Kitchen Affairs Part 7

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"That's my girl." I could tell he was smiling.

"Now it's my turn baby. Listen closely..." I smiled and told him exactly what I wanted him to do to himself imagining me being there with him.

The next morning was a cla.s.sroom day so per my usual schedule, I got Stella up and ready for school. We took the elevator down and walked to the mailboxes. Junk, junk, bills, bills... oh wait, what is this? It was a sealed envelope with Miss Woods written on it. I shoved everything else in my bag and ripped open the envelope.

One Million Dollars or the pictures get released. Will contact in 48 hours for pick up details. No cops or they get released immediately.

My mouth dropped open as I seen pictures of Drake and I in the Riverside intern kitchen where we had made love on the counter one day after cla.s.s. There were about seven different shots of him taking me, kissing me, and teasing me with a red silicone brush. Holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Stella glanced up at me and noticed a tear in the corner of my ear.

"Nothing baby. Let's go," I lied.

How the h.e.l.l did this happen? Were there security cameras in there? Surely, Drake would've said something had there been. What was I going to do? Obviously, I didn't have that kind of money. I was going to have to tell Drake and get him involved.

"Drake?" I mumbled.

"Molly? What's wrong?" He could hear the desperation in my voice.

"We need to talk. I just received something in my mail." I held back sobs. This would be devastating if it went public. Drake was a well-respected businessman and owner and needed to keep his reputation clean to keep profits high. His family would shame him and be humiliated. I would be kicked out of the program, and my chances for graduating or finding a job would be slim.

"I'll be in my office in thirty minutes. Meet me there." I grabbed a coffee after walking Stella to the bus stop and flagged a cab to see him "Miss Woods, Mr. Stagliano is expecting you. You may go right in," his receptionist motioned me to walk right there. I could feel the sweat coming from my forehead. I was so nervous and scared. Would he be mad? Would he blame me?

"Molly, what's wrong?" Drake panicked. He stood up from his desk as soon as I opened the door. He raced to my side and took both of my hands in his. I could see the worry on his face.

"We're being blackmailed." My face went pale. I grabbed the envelope from my bag and handed it to him. He took it from my shaky hand and walked back to his desk. I followed him and sat down.

"f.u.c.k. It has to be someone in security. But who?" he pondered aloud.

"What are we going to do?' I asked worried.

"I don't want you worrying about a thing, Molly. I will take care of this. Go to cla.s.s and have a great day baby," Drake persisted kissing me on the forehead. I was relieved he wasn't upset with me, but I was worried about what he was going to do about this.

I could barely pay attention in cla.s.s. I couldn't keep focused and was called on twice. I glanced up completely oblivious to what the question was. I dug my head in my hands ready to burst into tears at any moment. The instructor could see I was having a bad day, and left me alone after the second time I flaked on answering his questions.

"Molly, can I see you after cla.s.s please?" I glanced up to see he was looking directly at me. I nodded at him and dug myself deeper into the chair. Ugh, this is embarra.s.sing.

I collected my things after we were dismissed and met with the instructor. He asked me if everything was all right, and I nonchalantly just explained I was enduring some personal issues and that I would be more focused tomorrow. I apologized for my lack of partic.i.p.ating in cla.s.s and he let me leave once he was satisfied with my response.

I rushed home after cla.s.s hoping to feel better once I saw Stella. She was sitting at the table eating. "Stella baby, what are you eating?" Interesting choice of snacks as always.

"Pickles and yogurt."

"You are my strange little girl," I chuckled and pecked her on the cheek.

I decided I needed to call Drake and see if he found any information out. "Hey baby, how was cla.s.s?" he asked answering on the first ring.

"Not good. I was too distracted. Please tell me you found some information out?" I said worried.

"I told you not to worry. I'm taking care of it."

"I know. I can't help but worry." I frowned. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. Can you come over tonight? I'd like to show you something."

"Sure. I can come after Stella goes to bed. Michael will be home by nine."

"Sounds good baby. See you then." We hung up and spent the rest of the evening with Stella. We colored, made pizza, and made a fort in her bed. She made it easy to forget all my worries.

