Kitchen Affairs Part 6

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He brought his arms to the front and handed me a large envelope. "This is for you, ma'am." I took it from his hand and thanked him. He nodded and walked away. I shut the door and walked back to where Stella and Michael were still modeling their gowns.

"What's that?" Michael asked, coming closer to me.

"I'm not sure. It just got delivered." I ripped it open curious as to what it could be.

Molly, You have captured my heart. Let me capture yours. Open the box. I want you to wear it. Only that. I'll see you tonight. 10pm. D.S.

Stunned, I dug in the envelope and found a little blue box. I opened it and inside sparkled two heart-shaped diamond pair of earrings. They were flawless. I stood there speechless, staring at the diamonds like they were gold.

"Holy..." Michael stopped himself before finis.h.i.+ng realizing Stella was next to him. "Do you know what those babies are?"

"Gorgeous!" I glowed.

"Those are Tiffany & Company platinum ten carat earrings!" Michael exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. "Wow, Mols. That man has it bad. For you!"

"Over ten carats? Wow..." I just stood there shocked. This was an extremely expensive gift for just meeting Drake a week prior. It was starting to feel rushed, but part of me just wanted to enjoy the moment, even if it seemed surreal. Breathe, Molly breathe.

I decided to wear a pink sweetheart neckline nighty with a string bikini underneath. Although he said to only wear the earrings, there was no way I was answering my door naked with a four year old in the house. Besides, it'd be more fun having him rip it off me. Ahhh, Drake ripping my clothes off... yes, please.

I heard him knock at exactly ten. d.a.m.n, he's punctual. I answered the door as seductively as I could, hoping to arouse him. He stood there with brown dress slacks and a blue b.u.t.ton-up s.h.i.+rt. With his sleeves rolled up, and one of his hands in his pockets, he looked so desirable.

More like Stunning.

"Good evening," he smiled, biting his lips as he eyed me up and down.

I gestured for him to come in and shut the door behind him. "You like?" I asked as he watched the lace rub against my legs.

"I do," he answered smoothly. "But I recall requesting you to only be wearing these," he lifted his finger up pointing to my earrings.

"I know." I took his hand in mine leading him to my bedroom. "I thought it'd be more fun to have you undress me..."

His eyes shot up, surprised that I was going along with his little game. He lifted me up off my feet and carried me into my room locking his eyes on mine. It was like a thirst we couldn't get enough of. I wanted more. He wanted more. I needed more.

"How flexible are you?" he asked, setting me on the bed.

"Ummm... I used to do gymnastics until I was fifteen," I answered confused at his question. What exactly did he want me to do?

"Good," he said smiling back. "Now, let's have some fun getting this off you," he motioned to my string bikini.

He leaned in and slowly kissed me. His hands placed on each side of my face breathing me in. I could feel the heat forming between us. It was uncontrollable. I was uncontrollable.

He climbed on top of me, edging his legs on both sides of me. He moved his hands down to my legs and parted them. He ran his fingers up my thigh and into my panties. I moaned in his mouth as he teased me. More, Drake... I want more.

"Shhh, baby... I'm taking my time with you," he pressed into my ear. I arched my head back desiring more of him.

He move his lips down my neck, and over to my ear, tonguing my new diamond earrings.

"Now every time you rub your ear, you will feel a reminder of me," he teased into my neck. I remembered the first time I did that in front of him, and he asked if I was nervous. It was a nervous tick I developed when I was younger, and I wasn't always aware I was doing it. Now he knew, and I was exposed.

"Drake... please," I begged him for more. I was ready and anxious for him. He was making me crave more and more of him. The longer he kissed and touched me I burned for more.

"Just relax baby. I'll take good care of you," he promised.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. He touched and kissed my body on almost every surface. He took his time with me, making sure he pleased me as much as possible. It was almost too much. After the fifth time, I begged him to stop.

"I can't move," I whined in his ear the next morning. My legs felt like jelly. I turned to the clock and saw that I had about ten minutes before I had to get moving in order to not be late.

