a aIam not ashamed.a Dee lightly cupped Catieas b.r.e.a.s.t.s in both hands. aWhat are you picturing right now?a aJess thrusting into me.a An almost pained expression came over Catieas face and she spread her thighs wider, taking more of the jet spray. aIall bet he has a c.o.c.k worth riding.a Catie moaned as Dee flicked her tongue over her nipple. Hard, yet soft, like a manas erect p.e.n.i.s. Tentatively she moved her fingers between Catieas folds that felt like her own, yet different.

With a whimpering cry, Catie came almost at once. Her body jerked and shuddered as Dee worked Catieas c.l.i.t until her friend couldnat take anymore.

Dee moved away, feeling flushed and tipsy.

aExperimentation is a good thing, donat you think?a Catie asked in a breathless voice when she melted against the side of the whirlpool.

aCan there really be too much of a good thing?a Dee reached for her margarita and downed the last of it as her eyes met her friendas.

aNah.a Catie grinned and grabbed her own margarita. aNot when it comes to s.e.x.a aEven though that was fun.a Dee twirled the stem of her gla.s.s as her eyes met Catieas. aI still wish I had a man.a She sighed. aLike Jake.a aOr Jess.a Catie winked. aHaving an o.r.g.a.s.m is fun anytime. But thereas just something about a man, you know.a aUh-huh.a With a sigh of contentment, Dee looked up at the star-filled sky. aHis hard, muscular body. The way he felt when I dug my nails into his skin. His weight against mine and his masculine smell.a She turned to her friend and smiled. aAnd how good it felt when he was deep inside me.a Catie grinned and flicked water at Dee. aYouave got it bad, girlfriend.a Dee splashed water back. aI do not. Iam not going down that road again.a Rolling her eyes, Catie replied, aYeah. Sure.a aDonat even go there.a Dee turned her gaze back to the stars. She might enjoy fantasizing about Jake, but thatas all it would ever be. Fantasy.

Dee finished applying her mascara and studied her reflection. In just an hour she would be at the rodeo dance in Jakeas armsafor only one dance. That was it. And then she would go homea"and more than likely dig out one of her vibrators.

She usually kept her makeup light and natural so that it hardly looked like she was wearing any. But tonight shead gone all outa"her cheekbones appeared higher, her eyes wider, and her lips more full and sensual. Shead pulled back her hair and swept it up with a pearl comb, auburn ringlets spilling out the top in wild disarray and giving her that s.e.xy just-got-out-of-bed look.

When shead gone shopping with Catie yesterday, theyad found the perfect outfit. The ivory halter dress was gorgeous and made Dee feel slightly dangerous and very naughty. Sheer netting rose from just above her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to the neckline that encircled her throat like a choker, and her shoulders and back were completely bare, all the way down to her a.s.s crack. She enjoyed the feel of the material, silky and luscious against her skin.

Dee smiled as she pulled on the matching bolero jacket, still amazed with what she and Catie had done in the whirlpool last night. And more than a little curious what Jake would think if she invited him to join them in the whirlpool sometime.

The thought gave her pause. Would she want to share Jake with another woman? In any way? No.

Wait. What was she thinking? It wasnat like she cared about Jake anymore.

She slid her feet into a pair of ivory sandals with three-inch heels and studied her toenails that were painted with pearl polish to match her fingernails. The new garters and thong underwear felt positively delicious beneath the dress. Too bad Jake wasnat actually going to see what she had on underneath.

No, it wasnat too bad at all. She was just going to give him a taste of what head been missing all these years. That did not include a peek at what she was wearing under her dress.

Well, maybe a little peek.

She grinned and grabbed the purse shead bought to go with the outfit, then stopped to check her appearance in the floor to ceiling mirrors of her closet door. Tingles skittered through her body and her nipples stood out against the thin fabric.

After tossing her lipstick into her purse, she said goodbye to Blue and strode out the door into the gathering darkness, taking care not to stumble down the stairs in her sandals. The pinching around her toes was a good indication she shouldave settled for something a little more sensible, but shead loved the way they looked with the dress.

And at this moment, she felt anything but sensible.

Dee arrived at the fairgrounds and parked the Rover in the dirt lot. When she climbed out, night air chilled her skin as her dress hiked up her thighs. She pulled her skirt back down, locked the SUV, and headed toward the dancehall. Her ankles wobbled as she traveled over the uneven ground and she just hoped she wouldnat sprawl in an ungraceful heap.

