Magical Moments Part 29

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"Really?" She wanted to laugh with the joy of that knowledge.

"Really," he confirmed and walked to the tub, extending his hand out to her. "While I would love at this moment to be intimate with you, your present needs prohibit our joining, so instead I will see to your care. I added an herbal mixture that should help soothe your discomfort."

She didn't hesitate in walking to his side and taking his hand. He reached down and turned off the faucet and then helped her into the tub, following behind her. They eased down into the tepid water together, Dagon stretching out full length and spreading his legs for Sarina to nestle between them.

She relaxed back against him, his hard body remarkably comfortable as she stretched out along it, and

the warm water was soothing as it rose up to settle just beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Dagon wrapped his arms protectively around her, and she settled contentedly in his embrace, sighing with the pure pleasure of a perfect moment.

"Comfortable?" he asked.

"Extremely," she admitted, another satisfied sigh confirming the truth of her response.

"I missed you this morning when I woke."

"I was much too excited to sleep."

He kissed her temple. "Then you should have awakened me."

She lovingly stroked his forearm where it rested beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "You were sleeping so soundly, I

didn't wish to disturb you."

"Never think you disturb me, Sarina. I will always be there for you, whenever you need me"-he paused and laughed softly-"and even when you don't. You actually may find me a pest." "Never," she said adamantly. "I like being with you and will stay-" "-as long as I say," he finished, deciding now was not the moment to tell her they would be spending a lifetime together. If he was truthful with himself, he would admit that he was concerned that she may have other plans for her life and that he was but a mere interlude. He chose to share more with her, and while he was almost certain she felt the same as he, there still remained that margin of doubt that could distress a budding relations.h.i.+p. He would not have it torment theirs.

He realized that she gave no response. Was her silence on purpose, and if so what did it mean? Would she willingly remain or did she have other plans she did not wish to share with him? He sought a more definitive answer. "Have you made life plans, Sarina?" She kept her mind clear and her answer brief. "No."

He pursued his query. "You must have at least given it thought."

"Now and again."

"What then did you think?"

Again she chose brevity. "Not much."

He sensed her unwillingness to talk on the subject, and her reluctance made him all the more curious. He

decided to skirt the issue and see what he could discover. "Perhaps you wish to seek the knowledge that will help develop your skills." She smiled to herself. "My skills will come with time." "At least you know the value of patience." "I learned it many years ago."

"Who taught you?"

She laughed. "Patience cannot be taught. It must be learned on one's own, or one never benefits from its magic."

"Wise words for one so young," he said as if questioning her age.

She immediately sought to change the subject. "Young witches sometimes are remarkably insightful, and the youngest witches are the most delightful, that's why I want many children."

Her words pleased him. "I feel the same way about children myself. I'd like to fill the castle with the

laughter and joy they bring." "Children would grow and flourish here, and you would make a wonderful father." His hand moved down over her stomach. "And you a wonderful mother." Without thought she placed her hand over his. "I've thought often how magical it would be to create a child and feel it grow inside me." "Then you do have certain life plans," he said, returning to the subject she preferred to ignore. When she went to move her hand off his, he quickly slipped his hand over hers and kept it pressed against her stomach. "You wish for a baby inside you, so therefore you must wish for a lifemate." "Don't we all wish to be part of another, to share a love so strong that it bonds two together as if they are one? And once that love is established, wouldn't the two wish to create another from the depths of their love? Isn't that what the life cycle is all about? Love that continues on forever through every one of us, a love so rare yet so simple it unites the souls." He moved his hand off hers and gently grasped her chin to turn her face toward his. "You wish for a love that is rare."

Her heart skipped several beats and her eyes fluttered closed and then drifted open. "Yes, I do."

He kissed her lips softly and sweetly. "So do I."

She settled once again into his firm embrace, and once again no words of their love pa.s.sed their lips, yet they sensed without saying that they loved, and soon, very soon it would be time for them to openly admit their emotions.

Time once again to tempt fate.

Dagon ate his breakfast and read the paper while Sarina slept peacefully in his bed. She had grown sleepy in the tub, and he had wrapped her in a huge terry-cloth towel, dried her, and carried her to his bed, tucking her beneath the covers. Her eyes had drifted closed as soon as her head rested on the pillow. He then dressed in dark gray trousers and a white knit sweater, leaving his long hair free to dry as he slowly enjoyed his morning meal.