Drake laughed as he slapped my a.s.s. I was still naked, but he was gentle. "So will I get to see you later tonight?"

"I promised Stella I'd have a girls-only night with her. She wants to see the new Madagascar movie," I replied. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I knew he understood my position though. We were just at the stage where we wanted to be around each other all the time. "Maybe I can sneak up to see you at my break?" I blushed, hoping he'd find it as intriguing as I did.

"That's a possibility, Miss Woods," he grinned.

I got Stella off to school and arrived to my interns.h.i.+p just in time. It was refres.h.i.+ng having a man in my life after all this time. I went to bed smiling and woke up smiling even bigger - a routine I wasn't getting tired of.

"You've been in a great mood all week," Blakely's surprised tone caught me off guard.

"Yes, I suppose I have. Maybe I have good reason to be," I said smiling.

"Okay, spill the news girl. I know you have to be getting some action. No girl is this happy all the time," she provoked.

I laughed at her forwardness. I have been in a great mood lately. Of course, it was the mind-blowing s.e.x, but Drake was also a blast to be around. It was fun getting to know him and feel desired again.

"Sorry I don't kiss and tell," I teased winking at her.

Blakely spent the rest of the day trying to get information out of me. I kept dodging her and smiling about my little secret.

A few hours later, I snuck up into Drake's office. His receptionist didn't give me a questionable look this time, and I went right in. Drake was looking amazing as usual dressed in a black suit with a red b.u.t.ton up s.h.i.+rt underneath. He had a huge smile on his face once he saw me come in.

"Molly, what a pleasant surprise. I was hoping you'd stop by," he said as he took my hand to follow him. He led me to one of his couches and kissed me hard on the lips. "I've been antic.i.p.ating your arrival." He pushed my fleece off my shoulders and continued kissing me, mangling his hands in my hair.

"It's only been a few hours," I giggled in his mouth. It was as if we couldn't get enough of each other. We needed it. We needed each other.

All day and night...

He lowered me down on the couch and swept my neck with his lips. I brushed my fingers over his chest and slowly unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt, still glued to his lips. He stroked my nipples between his thumb and finger over my s.h.i.+rt, making them rock hard. I wanted him so bad. Right now.

He brushed his lips over my shoulder and down my collarbone, torturing me with his soft lips. I loved his lips all over me, but right now, I wanted him inside me.

After our afternoon quickie, I went back down to the kitchen where the rest of my group was. We had all just returned for our break, but I knew I was the only one with just f.u.c.ked hair. It was so worth it though.

"Mommy, I want popcorn please!" Stella begged as we entered the movie theatre.

"Okay, honey, just hold on. I have to buy the tickets first," I reminded her. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. I loved these special mommy/daughter nights we had together. She was growing up so fast that I could hardly believe she was four. I still remember the day I had her.

"Liam!" I screamed from the bedroom. I had just woken up from a nap and was pooled in water. Liam rushed to the door and saw what the fuss was about.

"Holy s.h.i.+t! Is it time?" he panicked.

"I think so. Grab my bags." I waddled out of bed leaking. Ew ew ew....

I was only nineteen and had no idea what to expect. I antic.i.p.ated labor being painful, but I wasn't really prepared for the whole baby thing and being a mom. In fact, I was scared to death.

"Come on baby, let's go. I have the bags." Liam grabbed my hand and led me to the car.

We arrived to the hospital, and I was immediately given a room and put on monitors. Liam was freaking out seeing me in pain, but he managed not to faint. My contractions came on hard, and I was already seven inches dilated. It was happening quickly.

Two hours later, Stella Nicole Weston was born. She weighed seven pounds, three ounces and was a beautiful twenty-one inches long. She was perfect. I didn't know that type of love could ever existed until I had my baby girl.

"Alright, sweetie, this way to the movie." I grabbed Stella's hand and led her into the theatre as she jumped excitedly all the way to our seats.