I arrived to Drake's around nine-thirty. I wasn't sure what he had in store for us that evening, but I wanted to let my worries behind and just enjoy spending time with him. I trusted him, and if he said he'd take care of it, I wanted to believe him.

His doorman ushered me in and to the elevator up to the Penthouse. I walked in, and Drake was nowhere to be seen. I walked through the foyer and into the kitchen where I saw rose petals laid perfectly on the floor. They followed through the dining room and up the staircase. I followed, curious as to what this man had in store for me. I smiled as I walked up the stairs wondering where Drake was. At the top of the staircase, the rose petals lead me to a door I haven't been through before. Cautiously, I opened it and walked in.

Inside, I saw the photos of Drake and I that were taken in the kitchen. They are blown up and mounted on canvases. They are tastefully seductive and appropriate for our eyes only. I smiled as my memory of that day flashes through my mind. Rose petals are covering the cherry wood floor, and there's light cla.s.sical music playing in the background. There's a pure white studio day sofa in the middle of the room, covered with red rose petals and red pillows. The room is set up for a night of complete romance.

"You like?" Drake's voice appeared behind me. I turned around and there he was. He had on a red tie and nothing else. d.a.m.n, that's a s.e.xy tie.

"I absolutely love!" I gushed eyeing him up and down. I love the photos and him standing there in just a tie. d.a.m.n.

I noticed a clear plastic box with the red silicone brush placed inside. I chuckled as I remembered his teasing me with it.

"Nice display," I said brus.h.i.+ng my fingertips alone the bristles.

He walked towards me keeping his eyes glued to mine. He took my head in his hands and leaned down for a kiss. He deepened the kiss tilting my head back to give him more a.s.sess. I rub my hands along his torso, feeling his rock hard muscles.

Our lips separated as he leaned his forehead on mine. "It's been two weeks since we first made love. It's been the best couple of weeks of my life, Molly. I think about you all day and when we aren't together. I want you in my life, and want you to only be mine." He paused letting it sink in.

"I am only yours." I smiled. "I don't want anyone else," I confessed.

"Good, because you are all I want. I want you. All of you. I want to know Stella better, I want to know you better, and I want to be apart of your lives; if you'll let me." He looked deep into my eyes confessing his love for me. It was the first time someone had spilled it all out for me like that. No games. No worries. Just him and me.


Drake explained to me that he got our pictures blown up because although they were being used as blackmail, he was not ashamed of them. He enjoyed our times together, and the first time we made love in the kitchen was one of his favorites. I had to agree with him; it definitely was erotic and mind-blowing. Every time with Drake is mind-blowing...

That evening was not about s.e.x; rather it was about getting to know each other. We knew each other greatly on a s.e.xual level, but still had a lot to know about each other personally.

"So where did you grow up?" Drake said biting into a chocolate dipped strawberry. He had then sitting on a crystal platter next to two of champagne.

"I grew up in a small town called Burlington, Iowa. My parents split when I was fourteen, just before I met Liam. He really helped me cope with their separation. We got pregnant at eighteen, and he proposed shortly after. We never set a date. Mainly, because we didn't have a lot of money and my parents weren't supportive of the idea. Then when Stella was two months old, he was killed in a car accident. After that, I was determined to get out of Iowa, go to culinary school, and run a restaurant some day." I took a sip of champagne giving myself a chance to breathe. I had just spilled personal information that I haven't discussed in many years. I trusted Drake, but I didn't want him to view me any differently. I had a boring childhood until I met Liam. He made me feel alive again, and when he died, it was like I had died with him. Meeting Drake was making me feel alive again, and I didn't want to lose it this time.

"Are you close with your parents?" he asked, keeping the conversation going.

"We talk every week, so I guess we are close. They Skype with Stella and send her gifts. I haven't been home in two years though and they can't afford to visit. They weren't there for me when Liam died. I think they tried their best, but they really didn't know how to let me grieve. Stella was my main priority and becoming a single mom at eighteen was time consuming." I took a bite from Drake's strawberry he held up for me. "What about you? What are your dark secrets?" I teased.

