Vampire - The Awakening Part 41

Vampire - The Awakening -

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He must have concealed his fear with greater effect than he had imagined, for she didn't scream or shout for the police. She frowned, as if aware of his underlying tension, and answered him as pleasantly as she could. "Martha came by for her."

"Martha? You know Martha? You do mean my wife's Aunt Martha?"

"I know Martha, of course-it's a small town. Most residents come here with their aches, pains, and accidents. Martha is friends with most of the doctors-and she volunteers here as well." She looked as if she didn't want to say more to him-as if the hospital was engaging in policies that might not be quite fair-but then she sighed and explained, "Martha may be the closest thing to next- of-kin old Andy has. They're not related, but they've known one another for years. Bickered as much as anything, but Martha came in as soon as she heard about Andy, and the doctors believe a friendly voice can sometimes break into the mind of a person in a coma. So... Martha took your wife up for just a second."

Finn exhaled, staring at her. "He's not going to make it, is he?"

"I'm not the doctor," she said softly. He was surprised, especially in his present mood, that she seemed to look into his eyes and be willing, despite herself, to talk to him. She shook her head and told him, "Andy's an old, old man. He received some terrible injuries. Being thrown by a speeding car... it's kind of like being beaten by a dozen lead pipes, you know. Anyway, it's all in the hands of G.o.d, now."

"Thank you," Finn told her.

She smiled at last. "Take a seat in the lounge there. She won't be but a minute. My friend Dorcas is the nurse in charge of Andy's room-no one will be in there for more than a minute or two, I a.s.sure you. I'd tell you to go on up, but Dorcas would be risking her job if any more people tried to get in, especially if Andy does... well, you know. If things don't go well for Andy."

"I understand," Finn said, and he did. But he leaned against the counter idly, and when a visitor came in to ask for directions to the maternity ward, he carefully gazed over the counter. He was glad to see that the computer screen was drawn to a list of room numbers.

He pretended to push away from the counter, take a seat, and glance at a magazine. But as soon as the redhead's attention was taken again by a new visitor, he stood and headed for the elevators.

Efficiency was the order of the day in Dorcas Brandt's arena of care. Megan found herself suited up in a matter of minutes-Andy didn't have any kind of a contagious disease, but apparently at his age and in his condition, pneumonia could be the final straw.

Masked and gowned, she entered the room with Martha and Dorcas.

Martha, a glaze of tears about her eyes, was still silent as she came by Andy's bedside.

Andy was a maze of tubes. Thin, almost transparent little lines helped him to breathe. An IV brought sustenance into his veins and kept him hydrated. A monitor watched his heart. Both of his eyes were blackened, or so sunken that they appeared to be so.

Amazingly, he had suffered no broken bones-he had simply been bruised from head to toe and knocked unconscious. He had never come to, but had sunk into the coma, despite every effort made to revive him in the emergency room. But his heart was still beating, and his lungs were working on their own. And, Dorcas had a.s.sured Megan, there was plenty of activity going on in old Andy's mind.

He looked like h.e.l.l.

There were st.i.tches running across the top of his forehead; his white hair had been shaved away from that area of his skull. His cheeks were cadaverous.

"Andy, you silly fool, what were you doing out on the road like that!" Martha said softly. She glanced at Dorcas, who nodded to her. Martha gently took his hand. "Andy, you've got to wake up, let us know you're all right."

There was no movement from Andy. Not a flicker of his eyelids.

Martha stroked a finger down the too apparent vein in his hand, then moved over to whisper to Dorcas at the rear of the room.

Megan moved forward. She bit lightly into her lower lip because she felt a sting in her eyes as well-if she'd never met the man, she would have been moved by his condition.

"Andy, you're a fighter. And they need you around here, you know," she murmured. Feeling somewhat inadequate-and something of a fraud, she certainly wasn't a lifelong friend-she took his hand as she had seen Martha do.

"Come on, Andy, you've got to make it."

She felt the slightest flinch against her fingers, where he touched her hand. Her eyes were drawn there, as if she could thereby verify the movement. Nothing. But when she glanced toward his face again, her breath caught in a sudden wheeze; her heart seemed to stop.

His eyes were open. They stared at her, and somehow beyond her. He seemed to be looking at something beyond the room.

He moved his lips.

She couldn't hear his words.

She moved closer against him, and heard what didn't even sound like a voice, more like a mechanical rasp.

