Wild - Wildfire Part 1

Wild - Wildfire -

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Cheyenne McCray.

To Mop and Pop Whatever you do, donat turn the page!


Many thanks to Annie Windsor, Nelissa Donovan and Jordan Summers for everything you do.

Chapter One.

Dean MacLeod s.h.i.+fted in her saddle to alleviate the ache between her thighs as she watched her ranch hands count the cattle theyad rounded up over the weekend. While she inhaled the familiar smells of dust, livestock, and testosterone, she couldnat help but enjoy watching the men work. The flex of muscle, lean bodies in tight Wrangler jeans, leather chaps, tanned forearmsa Yummy.

The ache intensified and she s.h.i.+fted again, rubbing her jean-clad crotch over the leather of her saddle. Her panties were drenched and her nipples jutted out beneath her denim s.h.i.+rt. G.o.d did it ever turn her on to watch cowboys at work, and she just happened to employ the best looking wranglers in all of Arizona.

The air was filled with the busy hum of deep male voices and the low of cattle. Saddle leather creaked as she leaned down and rubbed her mareas neck, wondering what the men would think if she cried out with an o.r.g.a.s.m right here by the corral. Considering that behind her back she was known as aDean the Ice Queen,a those cowboys might just tumble out of their saddles if they had any idea how erotic her thoughts were.

d.a.m.n but she needed a man. Only shead yet to find one worth keeping.

Not since Jake Reynolds.

She frowned and straightened in her saddle. Why in the h.e.l.l was she thinking about him after all these years? She was definitely over that man ages ago.

Pus.h.i.+ng up the brim of her straw Resistol, Deanas gaze followed Jess Lawless, her new foreman. Now there was one fine looking male specimena"luscious dark brown hair, wicked blue eyes and a body that was made for s.e.x.

In the past month since shead hired him, shead considered breaking her own no-dating-employees-rule when it came to Jess, and she had the impression head be more than happy to take her up on it. But she also knew better than to complicate things by getting involved. She never intended to get serious about anyone ever again, so why complicate a perfectly good business relations.h.i.+p?

Of course there was always Kev Grand, who owned the Bar One, the ranch neighboring hers. For years the man had made it clear he wanted her. Shead dated him a few times recently, but when head tried to do more than kiss her, shead put him off. Mustached, blonde and hazel-eyed, he was a handsome man, but she just never felt that sizzle with him like she had with Jake.

Dammit. She had to get over the idiot. Ten years was too long to have that man come into her mind and trample all over her libido.

Sweat trickled between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she unfastened another snap on her s.h.i.+rt, hoping a light wind would kick up and cool her skin. September suns.h.i.+ne warmed her face, the sky an achingly clear blue. Not even a breeze stirred the mesquite bushes and tumbleweeds on her ranch.

September. A strange sensation came over her as her thoughts turned to another Septembera"ten years ago, when shead met Jake Reynolds.

Her hand automatically moved to her throat and she closed her eyes as a memory came to her, sharp and vivid. The sound of his deep voice calling her Dee, rather than Dean like everyone else did. His sinful grin, his muscled chest and athletic thighs. And the feel of his huge c.o.c.k as he slid inside hera"

aDean?a She snapped her eyes open, a rush of heat engulfing her as she looked into Jessas blue gaze. He was sitting astride his mare. His face was coated with dirt and sweat, and d.a.m.n if that didnat make him look even s.e.xier.

With his forefinger he pushed up the brim of his Stetson, his handsome face creased into a frown. aYou all right, boss?a aYou know it.a She pulled her s.h.i.+rt away from her chest, trying to cool off, and pretended not to notice how his gaze drifted to her cleavage. aWhere do we stand with the count?a aThieving b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.a Jessas jaw tightened and his features hardened. aWeare down fifty head.a aFifty?a She rolled her eyes skyward, unable to believe what head just said. aHow the h.e.l.l did they steal so many without us catching them?a Jessas gaze had a predatory gleam before he tugged his mareas reins and turned back toward the corral. aI donat know,a he said over his shoulder, abut I aim to find out.a With a groan of frustrations, Dean guided Shadow across the rangeland and to the ranch house to take a quick bath. So much for feeling h.o.r.n.y. Jessas news was a cold shower on her arousal, giving her more important things to think about than getting laid.

It was a road he hadnat traveled for almost ten years, Jake Reynolds realized as his truck hit a pothole, jarring his teeth along with his memories.