Multi-colored lights of the carnival midway illuminated the night. Sounds of laughter and the blare of the country western band filled the air as she approached the dancehall.

Smells of popcorn and corndogs brought back memories of the last time shead been to the county fair and dance ten years ago with Jake. For the first couple of years after head left, she hadnat wanted any reminders of him so she never went to the annual event. And somehow shead never felt inclined to go again.

Her steps slowed as she got closer and closer to the dancehall, and then she stopped walking and stared at the front entrance, clenching her purse in both hands.

If she allowed herself to get too close to Jake Reynolds, she might start to lose her heart again, and that was completely out of the question. Once was enough for this lifetime.

Okay, so she wasnat as bold as shead like to think she was.


She whirled to head back to her Rover, and smacked into a solid wall of hard male flesh. Hands grabbed her arms to steady her, and Dee found herself looking up into Jakeas eyes.

Too late.

Too late to make her escape, and the most dangerous sensations coursed through her body the moment she found herself in his arms.

Devastatingly handsome, all in black from his western dress s.h.i.+rt to his Wranglers, Jakeas eyes were shadowed under the brim of his Stetson and she could see a silvery glint in their gray depths. The musky scent of him surrounded her, making her want him so bad her panties were already damp.

Screw the dance. Shead take him now.

No, no, no!

aSweetheart,a he murmured, the heat of his hands blazing through her jacket. aYou look good enough to eat.a aJake.a Dee heard the huskiness in her own voice, and fought to regain her composure.

One dance. Thatas it, no more. No matter how bad you want to do him.

She put her hands against his muscled chest and pushed away from his grasp, her palms burning from the feel of him.

aWhere were you going?a He let his fingers slide down her arms as she stepped back, and she s.h.i.+vered from the sensual feel of his touch through her jacket sleeves. aYou didnat change your mind, did you?a aOf course not.a Dee lifted her chin and did her best to give him a flirty smile.

aYou want to dance out here under the stars, or go in?a His deep voice was so vibrant, so s.e.xual, that she all but wanted to melt into his arms.

Dammit. Youare supposed to be cool, calm and collected and let Jake be the frustrated one.

aInside.a Dee moved away from Jake, and started toward the entrance. She could feel the heat of his gaze on her, and the heat of another kind flaming deep inside.

He remained silent as they entered the dancehall, only nodding to people Dee greeted as they pa.s.sed by until they found a place to leave her purse. When she slipped off her jacket and revealed the sleeveless, backless dress beneath, she heard a sharp whistle from behind. She couldnat help a smile from escaping.

After she put the jacket with her purse, she turned to see Jake staring at her with absolute l.u.s.t. He set his Stetson next to her jacket, but never took his gaze from hers.

aAre you ready for that dance?a she asked, hoping her voice sounded steady. Casual. Not like, I want your hands all over my body now.

aIf itas only one dance, I get to choose the song.a He smiled and closed the distance between them. aAnd I want it to be a nice slow one.a The purr of a cell phone rose up between them, just as Jake reached for Deeas hand.

She took a step back. aGonna answer your hip?a aHold on a sec.a Jake gave her a sheepish smile as he yanked the slim phone from his belt. He pushed a b.u.t.ton and pressed the phone to his ear. aReynolds.a Dee watched Jakeas eyes narrow as he listened to whoever was on the other end. To be honest she was thankful for the interruptiona"her body kept threatening to take over her common sense.

aAll right,a Jake finally said. aKeep me informed.a He punched the phone off and slipped it onto his belt, his eyes focused on Dee. aNow where were we?a aMay I have this dance, Dean?a a manas voice broke in.

She glanced up to see Ryan Forrester, a good-looking sheriffas deputy shead dated a couple of times. aWhy, sure, Ryan.a Ryan gave a nod to Jake, who just scowled and folded his arms as Dee moved with the deputy onto the crowded floor. With effort, she managed to keep her attention on her dance partner as they two-stepped to a fast tune. But every now and then shead catch a glimpse of Jakeas expression, and she had to grin.

