Marry In Haste Part 2

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Yet something about Mallory had made it impossible for him to simply take her to his room. He'd never done anything so impulsive in his life, but he'd asked her to marry him. Maybe it was Stephanie's rejection that had prompted it. Maybe it was the fact that Mallory was more beautiful to him than any woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Maybe it was because he'd wanted her too badly to let her slip out of his life in the morning. Whatever it had been, it had been sheer craziness, but she'd agreed.

Had the tequila and champagne led him to hail a cab to take them to the courthouse, then return to the White Dove Wedding Chapel a few doors down from his motel? Another question he couldn't answer. It didn't much matter because now they were married. Taking the paper out of his pocket again, he handed it to her.

She examined it, studied her signature, then sank onto the bed. "Oh, my heavens," she murmured, looking dumbfounded.

Last night Mallory's flirting and sparkling, desire-filled hazel eyes had made Reed feel ten feet tall. Now her stricken expression made him feel much the same as Stephanie's letter had. "You don't remember any of it?" he asked her.

Gazing up at him, she shook her head. "I never drink. One gla.s.s usually makes me fall asleep."

"Yeah, well you had more than one gla.s.s," he mumbled. "You don't remember finis.h.i.+ng the bottle?"

She sighed, then shook her head again. "Tell me what happened, Reed. I have to know."

She looked mortified, and he couldn't help but sit beside her on the bed, though no part of them touched. That could be entirely too dangerous right now. "We drank. We danced. We kissed. We danced. We drank some more. We started walking to my motel and...I asked you to marry me."


Her surprise was so genuine that he knew he had to be honest with her. "I wanted to have s.e.x with you, but you were so sweet and such a lady, that I guess I didn't feel I could unless I asked you to marry me."

She was silent for a few moments. Then she asked, "So we...slept together?"

"Sleep is all we did."

"I don't understand. I thought you said-"

"I said I wanted to have s.e.x with you. But after our visit to the courthouse and the wedding chapel, we came back to my motel room. I went into the bathroom, and when I came out, you had taken off your clothes and crawled into bed and were fast asleep."

"So you just crawled in beside me?"

He shrugged. "That's about it. Look, I knew you'd had too much champagne, and I guess deep down I knew you'd want a divorce in the morning."

"So you didn't take advantage of me," she responded with a relieved look.

"I'm no saint. I guess I hoped that when we awakened, I wouldn't have to take advantage of you."

She thought about that for a moment. "Reed, all I can say is thank you for being more than an honorable man last night, as well as for rescuing me this morning."

"Bentley is dangerous," Reed said with certainty.

"I just realized how dangerous," Mallory murmured. She looked lost in thought, but then she turned toward him slightly on the bed. "Your name's really 'Fortune'?"

"So my father tells me," he said with a smile, glad she wasn't looking quite as shaken or panicked.

"Do you know the Texas Fortunes?"

He nodded. "It's a long story, but Ryan Fortune and my father, Teddy, are long-lost half brothers. Ryan and Dad were just reunited about six months ago at Ryan and Lily's wedding. I'm visiting, getting to know the family, learning about the horse operation here, hoping I can convince my father to modernize back home."

Mallory shook her head and smiled. "It's a small world. My half brother works for the Fortunes in San Antonio."

"Would his name be Dawson Prescott?"

"How did you know?"

"You said you were on your way to San Antonio. When I saw your last name, I wondered if you were related to Dawson. I've spent some weekends with him on the Double Crown."

With Mallory's face turned up to him, her hazel eyes now devoid of fear, Reed found himself as attracted to her as he had been last night. But the situation had gotten complicated and they would have to unravel it piece by piece. Standing, he said, "You'd better get your things together. Bentley might return with reinforcements. I'll call the airport and tell them to get the jet ready."


"I flew the company jet up here."

Her back straightening, she pushed her hair behind her ear. "I can pack my things, load up the car and drive to Texas. I don't want to interrupt your plans."

"I think you already have." As soon as he said it, he saw a look in her eyes that he decided was pure determination.

"I left San Francisco to make my own decisions, Reed, and to start a new life in Texas on my own."

"That's going to be a little tough with Bentley on your heels, don't you think? What if you stop for a meal and he pulls the same thing he pulled here? If you drive away from Reno alone, you won't have any protection against him. He'll know our marriage isn't a marriage."