Suns.h.i.+ne glinted off the winds.h.i.+eld, endless acres of gra.s.s and barbwire fence scrolling by as he guided the truck down the dirt road to the MacLeod ranch. One of the largest ranches in the county, the Flying M was ten miles outside Douglas, a dingy town along the Mexico border in southeastern Arizona.

September. It had been September when head first met Dean MacLeod. And then head gone and left her six months later.

Jakeas truck s.h.i.+mmied along the dirt road, but he barely noticed as his thoughts turned to Deea"her smile that had held all the innocence of youth and all the promise of Eve. Her seductive eyes, an unusual color of green, the same shade as her August birthstone. Her auburn hair and the tantalizing mole above her left breast. And G.o.d, those legs. Long legs shead clamped around his hips, and her sensual cries as he buried himself inside her.

d.a.m.n. His c.o.c.k had grown hard just thinking about her.

Jake gritted his teeth as he thought about the girla"the womana"head walked away from all those years ago. Shead been nineteen, starting her first year of college, and head been twenty-two, a deputy with the county sheriffas department. Shead been so young, so vibrant. And head nearly crushed her heart, leaving her like he did.

But at the time he thought head done the right thing when head told her goodbye. That shead been too young. Head been too young.

Being bad at long-term relations.h.i.+ps was in his genesa"at least thatas what head thought back then. His parents had divorced when he was a teenager. Even his brother Nickas marriage had lasted less than a year, and he had always been the stable one in the family.

When Dee had told Jake that she loved him, when she started talking about raising a family, it had scared the h.e.l.l out of him. He told her he wasnat ready for that kind of responsibility and it would be best if they called it quits. And head turned around and walked out of her life.

She was probably married now with a couple of rugrats and living off in a city in some other state. As his truck neared the MacLeod Ranch, Jake tried to comfort himself by imagining her a bit wider in the hips with bags under her eyes, and maybe a few strands of gray from chasing her kids around.

Who was he kidding? Shead still look great.

When Jake had made the decision to transfer to Douglas to be closer to his ailing mother, a part of him had hoped Dee would still be here. That they could pick up where theyad left off.

He slowed the truck as he crossed over the cattle guard that rattled and thrummed under the wheels of his 4 x 4. Herds of sleek Black Angus lined each side of the road, lifting their heads to watch him pa.s.s by and then returning to graze.

Apparently the rains had been good that summer, as the gra.s.s was still green in patches, and plentiful. He noted the well-kept barbwire fences, stock tanks and windmill. Ron MacLeod always did keep his place in fine shape, and he certainly had the money to do it.

Jake didnat expect his gut to clench the way it did when he drove up to the sprawling ranch house. A vivid memory of Dee came to him. Of her running from the front porch to greet him, her smile brilliant, throwing her arms around his neck and treating him to her soft lips. Her husky voice telling him she missed him, and her firm body pressed tight to his.

With a groan, he brought the truck to a halt in front of the MacLeod residence, dust swirling around his vehicle in a beige cloud. He took in the changes of the last ten years. The oak trees and weeping willows were taller and the porch that ran the length of the house was practically overflowing with houseplantsa"a womanas touch.

Had Ron gone and remarried? After Nancy MacLeodas death, everyone was sure Ron would never tie the knot again.

Jakeas gaze pa.s.sed beyond the house, extensive barn, corrals and ranch buildings, to the tawny mountains rising behind. The old tire swing still hung from the lower branch of the oak in front of the barn. He remembered pus.h.i.+ng Dee in that tire, spinning it around, and claiming a kiss when he caught her to him.

Jake crammed his black Stetson on his head, climbed out of the truck and slammed the door a little too hard. Shoving the memories to the back of his mind, he headed up the steps then through the maze of plants on the porch. Wind chimes hanging from the porchas beams made a haunting sound as a breeze stirred. Almost ghostly.

But the only ghosts around were the memories of Dee. He knocked. No answer. Ron must be off working on horseback or in his truck. Jake was about to leave his card in the door when he heard a shriek.

Hair p.r.i.c.kled at the base of his neck and he automatically grabbed his gun from the holster at his back. The scream had come from the barn. Jake made sure everything was clear and hurried to the barn, his boots making no sound as he crossed the hard packed earth.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

Pausing beside the open barn door, he listened, his heart beating a rapid rhythm.

aYou littlea"a a woman said, and then a thump and another cry.

He rounded the doorway, his weapon raised. Dee MacLeod was sprawled on the barn floor with her back against a hay bale, her blouse gaping open. She was glaring into a horse stall.