She laughed and bounced around whole movie. It was the most adorable thing ever. The simple joy in her eyes was the best part of being a mom. I hoped that one day Drake could be a part of our family. It would be wonderful for Stella to have a father figure permanently in her life and for her to see what true love looks like. My parents were always kissing and holding hands growing up. They were my inspiration when I agreed to marry Liam. I knew if they could marry their high school sweethearts and have it last, then I could too. Unfortunately, that all changed when Stella was two months old.


Liam and I argued a lot after Stella was born. The lack of sleep and constant worrying about money had us irritable toward each other. I would do those two months over in a heartbeat if I could.

We tried to adjust to being first time parents. However, we were very young and naive first time parents. We struggled to pay our rent and buying formula on top of that made for a stressful situation. One night Liam decided he needed a night out with his friends. Since it had been two months since Stella was born, I agreed that he needed some time away. Wish I had time away.

It was after midnight, and I was getting worried. Liam normally called and checked in with me to make sure Stella and I were doing all right. When he worked, he kept in touch during all his breaks. I started to feel like something was wrong, but I brushed it off as Liam just needing a boys night out.

I fell asleep and around three in the morning, my doorbell rang. Ugh, go figure he forgot his keys. Stumbling to the door, I opened it, "forgot your keys?" It wasn't Liam. It was two police officers and as soon as they saw me, they both lowered their heads.

"Miss Woods?" one of the officers asked me.

"Yes?" My stomach was in knots. I felt like throwing up.

"Does Liam Weston reside here, ma'am?"

"Yes he does. Is he in some kind of trouble, officer?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Miss Woods, but Liam was in a bad head on collision tonight. He was p.r.o.nounced dead on the scene." The officer's face went pale. I just stood there. Stunned. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. "Ma'am? Are you alright?"

"He's dead?" I whispered.

"Yes, Miss Woods. He suffered head trauma and was not responsive when the first responders arrived. We are so sorry for your loss."

We are so sorry for your loss rattled in my mind for the next six months. It still didn't feel real. Even his funeral didn't feel real. I was numb.

Stella and I grabbed dessert on the way home from the movie theatre and flagged a cab back home. She had a blast, and it gave me such joy to see her happy. I tucked her in for the night and called Drake to say goodnight.

"h.e.l.lo?" he answered.

"Hey baby. Wanted to call and say goodnight."

"I miss you. Wish I could see you right now," he confessed.

"I miss you too. What would you do with me if you had me right now?" I teased hoping he'd find my s.e.x voice appealing.

"Ohhh... I would be doing very naughty things to you right now. I would start with kissing your neck and caressing your b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Then I would make my way down your long torso kissing every part of you." Drake was teasing and arousing me over the phone. This is hot.

"Stop it... you're getting me wet," I blushed.

"Good... that's my plan," he chuckled.

"If you can't deliver the goods, don't wrap the package!" I scowled playfully.

"Oh, I plan to deliver baby."

"Drake..." I pleaded. I was curious as to what he had in mind.

"First, take off your pants and crawl into bed. Then I want you to take off your s.h.i.+rt. Get nice and comfortable baby," he demanded seductively.

I did as he told me and got down to my bra and undies. I crawled under the sheets wis.h.i.+ng Drake were here with me. "Okay baby, I'm in bed."

"Perfect. Now close your eyes and envision me kissing you. Kissing you down your neck, down to your collarbone, and down your b.r.e.a.s.t.s." My nipples got hard immediately. I was so aroused by hearing his voice telling me what to do. d.a.m.n, this is f.u.c.king hot.

"Now I want you to slowly place one hand over your panties." It was as if he were lying there right with me. I was soaking in his voice, doing exactly as he told me. f.u.c.k. This was hot. More. I need more.

"I need you Drake," I moaned. I wanted him bad.

"I'm here baby. Now slowly put your hand under your panties and envision I'm there with you right now." I moaned into the phone. I ached for him and craved more.

"More baby, I need more," I begged.

"Keep going," he pursued.

"Ahhhh.... Drake..."

"Come on baby," he demanded. "Let go for me," he urged.

"Draaaaaaaaaaake!" Oh, G.o.d that was amazing.

"Holy... s.h.i.+t," was all I could breathe out.

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