"I don't want to get you mixed up in this."

She was dismissing the idea of their marriage as if it had never happened, and he probably should, too. But he couldn't. Not when Bentley was on her tail. "At least let me deliver you to Dawson safely, then you can decide what you want to do next."

"But my car is here, and I'm going to need it in San Antonio."

"If I can find someone to drive it to Texas for you, will you fly home with me?"

"Only if the driver is reliable and will get my car there in one piece."

"I know someone who can take care of it."

When Reed had first arrived in Reno and looked up Matt Conroy, the owner of the Golden Spur, they'd had a lengthy conversation. Matt had told him he was aiming to visit some relatives in Texas very soon. Maybe now would be a good time if Reed offered to pay his airfare back.

Sensing Mallory had an adventurous streak she was only beginning to discover, he upped the ante. "I could be persuaded to let you sit in the c.o.c.kpit with me."

She laughed. "That's a bribe, Reed Fortune."

"Yes, it is, Mallory Prescott."

With a smile, she stood and faced him toe to toe. "All right. I'll fly to San Antonio with you, but then I take care of myself."

He'd let her take care of herself, but only if she was out of harm's way while she did it.

While Reed spoke with the men who were buzzing around the jet emblazoned with the Double Crown insignia, Mallory stood inside the airport trying to catch her breath. She couldn't believe she'd married this s.e.xy Australian, and she vowed to herself she'd never touch liquor again. A little late now that the damage is done, she thought. Thank goodness Reed was an honorable man. Maybe they could both get out of this thing unscathed.

As she admired his tall, well-built frame, she remembered seeing him naked this morning, and she felt the heat rising inside her again. He wasn't really her husband. Couldn't be her husband. She didn't know anything about the Australian branch of the Fortunes, but the Texas ones were certainly wealthy. The last thing she wanted was to be involved with another wealthy man. Winston and her stepfather seemed to think women were possessions. She was having none of that ever again. She'd make a life for herself on her own terms.

Reed saw her standing at the window and motioned for her to join him. A stiff breeze almost whipped her sweater from her shoulders as she stepped outside. She'd changed at her motel into mint-green slacks, a silk s.h.i.+rt and matching sweater. She'd only brought along clothes that she'd packed for her honeymoon. She and Winston were supposed to spend the week in Bermuda in a posh hotel that recommended dressing for high tea. When she'd emerged from the bathroom at the motel in this outfit, Reed had given her the once-over but hadn't said anything. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. He'd told her he'd made arrangements for her car, and they should leave for the airport immediately. Both lost in their own thoughts, they hadn't talked much on the drive.

Now Reed asked, "Do you still want to ride up front?"

She nodded.

"Go on up, then," he said. "I'll be ready in a few minutes."

Even she could tell the aircraft was state of the art as she settled in and fastened her seat belt. The instrument panel meant nothing to her. When Reed climbed inside, she gave him a tentative smile. "Do you do much of this?"

"Are you worrying about how experienced I am?"

The glimmer of amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes made her blush. She'd bet he was experienced in more than flying an airplane. "Do you fly in Australia?"

"As often as I can. I fly jets now and then on excursions, and we have a twin engine on the Crown Peak."

"The Crown Peak?"

"The name of my family's ranch. Both Ryan and my dad, like all the Fortunes, have a hereditary birthmark in the shape of a crown."

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if Reed did. She'd tried so hard not to look at his naked body this morning.... Keeping her lips firmly closed to keep herself out of trouble, she stared straight ahead.

After Reed had done everything necessary for take-off and spoken with the tower, they taxied to the runway, then waited until he received a go-ahead. Looking over at her, he said, "Here we go. Are you nervous?"

She shook her head. "Excited."

With that slip of a smile that made her stomach flip-flop, he focused his attention and they took off.

Leaving the Sierra Nevada behind them, Mallory couldn't help glancing at Reed as well as at the scenery. His hands were large and capable, his movements quick and deft. He'd taken off his Stetson and was wearing a headset. His profile was strong and defined. She might not remember marrying him, but she sure remembered kissing him, drowning in the sensuality of it- Turning his head, he caught her looking. She quickly looked away.

After a few moments Reed remarked, "I suppose you saw the articles about the Fortunes in the newspapers and tabloids that Bentley referred to."