A blue-eyed blonde cowboy, Ryan was the big silent type who never had a whole lot to saya"which was one of the reasons she hadnat continued dating him. She preferred not to have to carry on an entire conversation by herself. Shead heard he had a little problem with gambling, heading up to the casinos on the reservations whenever he had some time off. One thing Dee didnat find attractive in any man was any kind of addiction, whether it was drugs, gambling, or tobacco.

Even though she had no interest in Ryan other than their casual relations.h.i.+p, she danced with him for two more songs, laughing and flirting with the man the entire timea"just to be ornery and drive Jake nuts.

Ryan was smiling and friendly enough, but when Dee asked him if he had any more information on the rustlers, he just shrugged and seemed to become even quieter than normal. If that was possible.

When Dee finally returned from the dance floor with Ryan, Jakeas scowl was positively thunderous. It was a wonder the possessive look in his eyes hadnat kept Ryan away to begin with.

Shead barely had a chance to thank Ryan for the dances when Jake took her by the elbow and propelled her from the edge of the dancers.

aThis isnat part of the deal,a she said when they reached a corner where they were somewhat alone and the music wasnat as loud.

aWe have a lot of catching up to do.a He leaned one shoulder against the wall, boxing her into the corner.

aWhat about work? Your calls? You seem to be in demand.a Dee tried to sound annoyed.

aI turned it off for now.a Jake grinned. aUnavailable.a The wall felt cool to her bare back, and for a second she considered stomping her three-inch heel into his boot to get him to back off. But every sane thought fled her mind as she studied him.

Lord he looks good.

Tremors rippled through her at Jakeas nearness, and she wondered how she would begin to walk away from him when that one dance was over. Her body hummed with awareness, as he stood closea"not quite touching, yet not far enough away.

aHowad you end up running your dadas cattle ranch?a he asked, that smoky gaze fixed on her.

aI love ranching.a Dee shrugged. aI guess you could say itas in the blood.a She flattened her palms against the wall behind her. aYour turn. Tell me what youave been up to.a aHad a nice spread in Texas, enjoyed my work and did all right.a Jake bent closer, invading her s.p.a.ce. No, more like conquering it. aBut I was lonely as h.e.l.l.a She kept her tone light and teasing. aWhat? No friends?a aI had friends.a He reached up and traced the line of her jaw, his eyes dark and intent. aBut something was missing.a At the same moment, the lights dimmed and a slow tune started.

A s.h.i.+ver skittered through her as Jake trailed his finger down her neck. aHow about that dance, Dee?a She nodded. The sooner they got this over with, the better. Shead give him one dance and then get herself away from Jake before she jumped right back in bed with the man.

His hand burned the bare skin at the small of her back as he guided her to the middle of the dance floor where they were surrounded by other couples.

As Jake brought her within the circle of his arms, her nipples tightened. He swept his gaze over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and gave her a sensual smile that caused her mouth to go dry. His hands settled on her waist and moved his hips against hers until she felt his erect c.o.c.k through her thin dress. Did it ever feel good to have him pressed up against her.

He bent his head next to hers, and Dee automatically moved her hands to his shoulders, letting her body sway with his in time to the music. After the way head left her all those years ago, she shouldnat feel so turned on, but lord, was she ever.

aRemember the first time we made love?a he murmured in her ear, and she caught the scent of mint on his breath. She could imagine how good head taste and almost moaned at the thought.

aAt our hideaway.a Dee sighed, s.h.i.+vering at the feel of his mouth so close to her ear.

He pressed her impossibly closer along his solid length, all but making love to her on the dance floor. aIt was a clear October day and we went horseback riding in the mountains with a picnic basket, a blanket, and a bottle of wine.a His voice was raw, filled with desire. aThe sun was s.h.i.+ning, and it was still warm enough that you were wearing a pair of tight jeans with a T-s.h.i.+rt. And no bra.a aGood memory,a she murmured.

aI could even see your dark nipples through the s.h.i.+rt, it was so skimpy.a Jake trailed one finger up Deeas bare spine and she s.h.i.+vered as he continued, aWe went to our secluded spot, our own little hideaway, and it was like we were the only two people left in the world. Then you begged me to make love to you.a Dee pulled away and looked up at him. aI begged you?a He brought her back into his arms. aMaybe we both did a little begging.a How Jakeas kisses had unraveled her and how badly she had wanted him. Needed him. And it was true, she had begged him not to stop.