Jake clenched his jaw. Head kill the man whoad dared to lay a finger on Dee.

aCome out with your hands up!a he shouted, his eyes focused on the stall, his body crouched and prepared for the slightest movement. aNice and slow and no oneall get hurt.a He heard a noise from Dee that he thought was a sob, and then he realized it was laughter. He allowed himself a glance in her direction and saw Dee shaking her head and giggling.

aWhat the h.e.l.las going on?a he muttered, not relaxing his stance.

aGo ahead, arrest the little s...o...b..a Dee waved toward the stall. aCuff him while youare at it. Once youave frisked the b.u.g.g.e.r, that is. Iall get a kick out of seeing you try.a He eased closer to the open stall and peered over the side rail to find a black calf straining against a rope tie. The corner of Jakeas mouth twitched as Dee snickered behind him.

aIam gonna have to take you in, son,a he said with mock seriousness to the fire-eyed calf. aFor disturbing the peace and knocking around a beautiful woman.a The moment the last two words were out of his mouth, Deeas laughter died. Jake turned to look at her, and he could see reality sinking in. Recognition dawning on her pretty face, changing her smile to a small frown.

Now, she knew. After all these years and that awful goodbye, Jake had come back to Douglas. Hurt, pride and anger flashed across her face, and then worsea"an expression of indifference.

He holstered his gun then extended his hand in an offer to help Dee to her feet. She moved her fingers to her neck, seeming unable to decide if she should ignore his hand, or accept it.

Head forgotten that nervous habit of hers. How shead rub the base of her throat when she was feeling self-conscious or uneasy, leaving the fair skin red. And how head loved to kiss that soft skin whenever she did that.

As though she could hear his thoughts, she moved her fingers away from her throat. With a little tilt of her chin, she reached up and clasped his hand.

That touch, that simple touch, brought back every bit of yearning head ever had for her, and even when she was standing, he couldnat let go. She was tall, only four inches shorter than his six feet two. The perfect height for kissing.

And G.o.d, she still smelled the samea"of the wind after a summer storm and orange blossoms, the scent that always drove him wild. Memories flowed through hima"of how she had explored every part of his body with her inquisitive fingers, her s.e.xy mouth, her sweet tongue.

aDee.a Jakeas voice was husky with longing.

aItas Dean, not Dee.a She jerked her hand from his and dusted off the seat of her jeans, never taking her eyes from his.

aAh, sure.a Jakeas gaze dropped to the rise and fall of her chest, and his throat went dry. Deeas open denim s.h.i.+rt exposed the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and taut nipples beneath a peach satin bra. Satin that he knew could be no softer than the satin of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. b.r.e.a.s.t.s that he wanted to caress. Nipples he wanted to taste, right there in the barn.

aYou might want to fix that.a He gestured toward her s.h.i.+rt, holding himself back from attempting to snap it up himself. Or rather, rip the rest of the snaps open and take her right here in the barn.

Pink touched Deeas cheeks as she glanced down and then snapped her s.h.i.+rt closed. He took the opportunity to study her long legs in snug jeans, her auburn hair escaping the single braid that fell across her shoulder as she bent over. When she finished, she lifted her head and her green eyes met his.

aItas been a long time,a Jake said softly.

aYes. It has.a Frowning, Dee took a step forward, and to his surprise she reached out her hand and touched the scar that creased his left cheek. Just that slight contact was enough to make him hard in a hurry. aWhat happened?a Jake shrugged. aDrug bust that went down a little wild.a aA little more than wild, Iad say.a Her finger trailed the scar that went from his ear almost to his mouth. She paused, her gaze riveted on his lips, and he all but stopped breathing.

Dee jerked her hand away and took a step back, her cheeks going pink again. aSo. What are you doing here?a I came back for you. Likely Dee wouldnat be too keen on him telling her head come back for her ten years after he left. Instead, he took a deep breath and said, aIs your dad around?a A glimmer of laughter came back into her eyes. aIf he was, head likely run you off with his old Remington.a aI was afraid of that.a Jakeas mouth turned up in a self-deprecating grin, and then his tone went serious. aIave missed you.a She c.o.c.ked her head and studied him for a moment. aDid you have anything in particular to say to my dad, or something you can tell me?a Jake fished his wallet out of the back pocket of his Wranglers, drew out his business card and handed it to her.