"Bac-Dal wants you. I must be there. Will be there. The evil must be stopped. The evil... there! Bac-Dal wants you."

Megan dropped his hand, her jaw working as she backed away from the bed."Martha! Martha... Dorcas. He's moving, he's speaking!" she said. She turned to the women.

Both instantly ceased their whispered conversation and hurried over to the bed.

"There-" Megan began.

There. Andy's eyes were closed. His lips were closed as well. He lay just as he had lain.

Dorcas opened one of Andy's eyes and checked it with her pin light flashlight, drawn from her nurse's scrubs pocket. She opened the other, checked his pulse, and stared at the monitors that surrounded the bed.

After a moment, she shook her head, and stared at Megan hard.

"No, dear, he couldn't have spoken. And if he moved, I'm afraid it was a simple reflex. His condition is completely unchanged." She stared at Megan as if wondering if she were a hopeful idiot, or someone trying to create havoc for an unknown reason.

"But... I saw his eyes open. I saw his lips move. I heard him," she insisted.

Martha set a hand on her shoulder. "What did he say, dear?"

"He said-"

Megan hesitated. With Dorcas staring at her-and with whatever reputation she might have already gained in town with her nightmare screaming-she wasn't going to tell the truth. Or what she believed to be the truth. Looking at Andy now, it did appear as if he'd never moved. Frankly, he looked as if he were already dead. Those parched lips couldn't have formed words.

But they had.

Very afraid, she still hesitated.

"I don't know what he said," she lied. "I only know that he spoke."

"Who the h.e.l.l is that?" Dorcas demanded, looking past Megan, and more than a little irritated by now.

Megan swung around. Finn was outside in the hallway, staring through the gla.s.s windows. He was looking at Andy and didn't see Dorcas, and then Martha, and herself, staring out at him.

"My husband."

"Doesn't anyone understand the concept of a waiting room?" Dorcas demanded. She was a gaunt woman herself. Her white shoes seemed huge against her skinny ankles. She was tall, though, and despite her fragile-looking frame and the fact that she had to be nearing sixty, she had the appearance and demeanor of a woman who was tough as nails.

Dorcas looked back at Andy again, shaking her head with sympathy and concern. She gazed at Megan again. "You just want him to be okay," she said with greater patience. "You want him to speak. Sometimes, we imagine things. In fact, when interns start in the morgue, they're often convinced that we've made mistakes in the wards, because the body... the body is filled with so many gases, and death brings on changes that create reflex action. Sorry," she said wincing. "I really didn't mean to mention the word morgue. Andy may make it. But he's got to get through tonight. Please, let's go on out. Your husband is making me nervous. He looks like a giant transformer or something, about to meld through the gla.s.s."

Megan tried to smile. She couldn't.

They didn't believe that Andy had spoken.

She knew that he had. At least, she thought she knew that he had. She was amazed she wasn't shaking outwardly because it seemed that every fiber within her was trembling. She had fought down a moment of sheer terror, and now wondered if what was happening meant she was losing her mind, of if she was the target of a truly evil ent.i.ty. Either way, she was in serious trouble.

Dorcas was urging her out of the room. She went. She nearly crashed into Finn just outside the door.

"You all right?" he asked her.

In the strange hospital light, it appeared that there was a strange gleam in his eyes. A niggling thought tore into her mind. Andy had been staring not at her, but beyond her. Out the gla.s.s windows. Where Finn had probably already been standing.

She braced herself and fought the insanity in her mind. She loved him. What was love? Faith, trust. They had learned that lesson.

But love might well be defined as insanity as well, wanting someone so badly, that the truth didn't matter, as long as it could be denied. Morwenna had warned her about Finn, Finn had been a creature in her nightmares, Finn had been in Boston most probably on the night when a terrible murder had been committed.

Finn had saved her from an attack last night.

From an invisible attacker.

Stop! she urged herself.

Finn didn't even understand what was going on himself.

"Megan?" he said.

Martha came out behind her. Megan didn't have to reply right away. "Finn, dear, how are you?" She stood on her toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek, which he returned.

"Martha, how are you? I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you and Andy were such good old friends," he told her sympathetically.

"Oh, actually, we're good old bickering enemies," Martha said wryly. "But we've both been around forever, so... of course, I care for the old coot!"

Finn nodded, looking at Megan again.

"Martha, now, you and your family are cluttering up the ICU halls," Dorcas said firmly.