He had smiled, handling her so gently, as though he cherished every part of her. His mouth had teased her nipples, slowly working his way down between her thighs to her p.u.s.s.y. She couldnat believe he put his mouth on her c.l.i.t, tasting her until she was writhing, and dying for him to be inside her.

Before he entered her, he had caressed between her thighs until he brought her to o.r.g.a.s.m. And then he slid his c.o.c.k into her, taking her slow and easy. Shead cried out from the incredible pleasure rippling through her body.

He had stopped, afraid head hurt her, but she had ordered him to keep f.u.c.king her, clenching his hips between her thighs. Harder and faster he moved within her, filling her, until he reached his own climax.

Jakeas warm breath on her neck and his low voice brought her out of her memories. aI never thought I could want you more than I did that day. But every day after that, I couldnat get enough of you.a His hands moved from her waist, caressing her through the dress, down her hips and back again to her waist. aAnd somehow I want you now even more than I did then.a G.o.d but she wanted to f.u.c.k him.

No. She was supposed to give him a lot of hot frustration, not the other way around.

Vibrator waiting at home. Remember the vibrator.

Dee finally found her voice and her willpower. aNothingas going to happen between us. I agreed to be friends with you. Not f.u.c.k you.a Jake groaned and pressed her hips harder against his erection. Head always loved it when Dee talked dirty. Without a doubt, he knew she wanted him with the same fierceness he felt for her. The one dance had already melded into a second, and if he had his way, head be dancing with her all night.

And then head get her home and in his bed.

Just the thought of what she was wearing under that sc.r.a.p of a dress was enough to make him utter a primal chest-beating growl, throw her over his shoulder and take her home and do her.

When head arrived at the fairgrounds, Dee had pulled in and parked her Rover in the row in front of him. After a moment shead slid out of her SUV, and her tiny f.u.c.k-me skirt had climbed up her thighs to reveal garters holding up sheer stockings. Pure l.u.s.t had bolted through him at the sight. All thoughts of work, rustlers, and smugglers blew away with the breeze.

Transfixed, as though under a spell, he had watched Dee fix her skirt, raise her head and march off to the dancehall, the best she could in those high heels.

Jake had hurried out of his truck and strode toward Dee, planning to catch up. But then her steps had slowed and shead come to a complete stop and stared at the building, so lost in her thoughts that head been able to get close without her noticing. He had the feeling that if he hadnat been right behind her, she probably would have gone back home.

Now she was in his arms, her scent of wind and orange blossoms flowing over him, and it felt so completely right. He knew head been an idiot to leave her, and he d.a.m.n well wasnat going to make that mistake a second time.

But would she ever trust him again? Well, he sure as h.e.l.l intended to do whatever it took to earn that trust.

He lifted his head to look down at Dee, admiring her generous curves underneath that skimpy outfit. Through the netting at the top of her dress, Jake could see the mole above her left breast. He yearned to peel away the material and run his tongue over that beauty mark, and every inch of her body.

Deeas green eyes met his, challenging him. aYour one dance is over.a He smiled. aDance with me all night.a aIa"no.a Her voice was firm as she shook her head.

He brought his lips to her hair, traveling along her temple and down to her ear. aDance with me.a Dee gasped as Jake nipped at her lobe, and when he raised his head he saw her eyes dark with sensuality and her lips parted. He needed to kiss those lips, to see if she tasted as good as he remembered. His mouth neared hers and she tilted her head to meet him.

aIam cutting in,a a loud voice said beside them.

Dee jumped back and Jake whipped his head up to see Kev Grand. The man had an angry glint in his eyes.

Before Jake could tell Grand exactly where he could go, Dee said, aWhy, Iad love to dance with you, Kev.a Jakeas gaze snapped to Dee as she pulled away, refusing to meet his eyes and smiling at Grand. Jake could do nothing but step back and watch Dee move into the b.a.s.t.a.r.das arms.

d.a.m.n. Fury burned in Jakeas gut as he moved off the dance floor toward the refreshment table. He ladled punch into a paper cup and drank it in one gulp, then crumpled the empty cup and threw into the waste bin.

His gaze searched the crowded dance floor, trying to find Dee. He caught a glimpse of fiery hair and a white dress, but she vanished from sight as another couple moved in front of her.

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