He liked this scene-Sarina asleep content in his bed, and he content watching her. In his search for a lifemate he had foolishly ignored the simple things that made life more pleasing. He had not given enough serious thought to how he would feel about sleeping and waking with a woman every day. He was more intent on skills and power and failed to realize that love was a serious commitment that required serious consideration.

Did he wish to spend the remainder of his years with a powerful witch for the sake of creating powerful children, or did he wish to spend his years with an inept witch who smiled at the joy their joining brought her and who longed to create a child from their love?

The answer was not difficult, though he was grateful that he had asked the question. He had searched so hard for love that he had forgotten love's true qualities and he had forgotten that love could never be found because it is never lost.

He looked to Sarina cuddled beneath the covers and whispered, "I love you, and soon, very soon, I will hear you admit the same."

A soft knock at the door caught his attention, and he stood and walked over to open the door quietly.

Bernard stood on the other side. "Sorry to disturb you, sir, but Lady Lily is completely uncontrollable in the kitchen and will allow no one near her. I a.s.sume she is concerned to her master's whereabouts, and while I attempted to capture her and bring her here, she clawed and spit and refused any offer of help or comfort. And poor Margaret cannot get her work done."

"I'll come along and see to her," Dagon said, and before he took a step out of the room, he glanced back to Sarina, smiled, and stepped out the door closing it behind him.


Lady Lily sat purring contentedly in Dagon's arms as he walked toward the staircase. The little ball of fur who was rounding in size quite nicely had created havoc in the kitchen. She had jumped from countertop, to countertop, to the table, and right onto Margaret's floured board. She repeated the process, her stained white paws leaving her tiny tracks all over the kitchen.

Fortunately for all she had calmed down at the sight of Dagon, and with a heartfelt meow wandered over to him most willingly, cuddling against him when he picked her up. He made apologies to Margaret and quickly exited the kitchen. He was about to take her upstairs to Sarina when Sydney intercepted him as he pa.s.sed the receiving parlor.

"Just the man I wanted to speak with," she said and hooked her arm in his, turning him around and heading straight for his study. Dagon knew better than to protest. Obviously this was a command, not a request, and he went along most willingly.

Sydney shut the door and ordered, "Sit down, we need to talk."

Dagon walked to his desk, leaning his backside against the front of it while he continued to appease

Lady Lily with gentle strokes of his hand. "If it's about Sarina-"

"It is about the Ancient One."

Dagon immediately grew attentive, and Lady Lily grew quiet.

Sydney walked behind his desk and sat, forcing him to turn and take the seat in front of the desk.

"Sebastian and Ali have chosen to leave before her arrival. Ali doesn't think Sebastian is ready to meet

someone of her status just yet. I intend to remain to make the introductions."

Dagon hesitated to respond, not certain of how to inform Sydney of his change in plans.

"Something troubles you?" she asked, and he realized she sensed his apprehension.

He spoke truthfully. "I don't think the meeting with the Ancient One is necessary after all."

Sydney rose slowly, placing her hands flat upon the desk. "You don't think it necessary?"

He wisely remained silent, knowing she didn't actually expect a response.

"You insist that I arrange a meeting with a witch, who with the snap of her fingers, could bring this castle

crumbling down around you, and when I make those arrangements, you decide it is no longer necessary? Are you a fool?"

He nodded; disagreeing was futile.

"Well, at least we agree on something," she said with annoyance and stood straight, folding her arms over her chest-a sure sign that she was angry. "You have no choice but to meet with her."

"But if you explain-"

"Explain!" she said in a near shout. "Explain what? That a foolish male witch demanded an introduction with her and has now changed his mind? She will want to know why-"

She held up her hand to prevent his response. "And she will accept no explanation."

"You're saying she is not a reasonable witch?"

Sydney laughed at him as if he were an ignorant child. "She was born with the dawn of time. Do you understand the magnitude of her powers?"

"She is wise, therefore she must be reasonable," Dagon insisted, growing agitated that he may have

gotten himself into a situation that he may have difficulty extracting himself from.

Sydney nodded slowly. "Yes, reasonable enough to think that if someone wished to meet with her that he had given that meeting careful consideration, which meant it was important to him and therefore he would not waste her time and would never consider canceling it."

"You're telling me I'm stuck with this meeting."

"Precisely," Sydney informed him and sat down.

Dagon gave his predicament thought while petting Lady Lily. "I suppose my only recourse is to

formulate another reason for meeting with her since I am in love with Sarina and wish her to become my lifemate."

Sydney smiled and allowed Dagon to feel her pleasure over his words.

"You're happy for me," he confirmed with a smile of his own.

"Happy, pleased, and delighted that you have finally found love."

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