Magical Moments Part 28

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Sarina shook her head. "No, he doesn't."

"Let me help you," Ali said to Sarina's surprise and stood.

"A good idea," Sydney said, pouring herself another cup of Earl Grey. "Margaret and I are going to

discuss recipes for the coming holiday."

Ali hooked her arm in Sarina's before any objections could be made, and together they left the room.

Ali sat on the small couch while the feather duster she instructed with her finger saw to dusting the

furniture. Sarina, however, was busy manually polis.h.i.+ng all the gla.s.s pieces in the room.

"Let me tell you something about Dagon," Ali said, and Sarina listened, anxious to learn all she could about him. "He can be demanding, irritatingly so at times, but he means well and he cares deeply. He would never intentionally hurt anyone. He respects our ways and lives by our code, never harming a soul,

though he does threaten when he feels it necessary. But it is his intelligence he resorts to when a problem needs dealing with."

"I've learned that," Sarina admitted, remembering all the times he dealt with her dilemmas.

"He growls and stomps around like a beast at times, but regains control quickly, of course," she said

with a huge grin. "He's never been truly in love."

Sarina stopped polis.h.i.+ng and joined Ali on the sofa. "You believe he truly loves me?"

Ali took her hand. "You do yourself or you would have never surrendered yourself to him or him to


"We haven't spoken of love."

"Love announces itself in many strange ways."

Sarina smiled. "Yes, that it does and I suppose when love is ready, it spills willingly from lovers' lips."

"Very willingly," Ali a.s.sured her and reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. "Trust Dagon with your heart, he will never hurt you."

Sarina already knew that and was about to tell Ali when they both jumped at the shout of her name echoing down the staircase and through the hall.

Ali patted her hand. "Stay right here and let him find you."


Ali would hear no protest. "Right here. He has no business shouting for you."

"He's upset," Sarina said, sensing his concern.

"Upset because you weren't there when he turned over in bed ready to make love again."

The two women jumped again when this time Ali's name echoed through the castle.

"Oh, he's in for it now," Ali said with a smirk, and Sarina laughed.

"We both remain here?" Sarina asked.

"You're d.a.m.ned right we do. Those two beasts better turn into gentle men before they reach this room or else."

Sarina was encouraged by Ali's courage and stayed put.

Dagon flew into the room first, and he actually looked as if he flew, he entered the room so suddenly and stopped just as abruptly. He wore his silver robe and nothing else, Sarina was sure of it when she caught sight of his bare feet, though his hair did appear combed, although he probably raked his fingers through it a dozen times or more in aggravation before leaving his room.

Sebastian entered next with equal speed and almost crashed into Dagon if it was not for the sharp wit of his wife, who with the crook of her finger altered their near physical altercation.

He, too, wore a robe, though it was dark blue and his feet were bare, which meant- Sarina and Ali grinned at each other.

"Something we can help you with, gentlemen, " Ali said calmly.

"Oh, no, no," Sebastian said, coming to stand in front of the sofa with his hands on his hips. "No, you're not going to make this look like it's my fault."

"What's your fault?" Ali asked sweetly.

Dagon walked around the sofa to stand in front of Sarina while Sebastian answered, "Nothing is my fault."

"Of course it's not," Ali a.s.sured him.

Sebastian shook his head and looked to Dagon.

"She's your wife, mortal, not mine."

"True enough," Sebastian admitted, "but since you're also standing here in your robe, I'd say you're having the same problem, wife or not."

"Not for long," Dagon said and reached down, grabbing Sarina's wrist and yanking her to her feet.

She cried out from the discomfort the sudden jolting caused.

All eyes turned to her misty ones.

"You're in pain," Dagon said with concern.

Ali tugged at her husband's hand, and he quietly helped her up, and with soft silent steps they left the


"A little discomfort," she admitted, knowing it was senseless to hide the truth from him.

He glanced around the room. "You're working?"

Before she could respond, he shook his head and with a growling mumble scooped her up into his arms.

Unfortunately he was not as gentle as he should have been, and his quick actions brought a sting of pain and a rush of tears. She simply buried her face against his chest where his robe had fallen open.

He felt her tears tickle his chest and swore beneath his breath. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right," she said. "It's not your fault."

"d.a.m.ned if it isn't. In my unrelenting hunger for you I did not consider the consequences," he said and walked slowly out of the room and up the stairs. "My intentions were to love you, not hurt you."

She slipped her arm around his neck. "And you did love me and I loved you with just as much eagerness."

"Still, it was my responsibility to see to your care."

She sighed with the pleasurable memories. "You certainly did that."

"About your absence from my bed, you left my bed to see to your duties?" he asked, seeking confirmation of what he already knew.

"Yes, I made a promise to Janey to help her out today. I could not go back on my word."

"I'll see that her duties are seen to, but you will cease all duties until I say otherwise. Is that clear?"

Her protest died on her lips. There was no point in arguing with him now, he would have his way regardless of how much she objected. She would wait and speak to him when he was in a more reasonable mood.

He entered his bedroom, the bedcovering rumpled from their last night's activities. He kicked the door shut and gently sat her down on the bed. He walked to the phone and picked it up, pressing a b.u.t.ton. "Bernard," he said, "Sarina is relieved of her duties until further notice from me, and please see to it that Janey's are seen to by someone else today." He remained silent listening to Bernard's response. "Yes, have breakfast for two sent to my room, but not for at least an hour."

After hanging up the phone he returned to stand in front of her. "Get undressed, I'm going to run a tepid bath for you." She attempted what she knew would be a useless protest. "It isn't necessary." "It is very necessary," he insisted and reached down to unb.u.t.ton her blouse. She covered his hand with hers. "I'll do it."

He nodded. "Join me in the bathroom when you're done."

The sky outside had turned a darker gray and rain began to patter on the windowpanes as Sarina removed the last traces of her garments. A chill rushed over her even though fresh logs had been added to the blazing fire that spread its warmth throughout the room.

She couldn't be nervous. She had been intimate in so many ways with Dagon last night that there was no

reason to feel nervous around him and yet she did. Why?

Perhaps she felt vulnerable, perhaps she was more uncertain of their future than she cared to admit, or perhaps she loved him so much that the thought of a future without him upset her terribly.

She walked with cautious steps to the bathroom. The water ran in a steady flow into the tub, the lights were dim, and the pattering of rain had turned incessant against the windowpane. Dagon stood with his back to her, his naked back. He had discarded his robe and was busy lighting candles along the vanity.

She admired his firm round backside and long st.u.r.dy legs, and then there was the width of his shoulders.

She sighed, enjoying the view.

He turned and smiled. "You do like looking at me naked, don't you?"

She answered honestly. "Very much."

"Then I shall not deny you your pleasure, look to your heart's content."

She did, hugging her chilled body as she explored him with her eyes slow and steady. She retreated a

step when her glance connected with the affects of her lingering perusal.

He was hard, magnificently hard.

And she was tender, not a good combination.

His voice was gentle. "It's obvious that I want you- actually you might as well get used to seeing me aroused, since in your presence I'm in a constant state of arousal."

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