"I grew up here in Chicago. My Great-Grandfather started the Riverside Hotel when he was only thirty years old. He was exceptionally smart in finances and made the business a huge success. He opened the restaurant twenty years later and worked until he was seventy. My dad started working for him at sixteen and has been ever since. I started when I was twenty-one after I graduated college and have been doing it ever since." He drank the rest of his champagne. He obviously was successful and extremely proud of his accomplishments. It was adorable watching him talk about his business. And s.e.xy.

"So... what exactly do you do?" I smiled. Besides being obviously charming...

"I do everything!" he teased. "I do most of the finances. That's what I have my degree in, but I also do a lot for the restaurant in finding new menu options, structuring the interns.h.i.+ps, hiring/firing, finding new ways to make more money and various other things," he grinned. He definitely had many responsibilities, which was somewhat intimidating. But oh so intoxicating.

"So have you ever thought about the whole marriage and baby thing?" I said playfully wondering how he'd take it.

"Actually, I do hope to get married and have children some day. But... so far, that hasn't been in my cards. Most women want the publicity to advance their own careers or to only be involved s.e.xually." I could see his genuine eyes as he spoke about his future. It was heartwarming and rea.s.suring.

I stood there staring at a beautiful man that I could potentially settle down with. It was surreal. He was surreal. I had let a man into my life in such a short amount of time, and I didn't want anything, or anyone getting in the way of that.

"So I need to know," Drake started. "How is it that a young, beautiful woman like yourself has stayed single for four years?"

"I wasn't ready to date, I guess. I mean, guys tried, and they wanted to, but I always found a reason to let them down," I answered honestly thinking back to all the times I rejected a man for no good reason.

"So why are you here with me now?" he asked smiling as he had been wanting to know.

"I guess you're the exception." I smiled back at him knowing he would like hearing that. "And let's be honest, you didn't really give me much choice," I teased, knowing d.a.m.n well he's pursued me harder than any other man ever has.

"You know you wanted me. I just had to convince you I was good enough for you." He leaned in for a kiss, but I pushed his face away just before he reached my lips.

"Okay... enough chit chat. Sit," I demanded as I nodded to the white day sofa. He looked at me with a curious look and obliged.

I took the scarf off that I was wearing and blindfolded him. He chuckled and asked what I was doing. "Just do what I say," I bantered back. I tied it around his eyes and made sure he couldn't see. I smiled as I could only imagine the things going on in his mind at that moment. f.u.c.k he's so d.a.m.n s.e.xy. I can't believe I'm here with this man.

I slowly moved down him, unb.u.t.toned his pants, and slid them down his legs. I straddled him and playfully unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt and let it hang open against his shoulders.

"Now, no touching... or looking." I stripped my clothes and straddled him again. He smiled as he could feel we were skin to skin. I lightly kissed his lips and then moved down his neck and up to his ear. I explored his body with my hands, touching his torso, and his arms. He was rock solid, and it felt amazing to touch him.

After a moment of teasing him and watching him squirm, I placed myself on top of him, letting him in. He moaned and tilted his head back. His hands went up to grab my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I teased him and grabbed them before he could cop a feel.

"No, no baby. No touching."

"Oh come on, that's torture! I need to feel you, baby," he whined.

"I know, but not yet." I kissed his lips as I let him enter me again. I continued straddling him, making love to him until I practically fell apart. He tried so hard not to touch me, but eventually I gave in and let him.

"You feel so good, baby, I need to see you," he begged.

"Not yet... I want you to feel me without looking."

We continued making love in a room filled with pictures of us making love. It was surreal. This man was unlike any man I had ever met before. I was falling for him... hard. He was the whole package... the perfect match for me. I started to realize how much of a hold this man had on me in such a short period. I started to panic as the realization of our relations.h.i.+p had blossomed so suddenly. One minute I'm at my interns.h.i.+p career-focused and the next I'm sleeping with the manager falling head over heels in love with him. It was too much to take in. Holy s.h.i.+t... I need to get out of here. Breathe, Molly breathe.