"About Ryan Fortune's grandson being kidnapped? Or about his fiancee, Lily Ca.s.sidy, being accused of murdering the wife he was divorcing? Sophia, I think."

Reed grimaced. "Unfortunately, the Fortunes are newsworthy without the crises the family has been through."

"The baby was returned unharmed, wasn't he?"

Reed nodded. "And Lily was cleared of Sophia's murder."

"From what I read, Lily and your uncle Ryan knew each other when they were younger, before his two marriages."

"They were much younger. Did Dawson tell you about the scandals?"

"Some. He said he knew Lily could never murder anyone. He was relieved when Clint Lockhart was arrested for murdering Sophia."

"Lockhart had revenge on his mind for years. Another dangerous man."

Mallory knew Reed was referring to Winston. She'd never suspected he'd try to kidnap her.

Reed must have been thinking about what had happened that morning, too, because he asked, "Did you manage to reach Dawson from the airport?"

"No. I still got his machine, and the Fortune offices are closed on"

"Maybe he's at the Double Crown. He has an open invitation to visit anytime he wants. My uncle is like that with people he trusts. But I guess you know that."

"You mean, because of Dawson?"

Reed nodded.

"He's mentioned going riding at the Double Crown." Wis.h.i.+ng she knew much more about her half brother, her voice was a bit wistful.

"Are you and Dawson close?" Reed asked.

"Not as close as I'd like. We have the same father. But Dad left Dawson's mother for mine and created so much bitterness that my mother did everything she could to dissuade contact between us. My dad, on the other hand, tried to bring Dawson and me together now and then. We'd go to Disneyland or have lunch. Dawson used to tell me if I needed him I could call him, so when he was in college, I did. But whenever my mother saw the bill, she had a fit."

"What about more recently?"

For some reason it seemed natural to talk to Reed about her family. "My life was as hectic as Dawson's and it was hard to connect. Since I was still living with my mother and stepfather, I tried to keep peace. I should have moved out after college. But I was doing an apprentices.h.i.+p, which Mother and George were totally against. They didn't like the idea of my working at all. So to calm the waters somewhat, I stayed with them."

Reed glanced at her briefly. "What about your father?"

"He died when I was seventeen," she said softly. She still missed him desperately. They'd been close and when he'd died, she'd felt cut adrift. Her mother's remarriage a year later hadn't helped.

Giving her a quick look, Reed didn't pursue the conversation any further. After another stretch of silence when the only sound was the hum of the engine, Reed picked up a phone from between their seats and quickly punched in a number. "I'm going to check to see if Dawson is at the Double Crown."

When someone answered, Reed asked, "Rosita, it's Reed. Is Dawson there this weekend?" After a pause he said, "I see. Is Zane around? Maybe he can tell me." Turning toward Mallory, Reed explained, "Dawson's not there. But Zane, Ryan's son, works with him at the Fortune offices. He should know what's going on."

Anxiety tightened Mallory's chest. What if no one knew where Dawson was?

Reed asked his cousin about Dawson's whereabouts and then listened. Finally he responded, "Are you going to be there for a while? Either I'll call you back or I'll answer your questions after I land. Talk to you soon." Putting the phone back on its holder, Reed readjusted his headset, then said matter-of-factly, "You have a problem."

"Dawson?" she asked.

"He's away on business and Zane doesn't expect him back for two weeks. He flew to Europe to check on new investment possibilities. Zane has his itinerary, if you want to call him, but I get the impression that he has meetings scheduled daily for the time he's there. Even if he came back to help you get settled, he'd have to leave again. The way I see it, you have three options."

"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like any of them?" she murmured.

He gave her a wry look. "You can go back to San Francisco and forget about this whole adventure."

"That one's out," she responded quickly.

"You could stay at Dawson's place and be a sitting duck if Winston comes calling again."

"I'm not particularly fond of that one, either."

"Or finally, we could pretend to have a real marriage and you could stay with me."

With all that had happened, she didn't think anything Reed could say would shock her, but that came close. Besides the fact that "pretend" and "real" didn't seem to go together in the same sentence. "Explain 'pretend to have a real marriage.'"

"We have a marriage certificate. All I have to do is tell Zane to spread the word and everyone will know we're married. I'm staying in a cabin on the Double Crown property. No one has to know what you and I do when we're alone."

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