Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Life To My Flight Part 19

Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Life To My Flight -

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I started writing out exactly what I'd found. What evidence I collected. Her statement. Anything and everything I'd collected now had to be doc.u.mented, time stamped, and handed over to the police.

I wouldn't be doing that, though, until I got Audrey home to her brother.

The one whom she'd refused to call, until just a few moments ago, because she didn't want him to know what exactly had happened to her until after she'd had it all taken care of.

Bowing to the patient's wishes, I'd conceded and did what she'd asked me to do.

I'd finished seven pages of paperwork before she finally turned the shower off.

"I need a towel," she sniffled.

I stood, placed the paperwork on the table in the room, and got her some towels.

"There're some scrubs here for you to wear. The clothes you had on will now be in evidence," I explained as I handed over the towels and the scrubs.

She took them and closed the door quietly while I gathered up the evidence.

I'd just finished packing it all in evidence bags when she exited the bathroom wearing only hospital issued non-slip socks and surgical scrubs two sizes too big.

"You ready, Audrey?" I asked.

She nodded, but her legs stayed put.

I held my hand out to her, the evidence bag and my paper work under my other arm, and she reluctantly took it.

Her grip was tight.

Almost like if she let go, then her whole world would be gone.

"I'm ready," she confirmed.

I opened the door and sent quelling glares to each and every member of the ER staff that'd stopped and stared.

They moved quickly, but Audrey still felt the curiosity on her and started to move faster.

"Hold on, honey. I have to drop this off with Mona, and then I'll walk you out, okay?" I asked.

She nodded and we walked quickly to Mona's office.

She was sitting there drinking a cup of coffee, staring blankly at the wall.

"Oh, Audrey," she whispered as she stood and walked slowly to Audrey.

Audrey never let my hand go, but she managed a pretty good hug regardless.

"I'm not going to be at work tomorrow," Audrey stammered.

Mona placed both of her hands on either side of Audrey's face. "Take as long as you need, baby. But I still want you to call me. Let me know you're all right and tell me when you'll be up for visitors, okay?"

She nodded. "Thanks Mona."

Mona smiled sadly and turned to me. "I'll take that now."

I handed the paperwork over to Mona. "Please make two copies. One for the PD, and one for our records."

Mona nodded. "Detective Rector is outside waiting to take the evidence."

I closed my eyes and opened them again. "Okay."

We left Mona's office, hand in hand still.

We'd just reached the hallway that led to the outside parking lot when the parking lot started to catch my eye. "What are all those bikes...?"

"I'm sure that has to do with my brother," she whispered beside me.

I looked over at her and then back to the parking lot again. "What do you mean?"

There had to be fifty or so bikes out there.

They were everywhere.

"My brother is a member of The Dixie Wardens," she said softly. "He knows something's wrong. I haven't spoken to him in nearly a year... but I just needed him. I need him bad."

I looked over at her just as the first tear slipped out of her eye.

"Oh, Audrey. I know, honey, I know. Do you want me to talk to him first?" I asked. "Tell him what happened?"

She nodded emphatically, crying uncontrollably now. "Please? Would you? Please?"

"Okay, which one is your brother?" I asked.

She pointed to the man who was the only one out there with an actual truck. "That one. He's my brother."

"What's his name?" I asked.

She looked at me and smiled her first genuine smile all night. "Tunnel Morrison. He's one of the best men in the world."

He was also a cop.

Holy s.h.i.+t.

This was going to be bad.

Especially since Cleo was standing next to him, and on the other side was Detective Rector.

Beside Detective Rector, was my other babysitter, Silas.

"Okay, honey. Let's go," I said as I scrounged up some manifested courage.

As soon as we made it to the emergency room doors Audrey's brother was sprinting towards us.

Audrey froze, and then launched herself at her brother, who caught her with ease.

"Audrey, what happened?" He asked.

I looked over the brother's shoulder to Detective Rector and nodded him over.

Cleo stayed next to Silas, but I could tell he wanted over here with a ferociousness that I definitely didn't need right now.

Detective Rector came to our sides, and I spoke. "Um, Officer Morrison, would you mind coming over here, out of the entrance, so I can discuss a few things with you?"

Tunnel's eyes. .h.i.t mine, and I felt like a mouse being eyed by a hawk.

At first glance, he didn't seem that imposing, but man oh man, the look in his eyes right now could peel paint off of a brand new car.

I gulped. "Please?"

He reluctantly let Audrey drop to her feet and guided her into the corner of the building where there were two walls at our back.

Then he said one word. "Start."

I looked at Audrey, confirmed that she wanted me to continue, and started to tell him what had happened.

"Audrey was s.e.xually a.s.saulted tonight on her way to her car after work," I started.

He froze, his eyes filleting me open with the horror.

"Another male nurse that was leaving for the night heard the commotion and walked up on the act taking place. The a.s.sailant abandoned her on the asphalt, and was unable to be apprehended. Your sister was penetrated, and she has superficial defensive wounds on her hands, arms, legs, and knees. The a.s.sailant was interrupted during the act, so he wasn't able to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e. Audrey did tell me the a.s.sailant wore a condom. She's physically fine, other than a few minor sc.r.a.pes and bruises. However, she has an appointment with a rape counselor tomorrow morning at nine," I explained to the man softly.

Detective Rector listened to my explanation stoically.

I'd have thought he was unaffected it if wasn't for the anger glossing over his eyes.

"Audrey," Tunnel's voice broke. "Oh, Audrey. I'm so sorry."

Audrey kept her head down.

"Tunnel, can I stay with you for a few days?" She whispered brokenly.

Tunnel agreed quickly. "Mina and Dee would love to meet you."

I hadn't any idea who those two were, nor their family situation, but I could tell both of them were pleased. "Take me home, please."

As they walked towards Tunnel's truck, I breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn't be alone.

"The paperwork?" Detective Rector asked.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the brick wall.

"Faxed to your office," I answered tiredly.

"You okay?" He asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"f.u.c.king peachy."

He grinned. "Maybe you'll fit in after all."

Chapter 12.

They have

-Things men know about women.

Rue My eyes felt gritty as I opened them the next morning.

They burned with the need for more sleep, but my bladder was extremely persistent, so I got up with the upmost reluctance.

My bed felt heavenly.

Why was it that I'd tossed and turned for nearly an hour the night before because I couldn't find a comfortable position, and then this morning it feels like I'm sleeping on the cloud? Everything felt perfect.

Rolling out of bed and walking with my eyes closed towards the bathroom, I skipped over the light and did my business in the dark.

I used the dispenser of hand sanitizer on the counter and walked slowly back to my bed, rolling into it and snuggling under the comforter.

Then my bed s.h.i.+fted as a body rolled towards me, pulling me in close.

I laid my head against Cleo's pec and breathed in his scent, knowing exactly why I'd slept so well, and was reluctant to let myself think about why.

"Morning," he mumbled.

"Sleep," I answered back.

"You wanna go for a ride this morning?" He rumbled.

His chest vibrated underneath my cheek, and I shook my head no.

He chuckled and wrapped both arms around me, folding me into his body like a life-size Cleo coc.o.o.n.

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