The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 52

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De, as:--_La unua vorto de la linio_ = The first word of the line.

_La amo de Dio_ = The love of (from) G.o.d, G.o.d's love.

Dum, as:--_Vojago dum dek kvin tagoj_, or, _Dekkvintaga vojago_ = A journey of (during) fifteen days.

El, as:--_Unu el ni estos elektata_ = One of (out of) us will be chosen. _El ciuj miaj amikoj, li estas la plej forta_ = Of (out of) all my friends, he is the strongest.

En, as:--_La plej granda cambro en la domo_ = The largest room of (in) the house.

Inter, as:--_La plej malgranda inter_ (or, _el_) _ciuj arboj en la gardeno_ = The smallest of (among) all the trees in the garden.

Kun, as:--_Si estas virino kun gusto_ = She is a woman of (with) taste.

Pri, as:--_Ne pensu pri gi_ = Do not think of (about) it. _Si parolis pri sia frato_ = She spoke of (about) her brother.

Pro, as:--_Li mortis pro_ (or, _de_) _malsato_ = He died of (owing to) hunger.

Adjective, as:--_Li estas sperta h.o.m.o_ = He is a man of experience (an experienced man).


261 (g). Represented by:--

Al, as:--_Peston al la trancilo!_ = Plague on the knife!

Ce, as:--_Ce_ (or better, _sur_) _la alia flanko de la strato_ = On (at) the other side of the street. _Ce tio mi eliris el la cambro_ = On that, I left the room.

Cirkau, as:--_La rado turnigis cirkau sia akso_ = The wheel turned on its axis.

De, as:--_Gi dependas de la nombro de vortoj_ = It depends on (from) the number of words.

En, as:--_En la tago difinita_ = On (in) the appointed day.

Je, as:--_Mi gratulas vin je_ (or, _pri_) _via reveno_ = I congratulate you on (concerning) your return.

Kun, as:--_Si gin donis al mi kun_ (or, _sub_) _tiu kondico_ = She gave it me on (with) that condition.

Post, as:--_Post plua konsiderado_ = On (after) further consideration.

Pri, as:--_Li gratulis min pri mia edzigo_ = He congratulated me on (concerning) my marriage.

Pro, as:--_Pro tio mi lin lasis_ = On that account I left him.

Sub, as:--_Li vizitis min sub la preteksto, ke li estas parenco_ = He visited me on (under) the pretext that he was (is) a relation.

Sur, as:--_La paperoj kusas sur la tablo_ = The papers are lying on the table.

Accusative, as:--_Li gin donis al mi lundon_ = He gave it me on a Monday.

Adjective, as:--_La veturilo estas luebla_ = The carriage is on hire (is able to be hired).

Adverb, as:--_Li staris dekstre_ = He stood on the right. _Li gin faris intence_ = He did it on purpose. _Prunte_ = On loan.


261 (_h_). Represented by:--

Al, as:--_Mi iras al Parizo_ = I am going to Paris. _Li diris al mi_ = He said to me.

En, as:--_Li ridetis en si mem_ = He smiled to (in) himself. _Li reiris en la urbon_ = He went back to (into) the town.

Gis, as:--_De sabato gis mardo_ = From to (till) Tuesday. _Li amis gis frenezigo_ = He loved to frenzy.

Ke (with a personal p.r.o.noun), as:--_Vi bone faris, ke vi venis_ = You did well to come (that you came).

Kontrau, as:--_Vizagon kontrau vizago_ = Face to (opposite) face.

Kun, as:--_Li fiancigis kun mia kuzino_ = He became engaged (affianced) to my cousin.

Por, as:--_Mi havas multe_ (or, _multon_) _por fari_ = I have much to do (for to do). _Si estis muta por ciuj liaj demandoj_ = She was dumb to (for) all his questions. _Tia agado estas dangera por ni_ = Such action is dangerous to (for) us.

Pri, as:--_Pri tio lasu min zorgi_ = Let me look to that.

Sub, as:--_Sub la sono de muziko_ = To (under) the sound of music.

Sur, as:--_Iri sur la kamparon_ = To go to (into) the country.

Adverb, as:--_Li iris dekstren_ = He went to the right. _Morte kond.a.m.nita_ = Condemned to death.

Accusative, as:--_Mi iris Parizon_ = I went to Paris.


261 (_i_). Represented by:--

Ce, as:--_Por esti ce li, mi fordonis cion_ = To be with (at) him, I gave up everything.

De, as:--_Li eksaltis de surprizo_ = He started with (from) surprise.

El, as:--_Kion ni faros el tio?_ = What shall we do (make) with (out of) that?

Je, as:--_Li okupis sin je_ (or, _pri_) _mehaniko_ = He occupied himself with (concerning, about) mechanics.

Kontrau, as:--_Li batalis kontrau la malamiko_ = He fought with the enemy.

Kun, as:--_Li paroladas kun sia amiko_ = He is conversing (talking) with (to) his friend.

Lau, as:--_Li kuris lau granda rapideco_ = He ran with great rapidity.

Per, as:--_Li mortigis sin per glavo_ = He killed himself with (by means of) a sword.

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