"Yes, yes, we're gone. And thanks, Dorcas. Come along, children," she said, and slipped her right arm through Finn's, her left through Megan's. "Dorcas has been patient enough."

"How's he doing?" Finn asked as they walked to the elevators.

"Holding on, anyway," Martha said. "Megan thought he said something, but when Dorcas checked his vitals, there was no change whatsoever. What did you think he said, dear?"

Megan shook her head.

"Dorcas was right. I must have imagined that he opened his eyes... that he spoke."

"But said what?" Finn inquired that time.

Was he worried that Andy might have said something that could have implicated him... ?

In what?

"I really don't know. Just a mumble. Maybe my name," Megan said with what she hoped was an offhand shrug.Finn was frowning as he stared down at her.

The evil... there! Andy had said. And he had been staring beyond her. At the gla.s.s windows to the hallway. Where Finn had come to find her. He hadn't stayed in the waiting room, even when the volunteer woman had surely told him where she had gone.

It was crazy.

A little pinging noise indicated the arrival of the elevator. A woman in a wheelchair cradled a brand new baby while her husband and friends stood around her bearing balloons announcing that the newborn was a boy.

The three of them congratulated the new mother, and the elevator reached the bottom floor. As they exited, Finn set his arm around Megan's shoulders. She somehow suppressed a shudder. Again, she thought that she was crazy. Her husband would never want to hurt her. How could she even begin to believe such a thing-over and over!-when they could share time such as they had last night? And how could she believe that she loved him so deeply when she could suspect him of evil?

The happy new parents, the baby, and their entourage moved down the hall ahead of them. Megan listened to their light talk and laughter.

"Well, have you two had lunch?" Martha asked.

"Yes, we were eating when we heard the news about Andy," Finn told her. "But if you're hungry, we'd be happy to accompany you somewhere."

"No, no, I'm an old bird, I lunch early when I'm on my own," Martha said. "It's just that Megan is looking a little peaked-I was hoping that you were keeping up with your meals, and therefore your strength, young lady!"

"I'm fine," Megan said, determined that she would play the part. "I was just upset to hear about Andy. A hit and run is such a terrible thing. Are they sure, though, that it was a hit and run?"

Martha arched a brow. "Well... that's what they're saying. He was found on the side of the road. I guess... well, what would it be, other than a hit and run?"

"An a.s.sault," Finn said flatly.

Martha looked horrified. "Who on earth would a.s.sault Andy? I don't believe the police are even considering such a possibility. He was found with his wallet and personal effects-the old codger wears a good watch and a signet ring worth quite a bit of money. I don't know anything about police business, but I'm sure they checked out the scene. Now, come on, you two! Let me worry about Andy. You both look dreadful. It's a sorry state, but you two hardly know him. You've both come here, you've done all that you might, when unfortunately, there's really nothing anyone can do, other than his doctors, and they're going on a wing and a prayer as well. Finn, would you like to come back to the house? Megan, honey, are you coming with me now, or your husband?"

Megan closed her eyes for a moment, fighting a wave of dizziness. She lowered her head, biting into her lip. Fury suddenly filled her. No. Finn wasn't guilty of anything. She did love him, and she wasn't going to lose him. And she wasn't going to be a coward, neither was she going crazy. Whatever the h.e.l.l was going on, she intended to fight it.

She considered going with Martha, since the news of Andy's condition had completely erased her earlier discomfort when she had awakened from her dream-and found her feet dirty. Maybe a long talk with Martha would be good.

But it seemed more important then to be with Finn.

"Thanks, Aunt Martha, but I'm really fine." She slipped her arm through Finn's. "We have some friends in town. I think we're going to try to find them before it's time to get ready for work tonight.""All right, kids," Martha said with a smile. "You two take care."

"We will, thanks," Finn called to her.

They watched Martha walk to her car. Then Megan looked up at Finn. "So what is going on with you and this couple from New Orleans? Do you think I could see them as well?"

He smiled. "We'll head back into town and try to find them."

He led her out to the car, opened the pa.s.senger door for her, then went around and slid into the driver's seat. He started up the car.

They were halfway back into town when he asked her, "You know, the others may believe you, but I don't. What did Andy Markham say to you?"

She stared straight ahead. "Didn't you hear Dorcas? He couldn't have said anything. His condition was totally unchanged."

"Bulls.h.i.+t," Finn said.

Startled, she looked at him. Then she stared out the front window again. "I don't remember, exactly. Except that he said, 'Bac-Dal wants you.'"

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