Dee took it from him, her fingertips lightly brus.h.i.+ng his, and glanced at the card. aSo, youare now a Special Agent with Customs.a aI transferred to Douglas last week,a he said as he slid his wallet into his back pocket. aIam out introducing myself to ranchers in the area. The mountains behind your ranch are being used to smuggle narcotics from Mexico.a aWhatas new? Thatas been going on for years.a Dee shrugged. aEnough drugs and illegals come through that range to keep every cop in the U.S. busy.a Jake frowned. True, it was common knowledge, but it still bothered him that Dee seemed so unconcerned that danger was at her back door. aIf you see anything suspicious, give me a call.a She fixed a smile on her face as she shoved the card into the front pocket of her jeans. aGreat, Agent Reynolds.a aAgent Reynolds?a He shook his head. aI was kinda hoping Iad still be just Jake to you, Dee.a aDean, not Dee.a She folded her arms beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aSo thatas why you came back?a aI requested the transfer.a He shrugged. aMy momas not doing so good.a Deeas features softened into concern. aIs she okay?a aSheas pretty much housebound, and sheas lonely as h.e.l.l.a Jake scowled at himself. aI shouldnat have stayed away for so long.a And I should never have left you.

A black horse whickered and poked its head over a stall door, and Dee moved toward it. aHowas my boy?a she murmured as she rubbed the horseas muzzle.

She stood in a shaft of sunlight and Jakeas breath caught in his throat. Dust motes swirled in the air around Dee, and her hair shone like burnished copper.

aHowas your brother doing?a she asked, her attention on the horse.

Jake swallowed, wis.h.i.+ng Dee was stroking him instead of the d.a.m.n horse. aNickas with the county Sheriffas Department. Whatas your sister up to?a aTrace got a wild hair after she graduated from college and sheas been in Europe ever since.a Dee rubbed the horse behind his ears. aSometime before Christmas sheall be coming home. First visit in four years.a Jake gave a low whistle. aThatas a long time to be gone from home.a aYou should know.a Dee patted the horseas neck and turned back to Jake. aI heard you were stationed along the Texas border.a aFrom the time I graduated from the academy.a He moved closer, wanting to be near her. aHow about you? Whatave you been up to all this time?a Dee flicked a piece of straw off the top of the stall. aOther than trying to figure out who swiped fifty head of cattle, not a whole h.e.l.l of a lot.a aRustlers?a aYeah.a She grimaced. aWeek before last it started. A dozen or so heifers just up and missing. But now it looks like the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are getting c.o.c.kier.a His mouth tightened. aOr stupider.a With a sigh that made her frustration clear, she leaned back and braced her arms on the stall behind her. The motion caused her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to jut out and her blouse to gape, showing that satin bra and her generous cleavage.

Jake swallowed. Hard. aWhenall your dad be back?a aHe was here a week ago, so heas not likely to visit for at least a couple of months. We expect him and his new wife for Thanksgiving or Christmas, not sure which.a We. Shock rippled through Jake as it occurred to him that Dee truly could be married, living at the ranch with her husband. No ring on her finger, but that didnat mean anything. She could keep it off while she was working. Head thought he was prepared for the possibility, but right now he couldnat imagine any man being with her.

Jake had been her first lover, and he should have been her only lover.

No, d.a.m.n it. Head given up that right the moment he walked away.

He rubbed the scar on his cheek. aRon retired?a aCouple of years ago.a Dee nodded as she spoke, moving her arms across her chest again, as though protecting herself from Jake.

aSo, you and your, ah, husband, run the ranch?a She lifted one elegant brow and the corner of her mouth raised. aNo, I do.a He couldnat help it. He had to ask. aWhat does your husband do?a aNot a darn thing,a she replied, and at his questioning look, she laughed. aIam not married.a Relief surged through him, hot and satisfying. aYou never married?a he said softly.

That fiery glint came back in her eyes, rivaling the devil of a calf a few stalls down. aWell, I wasnat pining after you, if thatas what youare asking.a He smiled. aWhoad you mean by we?a She shrugged and returned his smile. aMy Border collie, Blue.a Jake laughed and when Dee spoke again, her voice was low. aWhat about you? Did you ever marry?a aWhoad marry this ugly mug?a She cut him a sharp glance. aIf youare fis.h.i.+ng for a compliment, youave come to the wrong woman.a aThen Iall give you one.a Jake moved a step closer. aSweetheart, howad you grow to be more gorgeous than you were a decade ago? You were the most beautiful thing Iad ever seen that first time I laid eyes on you at the rodeo, when I watched you win the barrel racing compet.i.tion.a He sucked in his breath at the memory and shook his head. aAnd nowalook at you.a Dee closed her eyes. aIad forgotten how you always knew the most charming words.a Before Jake realized what he was saying, he asked, aYou think itas possible to beafriendsaagain?a aFriends?a She opened her eyes and moved her fingers to her throat. After a momentas hesitation, she gave him a shrug and a little smile. aWhy not? Weare almost ten years older and weave both grown upaa lot.a Her eyes roamed over him as she spoke the last words, and he wanted her more than ever before. And that was saying something.