I let him finish and faked a smile that I had finished too. I had too much on my mind to worry about finis.h.i.+ng at that moment. I felt a panic attack coming on.

"That was so hot babe. Next time you get blindfolded," he teased while we put our clothes back on. I felt the sudden urge to leave. I had to get out of there.

"I think I need to get back home, Drake. This was so lovely, and I love the pictures, but I have a busy day tomorrow and I want to spend some time with Stella before school tomorrow," I lied.

"Sure baby, no problem. I can take you home," he smiled and grabbed my hand to lead me down the stairs.

I kissed Drake goodbye and walked into my apartment. My breathing had quickened, and I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I walked into a quiet apartment and as soon as I saw the loveseat, I collapsed.

"Molly? Mols, can you hear me?" Michael panicked. He kneeled beside me trying to see what was wrong. Go away...

"I'm fine Michael," I lied trying to rea.s.sure him.

"Molly, what's wrong?" he pleaded. He could see that I was not myself.

"I love him Michael. I love him, and I panicked," I mumbled. "I had a panic attack."

"Oh girl... you have fallen for him. You haven't had a panic attack in years."

"I know, Michael, but you're not getting it. I have never loved anyone else besides Liam. I have let another man into my heart, and it scares the h.e.l.l out of me." Tears started to swell, into my eyes. "The memory of Liam still lives inside my heart, and it terrifies me to move on. I feel like I'm going to forget him if I replace him."

"Oh honey, he will never be replaced. He was your first love, and he's Stella's father. It's okay for you to move forward. I know it feels scary, but I also know Liam would want you to be happy," he said in a soothing voice. He was always good at making me feel better. Now I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"You're right." I smiled as tears were still falling down my cheeks. "I just miss Liam so much, I don't ever want to forget him." Liam... I miss you.

"You will never forget him darling. He was a part of your life, and he will always be Stella's father. You need to let Drake in honey because he cares about you and you care about him." Michael knew just what to say, especially during my panic attacks.

I never had panic attacks until after Liam's accident, and after a year or so, they stopped. I haven't had one since and this was clear to me that falling in love with Drake was my body's way of needing to think this through. Everything Michael said was true, yet I still felt like I needed to breathe.

That morning I played hooky from cla.s.s and packed bags for Stella and me. I decided to drive to Iowa for the weekend to see my family, but most importantly, I wanted to take Stella to Liam's gravesite. I felt like I needed to say goodbye so that I could feel that it was all right to move on.

"Stella baby, we gotta go!" I called as I was grabbing the last of our luggage. We were only going to be gone through the weekend, but I knew she was going to need many things to keep her entertained on the long ride. Michael decided to tag along with us as well. It was going to be a fun road trip, but I was ready to get it over with.

"Coming mommy!" Stella yelled as she rushed to the door. "I couldn't find my Elmo, but here he is!" She held up her stuffed Elmo in pride.

"Great, now let's go!" Michael followed us to the elevator and down the lobby where our cab was waiting. He grabbed our bags and threw them in the trunk for us. Stella was so excited for her first road trip. We rented a Tahoe, so Stella had room to sleep and watch movies in the back.

"h.e.l.lo?" I answered my phone without looking. I hadn't told Drake about our last-minute plans, so I'm sure he was wondering where I had gone.

"Hey baby, where are you?" Drake asked concerned.

"Actually, Michael and I decided to take Stella on a road trip to Iowa." I didn't want to explain the whole panic attack and Liam situation. I wanted to tell him that in person so he understood where I was coming from. I was nervous how he would take the news. Hopefully he wouldn't bail.

"Iowa? By your parents?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, I haven't seen them in over two years, and I wanted to get away for a couple days. Sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you. We just planned it and had to start packing and rent a car and all."

"Oh, well, I hope you guys drive safe and have fun. Call me when you get there."

"Will do honey. Call you later." We hung up and for the next four and a half hours, we drove through boring Iowa, stopped twice, and finally made it by one in the afternoon. I haven't been home in so long but it felt right. It was comfortable. It was home.

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