When her gaze met his again, he knew shead noticed his desire. aYes,a she said, her voice low and husky. aWeare both all grown up.a In the next instant, she dodged around him and headed to the stall with the calf that looked like he must be the sp.a.w.n of Satan himself. aYou little imp,a she crooned as she laid her hand on the upper railing of the stall. aWhat the h.e.l.l am I going to do with you?a The calf glared, his head lowered and looking as though head like to take her out, and Dee laughed. aYouare going to end up at the slaughterhouse rather than becoming lord of the manor with all the pretty ladies at your beck and call, if you donat settle down.a aWhatas the sonofab.i.t.c.has name?a aImp.a Dee glanced over her shoulder at Jake. aI thought about naming him Jake, but thatas what I named the old jacka.s.s out back.a She said it with a straight face, but he saw the ornery spark in her eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head. Head forgotten her teasing sense of humor and her ability to make him laugh. She turned back to the calf, and Jake walked up behind her so that just inches separated them. He drank in the scent of her that mingled with the smells of horse, hay, sweet oats and barn dust.

aDee.a He noticed the slight s.h.i.+ver that ran through her at the sound of his voice.

aI keep telling you, itas Dean.a She spun around and her eyes widened when she saw how close he was. She tried to step away, but her back was against the side of the stall.

aYouave always been Dee to me,a he murmured.

She raised her chin, and he noticed a streak of dirt across her cheek. aItas Dean to you now, just like everyone else.a Almost without thought, Jake reached up to wipe the smudge away, needing to feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. Her lips parted and her eyes widened as he gently smoothed the dirt from her cheek. Slowly he trailed his thumb down her soft skin to her full lips. Needing to touch her. Needing to wipe away the memories of their goodbye.

aItas been much too long,a he murmured lost in the sensation of being near Dee again, her presence seeping into his blood like wildfire.

Deeas lips trembled beneath his thumb. In the next instant she jerked away and pushed past him, heading out the barn door, her head high. He followed, catching up to her in a few strides. She stopped by the door of his black truck, obviously intending for him to leave.

The breeze blew a strand of auburn hair across her face and she absently pushed it behind one ear. Her expression was composed, but her eyes gave her awaya"head rattled her. And he was sure head seen longing in their depths. She extended her hand. aFriends.a Jake took her hand in his and desire curled through his belly, burning through his soul. As she pulled her hand away he knew she wanted him to leave, but he needed to be near her a little longer. There was so much he wanted to ask her now that head seen her again. So much he wanted to know about her.

So much time to make up for before he claimed her for good.

Before he could get out another word, Dee said, aIt wasaniceato see you again.a She gestured toward the house. aIave got to check on Blue. If head been up to snuff, you probably never wouldave made it out of your vehicle.a Jake glanced in the direction she pointed, then back to Dee. aWhatas wrong with him?a aThatas the weird part.a With a confused frown, Dee shook her head. aLast night I found him eating raw meat, but Iam not sure where he got it. The vet was out to see Blue a little while ago, and said it could have been poisoned meat that someone set out to kill off coyotes in the area.a Narrowing his gaze, Jake said, aYou think it might have been the rustlers trying to get your dog out of the way?a Deeas face seemed to go a shade whiter. aI did lose a lot of cattle last night, but from our eastern range. Why would they need to poison Blue?a Jake took a step closer to Dee. aYou live alone?a She nodded as she stepped back from him. aHave been for the past few years, since my sister Trace has been in Europe.a aI donat like any of this a d.a.m.n bit.a Jake caught Dee by her upper arms, keeping her from retreating any farther. aYou need to watch out for yourself.a aIave been doing just fine.a She placed her palms to his chest and pushed him away, forcing him to break contact. aIad better see how Blueas doing.a aYou be careful.a Jake tipped the brim of his Stetson then grabbed the door handle of his truck. aLater, Dee.a aDean.a She smiled too brightly. aSee you around, Agent Reynolds.a And with that, she strode toward the house without a backward glance.

As she jogged up the steps and crossed the porch, he watched her fluid movements. He had a side view, and couldnat help enjoying it. The way her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced and her tight backside swayed. She opened the front door and then closed it behind her.

He shook his head as he got into his truck and tossed his hat onto the seat beside him and grinned.

No matter what Dee MacLeod might think, Jake intended to make her his woman againa"this time for keeps.

Chapter Two.

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